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Changing Roles

Page 15

by Melanie Moreland

  She nestled back into me with a quiet sigh. “Okay.”

  Cupping my hands, I filled them with water, dripping it down over her shoulders, watching as it ran past her collarbone and over her breasts. Smiling, I cradled them, stroking her nipples, watching as they pebbled under my touch. I loved how responsive she was to me.

  I hadn’t stopped touching her since we got home. We made love twice in the night, once this morning, then I shagged her in the kitchen—totally interrupting her attempts to make us something to eat. I bent her over the counter, taking her roughly as she screamed my name. I couldn’t help it—she was wearing my shirt from last night, most of the buttons missing and the ends tied loosely around her hips. And a pair of my boxers. She said it was because I tore hers off; I was certain she wore them deliberately, knowing what it would do to me. What did she expect as she stood there looking all tousled and sexy?

  I had no choice.

  Afterward, we sat on the floor, feeding each other the remnants of the meal she’d tried to make. Finally taking pity on her, I drew a warm bath and slipped in behind her, content simply to hold her, feeling her close.

  Until she moved once too often, brushing up against my ever-hardening cock.

  Although I never had much, I had lost whatever control I might have possessed over my own willy. It was as if he had a fucking mind of his own, and it was centered on Shelby completely. Her pussy was his own drug of choice, and now that he’d had a taste, he was addicted. Big-time.

  I brushed her ear with my mouth, my voice a low rumble. “Shelby, I know you have to be sore. We’ve been going at it for hours. Either stop moving, or I won’t be responsible for what happens next.”

  She chuckled, the sound feminine and knowing. “I think you’d be totally responsible. I think you’d be happy to claim responsibility.”

  I groaned as she crowded against me. “My dick wants to shag you…again.”

  She pressed her lips against my throat, scraping my skin lightly with her teeth. “Poor OJ.”


  There was another nip followed by a giggle. “Oscar Junior.”

  I pulled her close, letting my hard dick press against her. “May I remind you, Beaker, there is nothing junior about my cock?”

  Her breathing picked up, and she panted against my neck. “Yes, Liam…remind me.” She lifted over me, then slammed down on my aching erection, causing the water to rise and spill over the edge of the tub, hitting the floor like a small waterfall. “Remind me hard.”

  I hissed as she repeated the action. There wouldn’t be any water left in the tub if we kept this up. And I was okay with that. We had lots of towels.

  So, once again, I gave in. I had no choice. It was two against one.

  OJ and Shelby.

  What a team.

  I was so fucked.

  Thank God.

  “Liam, are you listening?”

  I tore my eyes away from Shelby and looked at Everett. He was frowning at me, and I searched my brain, trying to remember what he had been talking about. I’d finally turned on my phone and reset the security code so he could once again get through the gates. He wasn’t overly happy with me when he got here and couldn’t gain access to the house or when he saw the rumpled state of both his sister and me. It wasn’t my fault she looked so sexy making coffee I had to snog her until he showed up. He should have arrived faster.

  I nodded. “Excellent. Right. Next week.”

  He sighed. “You’ll be gone for a week, back for a week, then you need to head to New York for a few days for another location shoot, and then you’re home for the rest of the filming. I’m still working with the studio about your promotion schedule for the release of Nighthawk.”

  My gaze drifted back to Shelby. Her head was bent over her laptop as she typed away, her hair falling over her shoulder in dark waves. The late sunlight streaming in behind her caused a burnished glow around her head. I thought about how soft her hair was, how thick it felt when my hands were buried in it, kissing her, shagging her, or when her mouth was wrapped around…

  “Liam!” Everett slammed his hand on the table.

  I snapped my gaze back to him. “Back home. Brilliant.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Stop eye-fucking my sister. We need to go over this entire schedule. Give it a break, and concentrate.”

