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So Good for Me: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection

Page 73

by Jamie Knight

  Starting with taking off my shoes, Carl gently ran his hands the length of both my stockinged legs, before unclipping the first of clips of the garter belt. He reached around under me, getting the ones at the front. Gently rolling down the stocking from my right leg, he moved over to the other before pulling down my garter belt as well. Taking my panties by the sides, he pulled those down too. Leaving me naked and entirely open for anything he might want to do. There was nothing I was thinking about in that moment aside from giving him pleasure.

  Apparently, Carl had the same thought because rather than jumping on me and pounding away, like the bugle in the front of his tuxedo pants would indicate he wanted to, he planted a row of soft, wet kisses all the way up the length of my back to my neck. Which he then commenced to lick, suck, and gently nibble, instantly making me even wetter than I already was.

  As my new husband worked miracles with his beautiful mouth, he stroked one of his hands back down over my back and up over my bare ass, gently cupping my tender, naked pussy. His touch made me gasp and moan even louder. Carl knew just how to touch me to get the strongest response.

  Leaving his hand where it was, he took off his suit one-handed with surprising speed as well as ease. Then, naked as I was, my love climbed on top of me, easing his cock deep inside my desperate, aching pussy. I moaned long and loud, not having to worry about waking Billy. The noises only got louder as he picked up speed, pumping my pussy like he had done before, but it took on a whole new aspect knowing that we had made a firm commitment to each other. I was completely his, and Carl was completely mine. It gave me a wonderful sense of security that let me just relax and enjoy what was happening in my pussy and really be in the moment.

  Turning me over onto my back, my husband turned me toward him, putting my legs up around his neck. Getting a bit adventurous, he started to devour my pussy in that position, both hands on my hips, giving extra support. I held on to his wrists for both support and in tenderness as he licked me to heaven.

  When I had regained my senses, Carl moved my legs down to his arms, resting my knees on the crooks of his elbows and filled me once again with his hard cock, slipping it deep inside me. The pleasure shot through me like fireworks. I had never been so happy.

  It wasn’t long until I cam hard, my pussy quivering and grabbing Carl’s cock. It was like my body was begging for his seed. I wanted him to put another baby in me. Our wonderful Billy deserved a little brother or sister.

  My love moaned. He thrust in harder and came. His cum filled me up, warm and comforting. But it was also like something special happened between us. I knew our family was going to be getting bigger, and I was proud to carry Carl’s child again. He would be with me every step of the way this time. This time, nothing was going to pull us apart.


  Under the Sheets

  Love Under Lockdown, Book 9

  A series of standalone quarantine romance books.

  This was initially published in the Under My Boss’s Command

  Copyright © 2020 Jamie Knight Romance.

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  A Note from the Author

  This story was originally published in my collection called Under My Boss’s Command. If you read that version, you should know that this edition has been edited and expanded. Chapter 7 is new and includes a mini date between Lisa and Mark when they first arrive at the hotel in Chicago. And the Epilogue has been expanded to include a new, hot sex scene between Lisa and Mark on their anniversary. Enjoy!

  Chapter 1 - Lisa

  I hate that I'm running a little late getting to the office this morning. This usually doesn't happen, but I lost track of time today. I always take great pride in arriving at work on time and in a professional manner.

  I breathe a sigh of frustration. I normally love driving, especially now that there are a lot fewer cars on the roads due to everything that’s been going on in the world. Today it's just adding to my lateness, though.

  As I drive across town to the office, I can't help but notice how light the traffic is. I have been watching the news regularly, so I know this is because people are starting to fear the Coronavirus. That fear is causing many people to start working from home.

  Thank goodness that hasn't started happening at our office yet. I don't know how I would cope with something like that. I enjoy my alone time, but I also like talking to people and hanging out once in a while.

  Although, working from home could be comfortable and relaxing. The reason I was late today is because I took extra time to pack lunch and some cleaning supplies, and it would be nice to not have to do that and just stay home.

  I felt that getting extra ready was necessary, especially during these times, but I'm not going to tell my bosses that. I highly doubt that would be a good enough excuse for me being as late as I am.

  I'm bummed that I can't use that excuse at work, if anyone asks. I really doubt they will, though. Everyone kind of keeps to themselves, especially with the virus concerns. At least that's one less thing that I have to worry about.

  I wait impatiently at the red light. I'm just a few blocks away from the office. I think to myself about what will happen at work today. I know today is the day that we should be learning whether or not we won the Ozark project. Everyone in the whole office has been anxiously awaiting to hear about it.

  Getting this contact is critical to maintaining our profits this year and avoiding layoffs. Those have been happening a lot with other businesses during this pandemic and we are hoping to be one of the few that will be able to avoid doing that.

  I speed through the next few blocks. I'm able to park my car and run inside the office without anyone noticing how late I am. What a relief!

  When I get to my desk, I can see my boss, Mark. He is anxiously pacing in his office.

