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Song of Dragons

Page 3

by D. R. Rosier

  It was a locker and break room of sorts, which probably meant no cameras. There were two humans who looked beaten, and were lying on the floor. One of them looked terrified, the other was knocked out. Unfortunately, there was also a third human in here that was already deceased, no song. Carlson stood over them dressed in a security uniform, with a Billy club in his hands. Apparently, killing wasn’t enough, the bastard was beating them to death.

  “Freeze Carlson,” I barked.

  I was much faster than a shifter, and probably as strong though I wasn’t sure yet, but it was a very confined space. Not a big room at all. There was a wall of small lockers, and a small table against the opposite wall, the room itself must have been nine by twelve. I gave serious thought to just double tapping him in the head and ending it, but we were supposed to bring him in alive if we could.

  Carlson roared and lunged at me.

  I double tapped him in the lower torso, the silver there would greatly weaken him, but it wouldn’t outright kill him. Silver inside a shifter’s body would poison them slowly until they died, we’d have plenty of time to get the silver out once he was in silver cuffs.

  Then I struck out with punch to his jaw, which made bone crack as his head snapped back, but didn’t stop his momentum, and I went flying backwards out of the door.

  Lisa kicked his side hard, changing his trajectory so his hands missed my neck, and he only landed halfway on top of me. Then she put a sword to his throat.

  He didn’t seem to notice, his eyes were crazy as he reached for my neck. I grabbed one of his arms with a free hand, the other one with the gun was buried under his bulk, and pushed to the side. It was easier than I expected, but didn’t tell me if our strength was matched or not, I had the better leverage by far with that move.

  Lisa yelled, “Dick!” and kicked him in the head like she was going for a field goal.

  His neck snapped, and then he collapsed with a pitiful wheezing gasp and fell unconscious.

  I snickered, pushed him off me, and got up on my feet.

  Lisa smoothly sheathed her sword, and then pulled out her handcuffs.

  “Looks like your bullets went right through.”

  Well, that explained why it hadn’t put him down. Lisa put the hand cuffs on him.

  “Brent, are you monitoring?”

  We had magical earrings we wore on missions for comms, and Brent could monitor them.

  Brent said, “Sort of, what is it?”

  I said, “We need an ambulance here for two humans, and there’s a dead one as well. We’re in some kind of locker and break room, suspect is cuffed with a broken neck.”

  As a bear shifter, he’d heal from that just fine, but for now he was paralyzed, and healing very slowly with silver cuffs against his skin. The bullet wounds had already closed up, not completely, but enough to stop the bleeding.

  Brent said, “Fine, an ambulance is on the way, bring him in.”

  I nodded, reached down, and tossed him over my shoulder. He had to weigh two fifty, maybe more, he was a big man and all muscle. That wasn’t too much weight for me, I’d have been able to carry him even before my inner dragon had woken up. Still, it was enough to be awkward.

  We headed toward the exit, and out into the sunshine. The rest of the day would be putting this idiot in lockup on the fourth sublevel, and doing paperwork. I hated paperwork…

  Chapter Five

  It was five in the morning the next day, and I was in bed reading my kindle, with Lisa’s warm naked body against mine. I loved the new energy I had, and the fact I was no longer starved, but I did kind of miss sleep at times. It gave me a lot of decompression time, and I’d definitely been catching up on my reading list, but it also gave me far too much time for introspection.

  Lisa tended to look more and more tempting as morning came as well. I supposed I could’ve gotten out of the bed, but I felt the need to slow down even if I couldn’t sleep. Reading, and peaking at my lovely vampire wasn’t all so bad.

  Of course, it usually led to morning sex, my vampire was a little crazy, and a sex pot, but when she slept she looked peaceful, and so beautiful. I gave up and put my kindle aside, and scooted down a little. Her perfectly rounded pert B cups, with large pink nipples were calling to me. I smirked naughtily, and teasingly brushed her nipple with my lips, and then gently suckled on it as I swirled my tongue around it.

