The Boundless Sea
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as place of exile 481–3, 493
slavery 481–3, 493, 495, 497, 510, 511
sugar 493
sapanwood 232, 233, 234, 278
sapphires 99, 115, 118, 141
‘Saracens’ 508
Sarangani island 614
Sarapis (god) 112, 114, 122
Sarawak Steamship Company 892
Sardinia 324, 326
Sargon of Akkad (Sargon the Great) 57–8, 65
Sargon of Assyria 65
Sarhat, Israel di 707
Saris, John 632
Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro 729, 730, 731
Sasanid Persia/Empire 141, 147, 167
Sasanian kings 118
Sassoon, Frederick 827
Sassoon family of Bombay 823
Sataspes 89, 90
Satavahana Empire 105
satin 233
Satingpra 244
Satsuma 652
Saudi Arabia 53, 93–4
Savonarola, Girolamo 526
Saxons 344, 345, 346, 347, 348
Sayf ad-din of Hormuz 598
Scandinavia 170–71, 342 see also Denmark/Danes; Norway; Sweden
brooches 353
as centre of interconnected global operations 711
Christianization 361
exotic luxuries reaching 366
Margaret and the three realms of 436–7
merchants 367
mixed marriages between Celts and Scandinavians 375–6, 380, 386
Norsemen see Norsemen
pagan Scandinavian women in Faroes 383
ports serving as northern European distribution centres 722
raiders from 347–8, 356–72 see also Vikings
Scandinavians in Haithabu 366
ships 342–3, 347, 357, 360–61, 365, 368–71
and the tea trade 725
Scharnhorst 890
Schauenburg, Adolf von 423
Scheldt, River 361, 673, 676, 897
Schleswig 423
Schöner, Johannes 572
Schottun, Richard 452
scimitars 318
Scotland 302, 304, 887
brochs (small castles) 326
Darien Scheme and Scottish union with England 722–3
Jacobites 723
Jamaica and Scottish Highlanders 772
‘megalithic’ culture 308
monuments 301
Neolithic 310
to Orkney 304
Scot raiders 347
Scottish Company of the Indies 722
scurvy 573, 616, 666, 687, 688, 752, 793
‘Sea-Beggars’, Dutch 673
Sea–Land Service 903–4
sea levels 6, 11
falling 52, 303
rising 11, 20, 303, 339, 345; and Dunkirk II Marine Transgression 345
sea otters 785, 808
fur 785, 786, 806, 808, 809
sea slugs 232
Seacole, Mary 853
‘Seafarer, The’ 350
Seal, Graham 733
seals (emblems)
Indus 63–4
round stamp seals 66
and Ryukyu Islands 233
for shipping bound for China 235
Sumerian 63–4
seals (mammals) 306, 404, 785, 791
blubber 408, 797
seal-hunting 399
skins 397, 502, 785, 791
seaplanes 898
seaweed 196, 232, 306
Sebag family 836
Sebastian of Portugal 479, 621, 700
Second World War 887–91, 896
and Belfast 870
Seeley, Sir John 765
Seine, River 319, 321, 332, 369
Seleucids 93
Syria under 94
Seleukeia 94–5
Selim I 603, 607
Selman Reis 603–4, 607
Semudera 264, 267, 276, 279
Semudera–Pasai 273–6, 279, 292
Seneca 337, 531
Senegal 702, 708
Seoul 650
Sephardim 698–700, 701, 717, 768, 834, 838, 840
of Amsterdam 701, 702, 704
Serer people 500, 502, 503
Serrão, Francisco 568–9, 571–2, 576, 606
Serrão, João 571, 576
Indian 114
oil 57, 59, 104
Severn, River 361
Seville 370, 467, 507, 528, 532, 561, 586, 617, 618, 623, 676, 696
archives 594, 634
businessmen funding transatlantic voyages 525, 588
Casa de Contratación 555
and the Dutch 677
and Havana 592
investors 703
and Japan 632
merchants 589
and Santo Domingo 590
and silver 635
slaves 583–4
trade with Americas 703
shagreen 648–9
Shama (African village) 508
Shamash (sun god) 60
Shanghai 244, 826, 827, 866, 871, 872, 893
sharks 14
fins 232
skins 648–9
Sharp, Andrew 19
Shaw, Samuel 787
Sheba 82
Queen of 81
sheep 372–3, 381, 385, 400, 404, 486, 489, 730
Merino 475
Shelikov, Grigory Ivanovich 805–6
shellfish 11, 28, 196, 306, 310, 323, 373, 701
Shenzhen 907–8
Sheppey, Isle of 360
Shetland xxii, 328, 372, 373, 377, 379, 386
