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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

Page 15

by Eric William Haluska


  The warehouse is engulfed in flames as explosions rip through the building, sending debris flying everywhere.


  Donin calls out for Albric, unsure of his fate. He worries that he is dead. He fears it would break Sadara if Albric died, confirming her horrific nightmare.


  Albric groans, shaken by the explosion. He wonders who’s shouting in his ear. Slowly, he gets up, brushing himself off.


  “Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” he grunts, realizing who’s calling out to him.

  “Oh, thank God, you’re alive,” Sadara says with joy.

  He looks at the growing flames that dance erratically around. It is getting hot inside and he knows it is best to get out before he’s consumed by them. He turns away from the blazing flames, ignoring them as they creep closer, concealing an unseen force that dances with them.

  “What the hell did you do now, idiot?”

  “I threw a couple of grenades, hoping to scare them. Instead, I wound up setting off a chain reaction of explosives.”

  “You’re a lucky bastard,” Donin says in disbelief.

  “Indeed, I am. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to get ou-”

  He stops involuntarily. The wood around him crackles from the growing heat of the fire. He can feel an unbearable pain throbbing through his chest as if something has passed through him, putting him into shock. What soothes him a bit, however, is that a warm liquid is licking his tingling skin, numbing his shock a bit. He tilts his head downward, wondering what has happened.


  NOVEMBER 11th, 2060

  1:08 A.M.



  A loud, shivering scream rings in the distance. Its feminine nature rings in everyone’s ears, making them cringe a bit. For Sadara, her nightmare has become a reality. She feared that it would come true, something that everyone said would never happen. And yet, here it is, unfolding before her eyes. Unable to accept the reality she faces, she turns away as she breaks down in tears.

  Albric looks down to see what has perforated him. A long, sharp blade glistens in the light as blood drips from it. It appears to be a sword, one like the Krenma use. He coughs heavily as blood spews from his mouth and gaping wound. Then the blade moves slowly, pulling out of his tattered body.

  “Sergeant. Albric. Sanz,” says a deep voice. “It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? Tell me, how are you doing?”

  The figure walks around and appears in front. Albric lifts his head up slowly as he falls to his knees. Through his glassy watery eyes, he sees a man wearing an auburn armor outfit, one a Kren would wear. Instantly, he recognizes who it is. The man smiles slightly as Albric falls to his side, coughing up more blood.

  “In- Indra. But… how?”

  “I am alive and well, Albric. I am quite impressed that you managed to fool these idiots into thinking you were someone else, especially Kelin. You have matured since the last time I saw you. How is everyone doing? How are your brother and sister doing? I bet they are watching you slowly die, listening as your miserable life slips away. Isn’t that right, Marcus?”

  Indra smiles, knowing his voice stuns everyone. Everyone, including Marcus, is shocked that Indra Krogger is alive. He thought his former friend died on his day of betrayal, sacrificing himself to protect the Gewerksma. But now, he understands why his friend betrayed them. His heart sinks, as he knows Indra’s emotions have taken control of him, guiding him along a path of despair and self-righteous hatred.

  Joseph and Scarlet are just as heartbroken. They can’t believe it is Indra. They refuse to believe it is Indra. They must see him with their own eyes.

  “So- this is ho-w you say hello to your friends?”

  “You make it sound like my greeting was inappropriate. I was expecting a firm handshake welcoming me back. Instead, I get scolded by the likes of you. Quite honestly, I’m offended.”

  “Wha-what happened to you… you being a Demokrist shouldn’t affect our bonds.”

  “I’m no Demokrist,” Indra says malevolently. “Demokrism fails to recognize the threat of automation, a threat brought upon us by Einnerism and negative liberty. These apathetic ideals have bred selfishness, inhibiting us and others from their true potential as they tear the fabric of society apart. Ukenhime’s encoded tablets warn us of these dangers, telling us to enable positive liberty for the betterment of society. That’s why the Gewerksma exists: to bring everybody collectively together, freeing them from their self-inflicted mistakes. A controlled environment guarantees our existence, ensuring we are free and equal. That is our objective, that is our goal, that is our paradise.”

