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Page 4

by Jennifer Julie Miller

  “Nothing to worry about there, you will never see him in the daylight hours, unless it’s extremely dreary out and today the sun shines brightly in the sky. That is also the reason you haven’t seen Rage, he always sleeps with Lucas.”

  “Why is that?”

  “That’s his story to tell, but let’s just say he’s allergic to the sunlight.”

  Mary finally gets her out of the sheet and gently pulls the towel away from her side, hoping it wouldn’t start bleeding again. She could tell immediately that this was a knife wound and that this was just one of the many cuts on her skin.

  “Emma, who did this to you?” Mary looked really upset.

  Emma just shook her head, Mary didn’t know if that meant, she didn’t know, or didn’t want to answer. “Well, we don’t care. What is important now is getting you all better. This may hurt some, but I’ll be as gentle as I can. Then we will get you into a hot bath and get all this old blood off your skin. I’ll run back upstairs while the water is getting warm and get you a robe. You will feel as good a new before long.”

  “Do I have to take another bath?”

  “I would think you would want one, honey!”

  “Bad things happen if you’re clean. I’ll stay dirty if you don’t mind.”

  Mary could tell there was a lot more to that story, but she wasn’t going to push it for now. Fair enough, we will compromise on the bath for now. I’ll bring a washcloth and pitcher in and we will clean you up in here. But, honey nothing bad will happen to you here ever. Just some words of wisdom though, the Lord will be more upset if you’re dirty and then he will notice you more, than if you’re clean. He is very sensitive to smells.” She could tell this was giving the girl something to think about. “Just try and relax, this is going to take a little bit. I may have to stitch your side up. I will try my best to make little stitches so you won’t scar much.”

  “Who cares about another scar?” Emma turns away from Mary’s caring face. As much as she wanted to like Mary, she knew better than to fall for a kind smile. People never help without wanting something. She just didn’t know what she had to offer them and why did they care if she lived or died. Tears flow freely down her face onto the pillow. Emma knows Mary thinks she is crying over the pain of the stitches. She is really crying because of the pain she knew was coming and why hadn’t they just let her die.

  Chapter Six:

  Mary was pacing the floor of the library. He might as well go on up. She had been waiting on him for a while now. Lucas and Rage walk through the darkness of the hallway. This is his favorite time of the evening, twilight. He would sometimes stand in the deepest shadows of a room and stare out of an open curtain and watch the colors explode with the dying light of the day.

  He observes Mary for a second as he stood behind the tapestry in the library. She is chewing on her fingernails, with a faraway look on her face. Apparently, she has a lot on her mind. She immediately turns towards him as he comes around the curtain.

  “Lord Lucas, may I speak with you for a moment please?”

  “Mary, you know I'm always available for you. What can I help you with this evening?”

  Rage, walks past them both ignoring the conversation as he heads towards Emma’s room.

  “It’s about the girl my Lord, may I speak freely?”

  “Go ahead, Mary”

  “Well, she is a pitiful little thing for sure. Why did you bring her here of all places? Why didn’t you bring her to my place instead? What do you plan on doing with her now? If you are planning on fattening her up and using her as a midnight snack, My Lord, I'm going to be very upset with you.”

  “And the child refused to take a bath today; she said it was safer to be dirty. Where did she come from, that she would think something like that? Do you know anything about her at all? Wherever she came from they were of the worst sort, to hurt something as small as she is. She has been starved for sure.” Mary was facing him, her hands on her hips staring up at him like a momma bear protecting her cub. “I think it would be in the girl’s best interest if Sam and I take her home with us, My Lord.”

  “Are you done?” Lucas growls at her, she takes a frightened step back away from him. “Mary, it’s only because of the respect I have for you and your previous family members that have all served me well all these years that I am allowing your tone and your questioning. Please don’t forget your place in this home!” Lucas was yelling by the time he finished speaking. He took a deep breath, to calm down. He knew his eyes were on the verge of turning red. The very moment she mentioned taking the girl away, he almost attacked her, one of his most valuable servants.

