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Mykal's Return to Towbar's World

Page 35

by Dave Hazel

  “Roy,” Mykal cut him off. “You have done more than enough,” he said and walked over and placed a hand on the older man’s shoulder. “I need someone here to keep Sam in line,” he said with a playful chuckle and winked at him.

  “I’ll go too,” William said. It sounded forced. His face expressed a lack of willingness despite his words.

  “Do what you think is best.” Mykal didn’t want to argue and forbid him. He just didn’t want William to get in the way. “But you’re not really needed on this mission.”

  “When do you think we’ll be leaving?” Jake asked.

  “The first group will be leaving in the morning. Look over there to Captain Diaz,” Mykal pointed. “He’s getting volunteers for the mission. These guys are well trained,” Mykal declared.

  “They may be better trained than all of us, but we have the experience,” Boris scoffed confidently. “Everyone of us standing here has killed more than all of them combined.”

  “That’s a great point,” Jake said and nodded in agreement.

  “That’s why I’ll take you guys with me if you wanna come,” Mykal said. “I’ll take your experience over their training any day. Make sure everyone gets some good rest tonight.”


  The request for volunteers drew so many that a couple of hundred men had to be turned away. After the groups had been selected a meeting was held to brief every one of their responsibilities and to suggest contingency plans for all the possible changes during the operation.

  “…And so I really think it’ll go off without a hitch,” Mykal concluded. “I really do think everything will be fine or else I wouldn’t try this. Does anyone have any questions?”

  A Marine corporal called out. “If something goes wrong and if the helicopters can’t get to us, what should we do?”

  “The best thing to do is run,” Mykal answered which caused a roar of laughter despite his seriousness. “Then make sure you conserve your ammo. Make every round count. For those who are going to be west of the Sosos camp, continue to travel west. And when you feel comfortable enough, say ten or twenty miles, then turn south. Eventually you’ll run into the mountains,” he pointed to the walls of the Pass. “The Finger Mountains run all the way across Towbar’s continent. When you make it to the mountains just follow along the mountains until you find the opening of the Pass.”

  Boris raised his hand. “If you don’t mind Myk, one time a few months back me and three others got left out there. We were out in the middle of friggin nowhere. It’s a long story why, but the four of us made it back here by doing just that. We did most of our traveling at night cuz we knew the Sosos don’t fight at night. It was me and Senior Airman Sam Washington, that guy with the limp arm. The two other guys have since died,” he said and sudden sadness covered his face. It pricked his heart that his best friend Kurt had been killed shortly after returning to the Pass. “If you get lost, just make it back to the mountains.”

  “Great point,” Mykal agreed. “Thanks for bringing that up. We thought they were dead because it took them about two weeks to get back. But they made it back with no problems,” Mykal said but didn’t want to bring up the fact that they had to resort to cannibalism in order to keep from starving. “The only problems I see will be with my group. If we have to run on foot and if the helicopters can’t get to us, as you brought up,” Mykal nodded to the Marine who raised the question. “We’ll only be able to go so far east before we reach the river. So for my group, we want to make sure that doesn’t happen,” he snickered. “But if it does happen and we make it to the river, we just have to follow the river. We’ll come across ten vehicles and all but one have keys in them.”

  “I have a question,” William stood up amid the crowd. “How soon after the prisoners are rescued will we go home?”

  Mykal became angry. He felt William pushed him in a corner. Mykal wanted to use the military and their fire power to help Towbar. “When I know for sure all the missing people from our world are accounted for,” he paused, “then we’ll leave.”

  “That doesn’t tell us when we’ll be going back,” Big Jeff Cann responded. He didn’t realize he touched a nerve in Mykal. “I’m just curious as to when we’ll be heading back. Now that I’m here I realize I probably shoulda never have come back.”

  “I can’t return until I know all those missing have been accounted for,” Mykal replied calmly though inside he seethed at the thought of Cann, Burns, Douglas and Spencer trying to hurt him back in the world out of jealousy. “The President himself made it clear to me that we must bring everyone home. I was given all these resources to ensure they all make it back. I’m not gonna do a half-assed job.”

