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David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation

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by T. C. Crawford

  When the light subsided, the Mystic of Destruction was gone, and in his wake was left a giant vortex in the middle of the battlefield. It was swirling around viscously, pulling the army of demons toward its center and swallowing them whole, one by one, as they fell into its depths. In a matter of moments, the entire army had been consumed, and all fell silent.

  When the remaining Mystics rushed to their fallen brother’s aid, he was unconscious and fading fast – so they quickly brought him to the Holy Altar in an effort to utilize the healing properties of the Crystal Caverns, hoping to enhance their powers and allow what little strength they had left to heal his wounds and bring him back from the brink of death.

  Alas, their efforts were futile, and their brother began to fade from existence. In a last-ditch effort to preserve his life and power, the remaining Mystics were able to consolidate his fleeting life force into a magical artifact made from the Mystic Crystals within the cavern walls, sealing away his power.

  As they assessed their wounds, they knew their time was fading. Their injuries were great, and their combined powers had been depleted from the battle they had waged with their sinister brother. Knowing their time was short, they put into motion a plan that would seal their powers and lifeforce away along with their brother’s, until a time when another would come that was worthy of taking their place as the final Mystic of Creation.

  They chose a select few Men who had proven to be courageous and pure of heart to inherit some of their powers and hold onto their secret, passing it down from generation to generation, until that day arrived when the warrior they prophesied would come to claim their powers and once again defend the world from their evil brother, fearing he would one day find a way to escape his prison and wreak havoc once again on the world of the living.

  And so the Elder Council was formed and the Orb of Power was sealed away within the Temple at the foot of the Mystic Mountain, deep within the Outer Woods, until the day when its call would be heard and the one worthy of its power would arrive.

  David sat up, blinking the tears from his eyes. He didn’t realize he had been holding them open for so long, leaving them dry and irritated from the strain.

  He had never heard the story told so eloquently, and the part of the story about the Crystal Caverns really stuck out to him. Tyrius had told him that the Master Elder had taken him and the King to a cavern filled with Crystals in the Birthplace of the World. He also said it was where the Mystics had placed their brother to rest in a temple deep within the mountains, within a Crystal Cavern. Could it be the same cavern that the book had mentioned? If so, did it really possess properties that enhanced the Mystics Powers? He decided to get up and tell Orin what he had found.

  He walked over to the old mage, who was still too entranced in his own pages to notice David’s approach, and tapped him gently on his shoulder.

  “Woah! Hey oh!” said Orin, jumping up in surprise. “Oh, David! It’s just you! You know better than to sneak up on me like that while I’m reading!” He picked up his walking stick to whack David on the head, something David had grown accustomed to – and David quickly ducked just in time to avoid being struck.

  “Hey! Watch it, old man!” teased David, “I found something I think you may want to hear.” he said, cautiously stepping closer and handing Orin the open book he had been reading. He pointed to the part where the book had mentioned the Crystal Cavern and their magical properties.

  His eyes began to widen as he read the text over and over, until finally he looked up at David with eyes as big as an owl. “My boy… I think you’ve found it!” he said.

  “Found what?” asked David.

  “Our answer!” replied Orin, with a grin.

  Chapter II

  Hmm…yes, this does sound a lot like the crystal caverns I saw in the Birthplace of the World” said Tyrius, rubbing his beard thoughtfully.

  Tyrius and Orin were pouring over the text from the book Hurea: A Brief History shortly after David had discovered the reference while searching through the books in the Library.

  “What do you think it means? Could it be that these same crystals are in fact the source of the Mystic Crystals?” asked Orin.

  “I’m not sure, but it does seem a logical conclusion. I knew I felt a powerful energy within those caverns, but at the time I didn’t think much of it and attributed it to the holiness of the site – after all, it is the burial tomb of the Eldest Mystic of Creation. Sites as holy as those tend to radiate with energy, which I presume is why they were chosen in the first place.” replied Tyrius, deep in thought.

  “Sorry, but how do you think these crystals would help us against the Defiant One?” asked Erin, trying to follow along.

  She was sitting by David in the dining hall as they snacked on various dishes prepared for them by the kitchen staff while discussing the news.

  “It’s just a thought, but I believe these crystals, if they are in fact the ones that were used to forge the Mystic Crystals, could help David reestablish his link with the Orb. Those crystals were the only known materials that could store the incredible powers of the Mystics of Creation long ago. They not only harnessed their dwindling lifeforce and magic, but they restored their power to its former glory so that when David arrived and bonded with it, he effectively became the bearer of the consolidated power of all six Mystics of Creation.

  “If David can reestablish his link to that well of power, and those crystals can enhance his connection to it, he may be able to access those powers in ways he never dreamed possible before.” he said, turning to David.

  “David, if this is true, the answers you seek can only be found in those caverns. If you want to redeem yourself like you say and play your part in stopping the Defiant One and his armies, this is your chance.”

  David sat silently for a moment thinking over the task at hand.