  Indra smiles, knowing the government can’t silence him. Those listening view his ideas as delusional, impossible to achieve, dystopia that undermines the individual. While automation has forced many into careers they would never have considered, they are happy that the government has stepped in, offering a basic income for those who are unable to find a job, providing financial assistance for those who join the military in pursuit of their educational goals. These ideals go against the purity of Einnerism, but they are willing to accept these changes, embracing the ever-adapting social contract they voluntarily accept, believing that this is what Ukenhime used to be.

  “Is, is that how you think?” Albric asks sadly. “Well, I guess I have no choice then.”

  Albric moves his hands over his shirt. He rips it off, revealing a small red tube. He pulls out a detonator shaped like a pen, holding it in the air as the fire crackles and roars.

  Indra takes a step back, realizing that Albric has a suicide vest on. Although the armor he wears will protect him, his face remains exposed, leaving potential shrapnel to lacerate him. He knows he can’t outrun the explosion, but if he can kill Albric quickly enough, then he will have nothing to worry about. He draws his sword, ready to end the suicidal man.

  Albric’s hand trembles as his arm waves in the air. His vision is fading, his eyes slowly closing. Without thinking, he presses the button as Indra approaches him. The sound of explosions goes off as Indra lifts his arm. He doesn’t feel the pain of fire or shrapnel hitting him. In fact, the explosive seems to have failed, an enormous relief for him. However, he is covered in confetti and glitter. He looks over and sees a big smile on Albric’s face.

  “Ha! I got you good. Yo-you should have seen the look on your face. It was priceless!”

  The smile on his face gets bigger, turning to loud laughing. As he laughs, blood spews from his mouth. Indra scowls at the prankster, tightening the grip around his sword.

  “You think that is funny?! I will not tolerate such foolishness!”

  He lifts his sword, ready to viciously slay him. As he thrusts his sword down, someone grabs his arm, stopping him. Indra turns his head slightly to the right and from the corner of his eye, recognizes who it is.

  “I disappear for one minute and find the place ablaze.”

  Albric’s eyes only get wider. Not only does he recognize Indra, he also recognizes the man who stands next to him.


  Argus turns to Albric.

  “Albric. It’s been a few years. You aren’t looking good right now, buddy. Where is that amusing smile of yours? You’re looking kind of sad. Are you in pain?”

  He then looks at Indra.

  “So, it seems things got a little out of hand. What the hell happened?”

  “Hmph! Why don’t you look at the joker over there and ask him?”

  He is angry that Argus is here. He shouldn’t be here, not with the Red Skulls nearby. Argus is someone they can’t afford to lose, not when the movement needs him the most.

  “You shouldn’t be here, Argus. We’re surrounded right now and if they catch you-”

  “I’m well aware of that. This is a bit premature, but Dennis has passed on to me a daunting task, and that is to destroy the Einnerist system. As our Vorhr
er, I will be this nation’s next rightful leader, returning to the prime of this once great nation. Am I wrong, Marcus?”


  Marcus looks down. With another blow to his heart, another former friend is alive. Somehow, he miraculously survived the explosion that supposedly killed him. What’s just as shocking is the fact that Argus is the new Vorhrer, a position thought to be held by Dennis. He wonders when this change occurred, concerned about how their intelligence failed to pick up on it.

  “We have to capture them, Joseph and Scarlet,” Marcus says, depressed.

  “Don’t worry, we will, I promise you that,” says Scarlet irately.

  “I’m not going to let Indra get away, not after what he did.”

  Joseph and Scarlet quickly run down the hallway. They can feel the heat coming from the door as they get closer. Joseph stops and peeks around the corner. The fire is still burning, consuming everything inside. Seeing no one, he motions Scarlet to follow him. They walk through the door as the heat inside becomes more intense with every step they take.

  They slowly walk between the rows of the port to avoid the flames. Their armor suits would protect them from the debris and heat. Yet, their bodies begin to sweat as they move farther into the port. Joseph stops and lifts his hand to stop Scarlet. They have come to an intersection that splits into multiple directions.

