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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

Page 33

by Eric William Haluska

  The morgues across the nation have become overwhelmed as bodies have been flowing in for the last few days. Some people are working 24/7 as they identify the remains of those who have perished. This is especially true for the Moskova Morgue, as the death toll in Moskova is believed to be at least 250,000 to 500,000.

  Among the casualties in the morgue are Aceso and Argus. Their bodies lie across the autopsy tables, examined and sealed up. The cause of death for both is a puncture wound in their upper chest area, right near their hearts.

  However, Aceso and Argus also suffered emotional wounds. Argus died believing he would never learn the truth of his father and what became of him. While his goal of bringing their utopia was a major priority, the search for answers about his father was just as important. In his final moments, he reflected on the thoughts of failing his father, failing to uncover the truth. Then in spite of the truth being told to him, he deemed it false, which further depressed him.

  Aceso died failing to save Argus from the darkness that gripped him. He believed his passive side would win over Argus’ active aggression, trumping him into submission. Nonetheless, his pacifist attempts failed him as he was unable to conquer the darkness around Argus, an evil that overshadowed Aceso’s kindness. It was this force he couldn’t comprehend that led to his ineffective fight against it, resulting in his brutal death by Argus’ sword.

  But there are a few who believe that the sword didn’t kill Aceso. Rather, it was the emotional blow to his heart that ended his life, his failure to free Argus. That’s what Doctor Michel Heim thinks at least, as he slides Aceso’s body into the refrigerated unit.

  Doctor Heim is a short, somewhat stocky individual with dark eyes and a bald head. Before becoming a pathologist, he served as a medic in the Red Skulls. During the Halusnekian Civil War, he volunteered as a doctor, helping save thousands of lives. While over there, he witnessed the violent nature of war that took countless victims, which put him in a perpetual state of shock at first.

  Eventually, however, the sight of death numbed him, turning him into a cold, emotionless person. It also made him become interested in strangers who perished, people he didn’t even know as he sought to communicate with them, hoping to tell their untold stories. Even when he returned home, his fascination only grew. To feed his passion, he began working at the Moskova Morgue, where to this day he continues to work.

  Accompanying him is Marcus, who is sporting his military uniform; the same one he wore when he delivered the pendant to the Constantime Family. However, his uniform is now decorated with medals, badges, and stripes, distinguishing him as a high-ranking individual. He’s supposed to be in a meeting with the President right now, but Doctor Heim found something on Argus’ body, something he felt required Marcus’ attention. So, with reluctance, and understanding from the President, he’s now at the morgue trying to figure out what’s so important.

  “I am sorry for your loss,” Doctor Heim says emotionlessly as he slides Argus’ body into a refrigerated unit. “I know it must not be easy losing a friend.”

  “It’s never easy. I just wish it never had to come to this.”

  “Sometimes some things can’t be stopped, especially when people are committed to something. It’s how life works; how our nature functions. And yet, we sometimes don’t know the motivation or reasoning behind their actions. We may think we know everything about a particular person, but there are some secrets they can hide because they are alive and breathing. But when they succumb to death, then there’s nothing stopping someone else from finding their secrets; it just requires a bit of work, that’s all.”

  “You have quite a passion for this, don’t you?”

  “I do. It always has mystified me what motivates people, and sometimes leads to their deaths. My job is not only to determine their cause of death, but also to determine their life story and what led to their death. It helps give me an understanding about the person, information I then can give to the authorities to help them build a case. I’m sure you understand the importance in that, correct?”

  “I do. So, tell me, why did you call me here, Doctor Heim?”

  “Well, Supreme Commander, while I was performing my autopsy, I discovered this in one of his pockets.”

  The doctor walks up to Marcus as he reaches into his pocket. Scrumming around for a bit, he pulls his hand out, concealing something. He puts his hand in front of Marcus, offering him the object. Marcus puts his right hand out and something drops into it. He looks down and sees a metallic emblem, a symbol all too familiar to him.