Norn dialect 379
Shih Chong 137–8
Shi‘ite Muslims 173, 599
Shikoku island 218
Shintō 191, 200, 205, 206, 207, 208, 214, 228–9
shrines 205, 228, 647
Ålander 874
Belfast 869–70, 899
British 869, 896
and Cabrillo 581
Chinese 259–60; in Quanzhou 247
European assumptions of superiority 731
in Funan 140
Japanese 212, 896
at Lisbon 484
Madeiran 484
at Okhotsk 806
Ptolemaic 111, 260
shipowners 111, 182, 244, 861–2, 872
Arab 105
of Bristol 460, 461, 463
Chinese 241
Dutch 717
Greek 873, 895
in Ionian Islands 873
Korean 209
Portuguese 470, 504
safety requirements 861–3
shipping safety 860–63, 870
ships see boats/ships
shipwrecks xviii, xx, xxii, 162, 172, 230, 554–5, 617, 874
off Australian coast 735, 737, 738–41, 743
Batavia 738–41, 743
Belitung 162–4, 165
Cirebon 162
Esmeralda 543–4
in Far North 804
Intan 164–5
Nanhai I 165
Quanzhou 247
salvaging 776
Sinan 217–18
Viking 357, 360
Shōsō-in, Nara 217
Shunten 230
Siam 220, 229, 232, 233, 262, 267, 270, 648–9, 706
and Ayutthaya 276, 277–8
and China 262, 278
Gulf of 139
and Melaka 293–5
and Singapore 289
under Thai rulers 279
trade 233, 277–8
and tribute 277, 295
Siberia 399, 408, 800–803, 804, 805
Sicily 182, 186, 475, 485
sickles 324
Sidebotham, Steven 117
Sierra Leone 504
Sigismund of Luxembourg, Holy Roman Emperor 441
Sigtuna 422
Sigurð, earl of Orkney 373, 375, 379
Sigurð of Norway, ‘Jerusalem Traveller’ 402
silk 99, 121, 136, 149, 170, 184, 187, 454, 547, 623, 687, 724
Armenian 707
and Bosi 147
Byzantine silver plate 349
and Ceylon 147
Chinese 108, 153, 163, 170–71, 172, 220, 239, 242, 244, 562, 633, 642, 643, 701, 707; and Japan 638, 652; in Manila 617, 623, 624, 707, 715; and Mexico 592, 621, 623–4, 780; and North America 780; and the Portuguese 652; and Quanzhou 247, 278; and Siam 278; and the Spanish 617, 623
Christian missionary activities and the silk trade 645–6
and Hansards 429
and Japan 194, 200, 201, 628, 630, 633, 847
Jews’ interest in 176
and Julfans 706
Korean 244, 247
Macanese 640
Persian 706
and Russia 802
and Ryukyu Islands 231
screens 641–2
and Singapore/Temasek 286
and Sofala 548
and the Swedes 724, 725
turbans 540
Silk Road xx, 135–6, 170, 199
and Buddhist texts 146
Chinese ‘One Belt, One Road’ 908
and ‘Polar Silk Route’ proposals 908
silkworms 630
Silla, Korea 192–3, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 204, 211
silver 81, 97, 135, 170–71, 244, 365, 477, 547, 713, 715
aboard Batavia 738, 739, 740, 743
American 611, 616, 624, 707, 754, 769; Mexican 592, 619, 624, 635, 707; Peruvian 592, 619, 624, 635, 672, 678, 696, 700, 715, 724–5, 763; silverware 816; and the Swedes 724–5
and Antwerp 668, 672
and the Baltic 364
billon alloy 586
bracelets 548
bribes 782–3
bullion 188, 354, 364, 477, 500–501, 619, 624–5, 635, 647, 763
and Charlemagne 354
and China 220, 623, 624–5, 643, 696
of Chrysé and Argyré 134
coins see coins: silver
English 448–9, 451
of Funan 140
hack (weighed) 60, 68, 153, 364, 390, 648
and India 188
ingots 165
Iranian 188, 364
and Jamaica 777, 778
Japanese 638, 641, 642, 647, 801, 847
and Macau 763
and Manila 635, 763
mines 170, 364, 449, 635, 700, 763, 802
of Porto Bello 774–5
and the Portuguese 640–41, 668, 672, 700
Roman 108
and Seville 635
in Shetlands 372
Siberian 801–2
‘Single Whip’ taxes and silver payments 624
and the Spanish 81, 635, 696
and Śri Vijaya 153
Sterling 449
and the Swedes 724–5
of Tartessos 81, 322
tribute 360
and the Varangians 364
and Venice 672
Viking raids on 362
Silver City Airways 899
Silves 467, 468
Simla, SS 867
Sinan wreck 217–18
Sindbad the Sailor 133, 156–7