  “Forgive me, my Lord.” Mary had her head down and was twisting her hands nervously in her apron.

  “No Mary, please accept my apologies for that outburst, as a matter of fact all of this has kept me up half the day. I'm not sure what to do with the girl either. I found her naked and beaten half to death in the old graveyard. I traced her blood back to the house from where she had come from. And I can assure you they have all been dealt with accordingly. But because of that, she needs to stay here where I can protect her, in case someone recognizes her from Ione Manor. I know this house isn’t set up for anyone, especially a helpless human girl. But, for now, I want her here; maybe she can help you with the chores. I'm sure you wouldn’t mind an extra set of hands since this isn’t exactly a small home.”

  “Lord, what if others such as yourself, show up unannounced as they sometimes do. You can’t watch over her throughout the day and I'm only here a few days a week. She would be safer with me; you don’t have to give me a dime to take her. Sam and I make enough; we wouldn’t even notice the extra mouth to feed.”

  Lucas was trying to stay calm. “I know better than anyone what danger she is in here, Mary. But we won’t speak of this again. Rage can come to her in the daylight hours if needed. I know it will be lonely for her on the days you’re not here, but she will just have to adapt. It’s the only way to keep her safe.”

  Mary can tell she had lost this battle. “Yes, my Lord, I will make sure the kitchen is stocked for the next few weeks. I will have Sam bring her some supper on the days I'm not already here.”

  “That will be fine Mary. How was she doing today?”

  “She was resting when I left her earlier, Sir. I don’t like her being alone right now; if a fever sets in, she won’t make it. Not only is her body broken, so is her spirit. She looks at you with empty eyes. I just want to pull her close and tell her everything will be fine, but I can’t promise her that. No one knows what is in store for any of us day to day. I did manage to get her bandaged and stitched up. She never made a sound and I know the stitches had to hurt terribly. I also put some healing salve on most of her poor body.” Mary had to stop talking to hold back a sob.

  “She was terrified of me seeing her body. She has been misused Sir and please forgive me for being so forward earlier, but my old heart just couldn’t handle watching her deteriorate any more than she already has. I was just concerned about her welfare.” Tears are flowing down Mary’s face.

  “Mary, you and Sam go on home. I know it’s been a hard day for you. I'm sure he is worried about what’s taking you so long this evening. He has been waiting for you out in the wagon for quite some time now. Your young lady won’t be alone if you didn’t notice Rage walked right past the both of us when I came up the stairs. I'm sure he is with her as we speak. He is quite taken with her and I will watch over her throughout the night. I would appreciate you stopping by tomorrow if it’s not too big of an inconvenience.”

  “I’ll be here early My Lord, thank you.” Mary starts to turn away when Lucas reaches out to stop her.

  “One last thing, did she tell you her name?”

  “It’s, Emma.”

  Lucas didn’t hear another word Mary said as she walked out of the room. All he could hear was the name over and over in his head, Emma. The same name of the little girl whose mother had left her on the side of the

  Surely not, he thought to himself. What has happened or changed in his world that would make him dream after all these years, especially about someone he didn’t even know. What was his spirit trying to show him? He needed to find out if the dreams and the girl upstairs were one in the same. He waited until he heard the familiar sound of Mary and Sam’s wagon rolling down the driveway before he headed toward the back of the manor. He had some questions too.

  Chapter Seven:

  The warmth has returned to my side. The comfort it provides is a strange feeling for me. Even though my entire body hurts, this is one of the most peaceful moments I have ever experienced.

  I feel it coming towards me. It’s the darkness, it feels thicker somehow. I open my eyes slowly and there it is, or should I say, there he is. My mind tells me he is the thing my mother warned me about in the dark. The evil that lurks under my bed, but all I see is the beauty surrounding him. Instead of the dark taking away from him and making him look like he was in its shadow, the darkness is hiding behind him; his presence fills the room. He doesn’t move a muscle. He is completely emotionless. He observes me like a statue in a garden watching the world flow around him.

