The SEAL's Christmas Baby

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The SEAL's Christmas Baby Page 19

by Katie Knight

  “Be right back,” she said to the guys, who were engrossed in their project. Lila went to the master bedroom at the end of the hall and opened her suitcase to pull out a special item she’d brought just for this occasion, then headed back to the living room. With it hidden behind her back, she walked over to the end of the sofa and cleared her throat. “Guys, could I have your attention, please?”

  Preston looked over at her. “Yeah, baby?”

  Parker kept working away on his project, until Preston nudged his arm and pointed to Lila. “What, Mommy?”

  “I’ve got something special for the tree this year, something I hope both of you will be excited about.”

  “Is it an alien?” Parker gasped. Preston snorted.

  “No. Not an alien.” She grinned. “I didn’t have time to wrap it, but here.”

  Preston took the ornament she handed him and frowned. “It’s nice. Thanks. You want me to put it on the tree?”

  Lila managed to contain her eyeroll, barely, and shook her head. “No. I want you to read it first.”

  He squinted down at the glittering, filigreed gold and the scripted writing engraved on the front. “Baby’s first Christmas 2021.”

  The words hung in the air a moment before he looked up at her with shock. “Seriously? We’re…”

  “Pregnant!” She couldn’t contain her joyous squeal this time. Preston stood and gathered her gently in his arms to kiss her soundly.

  “What’s going on?” Parker asked, his expression confused. “Mommy?”

  She kissed Preston again then took his hand and walked over to sit on the floor beside her son. “Sweetheart, how would you like to have a baby brother or sister to play with?”

  The little boy nodded. “Yes, please!”

  “Great, because Mommy’s going to have a baby next year.” She ruffled his hair.

  “Where is it now?” he asked, his eyes wide.

  “In here,” Preston said, putting his hand atop Lila’s stomach.

  “Wow!” Parker tentatively reached over to touch his mother’s abdomen. “Just like an alien!”

  Lila laughed. “I guess so.” She pulled her son in and kissed him, then leaned up to kiss Preston once more. “Merry Christmas, honey.”

  “Merry Christmas, baby.” Preston smiled. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, honey.” Lila held Parker on her lap and snuggled into her husband’s arms, content.

  End of The SEAL’s Christmas Baby

  Do you love hot SEAL romance? Then please keep reading for previews from, The SEAL’s Unexpected Triplets and Katie’s 99c book Her SEAL Rescuer.

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  About Katie

  It isn’t a big surprise Katie Knight ended up writing romances about the stellar, studdly men of the Navy SEALs; after all, she was a K-9 trainer for the SEALs and met her own Navy SEAL hero husband while preparing one of their K-9 partners for combat. A few years after their marriage, her and hubby decided to retire with their K-9 partner, Sam, to raise their children in the Midwest. It wasn’t long after that before Katie decided to write her own stories featuring the men of the SEAL teams and the women who love them.

  When not imagining dangerously romantic scenarios for her heroes and their feisty heroines, Katie enjoys hikes with her husband and Sam, spending time with her children, and long runs (on and off the beach).

  To learn more about Katie you can check out all her books on social media and her website:

  About Leslie

  Leslie North is the USA Today Bestselling pen name for a critically-acclaimed author of women's contemporary romance and fiction. The anonymity gives her the perfect opportunity to paint with her full artistic palette, especially in the romance and erotic fantasy genres.

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  Cora Caspian has been nanny to adorable triplet girls since the day they were born. But when their parents die in a tragic fire, she’s more than a bit stunned when their will dictates that a particular former Navy SEAL become the girls’ co-guardian with her. She’ll be in charge of the girls’ health and happiness…and William Royce will keep them safe. Of all the men in the hired security firm, William seems to her to be the least likely to take care of three toddlers. He’s all alpha male, muscle, and military might—not at all what the girls need. And certainly not at all what Cora needs—even if he is the sexiest man she’s ever seen. Having been raised as a military brat, she knows what it’s like to grow up in a home with a man who puts duty first and feelings last—just like William. Turns out, though, William is nothing like her father. He takes his job seriously, but he’s good with the girls in a way she never could have anticipated. And when he’s alone with Cora, good doesn’t begin to describe how he is…

  As an orphan with no idea how to be part of a family, being named guardian of three toddlers just might be William’s worst nightmare. Even worse is sharing a home with their stunningly attractive nanny-turned-mother, who’s made it perfectly clear she thinks he’s the wrong man for the job. But when it becomes apparent someone’s trying to harm the triplets, William’s protective feelings get riled up. Cora is riling up feelings too, ones he can’t ignore. Suddenly, being part of a real family may be what his lonely life needs—even if it’s only temporary.

  As the danger to the triplets grows, William realizes all the warm and fuzzy feelings are getting in the way of his duty. To protect the triplets, he’ll have to put up a wall between the new family he’s built, but losing Cora and the triplets might just destroy him.

