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Submitting to His Lordship

Page 20


  “Congratulations, Master Gallant,” Greta said.

  He removed the remaining ropes from Miss Lily and turned to her in surprise.

  “I am sure if the child could speak, she would name you the winner,” Greta allowed.

  He bowed at her acknowledgment. He said nothing and simply looked at her, his eyes of greyish-blue crystals still glowing with lust.

  Unnerved by his stare, and not yet free of her own libidinous agitation, she bid him good evening and started for the door. If he intended to frequent the Inn, she might have to halt her own visits until she had more command of her senses around him.

  “Where are you headed, Mistress Scarlet?” he asked with a faint edge, as if he were speaking to Miss Lily.

  Greta turned around, a little perturbed at his tone. “Your pardon?”

  “I have not yet claimed my prize.”

  Perplexed, she looked over to the bed where Miss Lily continued to lie, perhaps in slumber.

  “We agreed that the winner would be awarded the maiden of his choice,” he reminded her.

  “She is yours,” Greta responded.

  “Ah, but I have not chosen her.”

  Greta let out a sigh of irritation. What the deuce did he want? To lord over her with his victory? She met his hard stare with one of her own that he might understand she had no intention of flattering him or indulging him.

  “I would have you, Miss Greta.”

  The floor fell from beneath her feet. Her breath stalled. For several moments, she did nothing but blink and stare at him. He, too, seemed to cease breathing as he awaited her response. And for the first time that evening, he appeared a little uncertain.

  When time resumed, her pulse was thrice what it had been before. A part of her thrilled at the prospect of spending a sennight with Master Gallant. In her observation of him, his skills at dominance were exceptional, nearly equal to that of Master Damien, but, at times, possessing a more tender quality. Could she thrill to the touch of a man when she had not done so in what felt like an eternity? She had to admit to being a little flattered that he desired her instead of the younger, prettier Miss Lily. But she, Mistress Scarlet, had not been the arrangement.

  We could each of us have a turn with Miss Lily, Master Gallant had said. Whomever Miss Lily chooses may then claim their heart’s desire for the appointed sennight.

  “You tricked me!” she blurted upon realizing that he had, indeed, never specified Miss Lily was to be the prize.

  “I own it was you I always intended,” he admitted with insufficient shame.

  Greta supposed she ought be grateful her anger now overwhelmed all other agitation. She was upset with herself that she had welcomed, in the slightest, the prospect of being with Master Gallant, though it had been years since last she had allowed a man to touch her. But being hoodwinked by this man infuriated her more.

  “I wonder how Madame will receive such duplicity from one of her members?” she replied.

  He did not relent. “The rules of engagement were simple and straightforward.”

  “Hardly! You think I would have agreed to your devious proposition if you had been completely forthcoming?”

  Miss Lily began to stir and sat up to inquire, “Have we finished, Master?”

  “I intend to take this matter to Madame Devereux and wonder that she would not revoke your membership for your pretty little charade!”

  Whirling on her heels, Greta stormed away in search of the proprietress, whom she found in the dining hall partaking of wine, sweetmeats and chocolate. At five and forty, Madame Devereux was Greta’s senior by twenty years but enjoyed wearing the fashion of her own youth because she found the gowns favored by women of the current era too flimsy and consisting of “virtually nothing—one might as well be en negligée.” Greta found such a perspective on clothing to be at odds for a woman who supported bold and wanton debauchery.

  Looking up from her repast, Madame Devereux assumed an expression of sympathy. “My dear Greta, I would have happily bestowed Miss Lily to you, but I could not say for certain whose tenure here prevailed, and Master Gallant was such a good member in his time.”

  “And I am not?” Greta fumed. “Have I not taken Miss Primrose under my wing and mentored her into an exalted Mistress?”

  “You had done admirably, and your efforts are much appreciated.”

  “Her two submissive ones must provide you a tidy income.”

  “Their perquisites have been beyond generous,” Madame Devereux acknowledged as she bit into a large chocolate confection.

  “And Master Gallant? Is he as well-endowed and liberal?”

  Madame Devereux gave Greta a stern look. “Take care, ma cherie, if you mean to suggest that I am one to flout the rules in favor of the heavier coin purse.”

  Chastened, Greta replied, “Your pardon, Madame, but what Master Gallant has proposed must surely be unacceptable.”

  “I approved his proposition.”

  “But he means to claim me! He admitted that he had no intention of winning Miss Lily for her sake.”

  With unconcern, Madame Devereux sipped her wine. Her nonchalance made Greta wonder if the proprietress had been a party to the charade from the beginning.

  “So you will spend a week with Master Gallant,” Madame Devereux pronounced after selecting another confection. “Poor Miss Lily will, no doubt, be disappointed.”

  “Poor Miss Lily?” Greta cried, aghast.

  “You will be the envy of many a member.”

  Greta could hardly believe her ears. “You sanction this trickery of his?”

  “It was very naughty of him but quite clever as well.”

  Greta felt her jaw drop. “I protest! I will not acquiesce to his deception.”

  “You agreed to the terms.”

  “But that was because I thought he sought to have Miss Lily—not me. And will he expect that I shall take the role of a submissive? I vow I will not!”

  Madame Devereux sighed. “I know not his intentions, but I would you not give me grief on this. The terms had been set, and if you shirk, it will set a very bad precedent here. As a member, you took an oath to follow rules.”


  “I must have order preserved.”

  Greta looked away in anguish, feeling all the dismay of a child who had learnt she was not preferred by her parents. Madame Devereux clearly favored Master Gallant. Greta was almost tempted to quit her membership, but where would she turn? There was no place like the Inn of the Red Chrysanthemum. Even if there were another establishment of its kind, would she feel as comfortable there? She would have to start anew...

  “I am not without compassion, ma cherie. If Master Gallant has no interest in Miss Lily, I will grant her to you at the end of your sennight with Charles.”

  “Thank you, Madame,” Greta muttered.

  With a heavy heart, she took her leave. She supposed she ought not be surprised that Madame Devereux would cast her support for Master Gallant, but Greta had thought his tactic so outlandish that even Madame would be unable to condone it. Her discontent with the proprietress turned into greater resentment toward Master Gallant. Mister Gallant. She would not defer to him. No matter how capable he might be. While it was true that watching him with Miss Lily, his performance not unlike that of an accomplished musician plying his instrument to produce the most inspired effects, had aroused her, and her interest had been momentarily pricked, she had not been with a man, in any capacity, in years. Nor had she any intention of taking on a partner of the opposite sex. But he and Madame Devereux had consorted to force her hand.

  Greta pressed her lips into a grim, determined line. She would fulfill her obligation and spend the sennight with Mister Gallant, but she would make him rue his decision to claim her.


  Master vs. Mistress: The Challenge Continues

  Coming Spring 2015

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  Cavern of Pleasure Series

  Mastering the Marchioness

  Conquering the Countess

  Binding the Baroness

  Red Chrysanthemum Stories

  Master vs. Mistress

  Master vs. Mistress: The Challenge Continues

  (coming Spring 2015)

  Punishing Miss Primrose, Parts I - XX

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  Other Stories

  All Wrapped Up for Christmas

  Force My Hand

  A Soldier's Seduction

  Submitting to the Rake

  Submitting to Lord Rockwell

  Submitting to His Lordship


  Hot Dads: the DILF Anthology


  Once Upon a Threesome

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