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A Lesson in Love: A sweet forbidden love story

Page 8

by Agnes Canestri

  The world began to turn around Rasheed. “Know what?”

  What was she talking about? Could it be…?

  Before his thoughts could travel any further, Rose raised herself on the tips of her toes and leaned close to him. Rasheed stayed frozen as her lips reached his.

  Then the spell that seemed to bind him broke.

  His arms shot out and hauled Rose closer, pressing her body to his. Rose’s eyes, which had been closed as she kissed him, sprang open. There was an unspoken question in them, and Rasheed hurried to answer it with his lips. His mouth began to move on hers, unchaining the repressed yearning he’d felt for her all this time.

  His hands travelled up to her hair, massaging her scalp, playing with her delightful, long tresses. She responded by molding her soft curves against his. Every inch of Rasheed lit up with the exploding sensation of joy.

  Could it be true? Did Rose feel the same way about him as he felt about her?

  For the first time since he realized that he loved Rose, hope invaded his heart. Maybe there was a chance for them to be together?

  “Oh, Rasheed,” she moaned.

  It sounded as unsettling from her lips in this moment of intimacy as he had pictured it would. Strangely enough, it was exactly this that woke Rasheed from his dreaming.

  What was he doing? Hadn’t he decided that Rose didn’t need to get mixed up in anything that could hurt her reputation?

  Plus, Rose had told him that she had no experience in relationships. What if the fervor in her lips only came from the thrill of the forbidden? Maybe she just gave in to a momentarily urge. It didn’t mean she had as profound feelings for him as he did for her.

  He needed to protect her and protect his own heart at the same time.

  He gently pulled back from her kissing lips.

  A soft gasp of surprise escaped her. “What? Why?”

  He swallowed. He needed to choose the right words. To make her see the reason, he himself couldn’t see. “It’s not a good idea for us to start something like this. You have a great academic future ahead of you. If anyone found out what happened between us, it would cause a scandal.”

  Rose stepped back and hugged herself. When she spoke, her voice was cold and distant. “Well, I might be young but I’m old enough to decide for myself. Thank you very much.”

  It seemed that Rose wasn’t just trying her charms on him. Her eyes and her voice betrayed a much deeper emotion than simple lust. Maybe she was truly interested in him. But surely she couldn’t love him.

  He blinked. “Rose, you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re still so young and—”

  “Wasn’t it you who told me you aren’t much older than I am? How much age difference do you think we have? Maybe four years?” she snapped at him.


  She was right. That wasn’t a real obstacle. But still, she couldn’t risk her future for him especially if she wasn’t as convinced about her feelings as he was.

  Rose shrugged. “Five, whatever. It’s not a lot. The point is whether we’re ready to admit that there’s something more going on between us than we both pretended.”

  Rasheed rubbed his neck. If he were to confess to her now what he felt, there would be no turning back. He bit his inner lip and clenched his fist.

  If he knew Rose well enough, she might decide to give up on a scholarship just to see where things could go between them. She was a romantic.

  He couldn’t let that happen.

  An angry voice screamed in his head. Why not? This university is still a good one. If she stayed, they could be together.

  Rasheed silenced it. No. Loving someone implied sacrifices.

  True love makes you dream of becoming a better person and then actually giving you a chance of accomplishing it as you strive to make the person you love happy.

  Yes, it was his chance to do exactly that.

  He steeled his hammering heart and said, “I didn’t pretend anything. I find you an enchanting girl and I enjoyed very much kissing you. But our lives force us to go on different paths. I know this and accept this. Do you?”

  All color bleached from Rose’s cheeks and tears welled up in the bottomless blue pools of her eyes. She wiped them with a brisk gesture. “Thank you for clearing this up once and for all. Please, take me home now,” she murmured.

  She turned and rushed to the car without waiting for his answer.

  Rasheed stared at her back. He didn’t expect this. He could have taken on anything. Screams, angry words, more questions, but not this. The sorrow in Rose’s eyes shredded his insides. He knew he was the one responsible for it.

