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Immortal Awakening: Vampire Mates

Page 10

by Mason, Renea

  I climbed onto Baron’s lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t feel your longing. If I hadn’t noticed how you seek my touch. That when you found me, you put what was best for me first. You gave me my best friend. You’ve been my protector. Now, I’m asking you to be my partner. Maybe all those things were to make way for this.”

  He pressed his lips to mine in a slow kiss, before resting his forehead against mine. “I worry I’m being selfish because I’ve always wanted you. You were never supposed to be mine to have.”

  “I’m yours, Baron. I’m giving myself to you.”

  “Oh, Lillie…” Another kiss.

  “Now, Baron. We don’t have time. You need to do it before they catch up with us. They can’t take me if I’m yours. But without the process being completed, any one of them could step in and take me. Please…”

  His feelings were an intoxicating mix of hope, love, and fear, but the quiver in his voice told me his resolve was breaking. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

  I whispered in his ear, “Then tell me. Tell me how it works.”

  His hands slid up my back. “You’re damned impossible to resist.”

  “Good, then stop resisting. Now tell me how this works.”

  “The process is quite…erotic. And well…Colin…would have to agree. It requires a human. We should probably wait until we get to the hotel.”

  “No offense, but I don’t think we have that luxury. They could catch up to us at any moment.”

  Baron brushed a strand of hair over my shoulder. “You’re going to be my mate. A marathon shag in the back of a limo, while we devour each other, just won’t do.”

  “Why not?”

  The incredulous look that crossed Baron’s face almost made me laugh. “Why not? Because it’s the most sacred ritual in the vampire world. Mates are so rare, it’s a coven event. Everyone attends. It’s like a wedding, only so much more.”

  “Under the circumstances, I think we need to think about eloping. I mean we did start this romantic endeavor in a dark, smelly, New York alleyway. Compared to that, the back of a limo is downright luxurious.”

  Nervousness seeped from behind his words. “You’d have to have sex with me. More than once. Right here. Do you understand? We have to fuck and drink each other’s blood. Colin will need to…participate.”

  I knew his matter of fact way of stating the facts so bluntly was meant to shock me. I shrugged. “You didn’t seem to have an issue watching Colin fuck me in your study. He’s part of our family and will always be. If it’s something he can share with us…” I reached over and grabbed Colin’s hand. “I mean if you want to, that is.”

  Colin scooted across the seat and pressed his lips to mine. “I’d be honored. You can consider me your best man.”

  I focused back on Baron. “See? Problem solved. It will be a good use of that long ride home.”

  Baron nuzzled his face against my neck. “You are incredible. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you.”

  “You did the one thing the others did not. You put me first. Who could ask for anything more in a mate?”



  Baron traced a finger along my collar. “This might be easier if we weren’t wearing any clothes.” His fingers pulled at the first button of my blouse.

  Colin’s gaze held questions. It all had to be so uncertain for him. It was for us both.

  I rested my hand on his knee. “Please… I want you involved in every way.”

  With my urging, Colin pulled his shirt over his head.

  I shrugged my blouse off my shoulders and reached behind me to unclasp my bra. Letting the garment drop from my arms, I paused, taking in Baron’s change in mood.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, resting his head on my breasts. “Nothing and everything.”

  I stroked my fingers through his hair. “Tell me. We don’t have to do this if it’s going to make you sad.”

  “No. No. No. You misunderstand.” He raised his head and looked into eyes. His hand rose to cup my breast. “Even though I planned never to allow myself to have you, that doesn’t mean I haven’t fantasized about this moment. But taking you in a car, while on the run, was never what I imagined. You deserve better than this. You deserve romance and decadence.”

  “I’m exactly where I want to be. You can wine me and dine me all you’d like…but later. In fact, I’ll hold you to it.” I shivered when his fingertip drifted over the tip of my nipple.

  “Oh, I plan to spoil you.”