  It takes a second for him to realize that I'm staring up at him. He backs away and I watch as he settles himself in the chair at the corner of the bed.

  “Hello, Emma! I hope you’re feeling somewhat better this evening.”

  I open my mouth to answer, but nothing comes out. I clear my throat, trying to find the voice hiding in my mind. When I feel Rage get up and move away from me, I whisper to him “No, please stay.” He stops and looks at me then looks over at his master.

  “Go, on Rage. Get your snack and come on back home. I won’t be leaving tonight.”

  Rage looks back at me and trots off through the door. I shiver immediately missing his heat.

  “Here, let me stoke up the fire. Mary told me the last thing you needed right now was a fever, so lets warm this room up some.”

  “Thank you, My Lord.”

  Lucas heads towards the fireplace putting wood on the fire. “Mary said she stitched you up?”

  “Yes she did and I'm feeling as well as can be expected, Sir. I'm sorry to be such a bother. I hope not to intrude on your hospitality much longer. I will pay you back for your kindness as soon as I can find available employment.”

  Lucas laughs, “My kindness huh? I don’t believe those words and my name have ever been uttered together before. Emma, you have no need to find employment. You are welcome to help Mary here. This Manor is rather large and I'm sure she would appreciate the help. You can make a decent wage helping her, but I would never accept any kind of payment from you. I have more than enough to last me lifetimes. I definitely don’t need yours too, but before I start all that. I have a few questions for you, and I do have a few rules if you decide to stay here.” The girl looks at him with hollow eyes. She truly doesn’t care one way or another about the questions I'm going to ask her. She is saying all the right words, but all of her answers are automatic. She has shown no emotions on her face and her eyes look soulless.

  “First of all, is your name Emma?”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “What is your whole given name?”


  “Now don’t be simple minded you know what I mean girl. What is your whole name?” He didn’t know why he was being unnaturally cruel to the girl.

  “I don’t have a last name, Sir.” She looks away from him staring out into the night as if she is looking for someplace to hide.

  “So, you are saying you don’t know your last name, or you’re not willing to tell me?” Lucas knows he is pushing her, but he needs to know. She turns looking straight at him. This was the first glimpse of defiance he has seen in her.

  “I have no last name, I have no family, and I have never had anyone. Is this what you wanted to know, Sir?”

  “So she has to be the girl I watched in my dream,” Lucas thinks to himself. He walks away from her pacing around the room. “I need to protect myself and my home, Emma; surely you understand that. I have brought a perfect stranger into my home. I am also going to be your employer and protector. I think I have every right to ask you about your family. Don’t mistake me letting you stay here as an act of kindness. I will demand your loyalty at all times and I won’t tolerate lies of any kind. You will represent this house and you will dress and present yourself accordingly. Which means a daily bath, your skin still smells of pig shit. There will be other rules that I won’t tolerate, or you will find yourself on the street. One, you never leave the manor grounds.” Lucas holds up his hand to silence me. “You could be recognized and I can’t protect you at all times.

  “Sir, if you don’t mind me asking why would you care?” I didn’t think he was going to answer me for a minute.

  “The moment you fell at my feet, Emma, you became my responsibility and I always take care of what’s mine.” My eyes must be playing tricks on me because I just watched his eyes flash red for a moment, and then they fade back to black. I'm full of questions, but most of them, I'm too terrified to ask. “What are your other rules?”

  “You are to never go into the basement. That area is completely off limits to you. No matter what you hear down there or even if you have need of me. You will learn soon enough that there are more to these walls than just you and I.”

  “I require your loyalty in all things and your silence in others. I'm the one thing that you never have to fear. I may be demanding, but I always protect what’s mine. You will be provided for and watched over. As long as I'm around you will never be mistreated physically again. Your days will be lonely and quiet most of the time for that I am sorry in advance. But you will have the run of the place in the daylight hours. I'm sure Mary informed you that I have an allergy to the sunlight, so there will be no surprise visits from me during the daylight hours. So, with that being said you will only see me after dusk. Letters have always worked for Mary and I and that will be fine for us also if you need something specific. Can you read and write?”