  I distractedly set my things down and slowly lower myself in my chair, trying not to attract his attention. The nervous energy is somewhat normal for him, though it's not often that I see him this agitated.

  Normally he has a powerful and commanding presence and his energy comes across as productive and inspiring. Today, though, it seems like he’s tense, and if he’s this concerned, then maybe everyone should be.

  I don't know what's worrying him, but I'm happy that I get to see so much of him right now. I can't take my eyes off of him. I don't really want to, either. I'm glad that my desk is a little separated from everyone else’s, so no one knows that I'm staring at him.

  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed how attractive he is. He is the type of boss that every woman dreams about. So handsome, and so rich.

  I don't really care about money - I just think it proves how smart and ambitious he is. But more than that, it's his gorgeous body that gets me every time and makes me so hot inside.

  I feel my face flush as I think about him. I might need some time to cool my thoughts down, but I don't know if I can. He's right in my field of vision; it's very distracting and it's difficult not to daydream about him.

  Before I can stop myself, my mind wanders, as it does every day, onto the subject of how sexy he is. I am absolutely in love with his muscular physique, and the perfect fit of his tailored suits.

  I don't think I have a crush on him, but it is possible, I guess. The more I look at him, the more I think that one definitely could be developing. I know I couldn't act on those feelings but having them wouldn't hurt anything.

  Of course, I've never said anything about my interest in him to him, but I have heard him comment on my outfits- telling me that what I’m wearing today looks nice, and those kinds of comments.

  I know, obviously that doesn't necessarily mean that he is attracted to me, but it is nice to fantasize that he might be. The idea of it makes my workday a lot more interesting. It also makes it more fun.

  I haven't dated in a while. To be honest, I'm really
not that interested in it. All this virus stuff makes people too weird and panicky for my taste. I worry about the virus, too, but I'm not going to let it force me to live in fear or isolation. But neither is it the time to go hitting on my boss or doing something stupid like that. I guess daydreams about my boss are all I'll get to have, at least for the near future.

  I need a few minutes to get organized and grab some coffee before going into his office. I want to enjoy watching him pace around a little bit longer, so I take my time. I know that he is probably anxiously waiting for the corporate office to make their decision about the project. He's probably the most tense out of all of us regarding this.

  I make sure to fix my clothes and hair before I make his coffee. I've always tried to dress professionally, but ever since he started commenting on some of my outfits, I have been taking extra care in how I look around him.

  Obviously, I'm not going to show off too much, but it's always a good feeling when you have a little bit of positive attention on you. It gives you a boost of confidence. Especially when it's someone that you have a crush on.

  I chew my lip as I fix his coffee and grab a few napkins. I don't usually get nervous, but I have to admit I am about interacting with him. Maybe it's because of the things I was just thinking. I take a breath and smile my most professional smile.

  Then I pick up his coffee and walk to his office, hoping I can calm him down since he seems so tightly wound today.

  Chapter 2 - Mark

  I pace nervously around my office. We finally received the good news that we have been waiting for about the Ozark project, and I am of two minds about it. It's exciting, but also nerve-wracking.

  This is the most important project that our company will take part in this year, and I'm the one who has to handle it. Talk about being put under a lot of pressure.

  I'm happy to see Lisa walk into my office with my morning cup of coffee. I actually needed to talk to her before anyone else. I can see from the expression on her face that she is clearly hoping to hear we landed the Ozark project, as we all have been.

  Having only just heard the news about the project myself, I'm eager to share it with someone. And I'm glad that that someone just happened to be her. What a stroke of luck! As soon as she comes in, she announces herself.

  "Good morning, sir. Here's your coffee," she chirps as she sets the cup on my desk.

  I take us both by surprise when I rush over and give her a big hug.

  "Is everything okay?" she asks in a puzzled tone, once I let go of her.

  "Yes, fine," I reply, before clearing my throat and adjusting my tie. "I've just heard something wonderful."

  I reach for my cup of coffee.

  "Oh? Is it what we have been hoping for?" she asks happily.

  Her eyes flitter at me, bright and eager. I like seeing that look on her face. I wish I could make it appear there more often. I nod as I take a sip of coffee. Then I set the cup back on the desk and sit in my chair while I look over the memo that they faxed me.

  "Yes, we got the project. There is a small hitch, however. I need to go to Chicago to meet the client, and I'll need you to come with me," I explain to her.

  I'm trying my best to keep things professional, but I can't stop thinking about that hug. I have never touched her like that before, because I know it's not professional, but she was a big help putting together the proposal for this project. I needed to show her some kind of thanks. This was the only way I could think of to do it.

  And why shouldn't she be involved in the Chicago meeting? I tell myself that it’s not just because I want to bang her. Even corporate thought there was no one more suited to accompany me than her.

  Not only did that not surprise me, but it also made me happy. Maybe it's because of the way I feel about her in this moment. Truthfully, she is one of the hardest workers in the office. That's probably the main reason she was suggested by corporate.

