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My Boss is a Dragon

Page 9

by Rowan Porter

  Liam pondered that for a moment before nodding. “Makes sense. I imagine in your transformed state you’d need a good deal of room.”

  “You know we dragon shifters don’t turn into the skyscraper-tall dragons of legend, right?”

  Liam chuckled, ducking his head. “I’m keenly aware of that.”

  The twist of irony in Liam’s voice caught Sebastian’s attention. “You know because you’ve seen a dragon fully transformed before?”

  Liam eyed him. “Dragons aren’t that rare, it is possible in the modern age to have seen a dragon transform, especially considering their propensity for entertainment.”

  That was true, but unless the transformation was in private, dragons were heavily regulated in where and when they could go into their full dragon form. The old human fear of giant dragons capable of razing villages had leaked into the modern world’s laws. Of course, few dragon shifters ever grew much larger than twice their human form when transformed, so giants were almost unheard of.

  It was the wry familiarity in Liam that had Sebastian frowning.

  Liam looked up, smiling sadly. “Oscar.”

  Sebastian closed his eyes. “Of course, he was.”

  Liam turned, laying a hand gently on Sebastian’s arm. “Don’t. I’ve moved on from him, and that includes being afraid or hating anything that might remind me of him. I spent a few months there, thinking all dragons were like him, but I got over it. And if any dragon were going to show me that not all of them are like Oscar, it would be you.”

  Sebastian opened his mouth, unsure of what he was going to say when a soft voice came over the intercom, announcing it was time to disembark. With another smile, this one a little sadder than the last, Liam turned and grabbed his carry-on bag before stepping out into the aisle.

  Sighing, Sebastian did the same, thankful they were talking once again. Maybe he couldn’t have Liam the way he wanted, but he would happily take his friendship and companionship over his silent presence. It was torture being near Liam, having him touch him, but it was better than distance and awkwardness.

  And if they needed to have some distance to clear their heads, at least they’d have separate hotel rooms.

  “WHAT DO you mean you booked us in the same room?” Sebastian demanded.

  To his credit, the front desk employee looked sufficiently contrite, while not shrinking back in the face of Sebastian’s obvious anger. The dignified man nodded, muttering his apologies as he tapped away at the screen before him.

  Sebastian rolled his fingers on the countertop. “I made this reservation over a week ago, for two separate rooms.”

  After a moment, the employee cringed slightly. “I apologize for the inconvenience, sir; it was a mistake on our part.”

  Sebastian glanced over his shoulder at Liam, who seemed to be doing his best not to look as if he were any part of the conversation.

  “I understand it was a mistake, now I’m asking you to fix the mistake. I didn’t ask for a honeymoon suite for two people. I asked for normal deluxe suites, two of them as a matter of fact,” Sebastian said through his teeth.

  He could deal with Liam turning him down, he could deal with having to be around Liam almost constantly after the awkward night in Sebastian’s apartment. What he couldn’t deal with, however, was having to share a suite, and subsequently a bed, with Liam after everything that had happened.

  The employee bowed his head. “I’m deeply sorry sir, but all other rooms have been filled until next week. This was absolutely our fault, and we’re prepared to offer you a discount rate for your stay.”

  What Sebastian wanted was for either he or Liam to be placed in another room. Hell, he would let Liam have the fancy, plush honeymoon suite and Sebastian would happily take one of the standard rooms on the bottom floor. Whatever it took to keep him from having to share intimate quarters with a man who could send his heart racing with only a glance.

  “Are there normal rooms we can take?” Sebastian asked, desperately.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but no.”

  “This is ridiculous.”

  Liam sidled up behind him, resting a hand on his lower back. “Sebastian.”

  Letting out a sigh, Sebastian grunted. “Fine, what sort of discount?”

  He barely heard what the employee said, agreeing to the amount listed to him as he handed over his card for confirmation. It didn’t matter if they’d covered the entire room rate; it didn’t change the fact that he was going to be locked together with Liam when they weren’t out and about. He would be only feet away while Liam slept, while he showered, while he was sprawled out comfortably on the furniture, looking at ease and comfortable as he combed over his book or paperwork.