  She stirred and moaned softly as her nipple tightened against my soft tongue, but she didn’t wake up.

  I took my mouth off of her breast, and looked up at her peaceful contented face as she sighed in pleasure. I looked back down and tilted my head, and realized that saliva was over ninety nine percent water, and Lisa had been pushing me to work on finer control. Her sweet hardened nipple was also glistening from my attentions.

  I smirked, and heated it up a little bit. She stirred and sighed, and I manipulated my warm saliva and had it circle her nipple, and created a gentle whirlpool suction. I stifled a giggle, at her deeper moan, and watched her for a moment, before I leaned back down and took the other nipple in my mouth. I loved the soft supple feel of her breast on my lips, and her tightened pink tasty nipple on my tongue, but I didn’t play long before I started to butterfly kiss my way down her body, pulling the sheet down an inch at a time, while starting up another warmed whirlpool of spit and suction around her second nipple.

  By the time I’d kissed down her tight stomach, across her pelvis and down between her legs, she must have woken. I felt her hand grab my hair, and her soft breathy sleepy and desire filled voice.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, “That feels incredible.”

  I licked down her labia all the way to her taint, and felt a thrill go down my spine at her gasp of pleasure. A sound that never failed to make me wet, or excited.

  Her pussy was beautiful, a perfect sexy mound, and I lovingly explored all her silken folds with my tongue, while concentrating enough to keep up the whirlpool action on her nipples. Twice now I’d had to supplement some moisture from the air, as the agitated and heated water was evaporating.

  I teasingly stroked her inner thighs with my fingertips, and then moved them up higher to pull her sweet sex open. I licked deeper, and moaned in approval at her taste. I knew she was close now, she was panting my name in soft breathy voice. Both loving words, and naughty things, dropped from her lips. She called me her good little slut, and then on the next breath told me how much she loved and adored me. Both extremes turned me on in equal measure, sent shivers down my spine, and both tightened my nipples and my core burned with need.

  I suppose I was her little love slut.

  She was close though, so I licked around, and then sucked in her clit, and batted it lightly with my tongue, coating it with my saliva.

  I grinned as I went back to licking inside of her, lapping up her sweet wonderful nectar, as I started a third whirlpool of spit around her hard clit. Both nipples were still going, and now a light suction and touch round her sensitive nub.

  “Mel!” she gasped in pleasure.

  She fisted her hand in my hair, and pushed me hard into her sweet sex as she arched her back. I was pinned and couldn’t move, I also felt incredibly powerful as I brought my sweet sexy vampire so much pleasure. It was hard to keep them all going at once, three little whirlpools as I sucked, licked and swallowed her delectable waterfall spray of silken liquid completion.

  When she started to come down from her height, I added another element. I willed the water molecules to vibrate. Which made three very special vibrating whirlpools of sucking pleasure. She screamed my name, and launched into a second and very intense orgasm.

  She panted my name and pushed my head away hard, so I relented and let the magic go. Then I kissed my way back up her body, and claimed her lips. In just those two orgasms, done in love, I’d gotten twenty times more energy than I used to in my weekly one-night stands. I needed to get over that missing sleep thing, because with her around, I’d never sleep again, nor be able to resist
her. I loved to give her pleasure.

  “Did you enjoy my water element control practice?” I asked in a teasing sultry voice.

  It really was practice too, that was actually harder than controlling three waterspouts in a fight would be, small precision control actually took effort. The larger stuff came easy to me.

  She was still breathy when she replied.

  “Very much, I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

  She pulled me closer, harder against her, and then rolled, taking the top. She grinned evilly, and I felt her thumb and forefinger pull and twist my nipple, not too hard, but just the way I liked it. I gasped, and looked up into her mischievous doe eyes.

  “My turn.”

  I sighed in pleasure, surrendered totally to her touch, and to the pleasure she evoked in me, as she started to kiss down my body and I felt her palm my mound, and tease my moist labia apart with a sliding finger. It was going to be a very good Tuesday morning, we had a couple of hours or so before we needed to get out of bed, and into work.