  He squared his shoulders and moved to the car. At least he’d done the right thing for her. Eventually she would see this.

  This thought would have to console him when his mind returned to this night during which, in one moment, he had touched the heavens and in the next, had burned his heart by the flames of hell.

  Chapter 13

  Rose buried her face in her pillow to hide the sobs.

  Why did she have to force the situation?

  She was clearly a masochist. She loved to suffer. There was no other sensible explanation for her actions.

  Hadn’t the voice in her head told her that her desires were all fantasies? How could a man like Rasheed love a girl like her?

  She reached up and brushed her thumb across her lower lip. She shuddered as the memory of their kiss washed over her. More tears threatened to flow, and she was too tired to stop them.

  A groan escaped her throat. If she could only turn back the clock. After tonight, it would be impossible for her to have any kind of contact with Rasheed. She’d want to crawl under her blanket each time their gazes met and she recalled how he’d refused her.

  She lifted her head and grabbed a tissue. She blew her nose loudly, while her eyes wandered to her computer screen.

  “The LeGrand Committee is pleased to inform Miss Rose Wilson that…”

  She couldn’t even be happy for her victory. The scholarship meant nothing compared to the future happiness she’d thought for a moment she could have with Rasheed.

  She had to accept it now. There was no other way. She had to get away from Rasheed, from this town, and from this country.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  Rose slouched back on to her bed as the door opened.

  Maybe if she pretended she was asleep then Stacey would leave her alone?

  Her sister walked over to Rose’s bed, and her soft steps were followed by a few loud thumps.

  Oh, no. Did Stacey enlist Elliott again for some emotional intervention?

  Rose had known her sister wasn’t going to let this go when she saw Rose enter their house with puffy eyes. But she’d hoped storming to her room and slamming the door would give a clear message that she wanted to be left alone.

  Apparently her siblings didn’t take the hint.

  Stacey’s fingers brushed across Rose’s hair. “Rosie, c’mon now. We know you’re not sleeping. What is it? Didn’t you get the scholars—”

  Stacey stopped.

  Rose opened her eyes to take a peek. Her sister’s eyes were fixed on the LeGrand email.

  Stacey furrowed her brows and waved to Elliott to come closer.

  Her brother scanned the lines, a confused grimace settling on his face. He exchanged a glance with Stacey then both of them turned back to Rose.

  Rose didn’t manage to close her eyes in time, and they caught her.

  Elliott narrowed his eyes, as he kneeled next to her bed. “Rosie, you need to tell us what’s going on. I’ve never seen you like this.”

  Stacey’s face was tense. “Do you want us to call Mom?”

  No, the last thing Rose wanted was to have to explain to their parents why she wasn’t overjoyed at receiving a full scholarship to Oxford.

  Maybe it was better if she revealed the truth to her siblings. After all, there was no use in pretending anymore.

  She inhaled and sa
t up. She grabbed a strand of hair and began to roll it on her index finger. Without looking up, she said, “Guys, I’ve something to tell you, but I need to you to put away your teasing and mocking for once, okay?”

  Stacey took a seat beside Rose. She embraced her sister. “Rose, we might not be the best sister and brother, but we love you. Seeing you like this worries us. Please tell us how we can help.”

  Elliott pulled his knees up on the floor, and caressed Rose’s foot with his hand. “I’m with Stacey here. We want to know what happened.”

  Rose swallowed twice before starting her tale. She tried to be as factual as possible. She spoke about her tender feelings for Rasheed, the way she had kept it hidden because of who he was, the weird invitation to join his sister’s dance competition, and the incredible turn the events took from there.

  Stacey and Elliott listened to her open-mouthed, their eyes as large as watermelons. After all, hearing that the sister that they thought had the most boring life had so many mysteries going on had to be a lot to take in.

  If Rose’s soul weren’t shattered, she’d have chuckled at their startled expressions.

  But she’d just gotten to the point of narrating the dinner and Rasheed’s refusal of her. Rose’s voice trembled. Her eyes welled up, and it was almost impossible to blink the tears away in time.