  “Ooh-rah!” A Marine yelled out followed by other Marines.

  “Hooah!” Chorused the Army personnel in their rival custom.

  After the competing calls died down Mykal continued. “After we know all the people are accounted for, then we will leave. I won’t endanger the lives of anyone, so if we can’t account for them, and if we’ve turned over every stone, we’ll leave.”

  “If there are no further questions,” Major Chick stood up to signal he concluded the briefing. “Captain Taylor, go ahead and dismiss the men. Mykal, if you need me I’ll be in my quarters.”

  “I’ll come talk to you shortly Sir,” Mykal waved at him. “Hey Danny,” he turned to the rescued police officer. “Come here for a minute please. I need to talk to you,” Mykal said as he backed away from everyone showing that he wanted to speak to the battered motorcycle police officer in private.

  “What can I do for you Myk?”

  “First of all are you still gonna fly out on the mission with us tomorrow?”

  “I sure am. I want to help in any way I can. I have some friends that are still there.”

  “The main thing I wanted to ask you,” Mykal paused and looked to make sure there was no one near enough to hear them. He wondered if he should even ask. “Are you aware of a Mister X who is with the group of people that disappeared?”

  Danny’s face seemed to lose its color as he tried to pretend he didn’t understand what Mykal meant. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Myk. All I do is guard and escort certain people,” he answered and then looked around nervously as to see if there were others watching. “I’d really like to help you, but I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said though he didn’t seem to be telling the truth.

  “Okay thanks. I understand. I know I should never have asked that, but do me a favor and don’t say anything to anyone that I asked you such a question. Okay?”

  “Yeah, sure Myk. I won’t say anything,” he agreed with an odd expression.

  Mykal got the impression Danny wanted to say something, but he believed Danny was under the strictest orders not to give away information no matter what the situation. Mykal wanted to know if Mister X would be one of the prisoners being rescued. Mykal also wanted to make sure to silence Burns, Cann, Douglas and Spencer, permanently! He believed he could get Boris or Towbar’s soldiers to silence them if it came to that. Mykal wasn’t going to allow them back to the ‘real world’ to mess up his life out of their jealousy.

  CHAPTER EIGHT 12/08/1983

  1. Thursday, December 8th 1983

  1153 hours, The Pass

  Mykal awoke to the sound of the helicopter motors. He looked at his watch to see that it was nearly noon. “What the hell?” He mumbled in anger as he jumped up. It irritated him that he slept so long. He wanted to be woken earlier. He ran to the area where the helicopters were setting and he saw weapons and ammunition were being loaded.

  “Ah, I see you’re finally up,” Major Chick greeted him with a friendly smile. Chick watched over the preparation. Some of the company commanders stood with him.

  “Why didn’t someone get me up earlier? I thought we were going to leave before this,” Mykal said as he rubbed his face.

  “I knew you have been up most of the night, and I personally know what stress can do to someon
e in your position,” Chick said as he gave Mykal’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “So I took it upon myself to let you sleep longer. I was going to have you woken at noon. Trust me Myk, you needed your sleep and you will be better for it later.” Chick smiled. “With all the new responsibilities you have had thrust on you so far, I’m surprised you have held up as well as you have. You’re doing a good job Myk.”

  “Thank you Sir,” Mykal said and calmed himself. “I guess you’re right, cuz we’re probably gonna be up all night.”


  Lieutenant Johnson turned away with a disgusted scowl. He knew he had to hold his tongue. Johnson knew he couldn’t be seen angered or displaying the “wrong attitude” by what he viewed as the special “ass-kissing” treatment Mykal Graves received from all the superiors, real officers who earned their rank. After the “ass chewing” he took from Major Chick, Johnson knew he would lose the command of his platoon and he would then ruin any chance of promotion back in the real world. ‘It’s just not right,’ Johnson thought and slightly shook his head.


  “Mykal, I’m supposed to pass a message on to you,” Captain Diaz said with a snap of his fingers as he remembered. “Someone needs to speak to you before you leave. I’m supposed to direct you to your friends who were left behind during your first visit here.”