  I was eye-fucking her again. I couldn’t help it; she was far too irresistible when she was that close to me. I smirked at him. “Well, if you’d leave, I’d stop the eye-fucking and commence with the real—”

  He threw up his hands. “That’s my sister! Jesus! Shut up!”

  I grinned. “Aye. Your sister. Not mine.”

  He groaned, dropping his head into his hands. Shelby looked over at us, a smile curving her lips. “Liam, behave. Stop freaking Everett out.”

  I winked at her. “It’s fun.”

  “Oscar.” Her voice held a warning tone.

  “Fine,” I huffed. “I’ll behave. Now, where were we?”

  Everett pulled out a file. “They got a lot of pictures of you two the other night. Clear ones. They’re now scrambling to find out who Shelby is—that’s three times in a row she’s been out in public with you.” He pushed the file toward me. “It’s only a matter of time.”

  I looked through the file. They were clear—innocuous for the most part. My arm around her, walking into the building. The two of us smiling at each other as we walked. A couple of grainier ones inside. The ones of us leaving, our heads lowered, Mark in front of us as we headed to the car. The last one I paused at and studied closely. It was taken before we left the building, obviously with a zoom lens. I was talking to Shelby, my hand cupping her face as I instructed her what I needed her to do when we left. She was gazing up at me, her hand wrapped around my wrist, and the moment the camera captured was oddly intimate. I returned my gaze to Ev, who stared back at me, serious.

  “We could issue a statement. Get ahead of this frenzy,” he offered.

  “No. I’m not commenting on my personal life. I’m actually surprised they haven’t figured it out yet. Shelby comes and goes from here all the time. They must have a few photos of her on file.”

  He glanced toward Shelby and shrugged. “Your household staff has never been a topic of interest before. I don’t think they’ve realized the mysterious woman in red and your housekeeper are the same person yet.” He dug through some photos and held up two—one of Shelby in her gown with me, and the other a shot of her leaving the grounds taken at some point, her hair up, sunglasses on, wearing jeans and a baggy T-shirt, probably one of mine. “They hardly look like the same woman.” He lifted a shoulder in apology. “Sorry, Shelby.”

  Shelby waved her hand. “It’s fine, Ev. I hardly recognize myself once Lily gets through with me.”

  I took the photos, studied them, then smiled at Shelby. I held up the picture of her taken on a regular day. “I prefer you like this. You don’t need all the other stuff. You’re perfect when you’re simply you.”

  Shelby blushed, and Everett rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “Cheeseball.”

  I flipped him the bird, and he chuckled then became serious again. “They will figure it out, and soon, and then the shit is gonna hit the fan. Cassidy has been taking calls and fielding inquiries all day. It’ll only increase. They were all around when I came through the gates. They’ll surround the library event. I’ve already instructed the organizers we’ll need extra security.”

  I rolled my eyes. I was looking forward to that event. It had never garnered much media attention in the past, and I was hoping it would be the same this year. Everett didn’t seem bothered, though.

  “It’s been growing and getting bigger every year since you came on board. It’s more publicity for them. They’re not surprised.”

  I hated this part of my career. The constant intrusiveness of being chased by photographers over the most mundane things. I could never figure out what was so fascinating about me buying a bag of crisps at the
corner store or why a hundred photos had to be taken while I did. It was only a bloody bag of crisps—hardly newsworthy. I was grateful I would be busy filming for a while. At least on set I was insulated from all this craziness. And Everett would make sure Shelby was okay while I was gone.

  I looked at Shelby, who returned my gaze calmly. I turned back to Everett. “We carry on.”

  He huffed as he shut the file. I grabbed the last picture before he could pull it away. I rather liked it.

  “My sister,” he muttered in warning.

  “I’ll keep her safe,” I assured him.

  Shelby smiled at us both.

  Shelby ran her fingers through my hair again, and I frowned. “I don’t want to go next week.”

  “You have to. It’s your job.”

  “I’ll miss you.”