  “If by going to this place there’s a chance it will help me regain my powers and stop the Defiant One, then I must go as soon as possible.” said David, making up his mind. “The only thing is, I don’t know the way.”

  “In this, I will help you” said Tyrius, “I am the only one who has been there before, so I will help you find the way back. I only wish that the Mystic Crystal the Elder Master had entrusted me with still had the power to send us there like it had before. Ever since the Defiant One has returned I can feel its power being drained. It is nearly spent, I’m afraid. Perhaps by going to the Crystal Caverns, it too will be restored? This alone is worthy of exploring.” he said.

  “Well, if you think you’re going anywhere without me, then you’re crazy!” said Erin, grabbing David’s hand firmly. “I’m going too!”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way!” said David, squeezing her hand gently, a smile breaking across his face.

  David was relieved that Erin was volunteering to come along so easily, as he wasn’t ready to part ways from her once again. The last time they parted, it had been in the middle of the night and they didn’t even get to say goodbye. Erin had snuck away while he was distracted by a sound in the middle of his watch in her attempt to get back to Eldergate and rescue her friend and mentor, Tyrius.

  After they were together once again, having both been through many battles and tribulations on their own separate journeys, David had promised Erin he wouldn’t let her out of his sight again, and he didn’t intend on going off without her by his side.

  Not to mention, David didn’t like the thought of being away from her again – he cared about Erin deeply, and the thought of parting from her left a dull throbbing in his chest. She was the closest friend he’d ever had, and their growing romance had lit a fire in his heart that he had never known before. Something he had been missing his entire life – love.

  While they were discussing their plans, Reginald, the head steward to Castle Ravenfell and dear friend of the Royal Family, opened the door to the dining hall and in entered King Reximus Kane, his two closest friends Reingard and Holzer, Orin, his General, Corne
lius Owen, and King Eldergate with his General Nathaniel Ryan of the Eldergate Royal Guard.

  They each proceeded into the room and took a seat at the long table next to David and the others, all except General Ryan, who chose instead to stand behind his King, always at the ready in the event of an emergency.

  Tyrius had sent for Reginald to find Rex and the other leaders when Orin and David had told him of their findings so that they could discuss their path going forward.

  “Well, what news do you have for us?” asked Rex, his deep bellowing voice nearly shaking the glasses on the table.

  He quickly pulled up a chair across from David and Erin and started piling his plate high with various meats and bread, Reingard and Holzer following suit. One would think they had all been starved the past week with how they were digging into their food, but that was far from the case – they always ate like this, as if it were an unspoken contest between the three barbarians, seeing which one could eat the most and the fastest.

  “Well…” said Tyrius, clearly a little displeased by the manners of the barbarians, while David, Erin, and Orin were chuckling silently to his side. “We think we have found a clue that may help David restore his connection to the orb.”

  With this, Rex stopped chewing and looked up, “You mean, he can get his powers back?” he asked through a mouth full of food.

  “I’m not sure, but it is a start.” replied Tyrius.

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” asked Rex, finally swallowing his food, excited to hear the good news.

  “That’s actually why we called you in here. This book recounts the battle of the Mystics and the events surrounding the days leading up to and after the Mystic War. It speaks of a Crystal Cavern that holds magical properties, enhancing objects of magic, and possibly magical people, beyond their original capacity. The description of these caverns sounds remarkably like the caverns the Master Elder transported the King and I to when he rescued us from the palace dungeons. If they are in fact one and the same, then that means they are located in the Birthplace of the World – far to the North.” replied Tyrius.

  “I see…so you will need to take David there, I presume?” asked General Ryan, still standing politely behind his King.

  “Precisely. I believe that is our best chance in helping David rekindle his connection to the orb – something the fate of the world depends on. Without his full might, we cannot possibly hope to defeat the Defiant One.” said Tyrius.

  “To the North…but that would take us past Eldergate. How do you expect to get past the Defiant One and his armies unnoticed?” asked General Ryan, always the strategist.

  “There might be another way…” replied Rex, running his fingers through his beard – something he tended to do when he was deep in thought. “Long ago, before Ravenfell was founded, there was a great battle within this valley between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. The Southern King had brought his forces up the southern slopes of the Draconian Mountains through a tunnel leading into the valley. That tunnel still exists today, only it hasn’t been kept up with much and the entrance has been blocked by some fallen debris. We could clear the entrance and they could use that tunnel to get around Eldergate and the Defiant One’s watchful gaze unnoticed.” he said.

  “That seems to be a much safer route” replied General Ryan. “Where does it come out at?” he asked Rex.

  “It leads to the foothills just south of the Draconian Mountains. In it’s prime, there was a bustling mountain village at its mouth that served as a trading post between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. Now, I’m not too sure – our people don’t travel through the tunnel, and we haven’t seen any travelers from those parts in years.”