  “Do you know who it was?” Mykal asked. ‘I hope it’s not Sam asking if he could go again,’ Mykal sighed with a shake of his head. He didn’t want to tell Sam he couldn’t go with them a second time, only to make him angry.

  “I’m not sure Myk. I was just asked to make sure you go see them before you leave.”

  “Alright, thanks. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back.” He made his way over to the little camp area his friends named ‘Home Friggin Home’. He ran into Sam and Boris who were going in the same direction carrying food. “Hey, did you want me for anything?” He looked at Sam. “I got a message someone wanted to talk before I left.”

  “Yeah, I know you’re just screwing me over,” Sam snarled with hostility. “Nah, I’m just kidding Myk,” Sam laughed and threw his good arm around Mykal’s shoulder. “I wanna apologize. I was in the wrong. If I woulda been in your shoes I woulda done the same thing. I’m just pissed at myself that I’m hurt and I feel useless.”

  “You’re not useless,” Mykal corrected him as the three of them walked to the old camp site. A large wooden placard stood above the camp on a pole. The words ‘Home Sweet Home’ had been carved beautifully into the wood. Someone crossed off the ‘Sweet’ with an X and scrawled ‘Friggin’ making the sign ‘Home Friggin Home’. Jake, Larry, Sam and Randy Dosch did the carving after weeks of complete boredom. “And you can be a big help to all these new guys.”

  “I know, but that’s how I feel. I don’t wanna put anyone at risk,” Sam admitted. “So you’re right. Once again I’m really sorry Myk.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” Mykal chuckled, happy there wouldn’t be a rift in their friendship. “Who wanted to talk to me?” He asked as they entered the tent. “Doninka!” He exclaimed with happiness when he saw the beautiful woman he had become close friends with months ago.

  “Mykal!” She jumped up and rushed to him to hug him.

  Towbar seemed surprised as were the others at her reaction to seeing him. Towbar’s people were normally unassuming in expressing themselves in a demonstrative way. Moreover, being the daughter of King Loankore III, her actions were unbecoming and beneath a princess to act so common.

  Mykal greeted her hug with a warm embrace of his own. A flood of thoughts and emotions blinded him momentarily. They had endured a lifetime of experiences together in just a few short weeks. They fought side by side, they saved each other’s lives, they were nearly killed by a gigantic spider together and they were lost inside a mountain for two days to be chased by Dwarven warriors.

  She had expressed her love for him, but he had to back away being a happily married family man. She desired to have a deep love relationship with him, but he desired nothing more than a friendship. He stared at her pretty face he knew he could easily fall for her and have strong feelings for her. Mykal knew he could never jeopardize his marriage for what could possibly be.

  “How have you been?” He asked as he pulled her back to look at her. “I thought you would have gone back to the Great Walled City, Beramus,” he said and couldn’t prevent the large grin from spreading across his face. He was truly happy to see her.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I am here to stand with my people. I have stayed in Gartolin,” she said referring to the small village inside the Pass.

  “She knew we were returning days before we returned my friend,” Towbar said. “So she claims.”

  “How did you know we were coming back?” Mykal asked before responding to Towbar’s doubts.

  “Your friend, the one you call Sky, he said--”

  “You mean Ski?”

  “Yes, Ski.” She smiled. “He said that the gods have been speaking to him and have told him you would return with Towbar.”

  “Yeah, Ski was saying all that stuff a couple of days before you got back,” Larry confirmed her story.

  “I have never heard of the gods talking to man the way man speaks to man,” she said and shook her head somewhat bewildered.

  “First of all,” Mykal chuckled. “Don’t say ‘gods’ to Ski, cuz he really gets crazy,” Mykal laughed which made Jake, Boris, Sam and Larry laugh with him. “He believes there is One God. He gets all nutty about that stuff. But, it doesn’t matter. He said it, and we’re here. So God must have told him something.”

  “Coulda been a bad pizza the night before,” Boris mumbled playfully and laughed with the others.