  “Yes Sir, I was taught as a young child.”

  “Well, in that case, please use the library at your leisure. If there are any specific reads you are interested in please, tell Mary. She can send Sam into town to see what he can find that may interest you.”

  Lucas watched the girl grimace as she tried to move on the bed, but she never made a sound. He knew she wouldn’t rest as long as he was in the room. He wanted to ask her about the dream, but this wasn’t the time. “I’ll leave you now, get some rest. I’ll check back in on you later.”


  Lucas stops by the doorway and turns back around. “Yes, Emma?”

  “I wanted to just say thank you for everything.” She turned away from Lucas and curled back into the covers. She had said all the right words, but her heart wasn’t in them.

  Rage returned later in the night finding his master sitting in the dark staring out the window. Rage set his new chew toy down that had been dangling from his mouth and walks over to his master and sits at his feet. Lucas reaches down his hand and sits it upon Rage’s head. The silence in the house was deafening, until the scream of complete terror invaded the silence. Rage was out the door and down the hallway before Lucas could even flash into Emma’s room. Rage’s roar shaking the walls of the manor, the large wolf was now gone and standing in his place was a large red-eyed Hellhound. Jaws that would tear off limbs with one bite, fangs hanging over six inches long, deadly poisonous claws, and he was the size of a large bull. Rage was standing in the middle of the bed and Emma wasn’t there.

  “Find her!” Lucas screams, angrily.

  Rage stands still for a mere second, turning he leaps off the bed and stops at the steps heading upstairs. Taking a larger than usual paw, he scratches at the door, leaving huge gouges in the wood. Lucas pushes him away and slowly opens the door peering inside. Secretly terrified that something had happened to Emma, he finds h
er tucked into a ball in the corner. She had hidden under the stairway of the upstairs.

  He leans down into the small space. “Emma, are you hurt, what has scared you, honey?”

  She was staring off into the distance.

  “Emma!” He yelled, trying to get her to look at him. But, she didn’t respond at all. “Search the house, Rage.”

  Lucas reaches in and pulls Emma towards him. She whimpers as his hand tugs on her side. “Come on little one. I’ve got you, you’re safe now. He pulls her up and into his arms holding her close. She curls towards him, automatically seeking the heat of his body. Her body was shaking uncontrollably from the cold in the room and in her mind. Lucas tucks her head into his shoulder and heads for the bed. Going to put her down she clings to his neck. “Ok, I won’t put you back in bed yet.”

  Lucas takes the blanket off the bed then sits down in the chair next to the fire settling her onto his lap. He tucked the blanket around her and rocked her gently back and forth. He could see her watching the fire, but she didn’t blink. She just sat there curled into herself in another world. Rage entered the room back in his normal form, huffing, and puffing. He was upset that he hadn’t found whatever it was that upset his Emma.

  “I don’t believe anything was actually here my friend. I believe our little guest here has her own demons and this one got too close to her this time.” Rage whined when she didn’t respond to him nudging her. “Let her be, for now, sometimes our own minds are our worst enemies.”

  Rage curled up at his feet, and they all sat there in the dark staring at the fire. One of them refusing to understand why he even cared about the girl tucked lovingly into his lap, the other one content laying at their feet in the floor.

  Lucas held her in that exact spot, long after she fell asleep. Only the sight of the upcoming sunrise made him put her to bed. Once again her side had started to bleed during the night. Her gown was red where she had been pressed up against him. Lifting her gown up, he could see a small stream of blood seeping out of the dressing Mary had put on her earlier in the day. Without thought, he runs his fingers through the blood and immediately puts them in his mouth. An explosion of flavors burst on his tongue, she smelled and tasted like the finest wine and he was slowly starting to crave her.


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