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Daddy's Girls

Page 12

by Andrews, Stella

  Jennifer rolls her eyes. “This is all a bit Harry Potter, isn’t it? I’m starting to wonder what the hell I was thinking enrolling her here.”

  I laugh and nod in agreement. “Me too. It has a good reputation though.”

  Jennifer laughs softly. “Apparently it does.”

  Our attention is drawn to the stage as an impressive man in a gown stands up and says in a loud, strong voice.

  “Ladies and Gentleman and new pupils of Harvey-Vallard. My name is Principal Armstrong and I want to welcome you all to our school.”

  I look at him with interest and find little to warm to. He has a sharp look to him and looks as if he will be a hard taskmaster. Once again, I worry about the choice Ryder has made.

  He carries on for a while and then wraps it up by calling the children forward. They are divided into three classes and introduced to their new teacher. As Cassie follows in line, the only comfort I get is that Imogen is close behind her. At least she has a friend to settle in with. It would appear the alliance was formed as soon as they met. I just hope nothing happens to rock this boat of privilege. As long as Cassie is happy, then so am I.

  The parents are then treated to welcome drinks and a chance to mix with the teachers and other parents. Jennifer stays by my side and we soon discover that we think along the same lines. I find out that Jennifer’s husband travels a lot overseas and works for the government. When she asks about Ryder, I brush off the question by saying he runs a security business.

  It must be half an hour later that we are introduced to the principal.

  He wanders over and looks at us both keenly.

  “Ladies, I am pleased to meet you. I’m Principal Armstrong. I pride myself on a very hand on approach with our new families and trust you will be very happy here.”

  As I shake his hand and smile I shiver inside. His gaze is predatory and his eyes rake me from head to toe making me feel exposed. He swings his gaze to Jennifer who has grown a little more subdued. It appears she feels the same because the look she throws me mirrors my own.

  Standing back, he smirks. “Now, I will shamelessly recruit you to our parent’s association. We meet once a week in the library and work together to ensure that your little darlings have the best possible experience they can with us. I do hope that I can count on your participation.”

  I remind myself that I’m here for Cassie and will do whatever I have to make her happy so I smile brightly.

  “Of course. Just tell me when and where.”

  Jennifer nods. “You can count on me too.”

  He smiles. “Good. We meet tomorrow after you drop your children off. 9 o'clock, don’t be late. I’d hate to have to give you a detention on your first day.”

  He heads off chuckling to himself and Jennifer pulls a face. “Ew, gross. Do you think he realizes just how creepy he is?”

  I laugh. “Probably not. Men like that think they’re invincible. I just pity the poor woman he married.”

  Jennifer grins. “Well, if you’re up to it, how about grabbing a coffee with me and we can get to know everything about each other as only good friends do.”

  I smile and shake my head. “I would love to but I’m afraid I have to get back. I’m meeting a friend but I’m free tomorrow if you are.”

  Jennifer pulls a face. “I have a feeling we’ll need stronger stuff than coffee after our parents meeting but you’re on, tomorrow it is.”

  We walk out together and as she chats away, I feel happy that I’ve made a friend. Maybe it won’t be so bad. First impressions can sometimes be distracting. I’m sure that once we both settle in the reason for Ryder sending Cassie here will become evident.



  I feel in a bad mood. Things are not going to plan with Ashton and it’s making me cranky. I said she could take as long as she needs but my own needs are consuming me and making me think of nothing else. It’s pure hell watching her every day, becoming everything I want in life as she cares for me and my daughter in the most captivating of ways.

  She wants to get to know me. Well, if she knew who she had married, she would be running for the hills. I need to prove to her that I’m hers and it’s proving a lot fucking harder than I ever thought it would be.

  The guys’ sense I’m off and keep their distance. I’m a difficult son of a bitch at the best of times and the fact I haven’t got laid in days, is sending me off the edge.