  She kept playing with my hair. I loved it when she did. “I’ll miss you as well,” she whispered, her voice soothing. “But it’s only a week, and then you’re home. We’ve been apart longer than that before.”

  “I didn’t know I loved you then.”

  Her eyes softened, and she leaned down to press her lips to mine. “You’ll be fine. You’re always so busy on set anyway, and I’ll be here when you get back.”

  “What will you do while I’m gone?”

  “I think Caroline is coming while you’re gone, so I’ll be busy with her.”

  “You still plan on introducing her to Douglas?”

  She nodded. “They’re perfect for each other.”

  “Aside from the fact that he lives here, and she lives in Chicago. Yeah. Bloody perfect,” I snorted.

  “She’s a photographer, Liam. She can work anywhere. She used to come visit me in Sacramento all the time.”

  “Well, good to know you have it planned out for them.” I stroked her cheek. “I don’t know if Douglas is in the market for a relationship. Don’t be too disappointed if it doesn’t happen the way you hope, okay?”

  She smiled. “It’s fine. But I have a good feeling about them.”

  I grinned at her. “I have a good feeling about you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I pulled her head down, kissing her inviting mouth. Her fingers threaded deeper into my hair, holding me close as we lost ourselves. She nipped my lip as I pulled back, looking rather mischievous. Her voice was husky. “Liam…I’m thirsty.”

  As strange as that seemed at this moment, I pushed off the sofa, heading for the kitchen. “What do you want?” I asked over my shoulder.


  I stopped midstride and looked back.

  Did she mean…?

  She sat stock-still, grinning widely at me. “A great big shot of OJ.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “You really don’t want to be testing me on that, Beaker.”

  She quirked her eyebrow at me, still grinning.

  Quirked. Like a challenge.

  “Would that be a…hard thing for you to manage?” She giggled.

  I covered the distance back to the sofa in two strides, pausing only to swoop her into my arms and head for the stairs. “I’ll show you hard.”

  She nuzzled my throat. “I hope so.”

  If I thought I adored Shelby before, the last couple of days had sealed the deal for me. Being with her, being able to touch her, kiss her anytime I wanted was amazing. I followed her around like a puppy dog at times, hating to be in another room. I only wanted to be where she was, no matter what she was doing. Even letting her get ready alone today was hard. But so worth it when she appeared at the head of the stairs.

  She was cracking today.

  I smiled at her as she came toward me. Her dress was still red but had some frothy black stuff on it and was shorter this time, showing off her lovely legs. Her feet had healed enough that she was wearing heels, although lower than Lily would’ve liked. The only jewelry on her today was the bracelet, but she still wore some token of mine on her body.

  I had even cajoled Lily into letting me go without a tie since the event was less formal. It always took place outside in a massive garden, where people milled about at will. The speeches were minimal, the auction being the large draw. I always donated several things to it: signed scripts, a visit to the set of a movie I was working on; I even had dinner with a family one year. Whatever would net the most money for their cause. I got my love of books from my mother, and I did this in her honor every year. She got a kick out of that and loved knowing I helped the library and its many programs keep going. I had a soft spot for any cause that had to do with children. Most of my charitable contributions, either monetary or timewise, were donated to these types of causes.

  Everett and Cassidy were going with us, as well as Mark. I was secure knowing I would be safe with them, and having Shelby beside me, I was quite calm. She was the perfect antidote to my panic attacks. It was as if needing to protect her made my own anxiety dissipate.

  I crooked my arm. “You ready to do this?”

  She stood on her toes, and I leaned down to meet her. Her full lips grazed mine. “I’m right here, Liam. I won’t let go.”

  I kissed her again. “Me either.”

  I looked out the window of the car as we pulled up outside the building. “Bloody hell.” It was a frenzy out there. Stirrings of panic began in my stomach, and I swallowed nervously.

