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Page 3

by Lynn Burke

  Me: CU then

  Tossing my phone onto the couch, I pulled myself off the cushion, thrilled to have something other than sadness to focus on. A glass of wine in the bath tub, a few swipes of makeup, skinny jeans, and boots… I couldn’t be more ready for a break.


  Capone knocked on the door right at eight. My panties didn’t melt at his smile—if I’d been wearing any. I wished like hell I felt something as he grabbed me around the waist and planted one on me.

  His eyes twinkled in the hallway’s light. “Hey.”

  “Hey back,” I said with a smile, pulling the door shut behind me. “Where we headed tonight?”

  Capone took my hand and pulled me down the apartment building’s stoop and into the frigid night. “To fulfill a couple of your fantasies.”

  One of my eyebrows popped up as another lick of adrenaline kicked in, warming me through. “Oh?”

  He pulled open the passenger door of his truck, his grin widening. “Remember Digger?”

  Do I. “Yes.”

  “We’re heading to his place.”

  “A Gliders party?” I asked while sliding onto the seat.

  “Nope.” The smile dissolved as lust replaced the twinkle in his eyes. “Party of three—if you’re interested.”

  My nipples tightened, and I squeezed my thighs together, my grief taking a backseat. “Hell, yes.”

  “Thank fuck,” Capone said with a wink. He shut the door and rounded the front of the truck.

  I smiled for real while clicking in the seatbelt. Fuck, yes. Blondy with the body. Blondy with the intense gaze, the sexy scar keeping a badass scowl etched on his face.

  Party of three…

  Threesome, for sure. Ropes? A little spanking? I wracked my brain for what else I might have told Capone about the fantasies in my head, but couldn’t remember for the life of me.

  “Ready to party?” he asked, climbing into the cab and flooding the air with the spice of his cologne.

  “You have no idea.” And he didn’t. I hadn’t told him the specifics about Mom’s illness or even about her death. Wasn’t about to put a damper on the night by letting out all the shit of the previous five years. “What’s on the agenda for the night?”

  He glanced my way, his gaze serious. “Trust me?”

  “I barely know you.”

  “You spilled a few secrets on our last date. Figured now that I finally got you to go out with me again, I’d show you that I know how to satisfy a woman’s cravings.”

  “Awfully confident.”

  Capone shrugged.

  “So,” I said. “Digger.”

  “What about him?”

  I angled on the seat as far as the seatbelt allowed. “You tell me.”

  “Whatcha want to know?”

  “He’s your brother, so I’m sure you trust him.”

  “I do.”

  I chewed on the inside of my lip for a few seconds while studying his face in the passing street lights. “You’ve shared women before, you said. That ever cause problems?”

  “Like what?”

  “You both fall for the same woman.”

  He chuckled. “No need to worry about that. Digger won’t ever tie himself down to one woman.”

  Wasn’t exactly the answer I’d been looking for.

  “What’s on your mind, Maci?”

  I heaved a breath. “Just thinking about the dynamic of a threesome. Honestly, I have no fucking clue how to think or act.”

  “You won’t have to do anything, and as for thinking, we’ll take good care of you. Make you forget your own name.”

  I huffed a nervous laugh. “Awfully confident,” I said again.

  “Damn right.” He winked, sending a pulse through my pussy.

  Shit. How I wished it was his action that had caused my arousal, but it was the thought of the man waiting for us. “Digger knows we’re coming?”

  “Was his idea.”

  “Damn,” I whispered.

  Capone shot a glance across the cab as a street light illuminated his face. “Hot for my brother?”

  I bit back a smirk and shrugged one shoulder.

  “I know you want him. Could tell that night I introduced you two at the club.” No hint of jealousy laced his voice—thank God. If he didn’t mind sharing, I sure as fuck was ready to go.


  My knee bounced as I sat on the edge of my couch waiting for them. I’d cleaned up my place, had some quiet music playing, and a case of beer in the fridge. Condoms, lube … had it all laid out in the top drawer of the bed stand and one rubber in my pocket just in case.