  As they made their way to the elevator, Liam looked at him in concern. “You okay?”

  Sebastian snorted. “I feel like you’ve been asking me that a great deal lately.”

  Liam winced. “You’ve been making me wonder.”

  Sebastian laughed softly as they stepped into the elevator. “I suppose it’s to your credit that you hesitated before blurting out the honest answer sitting in that head of yours.”

  As the elevator rose, Liam looked at his feet intently. “I understand why you were so quiet with me today, and why this room thing has you so worked up. I’m sorry.”

  Sebastian closed his eyes. “Don’t be. You’re doing what you think is right.”

  “Anything like that could utterly destroy your chances for more dealings in the future. Even Zhao, for how much he likes the ‘personal touch,’ isn’t going to be too thrilled if you’re involved with an employee directly under you.”

  “You being under me was sort of the intent,” Sebastian said.

  Liam’s eyes widened, before narrowing in warning. “I’m not going to admit to how much that idea sounded good at first glance. My point is, I don’t want you to ruin everything just for the sake of trying to be with me, it’s not worth it.”

  “And what if I think you’re worth it?”

  It was a simple question, but if Liam’s widening eyes and slightly parted lips were any indication, the man had been floored by it. He recovered when the elevator stopped, pinged, and slid its doors open to let them out on the top floor.

  “Your future is not worth some guy, especially one you’ve only known for a few weeks.”

  Sebastian held his mouth tightly closed, afraid of what might come out if he allowed himself to speak. Instead, he led the way down the stretch of hallway to the end where the door to their room lay. Swiping the card he’d been given, Sebastian gave the door a nudge, opening it smoothly.

  The spacious suite, which stretched up high into open wood rafters, was well lit by the afternoon sun from the wall of windows along two of the four walls. There was a kitchen and dining room area, a comfortable living room, which lay before the huge bedroom and equally impressive master bath.

  “Huh, I was expecting something, cheesier,” Liam said as he gazed over the tasteful décor of wood, marble and leather.

  Sebastian snorted. “You’ve seen too many movies. Most hotels nowadays, unless they’re themed, tend to take a more elegant, or at least somewhat classy approach to a honeymoon suite.”

  Liam smiled, gazing around with what Sebastian thought might be wonder. “It’s beautiful. It feels a bit like your apartment, just with a little more marble and less leather.”

  “There’s a really bad joke in there.”

  Liam walked off to explore the rest of the suite. “Best to keep it to yourself, I think we’ve embarrassed ourselves enough.”

  Sebastian watched him go, unable to hide his smile as the rhythm they’d built over the past few weeks began to reassert itself. Sure, perhaps the sleeping arrangements would require a bit of discussion, but at least Liam was helping to make the situation less awkward than it could have been.

  Maybe he would learn to live with the hole in his chest.


  “So, what do you think?”

’s question brought Liam out of the lull of his thoughts with a snap of his head. At that moment, all the sounds and colors on the street came rushing back into focus. Suddenly overwhelmed by all the sensory input, Liam blinked, glancing around them as he realized he’d been being led by Sebastian through the streets of Hong Kong while he operated on autopilot.

  “Uh, about what?” Liam asked.

  Sebastian smiled. “Weren’t even listening, were you?”

  Liam winced. “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought for a minute there.”

  “Thinking about anything good?”

  Mainly he’d been thinking about how natural and easy things had been for them, despite the awkwardness that had pervaded their arrival. The more time he spent with Sebastian, the harder it was to resist the pull toward him. Sebastian was infinitely more caring and down to earth than he was given credit for, and Liam loved watching him laugh easily, and smile genuinely.

  Sebastian had been positively delighted to show Liam around Hong Kong, having been there a few times in the past. He’d known places, and a few lesser known ones, and his enthusiasm in playing tour guide brought a smile to Liam’s face.