  “Scarlet, go to the right. I will go straight. We will cover more ground if we split up.”

  Scarlet nods. She passes Joseph as he moves forward. They need to find Argus and Indra before they can escape.


  “It’s ill fate that you had to go down this path, Albric. There was nothing I could do to stop this. But don’t worry, you’ll miss the true liberation when it comes,” Argus says mockingly as he lets go of Indra’s arm.

  “If… if by liberation you mean the deaths of millions, then I’m an unfortunate victim to a crusade,” he says, grumbling as he coughs. “But you are in a losing war, and I know it. We all know it. The Ge-Gewerksma are crumbling and it’s only a matter of time before their standing is erased in a matter of days. Your biggest failure is the fact you can’t see your own demise.”

  He coughs more loudly, spewing blood everywhere. He’s well-aware of the Gewerksma’s fiscal standing. He also understands that most view Neo-Demokrism as crude, regressive, and downright insane. He believes in those words, words that he understands will surely be the fall of the Gewerksma even if he doesn’t live to see it. Argus looks at him, chuckling in disbelief at Albric’s words.

  “Quite the confidence you speak, but it’s mere hot air, hopeless rhetoric that means nothing to me. Do what you want with him, Indra. I should heed your advice and get out of here. I can’t miss my day of vengeance.”

  Argus walks off, slowly fading into flames that mask him. There are two secret passageways into the port. One is a shifting wall that leads to a stairwell into the tunnel. The second is a manhole cover in the building itself that also leads to the tunnel, the route he took to get here.

  Argus bends down and picks up the heavy metal lid. He hops onto the ladder and climbs down a bit, coming to a stop as he grabs the lid. He pulls it towards him, trying to gently place it over the hole. The lid makes a loud banging noise, one he didn’t want to ring out. He then climbs down, hoping no one will uncover his escape route.


  Scarlet jumps at the sound of crashing metal. She wonders where the noise came from, worried that someone has escaped. Curious and desperate, she runs, heading deeper into the inferno. The extreme heat is making her sweat, the smoke filling her lungs.

  Then in the distance, she sees an opening, one not consumed by fire or smoke. She creeps up to the spot, leaning up against the charred crates. She pokes her head around the corner and sees Indra staring down at Albric.

  “I have Indra in my sight,” she whispers. “But I don’t see Argus, Joseph. He must have just slipped away.”

  “He slipped away? Damn it! Then it’s vital we capture Indra. He’s bound to know where Argus is.”


  “Anything I want,” Indra whispers with satisfaction as he walks towards Albric, his sword dragging across the ground, making an eerie sound. “I should put you out of your misery; you have been suffering long enough.”

  Indra lifts his sword to his side, prepping himself for a delightful killing. As he prepares to slay Albric, Sadara cries, listening to Indra’s dreadful words that’ll surely end Albric. Donin tries to hold back his tears, but even with all his strength, some tears roll down his face.

  Indra gives his sword a twirl in the air, preparing to slay his victim. He stares at him for a brief movement, his face showing no emotion. He lifts his sword as the blade glimmers in the light.

  Then something catches his eyes. Reflecting off his sword, he sees someone wearing a turquoise color outfit sneaking up behind him, someone he recognizes. As he thrusts his sword down, Scarlet pulls out her sword and prepares to strike Indra. Indra flings his blade behind him and it clashes with Scarlet’s blade.

  “If it ain’t the Black Widow herself.”

  Scarlet backs up a bit, surprised that he blocked her attack. She swiftly pulls her sword back and swings again. Indra turns around and blocks her attack as their weapons chime.

  “Why did you do it? Why did you betray us?”

  “Weren’t you listening earlier? I’ll keep it short for you: Neo-Demokrism, our ideals, our movement, will bring us back to the glory days of Ukenhime.”

  Scarlet jumps back, prepping for another attack. She charges forward and swings at Indra. Again, he blocks her, reading her like a book.

  “You haven’t changed, have you, Scarlet? Always will be repetitive.”

