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Page 50

by Charles Stephenson

  9 W K McClure, Italy in North Africa: An Account of the Tripoli Enterprise (London; Constable, 1913) p. 132.

  10 Baedeker’s Mediterranean: Seaports and Sea Routes including Madeira, The Canary Islands, The Coast of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia (Leipzig; Karl Baedeker, 1911) p. 404.

  11 Tullio Irace, With the Italians in Tripoli: The Authentic History of the Turco-Italian War (London; John Murray, 1912) p. 264.

  12 G F Abbott, The Holy War in Tripoli (London; Edward Arnold, 1912) p. 130.

  13 Ernest N Bennett, With the Turks in Tripoli: Being Some Experiences in the Turco-Italian War of 1911 (London; Methuen, 1912) pp. 106-7.

  14 W K McClure, Italy in North Africa: An Account of the Tripoli Enterprise (London; Constable, 1913) pp. 112-3.

  15 G F Abbott, The Holy War in Tripoli (London; Edward Arnold, 1912) p. 132.

  16 G F Abbott, The Holy War in Tripoli (London; Edward Arnold, 1912) p. 132.

  17 W K McClure, Italy in North Africa: An Account of the Tripoli Enterprise (London; Constable, 1913) p. 113.

  18 Respectively: Ciro Paoletti, A Military History of Italy (Westport, CT; Praeger Security International, 2008) p. 134; Tullio Irace, With the Italians in Tripoli: The Authentic History of the Turco-Italian War (London; John Murray, 1912) p. 263; W K McClure, Italy in North Africa: An Account of the Tripoli Enterprise (London; Constable, 1913) p. 114; Francis McCullagh, Italy’s War For A Desert: Being Some Experiences Of A War Correspondent With The Italians In Tripoli (Chicago, IL; F G Browne, 1913) p. 30.

  19 Angelo Del Boca, Gli Italiani in Libia: Tripoli bel suol d’amore: 1860-1922 [The Italians in Libya: Tripoli Beautiful Land of Love], Vol. I (Millan; Mondadori, 1986) p. 135.

  20 Angelo Del Boca, Gli Italiani in Libia: Tripoli bel suol d’amore: 1860-1922 [The Italians in Libya: Tripoli Beautiful Land of Love], Vol. I (Millan; Mondadori, 1986) p. 136.

  21 Ernest N Bennett, With the Turks in Tripoli: Being Some Experiences in the Turco-Italian War of 1911 (London; Methuen, 1912) p. 115.

  22 G F Abbott, The Holy War in Tripoli (London; Edward Arnold, 1912) p. 137.

  23 Ernest N Bennett, With the Turks in Tripoli: Being Some Experiences in the Turco-Italian War of 1911 (London; Methuen, 1912) pp. 108-9.

  24 Ernest N Bennett, With the Turks in Tripoli: Being Some Experiences in the Turco-Italian War of 1911 (London; Methuen, 1912) p. 117.

  25 The correspondence between Frugoni and Peccori-Giraldi was published as ‘Il Memoriale di Pecori-Giraldi’ in La Stampa. 12 March 1912.

  26 W K McClure, Italy in North Africa: An Account of the Tripoli Enterprise (London; Constable, 1913) p. 120.

  27 G F Abbott, The Holy War in Tripoli (London; Edward Arnold, 1912) p. 143.

  28 Archivio dell’Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito: Carteggio Libia 2/15: Maj. Gen. Gaetano Giardina to Giolitti, San Giuliano, Spingardi, and Pollio. 4 January 1912.

  29 W K McClure, Italy in North Africa: An Account of the Tripoli Enterprise (London; Constable, 1913) p. 123.

  30 Charles à Court Repington, ‘Italy’s Difficulties’ in The Times, 30 December 1911.

  31 W K McClure, Italy in North Africa: An Account of the Tripoli Enterprise (London; Constable, 1913) p. 121.

  32 Pol Tristan, ‘Le combat de Gargaresch’ in L’Ouest-Éclair, 24 Fevrier 1912.

  33 Pol Tristan, ‘Le combat de Gargaresch’ in L’Ouest-Éclair, 24 Fevrier 1912.

  34 Alan Ostler, ‘An Arab Joan of Arc’ in the New York Daily Tribune 10 March 1912.

  35 Georges Remond, Aux Camps Turco-Arabes: Notes de Route et de guerre en Cyrénaïque et en Tripolitaine (Paris; Hachette, 1913) p. 56.