  I'm not going to complain. Traveling with her would be the ultimate dream come true, but I do have a few worries about what will happen.

  "Chicago? I should make the arrangements?" she asks, looking up at me curiously.

  "Um... yes," I reply.

  I feel a little lost suddenly. I got caught up in my thoughts about her. I can't keep doing that; I can't afford to be distracted on such an important assignment.

  She grabs a pen and paper from my desk to make notes as I go over our travel plans. She asks questions to keep me on track, but it's really no use. The longer she’s in my office, the more I start to wonder what it would be like to travel with her and have hot sex with her.

  I must confess, this is something I have thought about many times, and it has never failed to make me hard. I love her curvy body and want it so badly. As I sit at my desk, I’m unable to stop myself from rubbing my hard cock, which is throbbing in my pants.

  She stays a few minutes longer while we discuss the travel plans. I watch her figure, the way her chest moves when she breathes. She looks excited as we discuss the trip. I'm so eager to get away with her.

  I wonder how she feels about me. Does she just see me as her boss or does she want something more with me, too? How would she feel if I bent her over and tore off one of those nice outfits she’s always wearing?

  That thought drives me nearly crazy. I remind myself not to mix business with pleasure, and immediately try to correct my thoughts. I want to groan in frustration. I wish I could just ask her out, but that would hardly be allowed.

  Our discussion complete, she leaves my office with a smile. I watch her as she walks back to her desk. I'm so relieved she had no clue how hot I was feeling for her. I wonder if it would have felt flattered or if it would have offended her?

  I immediately begin to wonder if I misstepped by asking her to go with me. Obviously, she deserves to go, because this project was her idea, but don't know if I'll be able to stay away from her.

  I'm very attracted to her, but if I were to give into my urges and be with her, that could cause a lot of trouble for us and the company. I watch her from my desk, then sit back in my chair and frown.

  I'm having an internal argument with myself about what the right thing to do is. I have a strong feeling that I shouldn’t bring her with me or else I won’t be able to leave my hands off of her, and that could only lead to trouble. I’m known for taking what I want, and not for my restraint.

  I can't change the plans now, though, because I already invited her along. I guess I just have to do my best to make sure that nothing happens between us.

  I sigh unhappily.

  This test is going to sap all the willpower that I have.

  I sort through the papers on my desk, but I feel fucking grumpy and moody about everything now. I can see her walking around the office, running errands and my dick grows hard again.

  I try to fight the urges that are building inside me. I sigh again, because I know that this is going to be a very long trip. I wanted to make it an enjoyable one, but I don't see how that will be possible with these feelings going wild in my head.

  Chapter 3 - Lisa

  I sit at my desk. Outside, I'm calm, as I look over my notes and start typing on my computer. I look up the airlines and double-check the dates for our flights and make notes of the other information we will need to reserve our seats.

  I also write down the names and numbers of hotels in the area. I need to check back with Mark and see which one is best suited for us.

  I may look busy and industrious, but inside I'm screaming in delight.

  As I make the travel arrangements, I can't stop thinking about the excitement I felt from Mark’s hug. I was just expecting a simple "Congratulations" and maybe a handshake at the very most, but a hug? That is so intimate.

  Our relationship has always been professional, despite the fact that I harbor this crush on him, which I have never shared with him. Nor do I ever plan on doing so. Hell, I’ve even tried to convince myself it’s not there, and
ignore it -- hiding it from even myself.

  Still, I'm not going to forget the memory of that embrace for a very long time. I smile to myself as I continue making the arrangements.

  I email Mark with my question, and he quickly emails me back with his hotel choice. It is the fanciest one and costs a small fortune. Excitedly, I book two rooms at the hotel.

  With a sigh, I think about what it would be like to share one room with him. I bite my lip as I picture Mark undressing me in our hotel room and making love to me for the first time. That fantasy makes me wet between my legs.

  That's enough of that line of thinking for now, I tell myself, as I turn my attention back to booking our flights. I blush at my wild imagination and make myself focus strictly on work. It's an honor to be chosen for such an important task. Even if the whole Ozark thing was my idea in the first place, I still need to work hard and make myself look good in the eyes of the company.

  If I do a good job in Chicago, it can only help my career in the future. My thoughts take a different turn as I imagine myself receiving a promotion, or even a raise, because of my work on this project. That would enable me to change so many things about my life.

  My spirits lifted, I throw myself back into the job.

  After finishing the flight reservations, I permit myself a small glance at Mark's office. I see he is busy at his desk, so I decide to get busy too. I print out copies of everything and make a file just for him.

  After the majority of the preparations have been made, I excuse myself to the bathroom, and head out for a quick lunch. After the morning I had, I could really use the fresh air.

  Though the hug is still fresh in my mind, I try to push away any dirty thoughts I had been having about my boss and me hooking up on this trip. Although it would be nice to finally lose my virginity to such a gorgeous man, I'm not willing to sacrifice my job or money for it.


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