  “If even our brightest don’t know what Ukenhime was like, then you are just as clueless,” she says in a beseeching manner, ignoring his last statement.

  “I don’t need proof,” he says aggressively. “Life back then was harder than it is now. For their people to survive, a strong centralized government was needed. We have allowed ourselves to unwind, becoming careless about others and ourselves. The people can’t comprehend what actual freedom is!”

  Indra pushes against her as she struggles to push back. Feeling the strain, she jumps back as the blade barely misses her. She steadies herself and points her blade towards him as her emotions make her unbalanced.

  “Your anger is insufferable. You have become unstable.”

  “Unstable now? You still believe in Einzgu[72]? Real strength comes from those that express their frustration, their hatred. It seems that shit in your head has made you a little tipsy now?”

  He looks at her with a smile, seeing her second sword.

  “But I can’t deny that you did get stronger. I see now you can wield two blades? Or is that the spare you keep in case you lose your first?”

  “Do you wish to find out?”

  “Oh, feisty I see. So, tell me, are there any other Krens here? I already know Marcus didn’t show up. What a pity, I wanted to see him again.”

  She expressionlessly stares at him. She isn’t in the mood for his crude humor, nor interested in answering his questions.

  Then her eyes lift up a bit. Behind Indra is Joseph, who’s quietly sneaking up on him, ready to strike him down. Indra smiles, reading the movement of her eyes.

  “You were always easy to read, Scarlet. So, that’s where they are,” he says as he swings behind him.

  Joseph blocks the attack, wondering how Indra knew he was coming. Indra’s eyes widen, recognizing the devil on the Kren’s armor.

  “Joseph?! This gets better and better. I guess they failed to tell me that these Krens were clowns in suits. Marcus you should be ashamed.”

  Both men push each other back, getting into a fighting stance. Indra can tell that like Scarlet, Joseph has gotten stronger as well.

  “So, Marcus, are you watching from a distance again? I see that hasn’t changed. Your strength and courage are dissipating, weakening your st
anding as a leader. How can you be a role model for these Kren when you can’t even stand alongside them? And you’re wondering how I know all of this? You don’t think spies and news tell you much. Well, you’re damn wrong on that.”

  Marcus shakes his head. Indra’s disheartening words ring some truth, facts he can’t deny. It is true that he has become less involved in the missions his fellow Krens and soldiers fight nowadays. He has been busy with keeping the organization of the Empire’s military intact by studying military history, fulfilling duties performed by a military bureaucrat. By leading from behind, he believed he was enhancing his knowledge, making himself a better tactician.

  But Indra’s stinging words pale in comparison to Marcus’ current self-loathing. Right now, he is battering himself over his failed promise to take care of Argus, a failure he has yet to forgive himself for. This was spurred by Albric’s inevitable death, one that most likely could have been prevented. He stares at the monitors, unsure how to proceed as his emotions distract him.

  “Enough talk! You’re coming with us,” Joseph says, brushing aside Indra’s somewhat truthful comments.

  “And by what power?” asks Indra as he shrugs his shoulders.

  “By the power vested in us both.”

  “I want to see you all try that.”

  Indra moves his right hand towards his other sword. As he pulls it out, Scarlet charges from behind, her sword in a jousting position. Hearing loud footsteps behind him, Indra turns around and swings with his second blade, deflecting her attack. He goes to swing with his other blade, ready to cut her head off.

  As Indra swings, from the corner of his eye, he sees Joseph coming in. He quickly diverts his attack, blocking the sword that comes inches from cutting his neck. He then does a circling motion with both his arms pushing his enemy’s swords away, forcing Joseph and Scarlet to stumble back a bit.

  “Is that it? At least Marcus can put up a fight. What a bleak future for the Krenma.”

  “Don’t underestimate us, Indra,” shouts Scarlet with rage. “This fight is far from over.”

  Scarlet charges at Indra. Her eyes burn with fury as adrenaline pumps throughout her body. To her, she is moving faster, her mind convinced that this time she’ll get him. To Indra, she is a slow-moving target, just repeating herself.


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