  36 C R Pennell, ‘Women and Resistance to Colonialism in Morocco: the Rif 1916–1926’ in The Journal of African History, Volume 28, 1987. p. 115.

  37 Enver Pascha, Um Tripolis (München; Hugo Bruckmann, 1918) p. 32.

  38 Enver Pascha, Um Tripolis (München; Hugo Bruckmann, 1918) p. 35.

  39 Enver Pascha, Um Tripolis (München; Hugo Bruckmann, 1918) p. 35.

  40 Andrew Mango, Ataturk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (Woodstock, NY; Overlook Press, 2002) p. 105.

  41 Enver Pascha, Um Tripolis (München; Hugo Bruckmann, 1918) p. 30.

  42 Wilfred T P Castle, Grand Turk: An Historical Outline of Life and Events, of Culture and Politics, of Trade and Travel during the Last Years of the Ottoman Empire and the First Years of the Turkish Republic (London; Hutchinson, 1943) p. 90.

  43 Andrew Mango, Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (Woodstock, NY; Overlook Press, 2002) p. 106.

  44 Captain R Murdoch Smith RE and Commander E A Porcher RN, History of the Recent Discoveries at Cyrene, made during an Expedition to the Cyrenaica in 1860-61, under the Auspices of Her Majesty’s Government (London; Day & Son, 1864) pp. 59-60.

  45 Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger of 28 January 1912.

  46 Renato Tittoni, The Italo-Turkish War (1911-12): Translated and Compiled from the Reports of the Italian General Staff (Kansas City, MO; Franklin Hudson, 1914) pp. 43-4.

  47 Relazione sul combattimento di Koefia del Generale d’Amico, Comandante la 3a Brigata di Fanteria (28 novembre 1911). Archivo Storico Stato Maggiore Esercito. 144. 6.

  48 Ilhan Aksit (Ed.), Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (Istanbul; Cagalog lu, 1998) p. 33.

  49 Jacob M Landau, Atatürk and the Modernization of Turkey (Boulder, CO; Westview Press, 1984) p. 22.

  50 Andrew Mango, Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (Woodstock, NY; Overlook Press, 2002) p. 105.

  51 Renato Tittoni, The Italo-Turkish War (1911-12): Translated and Compiled from the Reports of the Italian General Staff (Kansas City, MO; Franklin Hudson, 1914) p. 81.

  52 Patrick Kinross, Atatürk: The Rebirth of a Nation (New York; Morrow, 1965) p. 63.

  53 Quoted in Andrew Mango, Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (Woodstock, NY; Overlook Press, 2002) p. 106.

  54 Quoted in Andrew Mango, Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (Woodstock, NY; Overlook Press, 2002) p. 106.

  55 Massimiliano Munzi, ‘Italian Archaeology in Libya: From Colonial Romanita to Decolonization of the Past’ in Michael L Galaty and Charles Watkinson, Archaeology under Dictatorship (New York, NY; Springer, 2004) p. 79.

  56 Tullio Irace, With the Italians in Tripoli: The Authentic History of the Turco-Italian War (London; John Murray, 1912) p. 267.

  57 Otfried Layriz and R B Marston (Trans.), Mechanical Traction in War for Road Transport with Notes on Automobiles Generally (London; Sampson Low, Marston, 1900) pp. 26-7, 69-71. L Giletta, ‘Le locomotive stradali e la mobilitazione dell’esercito’ in Rivista Militare Italiana, September 1876, p. 404. P Mirandoli, ‘Le locomotive stradali’ in Rivista Militare Italiana, January 1883, p. 73 and February 1883, p. 293.

  58 ‘Motor Vehicles in Warfare’ in The Horseless Age: A Monthly Journal Devoted to Motor Interests, Volume 11, Number 9, July 1897. p. 14.

  59 J F C Fuller, The Conduct of War 1789-1961 (London; Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1961) p. 136. For some splendid photographs see: Richard Willcox, The Traction Engine Archive (Stonehouse, UK; The Road Locomotive Society, 2004).

  60 Major General Sir John Headlam, The History of the Royal Artillery from the Indian Mutiny to the Great War, Volume II 1899-1914 (Woolwich; Royal Artillery Institution, 1937) p. 260.