  “I have to go,” he says in fear as he closes his hand and walks away.

  “Don’t hide your fear,” the doctor says bluntly. “Even I know what this means.”

  Marcus stops at the door, frightened by his words.

  “Then you must not speak of this,” he says forcefully. “The Empire is scared enough already. A full regional panic must not ensue.”

  “I understand, but if I were you, I’d start planning. Who knows what the future may hold.”

  Marcus slightly nods as he walks out. He needs to get to the President asap and inform him of this finding, which changes everything they originally thought. They need a plan.


  Marcus speed-walks through the Presidential Palace as he makes his way to the President’s office. He makes a turn around the corner and bumps into someone.

  “Sorry- Lawrence? What brings you around here? Aren’t you supposed to be training the new Krens?”

  “Change of plans, Marcus. The President has just asked me to deliver this intelligence to the Czardom. Don’t worry, they’ve got Joseph training them for right now.”

  “Oh, isn’t that great to hear…”

  General Lawrence Reht looks down at the black folder he’s holding. He is a tall, slender olive-colored man with brown hair and ice green eyes. He is known as the Green Bandit, named for the color of his eyes and the fact he is a slick individual, able to steal, or kill his unfortunate victim, in silence. He has proven to be one of the nation’s best spies, working alongside the SCS.

  “It can’t be that bad. I mean, Joseph is the second best followed by Scarlet and then me.”

  “Right,” sighs Marcus, somewhat worried about Joseph’s teaching methods. “So, this file you have- isn’t that about the Hermit?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Have we been able to verify the intelligence inside?”

  “I’m afraid not. The content is questionable at best. We have tried to corroborate the information with eyewitnesses or other fact-based evidence, but we have acquired little. Thus, the SCS has decided to consider the intelligence unreliable.”

  “Then what are you doing with it? Don’t tell me the President has asked you to deliver such a lost hope to the Arch-Lord?”

  “I’m afraid so, Marcus. While the intelligence is dubious, the President wants me to share this information with the Arch-Lord. He believes he will have the necessary resources to further investigate this.”

  “Hmph! And the Arch-Lord would be foolish to trust this,” Marcus says, shaking his head.

  “I’ll leave that for him to decide. I’m only the messenger,” says Lawrence as he walks away. “Oh, by the way, the President also has a guest and boy, you aren’t going to like who it is so, good luck to you and have fun with that.”

  Lawrence looks down at his watch and sees his plane takes off in a few hours. Given the destruction in Moskova, he knows it’s best to take a helicopter to the airport if he wants to get there on time. He takes off, hoping Marcus doesn’t ask him anything else.

  Marcus sighs and walks up to the President’s office. He goes to reach for the door, but stops. He hears a voice inside.

  “You couldn’t just tell me, Lawrence, could you?”

  He opens the door and sees two men. Both men look up.

  “Marcus,” says Falcon with derision.


  “Only a few can call me that, Supreme Commander.�

  “I am not in the mood for games. We have a problem.”

  “A problem,” Dmitri says, clearly upset.

  “The Regiment has taken care of many problems. What more problems do you have to give to us?”

  “Like not telling the government about the Gewerksma’s planned attack on the Empire? When were you going to tell us that, Vincento?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Gentlemen,” shouts Dmitri, annoyed by what’s unfolding. “This division is not what we need right now. What is it-”

  “Ah, someone trying to be the adult in the room,” says Falcon in a rude manner. “Pretty ironic given your character, Mister President-”

  Marcus slams his hand on the table and the two other men jump. His hand is flat, concealing something underneath. He lifts his hand, revealing the emblem that Doctor Heim gave him earlier.