  There had been the American themed restaurant, with an attached grocery store, where everyone working there had been delighted to see actual Americans in their shop. Sebastian had taken him down by the bay, where they watched the old boats, where people not only fished from them, but lived on them. Liam’s personal favorite had been the small temple, set on some lonely road out of the way, where it had stood for hundreds of years, quietly used for worship as society continued moving forward.

  Liam looked up at the towering skyscrapers above them. “A lot of things, right now I can’t help but think about how this city is built. It’s like they took parts of everywhere and crammed it into one spot. It’s both wonderful and a little overwhelming.”

  “Well, with its history, it’s seen a lot of different cultures, a lot of different people. It’s all kind of mismatched and crammed into one area, creating a city that’s so unique from anywhere else that could be remotely like it.”

  Liam smiled. “And the food is amazing.”

  “And I’ve loved every second I’ve got to spend with you.”

  It was exactly the sort of thing Liam knew neither of them should be saying about the other. Perhaps it could be construed as a statement between friends, but Liam didn’t think himself so delusional as to truly believe that. The entire day, as wonderful as it had been, had still carried the feeling of a date, even if it was an unspoken one.

  Worse yet, Sebastian held out his hand. “Come on, let’s get back to the hotel, you look exhausted.”

  Unsure if it was a good idea, Liam reached out and took Sebastian’s offered hand. The man’s strong grip wrapped around his hand, before he twined their fingers together in a lover’s hold. Liam’s heart raced as he walked alongside Sebastian. Once again, he found himself paying little attention to what was going on around him as he instead focused on the strength and warmth of Sebastian’s hand. It wasn’t until another grip wrapped around his wrist that he realized a woman had been calling to him.

  An old woman, seated behind a rickety cart, beamed up at him. “Fortune?”

  Liam made to tell her no, until he realized there was nothing on the cart sat before her. No sticks, no bones, not even dice, just a cup full of incense sticks, and a small incense burner. Unable to help his curiosity, Liam smiled at her and nodded.

  Her grin was wide, and she motioned to the incense. “Then pick.”

  “A stick?”

  At her nod, Liam glanced at Sebastian who shrugged. Realizing he’d committed to it, Liam reached out, plucking one of the sticks and holding it out to her. She took it, placed the wooden end within the burner, and with a wave of her hand over the other end, the incense was lit, smoldering as it sent ribbons of smoke into the air.

  The old woman peered into the smoke, nodding. “Yes, yes. The scales of the dragon wrap tightly around your life, trailing into the past where they choked, and into the future where they soothe.”

  Liam straightened. “Pardon?”

  She gave another curt nod. “Love beckons to you, you need only reach out and take its hand, and the world will lay in it.”

  Liam couldn’t help his glance toward him and Sebastian’s entwined hands. The woman’s attention turned toward him, beaming once again. From behind him, Sebastian leaned forward to place money on the cart before her.

  Still unsure what to say, Liam took a step back, allowing Sebastian to pull him away as they resumed their walk. He didn’t know what was worse, how close to home the strange fortuneteller’s words had struck, or that Sebastian hadn’t said a word, not for the entire walk back.

  LIAM ITCHED to call his mother, or maybe even Brandon, in the hope of maybe bleeding some of his thoughts out verbally. Then again, he wasn’t quite sure what he would tell them, since he hadn’t told either of them a thing. All they knew was that his new job was going marvelously, he was an asset to the team, and that his boss was proving to be both amicable and personable.

  He wasn’t quite sure how to tell them that he feared he was falling for him.

  With a grunt, he heaved himself off the chaise he had sprawled on after he and Sebastian had returned. His phone was in the bedroom, where Sebastian had retreated on their return for a nap. Liam was sure he could sneak into the room quietly without waking the other man to retrieve his cellphone from his bag.

  He frowned when he stepped into the open door and found the bed empty. It looked as if Sebastian had been laying in it recently. The bathroom door was open only a crack, with a rectangle of light shining through. Not hearing anything, Liam assumed the man had stepped in there for a second, and hurried over to his bag to retrieve his phone before Sebastian exited.