  Colin chuckled. “You know, I’m not exactly sure what’s about to happen. Vampire husbandry was never something I studied. So, anything I need to know? Something I can assist with? Any pieces that might surprise me?”

  I pulled Baron’s shirt loose from his pants. “Yeah, I’m sort of feeling like a virgin here myself,” I confessed.

  Baron lifted me with ease and set me on Colin’s lap. “Let me finish getting undressed, and I’ll give you both a vampire mating primer.” He glanced around the car. “I think the best way to go about this, is for Colin to lean against the door and you to sit between his legs facing me. That way you’ll be open to me and Colin can take you too, if he chooses, and you have no objections.” He paused, staring at me. “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.”

  I had forgotten how attractive he was—the lean muscle, the light trail of hair leading to his groin, his strong arms, and his long, thick cock.

  I settled, facing Baron from between Colin’s legs.

  Colin’s hard cock pressed against my back as he whispered in my ear, “I’ve got you. I always will. Just relax.” He wrapped his arms around my waist. “This needs to happen. I can’t lose you.” The soft kiss behind my ear was reassuring.

  I watched Baron steady himself, waiting for me to get comfortable. The car jostled as it rounded a bend, causing his impressive cock to bounce. I couldn’t help but lick my lips in anticipation. “Is it going to hurt?”

  “No, not unless you want it to.” He winked, then leaned forward and breathed against my lips, “I will never hurt you, Lillie. If there is anything you can take solace in, it’s that. I have always protected you and always will. Think of this as our wedding night, because in the vampire world, that’s what it would be. The night when our lives and bodies become intertwined through the covenant of the flesh, feast, and forever. Normally, we would attend a lavish affair. An officiant from the council would read the legal decree that permits the ceremony. Members of vampire coven from across the world would attend. Since mates are a rare occurrence, it is considered one of our most sacred rites.”

  I placed my hand over his still heart. “Is that why you seem so sad?”

  He placed both his hands over mine and held me tighter against his chest. “Yes. Because our union, though real and binding for us, will never be acknowledged in the vampire world. I’m a fugitive, for all intents and purposes. I’m so sorry for burdening you with the choices I made before you even existed.”

  “Free will, remember? This is my choice. No matter what happens, you can’t blame yourself. So…what do we have to do to make you mine?” I trailed a finger down his chest and over the smooth plains of muscle on his abdomen until I reach the line of course hair. I needed him to know I desired him.

  His smile was radiant and all-knowing. He accepted my absolution. “The ritual is different depending on the coven. But in a typical ceremony where I come from, we would make love, complete the bond and the transformation on an alter, allowing the guests to witness our union, but we’re going to have to settle for a leather bench seat and Colin.”

  I shot him a cocky grin. “If you ask me, this is an improvement.” I squeezed Colin’s knee.

  Baron ran his hand up the inside of my thigh, coaxing a gasp from my lips. “Perhaps you’re right. Though far from ideal, this is much more intimate. But there is a part of
me that aches for the world to see me claim you.”

  When his fingers touched my wet folds, I moaned.

  “Good, girl, you’re so ready for me.” He placed his hands on my inner thighs and forced my legs open wider. “Colin, hold her leg. Open her further to me.”

  Colin’s fingers glided over my skin until he had a firm grip on my knee.

  A shiver ran through me, being so exposed and at their mercy. The vulnerable position made me feel powerful.

  Baron cupped my face. “Love, I need to be as far inside you as possible when we finish. I can’t chance slipping out.” His eyes focused on my core.

  When Baron licked his lips, I shivered. “Tell me what I need to do.”

  “Just follow my lead and tell me that you’re one-hundred percent sure this is what you want. Once we start, I will not be able to stop.” He positioned himself so he towered above me, his cock smoothing back and forth through the wetness collecting at my sex.

  “Baron, you can feel me. Tell me what you sense. Do you feel any apprehension?”