  Luckily, we have a few distractions to keep my temper in check. When we ride, we have business to sort out and the establishment have fucked up big time and need us to sort out their shit.

  The problems we deal with are not the kind they want in the newspapers. The courts would make the wrong decision and the country in chaos if they realized just how fucked up their government is. These guys make many mistakes and don’t want to pay the price. It’s why we live a comfortable life with no fear. What we know would bury them all and every one of them has a dirty little secret they want to protect.

  This morning we paid a man a visit who is threatening to blow the lid on a certain Senator who’s dealing in the hard stuff. He wants to protect his perfect image, not to mention his American dream perfect family and respectable life. The guy we took out is scum of the worst kind. A drug lord who deals in misery and pain and is responsible for ruining many innocent lives and not giving a fuck. He lines the streets with white powder and rakes in the money behind him. The courts would have to let him go on a technicality and he would be free to stick his two fingers up to our rules and laws and carry on his disgusting trade.

  The greatest pleasure I get is the realization in their eyes when they realize it’s ‘Game Over.’

  How I love that look as they quiver under my hand. Their eyes cloud with defeat and their bravado deserts them. As I extinguish them from society, I do so with the support of every poor fucker they have harmed. Retribution is what feeds my soul. I’ve never needed anything else—until now.

  Snake interrupts my thoughts as he sits down heavily on the couch in my office.

  “Man, I need a drink. That was pretty heavy today.”

  I nod. “It sure was. I never like it when they plead for their life and cry like a baby. It’s funny how soft they turn under pressure.”

  Snake sighs. “They’ll never learn. Everyone wants to live the dream but do it at the expense of another. Sometimes this job is a hard path to tread.”

  Brewer looks weary. “I need to go and get laid. It’s the only place I can forget, deep inside my old lady. She drives the images away and brings me back to reality.”

  Snake laughs. “I’m with you there, bro. In fact, I think Bonnie is around somewhere teaching Ashton how to fight - again. They’re at it every day and I’m just surprised you can still walk, Ryder. Bonnie knows some shit that even surprises me. I’m betting Ashton’s getting quite the education.”

  I laugh but it’s without humor. Yes, Ashton is learning but she never practices with me. It’s as if she doesn’t want me to lay a hand on her in any way. It’s starting to get to me and yet I don’t know shit about how to change this strange situation we’ve fallen into. I’m used to women fighting to get me to even notice them, let alone feeling me inside them. The only one I want though is Ashton, and she’s proving the biggest challenge of my life.

  Snake kicks back his chair and growls. “Fuck this. I need my woman and I couldn’t give a shit if she’s busy.”

  Brewer grins “I’m with you, bro. Those women better down whatever they’re doing because they’re about to have the time of their life.”

  I roll my eyes. “Keep telling yourself that, Brewer.”

  I laugh as he throws a cushion at my head and rushes out to find his woman.

  Snake grins. “Come on, you can distract Ashton and give me what I want. With nobody to play with Bonnie will have no excuse not to play with me.”

  Sighing inside, I follow him out.

  I can hear laughter as we approach Snake’s house. It rings out throug
h the window and places a smile on my face. How sweet that sound is to me. I never thought I would crave a sound more than the happiness of a woman who is fast becoming everything to me.

  Snake appears to be a man on a mission and I note the surprise in Bonnie’s eyes as she looks up when we head inside the room. As she sees his face I watch with interest as her expression changes. I see the lust, the desire, the expectation and the need in her face as they connect. No words are spoken just an understanding between two lovers who tread the same path.

  Then my gaze switches to Ashton and I suck in my breath. I’ll never get used to the way my world spins when I look into those baby blues. They draw me deep into her soul and hold me captive. I’m a prisoner of my own desire and the fact I have yet to taste the sweetness within, heightens the need.

  Bonnie straightens up and smiles at Ashton.

  “It appears our session is over for today. By the looks of the two of them, we are needed for a very different kind of workout.”