  Chapter Six

  It was later that day, around ten in the morning, when I was pulled up to Brent’s office. Lisa had left earlier with Chad to hunt down a skip. It was annoying, but I assumed Brent had a decent reason for splitting us up today. After all, I hadn’t screwed up in almost a whole week.

  When I walked in, I saw Stuart, the government liaison who was around a lot, and Tad. I hadn’t worked with Tad for a while, at least, not since he almost got Lisa killed. Tad was about six feet tall, brown hair and eyes, thin, and as attractive as he was arrogant, which was very. I tried to school the annoyance off my face, but given Brent’s hard stare as I sat down, I must’ve fallen short of the mark.

  Stuart had blond hair and blue eyes, and had a well put together body and face. I liked him, as a liaison I mean. He looked tough, like he’d be at home out on the football field, but of course he was also human and wouldn’t have a chance against any supernatural. Not one on one, without a lot of firepower anyway.

  “What’s the job boss?”

  He sighed, “There’s a vampire council member in Dallas, they’re meeting with Stuart here, the mayor, and the chief of police. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s been a movement in some countries to turn over law enforcement to the vampires, and to legalize compulsion during questioning. It’s a controversial thing to say the least.”

  “Wait, the council?”

  There were vampire councils in every city, and then there was the main one, in Europe, who ruled their whole race and set policy for the rest all over the world.

  Tad rolled his eyes, and I didn’t punch him, even though I really wanted to. His arrogance really annoyed me, it always had, but ever since he managed to let Lisa be stabbed with a sword I really didn’t like him. See, progress. The old me would have at least rolled her eyes, and quite likely called him a dick. Honestly, it was a little weird, it was like I was getting to know the real me.

  Brent nodded, “Yes, his name is Gene, and he brought along several guards. The mayor, chief, and Stuart believe that it would be prudent to have supernatural bodyguards of their own in the meeting, as a symbolic gesture for the most part. They aren’t expecting any violence, but the vampires like to negotiate from strength. Needless to say, I’m going to need you to be on your best behavior today.”

  It also explained why Lisa and I had been split apart. If this really was an old vampire, he might have recognized who Lisa really was. I wasn’t sure what the fallout of that would be, but it probably wasn’t good. I knew she didn’t deserve the appellations history had given her, Annaliese the butcher, and Annaliese the betrayer, but I was just as sure whoever this guy was he wouldn’t know that at all. Either that, or he was one of the architects of those political lies.

  “Alright, when do we leave?”

  Brent said, “In a minute, the mayor’s security force will be in charge. Don’t act without their orders.”

  “That’s stupid.”

  Oops, it just slipped out.

  Brent glared, “Maybe, but it’s the way it is.”

  “Alright, I’ll be good, even if it does get the mayor killed. At least I’ll know I obeyed my orders.”

  Stuart looked amused.

  Tad said, “She has a point boss, by the time a human bodyguard’s mind and reflexes catches up to any situation, they’ll all be dead.”

  I looked at Tad in shock, and then back to Brent.

  Stuart said, “That may well be true, but this is nothing but added political posturing. If the council member of the vampire race attacked and killed a mayor and his chief of police, along with me of course, they would derail their own worldwide plans. On the other hand, if they’re able to provoke an incorrect response from our bodyguards, we’ll lose political points in the negotiation. Just look grim and scary, it’s only for one afternoon.”

  Hmm, I had sexy locked up, I wasn’t sure if I could do scary. I’d have to settle for grim, and still sexy? Of course, grim on a woman was called bitch face, so I think I’d just go with expressionless. And… still sexy.

  Brent said, “I trust that makes everything clear?”

  I replied, “Crystal sir.”

  Tad nodded.

  Brent said, “Alright, get out of here then, you’ll be riding with Stuart.”

