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Rebel Bears MC: (A Bear Shifter Romance Collection)

Page 20

by Celeste Raye

  Jake looked like he wanted to say more but went against it. Donovan was thankful for it; even if it was only a short reprieve, it was better than nothing.

  Chapter Twenty

  Claire found it hard to watch. It was frightening, but then there was a pain that took over once they’d switched, been healed, and could remember what happened. To have it done to them by their own father made it worse than anything else.

  She stayed back because it was sort of fearsome, and as much as Claire wanted to pretend she belonged, she certainly didn’t feel like it. Claire was largely ignored until the first one that transformed, Jake, looked her up and down and asked who she was.

  Jake didn’t ask her but looked to Donovan like she couldn’t speak. She felt her hackles go up, but also knew that it would do her no good to protest. All she could manage was to clamp her mouth shut.

  “She is with me, Jake. It’s part of the reason I was home so early, but then I couldn’t get in. I could sense his presence almost immediately.”

  Donovan stopped, and Claire knew that it was because he hadn’t killed his father like he was supposed to.

  They had all congregated in a large house that the men had found themselves living in. A lot of their new lives hadn’t made sense; large pieces were missing, like the one who performed the magic couldn’t be bothered to give them more depth.

  Claire just wanted to be a fly on the wall. It wasn’t a scene that she wanted to find herself in the middle of, so she ignored all of the looks and waited for Donovan to explain himself.

  “You really screwed us, Donovan.”

  Donovan looked sad, but Jake put his arm around his shoulder, telling him he knew why he did it.

  “Look, I get it. No one wants to mess with Dad. I didn’t want to kill him. Even after everything he’d done to Alexis and me, it wasn’t enough to make me kill him. You think I don’t know that, Donovan?”

  “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  “I know. I know you didn’t. It just did. Dad could have gone off and made things better for himself, but he couldn’t let it go. He can’t just let the Rebel Bears do good without him.”

  Donovan was relieved; Claire could see it on his face. Jake was nicer than she’d imagined, considering his position in the clan, but she worried if he would be so generous when it came to her. She didn’t think that her existence was going to be as easy to forgive, even though it wasn’t her fault. Never did she think that she was going to have to apologize for being human. What a strange idea.

  “I am glad you can see that this wasn’t some plan or something.”

  Jake waved him off, though he still hadn’t taken his eyes off of Claire, who was now looking down to avoid his gaze.

  “So, where does this one fit in? This human.”

  The last part was said with slight disdain, and she tried hard not to let it get to her. Claire was with Donovan, whatever that meant, and Jake was looking at her as if she was going to ruin it all for them. Seeing as there was so much at stake, maybe that wasn’t such a big over-exaggeration.

  “She is with me, Jake, like I said. Claire is under my protection.”

  Claire was surprised that he said that but it wasn’t the words she wanted to hear. He was to be the father of her child, her mate, possibly. It was more than just being under his protection, but she’d agreed that it would come out when it was better received. It didn’t look like it was going to be received all that well at the moment.

  “Okay then, well, we will talk about this later. Now it’s time to make a plan and take the clan back from Dean again.”

  Claire wasn’t sure if she liked Jake or not, but at least he wasn’t going to condemn her right off the bat. That had to be something; she was sure of it. Claire didn’t think that it could have been much better than that.

  What made Claire more nervous than anything else was the unworried manner in which they planned. She was hoping for a master plan that would set her mind at ease, that they would all be safe and fine.

  In the end it was a lot less sophisticated than that. They did not strategize like she would have hoped. A lot of what they did at their little meeting was talk crap about their dad. While she had already heard bad things about him before the meeting, the concerted effort lowered her opinion of Dean.

  Then all of a sudden, it was decided that they would just go in and confront him. Apparently, they had done it before, and it sounded like they were prepared to do it again. Claire wasn't stupid enough to say anything in front of the three brothers, but she did pull Donovan to the side when he was done.

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do?”

  Donovan shrugged like it didn't matter one way or another.

  “You’ve heard what we're up against. My father is not going to come easily, and we have to guess that he still won't kill any of us.”

  She sighed and rolled her eyes. “That is one hell of a guess, and not a very good one by the sound of it. One of the only things you all agree on.”

  Donovan agreed, and for a moment, he pulled Claire in close for a kiss and made her forget about everything. He had done that more than once, and she pushed him back hard.

  “Stop doing that, Donovan. You know that all you're doing is sidetracking me so that I will stop talking about it. I want you to promise me that you won't go in half-cocked like this. There has to be another way.”

  Donovan shrugged and told her that there was another way, but it would not go over well with the rest of them.

  “We could fight our father one on one. You can question any leader that you have, and all that needs to happen is a fight to the death.”

  Claire was immediately shaking her head; that it wasn't going to do either. She wanted to keep him safe, and the last thing they needed was a fight to death battle with their father.

  “Isn't there a better way?”