  61 Renato Tittoni, The Italo -Turkish War (1911-12): Translated and Compiled from the Reports of the Italian General Staff (Kansas City, MO; Franklin Hudson, 1914) p. 109.

  62 E Bartholomew, Early Armoured Cars (Oxford; Shire Publications, 1988).

  63 Cesare Causa, La guerra italo-turca e la conquista della Tripolitania e della Cirenaica dallo sbarco di tripoli alla pace di losanna (Firenze; Salani, 1912) p. 668.

  64 Cesare Causa, La guerra italo-turca e la conquista della Tripolitania e della Cirenaica dallo sbarco di tripoli alla pace di losanna (Firenze; Salani, 1912) p. 668. Ispettorato generale della motorizzazione, L’Albo d’Onore del Ser
vizio della Motorizzazione (Roma; Ispettorato generale della motorizzazione, 1966) p. I.

  65 Horace Wyatt, Motor Transports in War (London; Hodder and Stoughton, 1914) pp. 67-8.

  66 H C Seppings Wright, Two Years Under the Crescent (Boston; Small, Maynard, 1913) p. 105. Seppings Wright (1849-1937) worked for The Pictorial World from about 1883, before joining the Illustrated London News in 1888. He covered the Ashanti and Dongola Campaigns and Spanish-American War for them, and was Armstrong-Whitworth’s representative in the Russo-Japanese War. He went out to Tripoli, for the Central News. R Wilkinson-Latham, From Our Special Correspondent: Victorian War Correspondents and their Campaigns (London; Hodder & Stoughton, 1979).

  67 Carlo Rinaldi, I dirigibili italiani nella campagna di Libia, Storia Militare N° 18/marzo 1995 pag 38-49.

  68 H C Seppings Wright, Two Years Under the Crescent (Boston; Small, Maynard, 1913) p. 106.

  69 G F Abbott, The Holy War in Tripoli (London; Edward Arnold, 1912) pp. 291-2.

  70 The New York Times, 7 March 1912.

  71 Renato Tittoni, The Italo-Turkish War (1911-12): Translated and Compiled from the Reports of the Italian General Staff (Kansas City, MO; Franklin Hudson, 1914) p. 100.

  72 Report on Italian Aviation in the Turco-Italian War, 1912, Air 1/2133/207/154/12, PRO. Amadeo Chiusano and Maurizio Sapotiti, Palloni, dirigibili ed aerie del Regio Esercito (1884-1923) (Roma; Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito, 1998).

  73 Luigi Sacco’s report, Relazione circa le esperienze compiute dal Comm. Marconi nei giorni 16 e 17 dicembre 1911 a Tripoli, can be viewed at Interview with Marconi, reported on 30 December 1911 in The New York Times. Franco Soresini, 90 anni di trasmissioni nell’esercito italiano: segnalazioni, telegrafia, telefonia e radio (Maser; Mose, 1998)


  1 H N Brailsford, The War of Steel and Gold (London; G Bell, 1914) p. 169.

  2 Joseph Heller, British policy towards the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1914 (London; Frank Cass, 1983) p. 53.

  3 Quoted by W T Stead, in an untitled posthumously published piece dated 1 April 1912 in The Review of Reviews for June 1912.

  4 Giorgio Rochat and Giulio Massobrio, Breve storia dell’esercito italiano dal 1861 al 1943 (Turin; Einaudi, 1978) p. 163.

  5 Avanti 1 October 1911.

  6 A James Gregor, Young Mussolini and the Intellectual Origins of Fascism (Berkeley, CA; University of California Press, 1979) p. 129.

  7 J Gentilli, Italian Roots in Australian Soil: Italian Migration to Western Australia 1829-1946 (Marangaroo, Western Australia; Italo-Australian Welfare Centre, 1983) p. 58.

  8 C J Lowe, ‘Grey and the Tripoli War, 1911-1912’ in F H Hinsley (Ed.), British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1977) p. 315

  9 A despatch from St Petersburg dated 29 September 1911, quoted in the Novoe Vremya.

  10 G P Gooch and H W V Temperley (Eds.), British Documents on the Origins of the War: 1898-1914, Volume IX, The Balkan Wars, Part I, The Prelude: The Tripoli War (London; HMSO, 1933) p. 780.