  I smile as Ashton blushes and looks to the floor. Snake grins and I put them out of their misery. I extend my hand towards my wife and say gently.

  “Let’s leave them to it, darlin’. I’ve missed you this morning, it will be good to spend some time alone.”

  As she takes my hand, I grip it tightly. Snake has already swept Bonnie over his shoulder and is carrying her squealing from the room. Grinning, I pull Ashton away.

  As we take the short walk to our house, I feel unsettled. This life I’m living sucks in every way. It’s not only the sweetest time of my life but also the most frustrating. I can’t lie with another while I have such a prize in my sights. I feel a loyalty to the woman holding my hand so tightly and wouldn’t want another even though I know I could. She is silent beside me and I expect she was shocked by Snake’s caveman tactics. It was obvious what he was needing and I expect she finds it a hard sight to see.

  No words are spoken as we walk the short distance and by the time we reach the door I’m resigned to an afternoon of small talk and desperation.

  The house always feels different when Cassie isn’t here. Big, empty and hollow. Now that Ashton lives here though it feels like home. Maybe we should do something together this afternoon. I could take her out and spend time with her. Maybe a change of scene is just what we both need. It can get very intense in the compound and sometimes it’s good to wallow in real life once in a while to realign the balance.

  My mind made up, I throw the keys on the table and turn to face my wife. However, when I look into those eyes, I can see that something is very different.

  There is a determination in them that was missing before. She stands tall and proud and the little-lost girl inside her has been replaced with confidence and something else I can’t place.

  I look at her with interest and raise my eyes. “Something you wanna say, darlin’?”

  She smiles with a wickedness I’ve never seen in her before and I catch my breath as she says in a husky voice.

  “It’s time for me to beg.”



  I’m not sure how but over the last few days something has changed inside me. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling more confident in my role here as a mother to Cassie. Or maybe it’s because I’ve made so many friends who appear to accept me in every way. But most of all, it’s because I’m drawn to the man I now call my husband.

  He keeps his distance as promised but I wish he wouldn’t. Every time I see him I picture us together. His hard-muscle-bound body pressed against mine and the look in his eyes as he drives inside me. I want him more than anything and it’s fast becoming the most important thing in my life.

  Bonnie’s been teaching me to fight and I’m coming along well. It’s surprisingly easy and now I feel I could take on the world. My new confidence is making me change inside and there is only one last piece of the puzzle to fit. The most important and the one I want the most - Ryder.

  When they came to find us, I knew. As soon as he walked in the room, it hit me like a thunderbolt. Snake and Bonnie ceased to exist—just him. It was as if the sun came out from behind the clouds and I saw the future before me. I am ready to beg him for what I want most and nobody is more surprised than me.

  So, as he threw those keys on the table my mind was made up. It’s time to claim my husband.

  As I say the words, I see the shock on his face and then the realization of what I’m saying hits home. I see the lust spark in his eyes and something else. A deep yearning and a need that takes my breath away. His hunger reaches out to me and draws me towards him. I have no control over my body as my legs propel me towards my prize.

  We don’t break eye contact as I walk slowly towards him. His eyes bore down deep into my soul and make me shiver inside. He is dominant, rough and so damn sexy my heart pants with desire.

  By the time I reach him I feel as if I’ll burst into flames. He reaches out and pulls me to him, hard and fast. His hand grasps the back of my head and he fists my hair. Lowering his lips to mine, he whispers darkly, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  I nod and whisper, “Yes.”

  Then he growls, “Then I want to hear you say it.”

  A voice unlike my own comes from nowhere as I say huskily.

  “I want you to fuck me, Ryder. In fact, I’m begging you to. I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  I see the flash of triumph in his eyes and the cocky bastard he is come back with a vengeance.