  Donovan pulled her closer and told her that there wasn’t.

  “You know if there were a better way, we'd be doing it, right?”

  She agreed, though she wasn't quite sure.

  “I just don't want anything to happen to you.”

  “It’s going to be alright. We will get this thing figured out, and you have nothing to worry about.”

  “I like the sound of that, Donovan. I just don't understand why it has to be you. I know what you're planning, that it will be you to fight your dad to the death, but I don't understand why it can’t be your older brother. He's the one that runs the clan.”

  “Yes, but it is not his job. He told me to get rid of him, and I didn't.”

  “You shouldn't have to kill your own father.”

  “I shouldn't have to, Claire, no, but when your father becomes the type of man that mine is, it is my responsibility to take him out. I can't let him keep going around making it harder on everybody else. He has caused enough pain to the world. Someone has to stop him.”

  She pressed her lips together and wanted to say more but knew that it wasn't her place. Claire didn't know what to say. She knew that it was a matter of honor, and something else. Something that she couldn't understand, and though Claire respected his decision, she didn't have to like it. And she sure didn’t.

  Instead of arguing with him about it, she pulled him down for another kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. Jake walked in and made a sore excuse to get out of the room. Claire was left laughing because none of them knew how to act around her. At least it was mutual.

  “Come back to me, Donovan. That’s the only thing I ask. You come back to us.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Donovan knew the plan, and even though he wasn't too happy about it, he knew that it was the best way to take care of Dean. The last time, a few people had been hurt when they had taken back control of the Rebel Bears.

  It was their fault, or rather, it was Donovan's, and he did not want anyone else in the clan to be affected because of it. They had already been through all of it before.

  So, Donovan was up.
He gave Claire a long hug before he left. It wasn't like he thought he would never see her again, but the desire to hold on to her was there. He didn't understand it, but Donovan knew that he wanted to hold on tight and never let go.

  When he pulled back, he made her look into his eyes, and Donovan told Claire again that he would be fine. She seemed to need a little bit more reassurance, and when she asked if he was going to need some help, he just shook his head. “What are you going to do? Go fight shifters for me?”

  Claire shrugged. “I don't know, I want to do something. It doesn't have to all be on you. I don't know what you and your brothers have decided, but it needs to be something else. This isn't right. This isn’t normal.”

  Donovan chuckled and hugged her again.

  “I'm sorry, Claire, but once you chose me, you lost your chance on normal.”

  “I know that, Donovan, but I’m not willing to give you up so easily.”

  Donovan pulled away, and he gently untangled himself from her. There were people around, and he didn’t want it to be harder than it already was.

  “Really, it's going to be alright. I am going to go in there and do what I should have a long time ago.”

  Claire slipped her hand in his and held on tightly.

  “Let me go with you.”

  He knew what had to happen and how much danger he would be in. He couldn't say it out loud, though, because then she would want to stick with him even more.

  “You're going to stay with Jake, and he's going to make sure that you're safe.”

  Claire sent a long glance over to him. He tried to see what she was seeing, and he certainly didn't look like a savior. He was angry, and his eyes were flashing.

  “Okay, change of plans.”

  Jake got up and started talking. “Claire, you’re going to stay with Charlie. He is the nicest out of all of us, but the fiercest. You stay with him, and then Donovan will know you’re alright.”

  Donovan looked to Charlie and agreed.

  “Why do you want to leave her with Charlie?”

  “Cause I will be going.”

  “You can't go running in there and getting yourself killed because then this will be for nothing.” Donovan was exasperated; why didn’t anyone ever stick to the plan?

  “Getting our family's clan back would not be nothing.”

  Donovan was torn but worried about Claire first. He wanted to make sure that she understood how important it was going to be, that she did what was needed. Claire kept insisting that she wanted to help.

  “You are going to stay here, you're going to stay safe, and that is the only way that I’m going to be able to do this. I need to have all my focus on my father because he is a sly dog. I can't be thinking about you. Promise me.”

  He was holding her shoulders now and squeezing a bit harder. Once he realized that he was leaving a mark, he immediately stopped. His worry was so pent-up, and Donovan needed her to be okay.

  “I'm sorry. Just the idea of you being there makes me get a little crazy.”

  “I won't go if it means that much to you. Just promise me that you'll win.”

  Donovan promised. He certainly did not plan on losing, but it was always an option.

  “I promise.”

  Donovan was let in to see his father. He didn't put up a fight when the sentries had found him at the door.

  It was only a couple of minutes before Dean was in front of him, sitting on the throne that was rightfully his eldest son’s and smiling with that cold calculation that always chilled Donovan to the core. There was just something different about his father. His dad had a new light in his eyes, some new magic, and it was the first time he considered backing out. It was the first time that he wondered if he would be able to kill Dean.

  “Donovan, the loyal son, has come home.”

  Donovan knew not to smile. It was not happiness that he heard on Dean's tongue.