  “That bastard. I’m going to get him. I’m going to beat him up,” Elliott exclaimed, hitting the floor with his fist.

  Rose gasped. She didn’t expect her brother to react this way. “Ellie, please don’t. I didn’t tell you all this because I need your intervention. Rasheed has always been a gentleman with me. He helped me find my courage to apply for the scholarship, he gave me a chance to try something as amazing as belly dancing. An art I never would have imagined I was talented at. He….” Rose’s voice broke off.

  Yes, Rasheed had done nothing wrong. Not once had he misled her. It was all her doing. Elliott needed to understand this. “None of this is his fault. I kissed him.”

  Elliott’s nostrils flared.“But he kissed you back, didn’t he? That jackass.”

  Stacey leaned forward and put a hand on his shoulder. “Elliott, calm down. That’s not what Rose needs from us. If she says her teacher is innocent, we need to take her word for it.”

  Rose’s eyes flicked to her little sister’s face. The heavy eyeliner and pink eyeshadow couldn’t hide the compassionate look in Stacey’s eyes.

  When did her sister become this wise and understanding? Or was she always so? Could it be that Rose had just been too preoccupied with her own shyness to interpret Stacey’s attempts to push Rose over her limits as a sign of love?

  She gave Stacey a weak smile. “Thanks, Stace.”

  Her sister grinned. “Anytime.” She cleared her throat. “So what about this dance competition tomorrow…are you going or what? I’m dying to see your moves.”

  Rose’s heart jumped. “What? You would want to come?”

  Stacey and Elliott nodded in synchrony.

  Stacey smiled. “Of course, honey. We wouldn’t want to miss it.”

  Elliott squared his back. “How on Earth would you get to the other part of town otherwise? You can’t count on your teacher to do the delivery service now, can you?”

  Stacey rolled her eyes. “Elliott, behave.”

  Her brother put up his hands. “Okay, okay. I promise I’ll give your Rasheed a free pass. I won’t try to turn him into a pulp when I see him.”

  Rose wrinkled her nose. “Jeez, thanks, Elliott. But please don’t call him my Rasheed. Despite my wish, he isn’t and won’t be mine.”

  As Rose pronounced these words, a chill spread in her chest.

  Saying the truth out loud was liberating but daunting at the same time. This was the official end to her dreams and wishful thinking. From now on, she had to keep her thoughts and emotions in check. At least until she travelled to Oxford. Then, not seeing Rasheed’s ebony irises, might allow her soul to find some peace.

  Stacey gave Rose a soft nudge between the ribs. “Hey, do you think he will be there tomorrow, too?”

  Rose nodded. “Yes, it’s his sister’s contest, after all.” She rubbed her cheeks. “I’m not sure how I’m going to do this. I don’t want to see him anymore aside from the few classes I need to attend before the semester is over.”

  Stacey shrugged. “Then just tell his sister you won’t go to the competition if he comes.”

  Rose’s eyes widened. “I can’t do that. It’s her brother and—”

  Elliott clicked with his tongue. “Oh, Rosie. You’re always too considerate of everybody else’s feelings. I think this new improved and adventurous you should have learned already that there are moments when you need to be selfish.”

  Stacey rubbed her back. “Yes, honey. You’re heartbroken. Anyone can see that. But you’re still going through with your promise of helping out Rasheed’s sister. I think it’s great.”

  Rose bit her lip. “I’m not doing it for Aisha or for Rasheed. I do love belly dancing. I feel free and joyful when I do it.”

  Stacey winked. “All the better. But don’t put an extra weight on your shoulders by forcing yourself to see Rasheed tomorrow after what happened tonight.”

  Rose sucked in a breath. Maybe her siblings were right. Maybe it was time she stopped acting like a good girl putting everybody else’s interests in front of her own. After all, she was going to need to start watching out for herself if she travelled to Oxford alone.

  The memory of Rasheed’s taste in her mouth flooded her mind, but she pushed it away.