  Fuck. I stood and paced to the kitchen, grabbed a beer, and guzzled half of it down before sucking in a breath. I didn’t get nervous. I didn’t get butterflies. The fuck? Scowling, I strode to the window overlooking my driveway. Flexed my bare toes. Walked back to the couch while running a hand down over my whiskered jaw.

  Headlights swung across the front of the house, sending light shimmering across my living room wall.

  My fucking heart leaped into my throat, and I hurried to the front door like a kid about to meet his new puppy.

  Maci climbed out of Capone’s truck, catching my breath. Skin-tight jeans and boots—she looked like a woman who belonged on the back of a bike. My bike. Pale hair hanging down her back like a wave of moonlight. Her smile lit as my floodlights atop the garage kicked on.

  My dick forgot I’d jerked off a half hour earlier. Fucker swelled, impressing my zipper against the tender skin.

  I pulled open the door as she drew near, Capone on her heels. Trying for a smile would only have made me uglier, but I at least let her know with my eyes that I was happy to see her. “Come on in.”

  Slight purple smudges under her eyes didn’t detract from her beauty as she lifted her head to keep my gaze while walking into the house. “Thanks.”

  If I hadn’t known any better, I’d have thought Capone had already gotten a taste of her before coming over. Exhaustion lined her face and dimmed the sparkle I’d seen in her eyes the last time she’d come into the club. Clothing and hair weren’t rumpled, though. No telltale flush on her face or bruised lips.

  I glanced at Capone. He grinned—same as always. Certainly wasn’t the most observant of my brothers. Probably why he worked the bar and kitchen.

  “Can I get you a beer? Wine?” I asked, holding out my hand for Maci’s coat.

  “Beer would be great, thanks.” Our hands brushed as she handed me her leather coat, sending a shot of pure lust straight to my already straining dick.

  “Capone?” I asked, my attention sliding down over her tight t-shirt and the nipples tightening beneath.

  “Gotta ask?” He chuckled, and I turned without a word, making for the kitchen, my mind obsessing over the fact Maci hadn’t worn a bra. Pert, generous tits lay bare beneath that shirt, making my fingers itch and mouth water.

  I grabbed a couple beers from the fridge and listened while they went into the living room, their voices barely heard through the wall separating us.

  “Nice place,” Maci said from her perch on the couch as I joined them.

  Capone sat across from her in the only chair—my chair—his way of giving me control for the night even though he had first dibs on her.

  “Thanks,” I replied, handing Capone his beer. Brushing my fingers against Maci’s again while turning over her drink sent another prickle of awareness of her through my body, straight to my dick. I sprawled into the corner of the couch, not bothering to hide the obvious bulge in my jeans.

  She glanced down, pink flushing her cheeks. Her tongue flicked out over her lower lip before she sipped her beer.

  I wasn’t one for words—usually left that to Capone, but the heaviness over Maci pulled at my eyebrows. “You okay?” I asked, studying her face.

  Lips tight, she nodded, but her eyes lied. Not fear, but definite sadness.

  She didn’t want to share, so I wouldn’t press. “You know Capone brought you here
to fulfill a couple of those fantasies you told him about.”

  She swallowed, but didn’t turn away as I studied her face “Yes.” The pulse in her neck kicked into a higher gear, her nipples hardening to tight nubs as I slid my gaze down over her body.

  “Neither of us will push for more if you’d rather just have a few beers and hang out tonight,” I said.

  Maci put her almost full bottle of beer on the coffee table and climbed over the couch toward me—without looking at Capone first. If she didn’t feel the need to seek his permission before straddling my thighs…

  A quick glance in his direction showed his attention glued to her ass without a hint of jealousy. Satisfaction sizzled through my veins. I slid my hands to her waist as she settled onto my lap, her gaze on my lips. I fought off the self-consciousness her study of my scar brought on.

  “Capone said you could make me forget my own name,” she whispered while running her hands up over my chest.

  My pecs flexed on their own beneath her firm touch. “Is that what you want?”

  Lower lip sucking between her teeth, she nodded. Wetness coated her eyes, and fuck the goddamn ache that knifed through my chest. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, pressing closer so her pussy rested against my straining cock.