  Beside me, Shelby squeezed my hand. “Maybe…maybe I shouldn’t go in. If you went without me, they’d just leave, right? No picture, no story?”

  “No!” I gasped out at the same time both Everett and Cassidy said it, albeit a little less forcefully. I turned to her, gripping her hand hard. “I need you, Shelby. Please.”

  Everett spoke up, his voice calm. “It’ll be fine. They can’t move from behind the barricades. Mark will be in front, and I’m right behind you. There’s no red carpet, no reason to stop. Just get out and walk. Cassidy will handle anything she feels is necessary. We’ll leave out the back when it’s done.” He covered Shelby’s hand with his. “I warned you. You need to make up your mind right now. You okay to do this?”

  She straightened her shoulders. “Yes.”

  I huffed out a sigh of relief and winked at her, trying to remain composed. “Ta, Beaker.”

  She laughed, and I steeled myself.

  “Let’s do this.”

  The flashes were endless and the shouting loud. They were relentless.

  Who’s the arm candy, Liam?

  Flavor of the week, pretty boy?

  Planning on another fuck and run, Liam?

  How do Carly and Gillian feel about your new toy?

  How long until you dump her for someone new?

  Shelby stumbled when one woman, presumably a fan, screamed out to “get your dirty mitts off my man,” but I held on tight, and we made it inside as quickly as possible.

  I pulled her into my arms once the door was closed, my eyes meeting Ev’s over her shoulder, both of us worried about her reaction. He was right; the pressure was getting more intense every time we went out together.

  “Not fucking cool,” I muttered. “They’re the ones that make up most of this shit about me, and then they act like it’s the truth! I’m not the party boy they write about!”

  Shelby drew back, shaking her head. “I can’t believe they do—” she gestured wildly toward the door “—that. Just because you have a new date?” She sighed and shook her head. “I should go out there and tell them you’re just a guy who can’t find the laundry basket or the bloody toilet half the time. You fart and burp with the best of them. That ought to cool them off.” She huffed. “And dump me? Huh. Maybe I’ll dump you first, pretty boy.” Then she grinned and started to giggle. Cassidy joined in her merriment.

  Everett and I gaped at her before we joined in.

  I kissed her head in silent gratitude. Instead of freaking out, she was handling it like a pro. And making me relax.

  But she was paying for the toilet remark when we got home.

  They hounded us the entire event. Cell pho
nes and cameras were out everywhere we went. I knew photographers were set up all around, their zoom lenses pointed at us, following our every move. Being outdoors, there were only so many places we could hide, so we chose to ignore it all and enjoyed ourselves the best we could. I knew both Ev and Cassidy would be busy with all the media, considering the number of pictures being taken. I also knew Shelby’s identity would be made public and the anonymity she presently enjoyed would be over. Our life was about to change. As if she knew what I was thinking, she kissed me softly on the cheek. “So worth it, Liam,” she whispered.

  I hugged her close, unsure how I got so lucky to have found her, but grateful I did.

  I only hoped she felt the same way a few weeks from now.

  Because this was only going to get worse. The closer I got to a movie release, the more attention I received; it was simply the way it was for me. With publicity for Nighthawk ramping up, I would be under more scrutiny for a while. It always died off once the hype for the movie was over, but it never ended completely. I had gotten better at evading them a good deal of the time, but there were times, like now, I couldn’t avoid them. Add in a new relationship, and they would be that much more virulent.

  I looked down at Shelby, who was talking to Everett, her hand clasped in mine.

  I would do whatever I had to do to protect her from this side of my life, as much as I could. She was a very private person. I knew she hated this aspect, but she would accept it because of me. I wanted to make it as easy on her as I could.

  She was too important to me.

  I wanted to make sure she felt I was worth it.




  I woke up, my hand searching for the warmth of Shelby, only to find the bed cold. Bloody hell, it didn’t matter how late I kept her up, she was always awake and on the go long before I was in the mornings.


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