  No, this was a new beginning. An awakening.

  And her Arabian dreams needed to remain exactly that. Dreams.

  She reached out and grabbed her phone.

  Chapter 14

  Rasheed sat on the sofa, staring at a book. He’d been on the same page for more than ten minutes now, reading the same lines over without registering the words’ meanings. His eyes were fixed on the book but his mind was somewhere else.

  Out in the desert with Rose.

  How deliciously sweet she had tasted… And that gleam in her eyes before her lips closed on his. Like the night-sky, magnificent and mysterious at the same time.

  Rasheed knew he’d have to return to reality eventually. To the cold, cruel, and senseless present in which he’d refused the only woman he had ever loved.

  For now, he let his mind savor the pleasure that the memory awakened in him a second more.

  A strong slap landed on his forearm and he flinched.

  He blinked and jerked his head up.

  Aisha was gawking at him, with furrowed brows and a frown. “What have you done, brother? What have you done?” Her voice shook from the suppressed anger.

  Rasheed tightened his jaw. So she knew. How did she find out?

  In the end, it didn’t matter. He would have told his sister sooner or later. He just wanted to wait for the moment when his tongue wouldn’t give up on him.

  “Who told you Rose and I kissed?” he asked.

  Aisha’s mouth dropped. “You kissed Rose?”

  Rasheed’s brows shot up. “You didn’t know? But then why did you snap at me?”

  Aisha sat beside him, rubbing her forehead. “But if you kissed her, then why? I don’t get it.”

  Rasheed pivoted to his sister and grabbed at her wrist. “Aisha, you’re not making sense. Tell me what happened. Why did you snap at me?”

  Aisha blinked at him. “I just spoke to Rose on the phone. She told me that she won the scholarship.”

  “She did?” Rasheed’s heart squeezed. He had expected this outcome but somehow the ache he felt as the news hit him was still unworldly.

  He gritted his teeth and shook his head. No, this was for the best. It was the future that he wished for Rose.

  Aisha watched him with narrowed eyes. “Yes, but somehow she didn’t seem happy about it. She also said she told her brother and sister about the dance contest, and they agreed to take her to the theater tomo
rrow, so that you can keep your lecture at the university.”

  Rasheed’s chest squeezed, and he had difficulty breathing.

  It was all his fault. He’d made Rose so upset with his inconsequent behavior that now she wasn’t even ready to be in the same car with him. His thoughts wandered back to the awful silence and icy atmosphere on the way back from the restaurant.

  It was understandable that Rose didn’t want to live through that again.

  He slanted a side-glance at his sister. “That’s…very thoughtful of her. My students would surely appreciate it given the upcoming exams. Also it’s not like you need my drummer skills given that all participants will be assisted by Mohammed, the contest’s official percussionist.”

  Aisha looked like she was having a hard time controlling herself. Her chin trembled and her eyes were almost two straight lines. “Brother, you need to spill the beans.”

  Rasheed pressed his lips together. “There is nothing to tell. It’s between me and Rose.”

  Aisha sucked in a breath. “You said you kissed her? Then how come she’d rather risk being ridiculed by her siblings by confessing what she did behind their backs, than accept you taking her to the theater?”

  Rasheed gulped. Why did he have to blabber out this secret when Aisha came at him? But the answer was there before he even had to rack his brain for it.

  Guilt and shame. He felt horrible about what he had done.

  Maybe if he confided in Aisha then this unbearable weight on his chest would lift? It was worth a try.

  He buried his face into his hands and, without daring to look at his sister, he told her what happened after his dinner with Rose.

  Aisha didn’t interrupt him, but he heard her shift in her place twice. When he was finished, he readied himself for his twin’s fiery comments.

  Aisha hummed to herself.

  After a few seconds, Rasheed lifted his gaze. “Don’t you have any opinion to share on what an idiot I’ve been?”

  Aisha’s eyes were filled with compassion as she shook her head. “No, brother, I don’t. I think you did the right thing.”


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