  He closed his eyes and paused. “No.” His lips grazed over mine. “I only feel your acceptance and gratitude, for now, that will have to be enough. Now I’m going to make love to you. Then, as I’m about to come I will bite you here.” He pressed his lips to my neck. “You’re going to drink from my wrist. This is the first step and it represents the flesh. My body joining with yours. My flesh inside yours.” He seated his cock head at my opening but didn’t push forward. “Then we will repeat the process, but the second time we will partake of the feast, meaning we will drink from Colin together. Since our flesh will have already been joined, Colin may join me inside you while we drink of him, but it’s not necessary for him. Since sex for us is a necessary energy, like blood, but doing so would enhance the experience for him.”

  Touching Colin’s hand that held my knee I sought his reassurance. “What do you want, Colin?”

  “God, Lillie, I’m dying to be inside you. Can’t you feel how hard I am? I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.”

  His words went straight to my core. I wanted them both so desperately. Moisture seeped from my sex in anticipation.

  “The last thing that will happen is I will drain you entirely of blood and drip my own into your mouth. You will sleep for three days. When you awake you will be vampire. But just so you are aware, you will not be permitted to see Colin until after the third night of your awakening. During that time you will drink from me and only me. Colin cannot be there for his own safety. But once I have tamed you, he will be all yours again.”

  “Tamed me?”

  The sexy grin on his face made me want him even more. “Yes, newly turned vampire mates can be…tenacious. Expect furniture to be broken.”

  “I’m going to attack you?”

  “Oh yes, and in a most glorious way. You’ll be insatiable, and it is my duty as your mate…your husband…to ease your ache. It’s the part I’m most looking forward to.” He nuzzled his face against my neck. “Are you ready, love? I am delirious with need for you.”

  “Yes. Please…” His lust was overwhelming on top of my own. I reached behind me and ran my fingers through Colin’s hair.

  My familiar’s lips pressed against the back of my neck in loving support.

  Baron cupped my cheek. “In case I don’t get to tell you. I love you. I hope that you’ll come to love me some day, but either way, I will spend eternity living for you. Look into my eyes, love.”

  At that moment, I felt as though I was staring into his soul. He thrust his hips forward, burying his cock deep inside me.

  Clutching his arms, I pulled him to me and moaned at the sensation of his penetration. “Oh, Baron. So full. So…oh…” The feeling inside was overwhelming and I felt as though it had always had to be him.

  “Lillie, you’re perfect. Let me love you.”

  Colin’s fingers made soothing circles on my hip, still trying to tell me he was there for me. Even though our relationship had just become far more complicated, it was his way of staying connected to me, even though he had to wait.

  I smoothed my hands over the plains of muscles on Baron’s back and pulled him closer.

  His thrusts were gentler than I expected, given the feral lust I felt emanating from him. The soft kisses he placed on my neck sent shivers through me.

  I shifted my hips and he slid deeper into me, causing a moan to escape my lips. “Baron… So good.”

  Colin let out a sexy groan when my back slid along his cock.

  Baron tossed his head back. Eyes closed. “You are exquisite. I can feel everything you’re feeling. Your pleasure is truly mine.” His hips moved faster, but he stayed deep within me, countering the movement of the limo. “I’m getting close, love, as soon as I’ve filled you, I’ll bite and you’ll come with me. You’ll need to take my wrist and bite. I’ll tell you when to stop.” He pushed harder and deeper inside me with fierce thrusts. “Lillie, you…better than I ever imagined.” A grimace crossed his face, as he fought to last longer.

  I cupped his ass and pulled him closer. “Go ahead, Baron. Come. I want to feel you come inside me.”

  Sucking air through his teeth, he released a sound somewhere between a hiss and a moan as his release coated my insides. Continuing to stroke his cock in and out of me, he sighed and sank his teeth into my jugular. He raised his wrist to my mouth while bracing his body with his hand against the back of the seat.

  Without delay, I pierced his flesh. The first drop of blood touched my tongue, and I was lost. Euphoria, unlike anything I had ever felt, coursed through my body. It was like an orgasm wrapped inside of an orgasm. My body clamped down on his erection.