  Grab your copy of The SEAL’s Unexpected Triplets

  Available December 26, 2019


  Cora Caspian uncrossed her legs and scooted a little closer to the desk in front of her as if the proximity would make the older, but still intimidating, man on the other side understand her better.

  “Mr. Boswell,” she addressed the head of Alert Security. “I think this is all unnecessary. The Lawrence triplets aren’t in need of a protector.”

  “That’s not what their parents believed, Miss Caspian.” Mr. Boswell was polite but his words were clearly meant to put her in her place.

  And they did. Cora had admired her employers, Bob and Jeanie Lawrence, who had died a month before in what had been ruled an accidental fire. The couple left triplet daughters virtually alone in the world, other than Cora, their nanny, who had been given guardianship of the girls. Cora didn’t want to let the Lawrences down, but these terms determined by the Lawrences before their deaths seemed so unnecessary and extreme. She couldn’t imagine that anyone would wish to harm their children.

  “Perhaps you could just have periodic drive-by security, or we could establish a system where I check-in with your office,” Cora suggested.

  “Not the kind of service we do. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence specified a live in, full-time protector. They’d even interviewed and selected someone prior to their deaths.”

  “Yes. I have his name, but I wasn’t able to find out anything about him.” She’d searched the internet and come up completely dry. It was as if William Royce didn’t exist, a fact that didn’t sit well with her since she wanted to know who was going to be interacting with the girls.

  “He’s recently been discharged from the Navy,” Mr. Boswell explained. “This will be his first assignment with the company.”

  “I see.” A military man. She felt a wave of misgiving. She was certainly f
amiliar with the breed since her father was a Marine Colonel. Unfortunately, in her case familiarity bred contempt and the knowledge to make a few informed assumptions. Since Mr. Royce didn’t exist in the world of social media, she could guess that he’d either been special forces or had a very high security clearance…or both.

  “The triplets’ parents felt he was the right person for the job. Had they lived, he would have become part of the household. As it stands, we’ll honor the contract drawn up prior to their deaths. They even added a codicil to their will regarding Royce’s employment.”

  She was aware of that. The same codicil named her guardian of the girls until their eighteenth birthday. She was happy to accept since she would have been heartbroken to be separated from Paige, Melody, and Haley Lawrence. The girls’ welfare was her primary concern, which was why she’d asked for this meeting.

  “Mr. Boswell, the girls have been through a very difficult time. Anyone with daily contact with them has to be…” she trailed off when the door opened.

  “Royce, glad you’re here.”

  Cora’s gaze shifted to the man entering and her sentence finished in her head, not like that man. Her guess hadn’t been off at all. Even without the Navy SEAL tattoo on his right arm, she’d have known what he was by his bearing, the set of his strong jaw, and the way his dark eyes swept the room. He could have been on a recruitment poster with his aloof attitude and the chiseled body that was obvious even covered by his polo shirt and pressed khaki trousers.

  Not that she was the least interested in him or his physique.

  “This is Cora Caspian,” Boswell introduced her, “nanny to the Lawrence triplets.”

  “Nice to meet you.” He offered his hand.

  “Mr. Royce.” Reluctantly, she slid her hand in his. His grip was strong, but not crushing. His masculinity, however, was overwhelming. At well over six feet tall and with a muscular frame, he was born to intimidate, which was probably why the Lawrences had wanted him.

  His presence in the house—somewhere in the background as a silent protector—might have been fine before their deaths, but the situation had changed. He was to have contact with the girls, stay close so as to protect them, much more than he would have if their parents had lived.

  “Call me William,” he said.

  “Cora, then.” She sat again, turning to face Mr. Boswell and trying to shake off the impact of the man who sat next to her. She definitely didn’t want him in her home, not because she found him attractive, but because she knew the type all too well. He wouldn’t be good for the girls.

  “I was sorry to hear about the Lawrences,” he offered.

  She acknowledged his words with a nod and addressed William’s boss. “As I was saying, the girls are my primary concern, and I don’t want them to be upset by any more change. They need to adjust to life without their parents.”

  “It’s fortunate then that they have a constant in you,” William commented from her left. “According to what I’ve read, you’re staying.”

  “I won’t leave them,” she said fiercely, not sure how to take William’s words. “I love them and want them to be happy.”

  “So you wouldn’t want anything to happen to them,” he suggested.

  “Of course not.” She hesitated, the possible meaning of his words hitting her. “Are you accusing me of—?”

  “He’s not. He’s making a point,” Boswell interrupted.

  “What point is that?” To insult her?

  “Their parents felt the kids needed protection,” William answered. “In light of what happened to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, it’s a legitimate concern. By trying to refuse security, you’re putting the girls in jeopardy.”

  “I would never do that.” She stopped herself, working to control her tone and not come off as shrewish or irrational. The exhaustion of dealing with three children who had lost their parents was catching up with her. The past weeks had been a waking nightmare as she strove to cope with the girls’ and her own grief. The girls had stolen her heart when she first saw them as infants, and she hated seeing them upset.