  Then he pushes me hard against the wall and I feel my pulse rate increase and the desire pool in my panties. God, he is so hot. I’m not sure I’m ready for such a man. I’ve no experience where he obviously has lots. He holds me hard against the wall and kicks my legs apart. He leans down and growls, “You know if we do this, there’s no going back. You’ll be mine and I yours - forever.”

  I nod and bite my lip and watch his eyes darken and fill with a potent lust. He lowers his lips to mine and kisses me with a hard, unyielding invasion that makes the light dance before my eyes. This is not gentle and reverent, this is hard and basic and so damn sexy I think I’ll pass out.

  I arch my body towards him and he growls. “I’ve waited for this for so long. Now It’s my turn to make you wait.”

  He pulls away and stares at me with animal intent. He growls. “Take it all off.”

  I should feel embarrassed, but I don’t. Without breaking eye contact I remove my clothes and as each item falls, I see the hunger increase in his eyes.

  Suddenly, I realize how powerful I am at this moment. I’m controlling him and he wants what I have to offer and I can’t wait to give it to him.

  I reach my panties and his breath quickens. With a wicked smile, I drop them to the ground and stand unashamedly before him.

  Then he removes his T-shirt and my breath falters. I swallow hard as I see the defined abs and the sweat already making his muscles shine. He is so hard, so magnificent and so mine.

  He smirks again and I see he knows the effect he is having as my breathing increases and I lick my lips. Then his hands move to his pants and he slowly unbuckles his belt and removes his jeans. I swallow hard as I see the manhood straining against his boxers. Then he releases it and I can’t tear my eyes away. Fleetingly I worry that it will fit. How is that even possible? What if he hurts me like the others? He says in a strong voice. “Look at me.”

  I raise my eyes to his and gasp at the molten desire swimming in his eyes. He says softly.

  “I won’t hurt you, darlin’. I want to show you what it’s like to be loved. Are you ready for that?”

  I feel my legs shaking as the need for him takes over. I nod and he moves before me and circles my waist. He pulls me into him and I feel his hard body rub against mine. Then he lowers his lips to mine and kisses me long and hard. I melt into him and get carried away on a wave of the unknown. I sink into him craving his body with a desperation I have never felt before. Then he lifts me up in one easy move and carries me upstairs.
r />   Ryder

  As I carry Ashton in my arms, I hold the greatest prize of my life. Nobody is more than surprised than me to find myself in this position. Her purpose came at me like a bolt from the blue and I needed no persuasion.

  As I feel her soft body in my arms, the need is overpowering. I want to show my woman what it’s like to be loved by a man. Not just any man either, the one who will always put her above all others and live to bring a smile to her lips. It’s not only my dick I want to put inside her but love in her heart until there is room for nothing else. I want to watch her blossom into a sexy, confident woman and know that I’m responsible for seeing her grow.

  This isn’t about sex, it’s about starting something beautiful that will stand the tests life throws at us. Finally, I am about to make love for the first time in my life and it feels good.

  Kicking open the bedroom door I lower her to the floor. She stands before me a quivering sexy mess and I love how her color is heightened in her cheeks and her eyes sparkle with lust. Leaning down, I taste those fuck me lips with a greed for the finer things in life. This is a banquet to savor and indulge and nothing is going to make me rush this. Ashton deserves more and who am I to deny her anything?

  Her soft body folds towards mine like a flower to the sun. I trace the softness of her curves and feel my balls throbbing with an urgency that I’ve never felt before. I push her gently down onto the bed and hear her sigh with desire. The blood rushes to my head as I fight the battle with my own desires over hers.

  Her body arches towards mine, willing me in and I swallow hard. Gently, I kiss her soft lips and then move lower, tasting her body and savoring the sweet scent and soft skin beneath my tongue. She tastes of every fucking thing I’ve ever wanted in life and it’s a powerful drug.

  I hear her whimper as I move lower and smile to myself. This will be the sweetest torture for us both. She is impatient to feel me inside her, I can tell by the desperate way she pulls me towards her.


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