  “Well, anything can be better than going past Eldergate – we can’t risk David being caught by the enemy without having access to his powers. He is our only hope, we must keep him safe until he is ready.” replied the General. “The Southern Tunnel may take us the more roundabout route, but it should be much safer and gives us the advantage of secrecy that traveling North wouldn’t provide. Do you have any maps from when the tunnel was operational?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I think we still have some lying around here somewhere,” replied Rex, “Holzer, do you think you can find ‘em?”

  “Leave it to me, sir!” he replied, and quickly rushed out of the room carrying what remained of his plate of food in one hand and a mug of ale in the other.

  “Okay, so that leaves the clearing of the tunnel entrance. Reingard – take some men to the Southern Tunnel entrance and make sure it gets cleared by nightfall. Time is against us, my friend!” said Rex, patting his childhood friend, and now Lieutenant in his army, on the back.

  “You got it, boss!” said Reingard, and he too left immediately to carry out his orders, carrying his food and drink with him, its contents sloshing over the rim of his mug as he rushed from the room.

  “Right, so who’s all going with David on this adventure?” asked Rex, “I would love to go, you know I enjoyed our last one, but my duty lies with my people now. I must stay here to ensure our defenses are ready for when the enemy comes.”

  “I kind of figured that,” said David frowning. He was sorry to hear his friend wouldn’t be coming but understood and respected his decision to stay and look after his people. “As it stands now, it will be Tyrius, Erin, and I – we can’t risk sending a big party, as that will draw some attention and our success really depends on secrecy. If General Krauss or the Defiant One were to find out we had left Ravenfell and were out in the wild, they would surely send out the Wolf Guard, or worse, to track us down.” said David.

  “Yes…that makes sense” said Orin, finally chiming in. “I regret to say, that I, too, will not be going. I think my expertise would best be served here, helping the men prepare their magical defenses. These demons…they aren’t just ruthless; they are powerful, and some are gifted with magical powers unlike anything any of you have seen before. I am the only one who has witnessed it firsthand.”

  With this news, David felt his stomach sink a bit. He had come to rely heavily on Orin and his wisdom over the course of their time together and wasn’t sure he was ready to part from the old mage.

  He understood why he wanted to stay, but in this moment, he wanted to be selfish and ask him to come along despite his better judgement.

  Sensing his internal struggle, Erin grabbed David’s hand beneath the table and squeezed before looking him in the eyes. She smiled and David could feel his tension release. He returned the smile in kind, thankful for her understanding and support.

  Rex sat across the table, thinking it over for a moment before responding. “I want to send Reingard and Holzer with you. I trust those two with my life, and I would feel better knowing they were by your side on this journey.”

  “We would be honored” said David, looking at Erin and Tyrius who both nodded in agreement.

  “What about you, Ryan” asked Erin, hopeful for her friend and lifelong protector to join their party as well.

  He stood behind King Eldergate with a somber expression, silent for a while before he finally responded. “Erin…I’ve looked after you since you were a young child and have taken a keen interest in your training. You have surprised me in many ways, and I have been honored to be able to play such an integral role in your life. But, this time, I have to let you go without me. I am responsible for my men and their safety now. In the coming days, my men will be looking to me as their leader, to give them hope and direction in their time of need. I can’t abandon them now…no matter how much I want to go with you.”

  Erin could tell those words weighed heavily on the General’s heart, and she respected him even more for having the courage to do what he felt was right, over what he wanted.

  “I understand” she said, smiling at her friend. “You have always been there for me, looking out for me. Now it is my turn to return the favor. We will get David to these Crystal Caverns safely, and we will restore his connection with the orb
so that he can fulfil his destiny and defeat the Defiant One once and for all! You just focus on keeping your men and the King alive, we will take care of the rest!” she said confidently.

  They all stood up, feeling the decision was made.

  “While my men are clearing the tunnel entrance and getting you the maps, take this time to gather what supplies you need for the coming journey” said Rex, “I will make sure you have whatever you need.”

  “Thank you, Rex,” said David, “I promise I will do everything I can to get back my powers and defeat this threat to your people. You did your part, now it is up to me to do mine.”

  “May the Creator God be with us in the coming days!” said Orin, to which they all silently nodded and agreed, each wondering within their hearts what chances they truly had of surviving the coming storm.

  Chapter III

  Octavian Krauss stood silently in the King’s chambers of the Royal Palace. He was looking through the outer window and out from the high tower at the shattered earth below, still pouring out an endless supply of demons for his ever-increasing army. An army he would use to expand his kingdom throughout Hurea, exerting his control and dominance on anyone and anything that stood in his way.

  His plan had worked marvelously. He had succeeded in luring David right into his trap, giving him the opportunity to turn his Mystic power and its energy into the power source for his spell, unleashing the Defiant One and his endless army of demons into the world of the living.

  What a gullible hero they have, he thought to himself.

  He turned to leave and nearly jumped in surprise. The Defiant One had appeared behind him and stood silent and expressionless, leaving him with a sense of uneasiness that never seemed to fade, even after having spent several days now working with him, going over their plans for absolute domination.


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