  11 Helmuth von Moltke, Briefe über Zustände und Begebenheiten in der Türkei aus den Jahren 1835-39 (Berlin; Mittler, 1841).

  12 Karl Küntzer, Abdul Hamid II und die Reformen in der Türkei (Dresden/Leipzig; Carl Reissner, 1897) p. 22.

  13 Merwin Albert Griffiths. The Reorganization of the Ottoman Army under Abdülhamid II, 1880-1897 (Los Angeles, CA; University of California, 1968) p. 67.

  14 Rifat Önsoy, Türk-Alman iktisadî münasebetleri (1871-1914) (Istanbul; Ünal Matbaası, 1982); Andreas Birken, Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Europa und dem Vorderen Orient im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert (Wiesbaden; L Reichert, 1980).

  15 Boris Barth, Die deutsche Hochfinanz und die Imperialisten: Banken und Aussenpolitik vor 1914 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1995).

  16 Mustafa Aydin, Turkish Foreign Policy: Framework and Analysis (Ankara; Center for Strategic Research, 2004) p. 6.

  17 Milos Kovic, Disraeli and the Eastern Question (Oxford; Oxford University Press, 2011) p. 165.

  18 Commodore W H Beehler, The History of the Italian-Turkish War (Annapolis, MD; United States Naval Institute, 1913) p. 46.

  19 Timothy W Childs, Italo-Turkish Diplomacy and the War over Libya, 1911-1912 (Leiden; E J Brill) p. 96.

  20 Luigi Albertini, Le origini della guerra del 1914: Vol. I, Le relazioni europee dal Congresso di Berlino all’attentato di Sarajevo (Milano; Bocca, 1941)p. 358.

  21 Giovanno Giolotti, Memorie della mia vita, con uno studio di Olindo Malagodi [Memories of My Life, with a study by Olindo Malagodi] (Milano; Fratelli Treves, 1922) Volume II. p. 392.

  22 Ronald P Bobroff, Roads to Glory: Late Imperial Russia and the Turkish Straits (London; I B Tauris, 2006) pp. 29-31.

  23 Hansard’s Commons Debates, 4 July 1907, Volume 177 columns 863-4.

  24 A Silva White, The Expansion of Egypt under Anglo-Egyptian Condominium (London; Methuen, 1899)

  25 Agenzia Diplomatica, 2013/752. Archivio Centrale del Stato, Presidenza Consiglio Ministero collection, Archivio Centrale del Stato, Roma.

  26 Reuters Telegram 10 January 1912.

  27 Ernest N Bennett, With the Turks in Tripoli: Being Some Experiences in the Turco-Italian War of 1911 (London; Methuen, 1912) p. 15.

  28 Questions diplomatiques et coloniales: revue de politique extérieure paraissant le 1er et le 16 de chaque mois quatorzieme. Année – 1919 tome XXX (Juillet-Décembre) (Paris; Rédaction at administration, 1910) p. 432.

  29 Anthony Clayton, Histoire de l’armée française en Afrique: 1830-1962 (Paris; Albin Michel, 1994) p. 104.

  30 Brian R Sullivan, ‘The Strategy of the Decisive Weight: Italy, 1882-1922’ in Williamson Murray, MacGregor Knox and Alvin Bernstein (Eds.) The Making of Strategy: Rulers, States, and War (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1994) p. 326.

  31 Flight: A Journal Devoted to the Interests, Practice, and Progress of Aerial Locomotion and Transport, Volume 2, Part 2 1910, p. 585.

  32 Cour Permanente D’arbitrage, Affaire du Carthage. France contre Italie. Sentence Arbitrale, La Haye, Le 6 Mai 1913. Cour Permanente D’arbitrage, Affaire du Manouba. France contre Italie. Sentence Arbitrale, La Haye, Le 6 Mai 1913.