  He cried out from behind his teeth and against my skin. Another rush of fluid filled me inside. The rocking of his hips allowed our combined fluids to escape and drip between my ass cheeks.

  I had never been so full. My body trembled against his. My hunger for his blood heightened with each draw into my mouth.

  Baron’s moans echoed through the cabin like the most beautiful music—erotic and seductive.

  My fingers dug into his forearm and I fought to hold him tight against my mouth. My breathing became erratic, my pulse thundering in his embrace. My sex squeezed Baron’s still erect cock inside me.

  He removed his teeth from my neck, gasping for air. His tongue smoothed over the wounds. He pulled his wrist from my mouth, but only for a moment before encouraging me to lick the bites to heal them. Sliding his cock from my body, he sat back on his heels and extended a hand to me.

  Colin stretched his arms after being crushed by me. He ran a hand through his hair. “Wow. That was the hottest fucking thing I think I’ve ever seen.” His cock stood hard and thick with anticipation. “I almost came with you.”

  Baron chuckled. “You should get used to it. I’m not much for modesty as you’ve probably already discovered, and if you’re staying with her, you’re bound to end up a spectator, or perhaps a participant, on more than a few occasions. Plus, now it’s your turn. Do you wish to join us?”

  “Like you have to ask?” He glanced down at his straining cock. “It just kind struck me as funny. I’m the meal in this scenario.” He looked at Baron. “Do you always fuck your food first?”

  Baron shot Colin the sexiest expression. “Only if you want to enhance its flavor.” The vampire ran a finger across Colin’s cheek. “Oxytocin in the blood is delightful. Making you come makes you taste better.”

  Colin glanced at me. “Is it true? Do I taste better now that we have sex when you drink from me?”

  I didn't know why I was suddenly bashful. “Yes, you really do.”

  Colin leaned forward and kissed me softly on the mouth. “Good, because I love making you happy.” He paused for a moment and looked at Baron. “Will you… I mean…”

  “Are you asking if I’ll be wanting you to sustain me as well?”

  Colin nodded. “Yeah… I guess…”

  Baron slipped his arms a
round my waist, before answering Colin. “Only if that’s what you choose. Even with Lillie, it’s always your choice, Colin. You can leave at any time. Human sexuality is very different than vampire views on the subject. You get hung up on morality and doctrine based on the survival of your species. We can’t under typical circumstances procreate without rituals, so sex mostly exists for pleasure.”

  Colin snickered. “And as a flavor enhancer.”

  “Well, yes…that is convenient.” Baron reached between my legs and collected the wetness that gathered there and spread it between my ass cheeks.

  I gasped. “What are you…?”

  His fingers continued to slide up and down my crease. “Colin will need to take his place against the door again. I want you to take him inside you back here.” He traced my pucker hole with his finger, probing ever so lightly.

  I had never been a prude and had a vast amount of experience under my belt, but Baron’s instruction had taken me by surprise. “So you will both take me at the same time?”

  “Yes, love. Have you ever experienced that before?”

  “Not at the same time.” I bit my lip and considered the idea.

  Baron’s mouth covered mine with a hot, passionate kiss. “Oh, you are in for a treat.” His mischievous grin excited me even more. “This time we should be more in tune with each other’s pleasure. When we feel the first wave of climax, we will each drink from Colin’s wrists. After we have sealed his wounds, while we are still joined. I will drain you, taking your life force into me. That will probably be the last thing you remember, but after, I will feed you my blood, reforming you entirely as mine.”

  “That should help Colin with his endeavors.” He kissed my cheek. “Colin, are you ready?”

  Colin’s hand snaked around my hip pressing me hard against him. “Oh, yes.” His lips caressed my ear. “I love you, Lillie. I’ll be waiting for you, once it’s safe.” He grasped his cock in his hand. “Rise up, sweetheart. Take me inside you.”

  Baron’s fingers stroked my thigh. “Nice and slow.”


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