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The Redeemer

Page 19

by Patrick Roberts

  Chapter 8: Myths and Realities

  The room was pitch black except for the light shining above me. I was tied in a sitting position with no weapons to speak of. I kept finding myself in this situation, which never seemed to make my ego feel better. I swore I was going to kick somebody’s ass when I got loose.

  “Rope’s not going to break.”

  I looked to the unfamiliar voice in front of me. One of the guards walked just into the light and I could see his uniform and that he wasn’t wearing a helmet.

  “You’d have to be some sort of super soldier to break those ropes.” The voice said jokingly.

  “Every super-genetically enhanced soldier is a comedian.” I frowned, “I was expecting someone more official, like the leader and not one of the…are you even considered a pawn?”

  There was a light chuckle coming from him, which chilled me to the core more than I would have liked.

  “You’re a pet project. Get over yourself.” I frowned.

  “Yes, I am, but I’m not just a pet project. I’m the ultimate project.” He said, “I’m the pinnacle of super-soldiers.”

  “Tell that to my ex.” I said quickly.

  “I plan to. I’m assuming he followed you.” He said. My eyes shot to him, “It’s time to end your little group. The world waits for no one.”

  “You want to be more than a pawn…what’re you going to do? Take it in your own hands? Kill me?” I asked.

  I saw him withdraw a knife and walk over to me, pushing it to my neck and down to the ropes, searing them. He took a step back, disappearing. I swatted the ropes away and stood, looking around the room. I heard a click directly in front of me and began walking towards the light shining through an opening. I pushed the door, only to hear footsteps. With a sudden inhalation of air, I jumped into the hallway, rolling ahead into two guards with my fists out in front, catching them in the stomach. I quickly grabbed their weapons and threw them to the ground I pushed myself off one knee and standing. I began walking when I heard a clattering and turned to see one of the soldiers on the ground, pointing a gun at me. Before I could move, a shot was fired and the gun fell to the floor as he slumped over, bleeding onto the floor. I looked over to see a beautiful woman with orange and green hair.

  “Sloppy. I’d expect better.” She smiled, reloading her gun.

  I tilted my head and watched her walk over to the guards. She pushed her gun in front of her, shooting the other guard before holstering and looking to me.

  “You shouldn’t take unnecessary chances.” She smiled, “And always make sure they won’t get up.”

  “And you are?”

  “Just call me you’re welcome.” The woman smirked, “You better get moving before any other guards come this way and they will.”

  “What about—“

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ve got a certain way of dealing with these guards.” She turned and disappeared down a hallway.

  “I would be so much more badass if I were able to kill.” I frowned, turning and running the other way. I quickly ran down a very dirty metal corridor. I couldn’t get the chick out of my mind in a purely “who in the Hell is she” type of way. I also had to ask what she was doing here…I mean, she didn’t seem like she was one of the people who’d work here. I pondered this as I turned another corner, elbowing a guard in the face and flipping him over unto his back. A man called out from the room he’d just come from, the room with the weapons. I quickly made my way inside as he was working on the computer.

  “What are you doing out there?” He laughed into the computer screen, “I thought I heard—“ he paused as he turned to me. I quickly kicked him into the wall before punching him and leading him to the door, where I threw him out.

  I walked over to a gun sitting with a lot of other guns and picked it up, aiming it at the keypad by the door and fired a single shot, causing the door to lockdown and alarms to go off again. Without another second of hesitation, I walked over to the computer and began typing an S.O.S. to anyone that could receive it, ensuring that more of us could be along shortly. When I was done with the transmission, I walked over to the plethora of weapons, seeking out my own. When I’d gotten my weapons and enough ammo to take out everyone in facility, I noticed a rather large knife. I grabbed the knife and stuffed it into my boot before heading for the door. I stopped when I noticed bombs. I picked up a few and smiled to myself. I paused at the commotion of people coming from outside. They’d found me.

  The computer flickered, “I knew you’d find a way out.” Steven’s voice came through the speakers in the room. I turned to the computer screen, “My men won’t hurt you if you come out now. I think we have a lot to discuss. Once inside the hall, follow the lines to the laboratory. I think you’ll be impressed.” He said as the screen went black.

  The commotion outside had subsided. I considered going out the door, but with Steven in his new state, I was unaware of what he was capable of. I wasn’t willing to risk his loyalty. I wasn’t even sure he knew what that was anymore. I walked over to one of the bigger bombs and touched its interface, pressing ten seconds into it. I looked up at the ventilation system and smiled as I lifted my zip line. I fired it, causing it to stick into the grate and pulled with all my strength, letting it fall in front of me. I hit the timer and ran, bouncing off the wall and up to the vents. I quickly rolled inside and began crawling towards the light of the hallway. I was little more than halfway there when the explosion happened, sending me propelling forward and out the ventilation grate and onto the floor of the hall. I coughed and rolled onto my back, looking towards the door. Problem was that there were no more doors, just a huge, fiery hole in the wall with the bodies of the guards scattered in front of it. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to catch my breath but moved when someone grabbed me off the ground. I opened my eyes, ready to fight, but I smiled when I saw David looking at me through his mask.

  “Impressive.” David smiled, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, heroboy, could have used some help just then though.” I said as I finally noticed that the black line was now glowing a light green color.

  David looked down, “Why is that line glowing?” He looked back to me, “The team is already disabling this place and looking for mom.”

  “I think I know where she is.” I frowned, stepping out front. I looked to him, “We’re late.”

  “Steven?” David asked with hesitation.

  “We can beat him.” I said quickly.

  “You don’t believe that. He’s superhuman now.”

  “So are you.”

  “He’s my big brother. I don’t know if I can.” David said quickly.

  I nodded, “I can.” I said as he looked at me with despair, “It’s the only heroic thing I’d done to that point. If you end up hating me, I’m fine with that. He can’t live anymore.”

  “I wouldn’t hate you.” David said quickly, “You have more guts than I do.”

  I smiled, “Always have.” I smirked, “Now, let’s go.” I said, leading him down the hallway.


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