  33 See: Yavuz Kansu, Sermet Senso z, Yılmaz O ztuna, Havacılık Tarihinde Türkler (Ankara; Hava Kuvvetleri Basım ve Nesriyat Mud, 1971) p. 124. Bülent Yilmazer, ‘Ottoman Aviation, Prelude to Military Use of Aircraft’ Appendix A of Edward J Erickson, Defeat in Detail: the Ottoman Army in the Balkans, 1912-1913 (Westport, CN; Praeger, 2003) p. 350-51. Süreyya lmen,Turkiye’de Tayyarecilik ve Balonculuk Tarihi (Istanbul; brahim Horoz Basımevi, 1947) pp. 51-54. For the German-Japanese combat see Charles Stephenson, Germany’s Asia-Pacific Empire: Colonialism and Naval Policy, 1885-1914 (Woodbridge; Boydell Press, 2009) pp. 153-176.

  34 Raymond Poincaré and Sir George Arthur (Trans.), The Memoirs of Raymond Poincaré, Volume I (London; Heinemann, 1926); J F V Keiger, Raymond Poincaré (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1997).

  35 Giovanno Giolotti, Memorie della mia vita, con uno studio di Olindo Malagodi [Memories of My Life, with a study by Olindo Malagodi] (Milano; Fratelli Treves, 1922) Volume II. p. 387.

  36 Sir James Rennell Rodd, Social and Diplomatic Memories, Third Series [Volume 3] 1902-1919 (London; Edward Arnold, 1925) p. 153.

  37 The New York Times, 28 January 1912.

  38 ‘Note commune du 26 Janvier 1912 concernant le règlement des affaires du “Carthage” et du “Manouba”’ in James Brown Scott (Ed.), Les travaux de la Cour permanente d’arbitrage de La Haye: recueil de ses sentences, accompagnees de resumes des differentes controverses, des compromis d’arbitrage et d’autres documents soumis a la cour et aux commissions internationales d’enquete en conformite des conventions de 1899 et de 1907 pour le reglement pacifique des conflits internationaux (New York; Oxford University Press, 1921).

  39 Quoted in: G P Gooch, Before the War: Studies in Diplomacy, Vol.
II: The Coming of The Storm (London; Longmans, Green, 1938) p. 143.

  40 J F V Keiger, Raymond Poincaré (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1997) p. 135.

  41 Viscount Grey of Falloden, Twenty-Five Years: 1892-1916 (London; Hodder & Staughton, 1925) Vol. I. p.195.

  42 Commodore W H Beehler, The History of the Italian-Turkish War (Annapolis, MD; United States Naval Institute, 1913) p. 56.

  43 Sir James Rennell Rodd, Social and Diplomatic Memories, Third Series [Volume 3] 1902-1919 (London; Edward Arnold, 1925) p. 153.

  44 Timothy W Childs, Italo-Turkish Diplomacy and the War over Libya, 1911-1912 (Leiden; E J Brill) p. 142.

  45 Timothy W Childs, Italo-Turkish Diplomacy and the War over Libya, 1911-1912 (Leiden; E J Brill) p. 112.

  46 Tullio Irace, With the Italians in Tripoli: The Authentic History of the Turco-Italian War (London; John Murray, 1912) p. 313.


  1 James Elroy Flecker and Sir John Squire (Ed.), The Collected Poems of James Elroy Flecker (London; Secker & Warburg, 1947) p. xvii.

  2 Achile Rastelli, ‘les operations navales durant la de guerre de 1911 entre l’Italie et la Turquie’ in revue Navires et Histoires, No.s 22 and 23 fevrier and mars 2004.

  3 Hansard’s Commons Debates, 14 March 1912, Volume 35, Columns 1243-4.

  4 Muhammad Yusuf Abbasi, London Muslim League, 1908-1928: An Historical Study (Islamabad; National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research, 1988) p. 262.

  5 John Slight, The British Empire and the hajj 1865-1939.

  6 Azmi Özcan, Pan-Islamism: Indian Muslims, the Ottomans and Britain (1877-1924) (Leiden; Brill, 1997) p. 141.

  7 Ufuk Gülsoy, Hicaz Demiryolu (stanbul, Eren, 1994)

  8 Edmund Burke III, ‘A Comparative View of French Native Policy in Morocco and Syria, 1912-1925’ in Middle Eastern StudiesVol. 9, No. 2 (May, 1973). William I Shorrock, ‘The Origin of the French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon: The Railroad Question, 1901–1914’ in International Journal of Middle East Studies (1970), 1. Jan Karl Tanenbaum, ‘France and the Arab Middle East, 1914-1920’ in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, Vol. 68, No. 7 (1978).


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