  She took a breath. “What I’m saying is that I don’t want anyone in the house who isn’t dedicated to caring for the girls.”

  “That’ll be your job,” William said flatly.

  “They would have daily exposure to you. Do you have children?” She noted no wedding ring but that didn’t necessarily mean anything.


  “And what experience do you have with children or family life?”

  “None,” he replied bluntly.

  She looked at Mr. Boswell. “If someone must be in the house fulltime, perhaps he should have different qualifications. Someone more fatherly and less…” She had no idea how to finish the sentence. Less overtly masculine? Less intimidating?

  “The Lawrences selected me,” William countered.

  “I doubt your level of skill is necessary.” She meant it as a compliment in a way, the man seemed overqualified to her, but his eyes flared dark at her.

  “Are you aware you’re being watched?” William asked.

  “Excuse me?” What was he talking about?

  “I followed you to an appointment yesterday. Pediatrician?”

  “Yes, the girls had a checkup.” A spark of anger shot through her followed by concern that she hadn’t noticed. “Why were you following us?”

  “To see if anyone else was. Do you want to know what I discovered?” His tone was a tad smug. “A vehicle came out of your neighborhood after you and made every turn you did.”

  “Perhaps they were going to the same place,” she said primly, tugging down the edge of her skirt.

  “None of the neighbors own a vehicle that matches, and no one went into the building from the car. They parked on the street, watched you get the kids inside, and probably would have trailed you home if they hadn’t seen me watching them.”

  “Shoddy work on your part, letting yourself be seen.” She couldn’t resist the dig.

  “It was intentional.” There was that smug look again. “I wanted them to know you had protection.”

  “Is that little story supposed to scare me?” She had pivoted in her chair to face him and was on the verge of jumping to her feet.

  He’d made Cora Caspian mad. It had the unexpected bonus of bringing some needed color to her cheeks. She was beautiful, but William could see the toll of grief and fatigue weighing on her. Snapping at him had her straightening up and her icy blue eyes glared at him, sparkling with life and energy. She looked like she wanted to tear him apart.

  And not in the good way a woman can do that to a man.

  A brief flash of a wrestling match in a bed jolted through his mind and body before he suppressed it. If he took this job, which was a big if for him, she’d be off limits. He avoided entanglements with women, and she looked the type to tangle a man up.

  “I’m not trying to scare you—I’m trying to make you understand what you’re up against,” he said. “Since they inherited the family wealth, even if it’s held in trust for them, the triplets are the next likely targets. Someone’s got a problem with this family, and you want to trust their fate to some under-skilled dad-type?”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he kept going.

  “That guy might read them bedtime stories, but he won’t know the first thing about protecting the kids, establishing and maintaining a perimeter, evaluating risks, and the hundred other things I’ve been trained to do.” He’d been known on his SEAL team as the one who was always prepared due to his ability to think through multiple scenarios and figure out how to counter them. The safety of his fellow men and the success of the mission had depended on his preparation more than once.


  He cut her off to describe a potential situation. “What if you’re out for a walk with the girls and a car pulls up next to you, three masked thugs jump out, grab a kid each and abduct them before you can even yell for help? They might take you, too, or make it
so you can’t identify them.” He visualized the scene as he spoke. His last image was of Cora lying on the sidewalk bleeding. He didn’t like it. “What’s your family man going to do then?”

  “That’s not going to happen. I’m cautious,” she insisted, losing none of her fire. “I’ve cared for the girls since they were born. I love them like they’re my own, and I won’t have them exposed to someone who isn’t invested in caring for them emotionally and physically.”

  “You prefer to risk their lives?” William asked.

  “How dare you suggest that I would let harm come to the girls? They’re everything to me.” Her face was flushed with anger, but he could tell that she spoke the truth about her concern for her charges, so he went for the kill.

  “Then make the right choice for their sakes,” he said.

  With that, William swung his head toward his supervisor, leaving her fuming. Boswell sat behind the desk, leaning forward on crossed elbows, smiling. Son-of-a-gun, William realized in a flash, he’d played right into his boss’s hands. William had just spent the past five minutes fighting to keep an assignment that he’d repeatedly insisted he didn’t want.

  Grab your copy of The SEAL’s Unexpected Triplets

  Available December 26, 2019


  Benjamin Steele just wanted to go on a well-earned vacation in Alaska. But instead he finds himself on a flight with Megan Foster, the one woman he’d ever loved. When their plane goes down in a fiery crash, Benjamin finds himself acting as protector to Megan and her little charge, Logan. Making matters worse, he quickly realizes someone is out there trying to kill one of them. The Navy SEAL wasn’t looking for romance, but it’s hard not to think about such things when Megan is near him. As they work together to escape danger, Ben feels unwanted stirrings in a heart he’d nearly forgotten he had.


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