  “Peet-zah?” Doninka asked.

  “He’s joking,” Mykal laughed. “How long are you staying?”

  “Ah, I have tried your Pizza,” Towbar said and nodded with pleasure. “They are very tasty,” he said to Larry, Sam and Jake.

  “Damn Towbar, don’t tell me that,” Larry barked.

  “And listen guys, Towbar scarfs down the pies,” Mykal laughed to add to Larry’s torment. “He eats two or three by himself.”

  “Stop with the friggin pizzas,” Larry demanded. “I’ve been eating mush for six months,” he complained comically. “I’ve been dreaming about pizza, burgers, fries, wings—damn it! Don’t get me started.”

  “Anyway Doninka, how long are you staying here?” Mykal asked over the roaring laughter of Larry’s torment.

  “I do not know. It may be a short time. It may be a long time. How long are you planning to stay here? May we spend some time to talk?” She smiled and her eyes lit up with excitement.

  “I would love to,” he frowned. “But we have a big mission to take care of and we’re going to be leaving shortly. We’ll talk when we get back. Okay?”

  “Yes. That will be fine. I will be in Gartolin,” she said with a hint of sadness. “I am happy to see you Mykal from another world.”

  “I’m happy to see you too, Doninka,” Mykal said and paused. A strange emotion tugged on his heart. Deep inside Mykal knew he longed to be with the pretty girl, but he knew he couldn’t. His heart was truly committed to Pam and he wouldn’t allow himself to toy with that. “But we really do have to go,” he said and glanced at his watch.

  “I told her the nature of our mission,” Towbar said.

  “Please be careful Mykal. I hope you find the people you must find. I hope your journey into the Soso camp will be a safe journey. I have never heard of such dangerous undertakings before. You are a brave man Mykal.”

  “Thank you,” Mykal said and watched her leave the tent.

  “Aw man, she’s still got the hots for you,” Larry teased and tugged on his beard.

  “I don’t wanna hear it,” Mykal laughed.

  “After you left, she wouldn’t gimme the time of day,” Larry scoffed disappointedly.

  “It’s that nasty-assed crap on your face, Lumberjack
. Let’s go,” Mykal laughed and quickly turned. He didn’t want anything else to be said just in case Doninka was still close enough to hear their juvenile, school-boy like, teasing.

  “Norg the Dwarven interpreter was here,” Jake interrupted their discussion. “Norg had to return to the mountain. He would like to see you when you return from this mission,” Jake said.

  “Mister Graves, Mister Graves,” a voice called to him but the noise of the helicopters buried the voice. “May I have a moment of your time?”

  Mykal turned to see one of the journalists calling him with a mob of his colleagues following him toward Mykal. Mykal saw by their faces that they weren’t very happy. “Sure, what’s on your mind?”

  “Is it true that we can’t send any of our people with you on this rescue mission?”

  Mykal looked stumped. “I never said that.”

  “I was the one who told them that,” Major Chick said when he joined them. He saw the reporters approaching Mykal and he knew what they wanted. “I told them until you were up and made the decision to allow them to go they were not going on this mission because of the danger involved.”

  “Well, with this mission, it’s going to be extremely dangerous. We’re going to be right in the Soso camp. It’s a real possibility things could go wrong and you’ll have to fight for your lives. Plus it’ll be at night time.”

  “We are armed and we will fight if we have to.”

  “Damn straight,” Larry said angrily. “Or you get your ass left behind cuz we’re not gonna carry dead weight around.”

  Boris backed away so as not to be seen up close by the reporters. Major Chick had to turn away to keep from laughing.

  “We understand the danger and the responsibility we will have if there is a battle.”

  “Yeah, but like I said, this is all gonna happen at night so what would be the point? You won’t be able to film anything.”

  “Ah, that is where we have you Mister Graves,” one of the cameramen said. “We have state of the art equipment and we can film anything with these brand new nifty cameras of ours. And unless there is some unnatural sudden change we should still have a full moon again to light up the night sky,” said the heavyset balding man with a cocky smile.


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