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Betraying Her Vikings

Page 4

by Skye MacKinnon

  The pressure increased and the cock’s tip penetrated my folds, pushing in slowly but surely. I opened my thighs further, making it easier for him. The stretching became painful, my moan turning into a slight cry, but then he pushed in and it was done. He was inside me. One with me.

  He stayed like that for a bit, while the others still touched my body, their tongues and fingers leaving traces of fire across my skin. Neither of them tried to kiss me, probably aware that I would be able to tell who they were. They each had a different taste, a unique scent that put them apart.

  As if he could sense that I was adjusting to his girth, the man inside me slowly pulled back, but then pushed in again before he was fully out. His thrusts were slow, careful, but intense enough for me to unravel. When he pushed in again and his thumb rubbed against my clit, I cried out, no longer able to hold back. I came, crashing against him, riding the wave of ecstasy that their touches were creating. They didn’t stop, made me moan and moan, made me quiver, shake on the mattress, squirm beneath them. One cock gave way to another, then another, until they’d all merged with me. I was floating, kind of regretting that I didn’t have the energy to return their kisses, their touches, but I was busy trying not to black out.

  Just when I thought it was over, someone kissed my core, slowly licking away the slight tinge of pain that was still lingering there, and I came apart once more, shaking in their arms, listening to their whispered words of love.


  One month later

  I blinked up at the sun. Strange how it looked exactly the same no matter in what time I was. I closed my eyes and let the warmth seep through my skin. It was a cold morning and I missed central heating, but I should be grateful that Asger had been stirring the fire throughout the night, making sure that it was still on when we got up.

  He was humming to himself in the smithy behind the house. I smiled. He was adorable sometimes, especially when he didn't think anyone was watching. Or listening, in this case. He was slightly out of tune, or maybe it was supposed to be that way. I hadn't come across Norse music yet, but Asger planned to introduce me to some of his friends tonight.

  "Beautiful morning."

  Hjalmar stepped out of the door behind me, a towel wrapped around his waist, his chest bare. I turned and let him press a soft kiss on my lips.

  "It really is. It's so quiet here."

  He chuckled. "Sometimes I think it's too quiet, but after the last few weeks, I'm grateful for it. We needed this break."

  I wrapped an arm around him and closed my eyes again. I felt grounded here, more at home than I would ever feel at the Academy. I almost wished I could stay in this village, live their uncomplicated lives, but at the same time, I loved studying. Having been here, having realised how little I knew, had given me the urge to learn as much as possible. Every night, I went through my vocabulary lists before going to bed, hoping that the words would somehow take root while I slept. Unless I sneaked down into the Archive and spent the night there. Kaycee hadn't commented on it yet, but I was sure she would soon. For now, she was strangely quiet, as if she was too shy to ask all the questions she had to have. I liked her that way. I guessed we'd all changed since we arrived at the Academy.

  Something tickled my nose. A smoky smell that didn't come from the smithy.

  Hjalmar groaned. "I think he's burning the eggs again! Why do we let him make breakfast?"

  I laughed as he ran back into the house, looking ready to kill the Archivist.

  This was the first time all four of us were together again since the day Hjalmar had been named Ambassador. It had been a whirlwind of lessons, studying and stolen kisses in between. While I got to see the Archivist every day, Hjalmar had only managed to visit me twice, and Asger had been back here with his mother the entire time. Well, it had only been three days for him, we'd made sure to time our arrival in the best possible way. I'd been without him for a month, yet he'd not had to wait as long. I almost envied him, but then, it had given me the chance to spend more time with the Archivist.

  We still hadn't decided on a name. It was hard, and getting harder with each day. In my mind, he was the Archivist, with a capital A, and turning him from that into an ordinary name seemed impossible. He wasn't ordinary, not in the slightest. I'd come to realise how much the Archive really was a part of him. It gave him a unique way of looking at the world, seeing history in a different way. Sadly, it didn't teach him how to make breakfast.

  I smiled and wrapped my woollen shawl closer around my body. Even though the morning was cold, it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. I wasn't sure yet what we were going to do, but it probably involved eating lots of food, relaxing in the sunshine and meeting other Vikings.