  “Yes, I've come home, Father.”

  “But you didn't come home to be by my side, did you? No, you went and got your brothers and ruined everything. Again.”

  He was quickly rising, and Donovan stood still, trying not to show fear. His father was still bigger than him, and he was certainly colder and more calculated than his son.

  “You are the one that is back on this throne, even though you do not belong on it. You are the one that is going to force me to do something to my own family that I can't even fathom. Step aside, walk away, before I have to actually kill you. I don't want to. I never wanted to. I just want this to be over and for you to be gone.”

  “Is that so?”

  Donovan agreed.

  “Then why are you here? You are not the leader of this clan. Why are you the one standing before me instead of Jake?”

  “Because it's my fault you did this again; because I didn't kill you. It was what was supposed to happen, but I let you worm your way into my head and make me question everything.”

  “And now you think that you can make your own decision this time? That you're a big man?

  Dean was walking towards Donovan. He knew that his father was the king of intimidation, but he had seen the set up for it, and it wasn't near as impressive as his father would have liked it to be.

  It was hard for Donovan to hold his ground, his father towering over him a little bit. The man had done so many bad things, and he had been witness to most of them. Donovan knew what his father was capable of, and it understandably worried him. Claire was in the back of his head, telling him not to get hurt.

  “Let's just be done with this, Dean. Leave now, and you leave with your life.”

  His father chuckled. “No one can take it, so I don't know why you keep threatening that, like it’s even an option.”

  “You didn't kill your sons.”

  “I didn't kill them. But you...”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Claire didn't know what it was she was seeing. There had been some loud noises, and of course, she came running. Claire told Donovan that she would stay put, maybe she even promised to, but that didn't matter at the moment. The only thing that mattered was something was happening with Donovan and she needed to be there.

  She was almost to the gates when a beefy hand stopped her in her tracks and gripped her shoulders.

  “Let me go! I need to go to him.”

  “You need to stay here, like you promised.”

  She tried to push out of his reach and cursed at Charlie.

  “We both know that you want to let me go, so just do it. Tell them I slipped out. I’m sure they’ll believe a dumb human would do that.”

  “You're not going anywhere. I told Donovan that I would keep you safe, and I meant it. You're going to have to stay here and wait, just like the rest of us. You don't think that I want to go in there and help him? I do. Donovan has to do this himself. He knows that.”

  “Because you guys ordered him to kill his father before. Of course, he wasn’t going to be able to do it. Why do you think he will be able to do such a thing now?”

  Charlie nodded his head and told her that he thought that very thing. Claire was incredulous, and she wanted to know why he would even think that. Nothing had changed. He was still his father, after all.

  “Because he loves you and he will take care of it this time. He wants the world to be a safer place for you, Claire. That's why I know he'll do it.”

  Claire denied his words and she shook her head.

  “I think you have it wrong.”

  There was a crunching sound and then a thud. It made her body shiver like it was cold. There was no holding her back now. Claire pushed past Charlie and ran through his arms to get to the clubhouse. She had no idea where she was going, and the place was huge. It didn't matter, though; Charlie was right behind her, and because of the oath that he made to his brother, she knew that he would keep her safe. Even if she made it complicated for him.

  When Claire got to the throne room, she saw nothing but blood at first. It felt like it was everywhere, re
d against the white walls and floor. The white marble tile on the ground was so wet that it was slippery, and she had to steady herself twice.

  What she didn't see was where all the blood had been coming from. She looked around and finally saw a figure on the ground, and one above it. There was so much red coating everything that she couldn't tell who was who. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest, and she called out Donovan's name.

  The standing figure turned and started to walk towards her. It took Claire a moment to see that it was Donovan. She was afraid to touch him, but he picked her up into his arms and held her tight against him. He actually groaned at some point but didn't pull away.

  “Are you hurt? I saw all the...”

  Claire couldn't even say it out loud. The idea made it hard to breathe. She had been so sure that something would happen to him. That the world would take him away from her because she wasn't meant to have him. Now she knew that it didn't matter if she was meant to or not; he was hers, and she was his. There was nothing that was ever going to change that.

  “I don't think most of it is mine. You don't have to worry about him ever again.”

  Claire had never really been worried about Dean. She was worried about what happened after all of it was done. She knew how Donovan’s family looked at her; how his whole kind did.

  The other three men walked in, and they all slapped Donovan on the back like he had done something good. There was a camaraderie. She was a little jealous of it because it was years and years, they had known each other. There was no way that she could combat that. They'd only been together less than a month, and a lot of that time they were arguing. She was still fighting the many feelings and urges that were coming through her.

  To seemingly answer her question, they started talking rapidly and catching up while she stood there. It was awkward, and eventually, she wandered into another room and found a small bar. Claire needed a drink but knew she couldn’t have one because of the baby. She had no idea what she was getting involved in, and the place seems scarier than it had before. Claire felt alone.


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