  I was already loaded out, but I swapped the iron bullet magazine for silver on the way back to the elevator. I usually carry one of each loaded, but now that I knew what I’d be up against it was silver all the way. I still had my sword, and iron throwing knives, if things went south in a way I didn’t expect.

  We went down to sub-level one, and got in one of the nicer cars. Tad drove, and I sat in the back with Stuart.

  Stuart said, “You’ve changed.”

  I smirked, “I’m still me. Why?”

  Stuart shrugged, “You’re more intimidating. Assured, rather than confrontational.”

  “And that’s a good thing?”

  Stuart nodded, and looked away.

  I kind of got that, he was married, and he was probably getting the full effect of my pheromones in the tight enclosed space of the car. I’d seen the effect before, men who loved their wives got uncomfortable and fidgety around me, and Stuart and other men like him proved my abilities weren’t absolute. At least, not unless I used my enthralling song, which I’d never do. Not anymore.

  And even when I’d been a young delinquent, I’d never used it on a happily married man.

  I wondered if that’s why they wanted me there, to throw a few male vampires off their game. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, I’d have rather been hunting someone down, or protecting someone who was truly in danger. Not… being used as a political chess piece.

  It also seemed a little ridiculous to me, putting vampires in charge of policing normal humans just sounded like a really bad idea. Like putting the fox watching the hen house, since humans were their food source. Plus, I couldn’t see the lawyers accepting compulsion as legal, not here in the United States anyway, it went against the fifth amendment after all, taking away their right to remain silent, or to lie their asses off. Oh, perjury was a crime, but they still had the right to do it, free will and all.

  Even when it came to supernatural criminals, the humans and their courts were the ones truly in charge, using security companies like sub-contractors. I couldn’t imagine them turning over that control. Still, there might be a compromise somewhere in the middle, which might even be the vampire council’s true goals, at least for the short term. I kept my silence though, I wasn’t here for my political acumen. I was also a little surprised Brent was trusting me with this assignment, but maybe he hadn’t had any choice.

  Not that I had any, political insight I mean, I hated politics. It looked to be a boring day, or at least, I hoped it would be. If a bodyguard had an exciting day, it was a bad day.

  We got to city hall, and I stepped out of the car, already in the protection mind set. I looked around, and felt with my
magic. There were far too many people around, but nothing set my instincts off. Maybe I didn’t even need to worry about it considering the job, but right now Stuart was my client, so I was doing things by the book. Perhaps the vampires wouldn’t attack him, but it was a politically charged idea, so who knows if someone else might want to derail things. I wasn’t taking anything for granted.

  Neither was Tad, and he nodded at me to indicate things looked clear, and I opened up Stuart’s door. For once the left hand knew what the right was doing, and the security at city hall didn’t draw on Tad and me as we walked in loaded down with enough firepower for a small war.

  After being passed through security, we followed Stuart to a large conference room, where the mayor and chief of police were.

  The former was a woman, Janice Williams. She was five foot seven, short light blonde hair, brown eyes, and a perfect politician’s smile. She completely ignored me, which was probably a good thing, nothing good could come of it, by coming to the attention of a female in power. The chief of police was a rather large man, six foot one, brown hair and eyes, balding, and he had a bit of a paunch. Just a spare tire, but obviously still in decent shape for his distinguished age.

  There were also two agents in the room, they had Tad and I stand against the wall behind the chief and mayor as Stuart took a seat. The three of them started to talk as they waited for the vampires, but I wasn’t paying attention, not to their conversation at least. I was in bodyguard mode, and paying attention to everything else. Needed or not, it’s what I did.

  It was about fifteen minutes later, when the vampires arrived. Gene looked to be nineteen or twenty, which was when he was turned no doubt. He had short black hair, and green eyes. He was passively attractive, and had an average body that looked well-toned. His two guards were mountains of muscle and flesh, and I wondered if they were turned for just that reason. They looked intimidating, but in truth size didn’t mean all that much in the vampire world, age was power. So… those two were just meant to look intimidating to the humans?


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