  It is a small reddish-black button pin, resembling a campaign badge. Dmitri picks it up, examining it. In the middle of the pin is a golden star, covered mostly with darkish gray clouds. A straight sword, which has a blue gem in its handle, lies behind the star, piercing through the clouds that cover the star. Yet, there’s no blood. Instead, rays of yellowish light jot out, shining below on the red underneath, which symbolizes blood. Dmitri’s eyes sink. He is startled by what he sees.

  “No way,” he says in disbelief. “Can it be?”

  He hands the pin over to Falcon. He examines it, appearing calm and unimpressed by it. Deep inside, however, a sense of urgency hits him as a painful memory revives itself, sending chills down his spine, making his hand tremble a bit.

  “Impossible. There’s no way he’s alive, not after you bombed the crap out of him. It’s probably an-”

  “Imposter,” Marcus says spiritedly.

  “I hate when you do that like seriously, how can you people-”

  “Tolerate him.”

  “God damn it,” he shouts as he looks at the pin again. “This must be someone taking the mantle. No way he’s alive.”

  He tosses the emblem on the table, getting rid of it as if he doesn’t want to hold it or see it anymore.

  “But what if it is him?” Dmitri asks with dread. “He’s responsible for the deaths of millions. Even Czar Quinn Kardenia feared him.”

  “We can’t make that conclusion,” interjects Marcus. “Despite the history of this symbol, it has been used by others, including the rogue General, Garrus Utuma, the Narco-terrorist, Lorji “The Queen” Aescula, and Demokrist revolutionary, Germani Basti. But it was originally used by-”

  “Don’t even say his name,” growls Falcon as he grinds his teeth. “It’s got to be one of the three you mentioned, has to be.”

  An awkward silence fills the room. The emblem discovered on Argus’ body has a clear meaning. The star, a bright symbol, is being concealed by the clouds, blocking the light from shining. The sword is there to pierce through the clouds, its heavenly power coming from the blue gem to do so. Once it has pierced the clouds, the light can shine through, revealing the horrors committed by those who wish to conceal it. Essentially, it’s a revolutionary symbol meant to encourage people to challenge the establishment, to install new order that fits them.

  “Regardless of who it is, we will need a plan to ensure that we are ready for whatever threat this poses,” Marcus says sternly as he grabs a chair and takes a seat. “But this plan will require the help of everybody, every single one of us, regardless of nationality, ideology, or identity. This is not a plan for just the Empire; this plan needs to protect the people of Zentari too. We all know what is at stake here. The Golden Years may be waning away.”

  Marcus looks around the room. Despite his disdain for Falcon, he’s aware that he’ll need his help in crafting this plan. While the uprising proved to be dangerous, it’s miniscule in comparison to the threat they may face ahead. To Marcus, the dark times are fast approaching, times that Laffat warned him about years earlier.

  “Are you in?”

  The three men huddle together as they hash out a plan. They discuss what precautions they must take in the event of a full-blown regional crisis, and how best to give their allies the information they have uncovered, knowing that they will need them in their fight against this unknown nemesis. Yet, it’s the identity of the individual that’s throwing them into disarray, as they wonder about the person’s identity. They know that they must prepare for the worst and be ready for anything. Anything is possible.


  NOVEMBER 20th, 2060

  01:24 P.M.


  The western side of Zentari is dominated by deserts and mountain ranges that reign supreme. Yet, coming from the ocean there is a large river that cuts through this desolated part, forming smaller streams that branch out. This body of water has formed a fertile land of deltas that can grow a variety of crops, sustaining life. It’s also the birthplace of Ukenhime, which would evolve into a sophisticated society as it expanded across Zentari.

  However, as they expanded, people in the West became a distant branch, developing their own culture, language, and kingdom that greatly differed from Ukenhime. In fact, they were one of the cascading effects onto the ancient civilization’s demise, leading to the creation of the nations that reside in Zentari today.

  After the fall of Ukenhime, this kingdom remained in isolation for thousands of years, becoming the nation today known as Jekaria. No outsiders would discover this land until the 1850s, when the nation of Tur Galnos accidently stumbled upon the land. Soon afterwards, other nations pursued Jekaria, opening up trade and establishing diplomatic relations.