  Fuck, did she tempt me like no other woman I’d gotten my hands on. What she needed was rest, strong arms to hold her close as she slept.

  I slipped my hand up over the back of her tight t-shirt, beneath her silken hair to hold her nape. “If you want to stop, just say so, and you have my word that we will.”

  She leaned in and kissed me.

  Mind fucking blown.

  Soft and pliant, sweet yet minty … goddamn did I fall under the beautiful witch’s spell. Rather than take control and plunder the ever-loving shit out of her mouth, I held back, tracing my tongue along her lips rather than fucking her mouth. She opened to me with a sigh, and I gently threaded my fingers through her hair, angling her head.

  My arm banded around her back, tugging her closer until her pert tits pressed against me. Slow rolls of my hips against her pussy tightened my balls and made her whimper against my lips.

  Two pairs of fucking jeans in our way—and my brother I’d forgotten about.

  I tore my mouth from Maci’s. Eyes hazed over, she stared at me, swollen lips parted.

  Capone sat back in my chair, legs spread, hand sliding over his bulge, a smirk on his face. Fucker loved to watch almost as much as he loved to get his dick wet.

  I massaged the back of Maci’s head and wiped the moisture off her lower lip with my thumb, torn over doing the right thing by taking a rain check until she was in a better frame of mind.

  She flicked her tongue out, and I slid my thumb into her mouth without thought.

  Goddamn. I groaned as she swirled her tongue and sucked. My cock jerked, and she ground her pussy against me. “Christ, woman.” Swallowing back another groan, I grabbed her ass in my palm and stood. Fuck it. I’d give her exactly what she wanted and then some. I just had to trust she’d stop us if it was too much.

  Maci wrapped her legs around me as though they belonged there.

  I nodded toward the hallway, and Capone hopped out of his chair to lead the way. He dimmed the lights as I knelt on the bed, sliding Maci to the center. She clung to me, but I pulled back onto my haunches.

  Pale hair spread over my pillows, pulse in her neck fluttering, eyes wide and filled with need. The desire to see her like that every day of my fucking life welled over me like a nine-foot wave.

  Should have freaked me the fuck out. Shouldn’t have enjoyed the satisfaction sizzling through my blood. Mentally, I pulled back, telling myself to keep my suspicions in place. Keep myself safe from rejection.

  “You’re fucking perfect,” I said, running my fingers up her thighs, over her hip bones, under her shirt. Her nipples pressed against the thin fabric, tight buds calling out for attention. I palmed her tits beneath her shirt, and she arched into my touch, lower lip once more between her teeth.

  “You like my hands on you.”

  “God, yes.” She gasped as I rolled both nipples between my fingers.

  “Capone?” I scooted back and flicked the button on her jeans as my brother climbed onto the bed and took over where I’d left off with her tits.

  Maci gasped as he closed his mouth over her nipple, t-shirt and all, grasping the back of his head to hold him close.

  A muscle in my jaw flinched to see his mouth on her, but our time together was for her pleasure, fulfilling one of her fantasies—not getting my balls twisted with jealousy.

  She doesn’t belong to you, I told myself while sliding down her zipper.

  Yet, another voice whispered in my head, clenching my jaw. I told the voice to shut the fuck up as I moved off the bed, pulling her jeans down her legs as I went. Bra-less … and panty-less.

  “Christ.” I groaned the word as my attention snagged on her bare mound and the peek of her swollen clit.

  I tore my clothes off as I stared, my mouth watering. Dick leaking. I fished a condom from the back pocket of my jeans before tossing them aside.

  Maci’s legs parted as I climbed back onto the bed. Pink and soaked, her cunt called to me. I needed a fucking taste before sinking deep between those plump lips.

  I palmed her ass and lifted her. One slow, long lick from her tight rosebud to her clit brought moaned curses to her lips and her legs around my shoulders.

  Tangy and sweet, her musk overrode my senses. I fucking devoured every inch. Lapped up every trace of her arousal, dipping my tongue in for more, needing so much more. Eyes closed, I breathed her in. I drowned in her taste, my balls clenching and ready to explode.

  Forget my usual restraint. My control. I needed to be deep inside of her, needed to have her pussy clench around me as she cried out.