  I was looking forward to that. Last night, Asger had taught me some fun curses and I was itching to try them out on someone. He'd told me some terms of endearment too, but I wasn't going to use them on anyone but my men. Tonight though... I was going to make Hjalmar proud. He was still my teacher, after all. Headmistress Tape had managed to convince the Human Rights Centre to let him teach Viking Studies once a month for three days at a time. Since Kaycee and Maryam had changed to other courses though, these three days were time I got to spend with him. His teaching came in many shapes and forms, and he definitely taught me a lot. At a desk, on a desk and on the floor next to a desk. I was coming to understand that Vikings were talented in a lot of ways. While the Archivist and I were exploring what was possible together, when I was with Hjalmar, he took charge.

  My smile widened and I blinked at the sun once more. It was such a beautiful day. I had three amazing men in the house behind me, all of them eager to spend time with me.

  I had to be the luckiest person alive; now, in the future and in the past.


  This concludes Lainie's story. While I might return to her and her men in the future, the next TTA book will focus on new people and a new time period - although some of the characters will be familiar. Who knows, maybe Lainie might make a cameo appearance too.

  To find out about this and other releases, subscribe to my newsletter:

  Or follow me on social media – flip the page for all the links.

  And if you need a new reverse harem read, how about some yummy bear shifters (Claiming Her Bears)? Or winged Guardians (Daughter of Winter)? Or Scottish mythology (Seven Wardens)? A journey into hell (Infernal Descent)?

  Find all my books here:


  Here are some resources that I found particularly helpful while studying Old Norse and Runology. This is by no means an extensive list and I’m sure there are some great other resources out there that I’ve not come across yet (if you know something good, email me!).

  My favourite book:

  ‘Viking Language 1: Learn Old Norse, Runes, and Icelandic Sagas’ by Jesse Byock. ISBN 978-0988176416

  A free Memrise course teaching the most important 246 Old Norse words mentioned in the book:

  Some short videos about Norse culture and studies:

  English to Old Norse Dictionary:

  The Futhark song (like the ABC song but for the Futhark):

  Dr Jackson Crawford’s Old Norse YouTube channel (lots of fun stuff):

  The Orkneyinga Saga in English translation:

  More information about runes:

  All sorts of interesting Viking facts:

a fascinating article on Viking hairstyles:

  Love and Marriage in Viking times:


  Also By

  You can find all my books at Most of them are also available as audiobooks and paperbacks.

  Daughter of Winter Series (Paranormal reverse harem)

  Winter Princess

  Winter Heiress

  Winter Queen

  Winter Goddess

  >> Box set

  Mother of Gods (prequel)

  Demon’s Revenge (spin-off)

  SEVEN WARDENS (Paranormal RH co-written with Laura Greenwood)

  From the Deeps

  Into the Mists

  Beneath the Earth

  Within the Flames

  Above the Waves

  Under the Ice

  Rule the Dark

  Prequel: Beyond the Loch

  Spin-off: Through the Storms

  CLAIMING HER BEARS (Dystopian bear shifter RH)

  Polar Destiny

  Polar Fates

  Polar Miracle

  >> Box set

  THE MARS DIARIES (Sci-fi RH linked to the Drowning series)




  >> Box Set

  DEFIANCE (contemporary dark RH)

  Abandoned Heart

  Broken Princess

  Stolen Soul

  INFERNAL DESCENT (paranormal RH based on Dante’s Inferno, co-written with Bea Paige)

  Hell’s Calling

  Hell’s Weeping

  Hell’s Burning

  CATNIP ASSASSINS (urban fantasy)





  Hungry for More – charity cookbook

  Captivated – contains my post-apocalyptic shifter RH Three Arrows

  About the Author

  Skye MacKinnon is a USA Today Bestselling Author with a slight obsession with bunnies, dried mango and Scotland. And when she says slight... her friends are trying to find ways to trick her into not having a book set in Scotland.

  Whether it's set in space (Scottish space, obviously), fantasy worlds (Scottish fantasy worlds, obviously), or Scotland, Skye's tales are full of magic, romance and adventure. Oh, and unicorns. There's a few demons, too.

  Follow her on social media:






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