  But this stability would be erased when nationalists and populists came into power. These individuals, including King Harris, sought to re-establish their lost culture, believing their way of life had been encroached upon. He expelled the Zentari Grand Council and cut all diplomatic and trade ties with the nations around the region, causing the economy to enter a depression. His hostile acts led the Empire to assassinate him, hoping to install a new King who would re-establish these connections.

  However, their efforts failed as the nation devolved into a civil war, leading the Galnosians to get King Halnis into power and for years, the Galnosians funded the government. Yet, in the aftermath of the Omericoa-Jekaria Crisis and General Utuma’s leak, Prophet Unwei cut all ties with Jekaria, who wanted to amend relations and seek redemption. Their pullback resulted in Jekaria’s economy collapsing, devolving the nation into yet another civil war, which continues to this day.

  In this civil war, three factions emerged. There’s the government under King Halnis, which has lost an abundance of land and only retains control of the coastal capital of Taya[97] and its outskirts. The only reason they have survived is that the nations of Ukrainie, Naszna, and Krukan have continued trade with the struggling government, although they are slowly scaling back their operations.

  Then there is the Yon-Se[98], an Einnerist militant group led by Gana Rouva. They currently control the surrounding area that the government doesn’t control. Like the government, they too are funded by other nations, Zurkerx and Halusnek. However, the Yon-Se have been labelled a terrorist organization by almost everyone in Zentari, with Zurkerx and Halusnek considering the designation as well.

  The biggest and dangerous of them all is the Kwame, another militant group founded by Germani Basti. According to his wanted poster, he is a tall slender dark-skinned man with thick black hair and dark brown eyes. He also has a royal goatee, which is also the same color as his hair. His organization, like Yon-Se, has also been labeled a terrorist group.

  Before forming the Kwame, Germani served as a captain in the King’s army, fighting to preserve the sovereign’s power. He then defected, believing the King’s policies had failed to keep his people safe and secure. He also was inspired by Nikholas Cebastian’s revolution, adapting his beliefs in Demokrism as he launched his offensive against the King.

  Initially, he struggled to fund his operation,
unable to spew out propaganda that could easily sway people to his side. Then individuals like General Utuma, Lorji Aescula, and others came along and provided him with soldiers and money, giving the Kwame the necessities to build the essential infrastructure. With the necessary funds, Germani unleashed his propaganda machine and soon enough, people began to join and take up arms. This included some of the King’s soldiers, who had grown weary of his policies and governing. This influx made Kwame one of the most powerful organizations in Zentari, behind the Gewerksma and Supreme Truth.

  Germani’s success with Kwame makes him one of the most successful revolutionaries in Zentari, all thanks to these individuals who helped him. But right now, one of those individuals is challenging him. He and this individual are in a tense game of chess, with Germani’s pieces being black; his opponent’s pieces are white. Both are determined to win, though Germani can see the writing on the wall given his last piece is the King; his opponent still has a rook, a bishop, and a knight.

  The individual he’s facing is a tall and slender person with somewhat long amber-colored hair that is turning gray; his crystal blue eyes have a tint of green in them. Scars riddle his body with his lower left arm and both hands rebuilt with bionics components.

  Accompanying them is the individual’s son, who goes by the name “Corgus.” Like the man, he too is tall and slender, although his hair is brown and his eyes are green. Whether Corgus is his name, Germani isn’t sure, but he was told not to ask, and he’ll oblige, given who sits in front of him.

  He knows the man is a dangerous person who fights passionately for his beliefs. Resourceful, analytical, and patient, the man is meticulous in his planning. He never makes any moves without a reason. His intelligence is comparable to that of Supreme Commander Huns, Czar Kardenia, President Michael Kage, and Prophet Unwei Tarus. Even uttering his name alone sends ripples of fear.


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