  “Fuck.” I tore my mouth from her sweet cunt.

  Capone had taken off Maci’s shirt, and she lay gasping for breath, chest heaving as he backed off to free his cock from his leathers. He palmed his dick, smearing pre-cum over his length. She eyed his movements, licked her lower lip, and glanced at me.

  Fucking looked at me for permission.

  Another knife to my chest.

  I dipped my head once, and Capone moved closer, touching the head of his dick to her lips. She opened to him, and he groaned as his length slowly disappeared between her lips.

  My cock jerked, and forcing my jealousy aside, I tore open the condom and rolled it on with shaking fingers.

  Thank fuck for the rubber, because the heat of her pussy as I slid up through her soaked folds would have done me in before I buried myself inside her. Teeth clenched, I spread her legs wider, grabbed my cock, and pressed it against her opening.

  Maci whimpered around Capone’s cock, and I flexed my hips.

  Tight. Hot.

  I fought to keep my eyes from rolling back into my head as I slowly worked my way into Maci’s body. Like a fucking vise, her pussy squeezed my dick, pulling me in deeper. Deeper.

  Fuck me. I groaned as my balls came to rest against her ass. No frown furrowed her brow, no wince or shying away from my length.

  “Goddamn. You took every fucking inch of my cock.”

  “So good,” she whispered on a moan while wiggling her hips before Capone slid into her mouth again.

  I bit on my lower lip while dragging my cock back out of her, every flutter of her pussy walls tempting me to thrust like a fucking dog until I blew my load. Her wetness coated my throbbing dick, and I pressed in for more, running my hands down her thighs, thumbs spreading her lips wider. Her clit protruded, ripe like a summertime peach I wanted to sink my teeth into.

  Buried to my balls, I rubbed one thumb pad over her nub. She jerked, and Capone groaned. She deep-throated him, his balls resting against her chin.


  I rubbed my other thumb over her clit.

  “Fuck, Maci.” Capone swore while she hollowed her cheeks
and backed off. He grasped her hair and pushed back in while I slid out to the tip.

  My dick ached, but I held myself in check, reminding myself the night was for her.


  So damn big…

  Digger’s cock stretched me beyond what I’d ever felt before. Filled me to the point I wanted to cry at how perfect he felt inside of me. Slow and maddening, the both of them worked in opposition with their thrusts, the friction sheer torture, erasing my mind of everything except the need to come.

  The sting of Capone’s fingers pulling my hair. The glide of his cock deep into my throat as I swallowed around him. The warm hand pulling at one of my nipples. The thick cock pushing into me … the thumbs on my clit.

  My pulse raced, stomach tingled as I lingered on the edge. I pressed my heels into Digger’s ass, and thank fuck he finally upped his pace. Catching his gaze, I tried to tell him with my eyes how badly I needed to come, how badly I wanted them to go over with me.

  “Not yet, beautiful,” he murmured with his deep voice, the fire in his eyes lighting one inside of me.

  So fucking hot. So damn sexy.

  Capone groaned and backed off completely, squeezing the base of his cock. Gasping for breath, I lay back, my gaze snagged by Digger’s rippling muscles, the flexing of his abs as he filled me with his cock. The veins popped from his forearms from the grip he had on my hipbones, the bulge of muscles in his shoulders, his straining neck … parted lips.

  He pulled out, his huge cock jerking up to bounce on his abs as he backed off the bed.

  I swallowed, but didn’t get a chance to ask what the fuck, because Capone crawled on top of me—naked as a jay, sheathed and ready to fuck. He captured my mouth, and my eyes fluttered closed as he sank into my body, balls deep.

  He dragged in and out twice before wrapping his arms around me and rolling.

  My hair fell around us, the cool air licking along my sweat-dampened back, my ass on display for Digger.

  “Christ.” He let out a few more curses while palming my backside. He pulled my cheeks apart and shoved his tongue into my asshole.

  I groaned, eyes closed and forehead resting on Capone’s as he moved beneath me. “Relax, baby,” he murmured, his hands sliding down my back to hold my hips still. “Let him make you feel good.”


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