  When he heard the bathroom door open, Liam turned with a wince, ready to apologize for possibly disturbing Sebastian when he was trying to relax. The words died in his throat, and his mouth went dry however as he laid eyes on Sebastian

  Water dripped down a dark-hair covered chest, and over the flat, hard expanse of Sebastian’s stomach. His arm muscles bulged as Sebastian rubbed a towel over his head vigorously, blocking his vision as he walked out from a cloud of steam. Liam couldn’t help himself as his eyes trailed downward of their own volition, locking on the soft, but still impressive cock swinging between Sebastian’s legs.

  “Shit,” Liam muttered.

  Sebastian jerked, ripping the towel away from his face to reveal huge blue eyes. “Liam?”

  Liam cringed. “I’m sorry, I came to get my phone from my bag, and I thought you were sleeping.”

  “I took a nap and decided I needed to get a shower in,” Sebastian said, looking around.

  Liam swallowed hard, nodding, unsure what to do with himself. Sebastian, in his panic, had clutched the towel in a balled-up mess against his chest. It had done little more than cover up one of his pecs, while everything else remained on full display. Everything Liam had fantasized about seeing, dreamed of witnessing, was laid out for him to see in all its glory.

  Seeming to realize it, Sebastian brought the towel down in a sharp motion, cheeks burning red. “Sorry.”

  Opening his mouth, Liam realized he didn’t have anything to follow that up with, other than to shake his head. More tempting than the sight of Sebastian’s naked body, was the look of vulnerable surprise and embarrassment on his face. Taken off guard, the businessman Sebastian Carlton, who showed only signs of the man beneath, was gone and replaced utterly by who he truly was beneath the façade. A man who cared deeply about improving the lives of others, who really would fight to protect and save Liam, and someone who wanted Liam more than anyone else perhaps ever had.

  Liam stepped closer, unsure if he was edging toward the door or Sebastian. Sebastian’s gaze turned cautious, and Liam felt his heart go out to him. If anything, Liam was the one who held so much of the power between them, who guided and stopped things between them
, while Sebastian simply went along for the ride. The powerful businessman, giving over the reins to someone else, all in the hope that it would turn out for the best.

  Chest aching, Liam closed the distance between them, curling his arm around the back of Sebastian’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Sebastian stiffened in surprise for a moment, before eagerly surging down into the kiss. Liam’s body lit with renewed fire as Sebastian’s mouth pressed against his, their lips parting as their tongues danced across one another.

  It was everything Liam remembered their first kiss being, but this one was more passionate, more eager. It was as if there was an unspoken agreement, since Liam had been the one to start it, they were committed to the deed, they were following through. All Liam knew in his mind was that he desperately wanted to feel Sebastian inside him, holding him close.

  First things first, however.

  Grinning wickedly, Liam pushed against Sebastian until the larger man stepped back once, then again, and again, until finally, his back hit the wall. Between them, Liam felt Sebastian’s thick cock press against his leg, too heavy to do more than swing pendulously.

  Wrapping his fingers around it, Liam let out a moan which matched Sebastian’s as he traced the girth with his fingers. The tip was wet as Sebastian leaked, his hips instinctively pushing out into Liam’s grip.

  Unwilling to waste any more time than he already had in the days before, Liam let himself drop to his knees. Curling his fingers around the base of Sebastian’s cock, he brought it up, so the head rested against his lips. Parting his mouth, he let the thick head slide over his tongue, taking it ever so gently into the back of his throat.

  Liam’s eyes flicked up, catching the bright blue of Sebastian’s gaze and holding it as he felt Sebastian’s cock stretch his throat as he sank deeper. Sebastian’s mouth was parted, low moans escaping past his lips as Liam slid his mouth back and forth, teasing the sensitive tip of Sebastian’s cock with his tongue.

  The taste of Sebastian as he leaked spread over Liam’s tongue, as the heavy girth throbbed against his lips. Sebastian’s legs trembled as he struggled to hold himself up, his body gradually working its way to the crashing conclusion. Liam wanted to see it, to watch as Sebastian lost himself completely to the pleasure and poured his load deep into Liam’s throat, coming hard.


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