Singapore 272, 818–24, 828
and Ayutthaya 290
Batavian steamship link 868
and Britain/England 287–8, 821–2, 828, 893; and East India Company 819–20, 821
and China 286, 288–9, 822–3
as a container port 904
ethnic diversity 822–4
expulsion from Malaysian Federation 895
Fort Canning 281, 287–8, 289, 291
History Museum 288
and Java 284–5, 286, 288, 289
and Majapahit 280
and Melaka 285, 289, 822
and Norway 871
P&O office 892
and Palembang 285
Peranakan families 823
previously Temasek 279, 282, 283, 285, 286
and Raffles 281–2
rubber 824, 893–4
and Second World War 887, 892; and post-war period 893–6
and Siam 289
and ‘Silk Route of the Sea’ 281–9
and slavery 823
and Sri Tri Buana story 283–4, 287
and steamships 868
and Strait of Malacca 281–2, 286, 290
Tan Tock Seng Hospital 823
trade 288–9, 824–5, 826
and the UN 894–6
and Vietnam 286
Singapore Stone 288
Singhasari 279
Sinthos see Indus River
Siraf 156, 164, 171–2, 184
Sitka, Alaska 807–8
Skania 430
Skara Brae 310–11, 321
skins/hides 353, 470, 795 see also furs/fur trade
bear 406
boat construction with hides 67, 321, 331
Chinese 107
Cuban 591
deer hides 278
and the Dutch 683
gazelle 323
goat 473, 756, 839
from Hispaniola 590, 591
leopard 323
lion 323
Merino sheep 475
seal 397, 502, 785, 791
tiger 194, 278
walrus 398
whale 91
Inuit see Inuit
in Vínland 411–13
Skuldelev ships 370–71
Skye 382
Skylax 88, 90
skýr 399
slavery/slaves 106, 108, 128, 185, 410, 513, 545, 581, 708
Anglo-Saxon 347
in Angola 503
Arab slavers (Dashi) 266
and Atlantic islands 481, 483
and the Azores 497
Bantu slaves 131
and Barbados 767
Berber slaves 502
and Bermuda 766
Brazilian 490, 553, 560, 748
and the British 347, 829, 831, 832, 841
burials 491
and the Canaries 473–4, 486, 497, 499
and Cape Verde 489, 490, 491, 492, 497, 502, 503, 504, 584, 593, 702, 753–5, 756, 841
Caribbean 490, 491, 583–5, 592, 593, 720–21, 767, 769, 777
and castration 832
Danish slave trade 709, 712, 716, 720, 722
female slaves 137–8, 347, 379, 386, 553, 823
and Frisians 344
and the Genoese 503, 588, 777
and gold 582
and Guinea Bissau 504
in Iceland 386
in Jamaica 777
Kongo slaves 493, 503
Korean slaves 210
and Liverpool 865
in Madeira 486, 497
Malagasy 760, 761–2, 780
and Manila 697
of Mina coast 507
native American slaves 816
and Oman 829, 831
and the Portuguese 489, 490, 491, 492, 497–9, 502–4, 510, 511, 547, 560, 584, 700, 701, 753–4, 841
and the Royal Navy 829
on St Helena 756, 762
and São Tomé 481–3, 493, 495, 497, 510, 511
Shih Chong’s female slaves 137–8
and Sierra Leone 504
and Singapore 823
slave-merchants 266, 490, 491, 753, 754, 777
slave-raiders 554, 559
slave ships 510, 511, 560, 757–8, 762
slave trade xix, 153, 473, 483, 489, 490, 491, 492, 497–9, 503, 505, 524, 560, 583–5, 588, 593, 697, 701, 709, 716, 722, 749, 753–5, 777
and the Spanish 490, 491, 492, 503, 505, 531, 552, 553, 554, 582, 583–5, 592, 593, 777
sub-Saharan 471, 583–4
and sugar trade 582, 584, 589, 749, 762, 768, 831
Taíno 531
and the Vikings 347
Welsh slaves 379
in west Africa 500
and West Indies 841
Slavs 366, 418, 421–2, 423
‘Drive to the East’ 418, 425
in GDR 423
German wars 423
Slovenia 338
Smaragdus, Mons 115
Smith, Adam 825
smuggling 109, 181, 231, 249, 619, 686, 751, 776, 783–4, 894
Smyrna 676, 701, 838
snails, edible 112
Snefru 73
Snorri 413
Society 758
Society Islands 20, 21, 25
Socotra 75, 125–31, 132, 598
Hoq cave 128
pirates 130
trade 130–31
Sodré, Vicente 544
Sofala 157–8, 546, 548
Sogdian merchants 135–6
Soliman, Rajah 617–18
Solís, Juan de 567–8
Solomon 73, 80–81, 82
Solomon Islands 3, 10, 11, 728–30, 731
Somalia 62, 71, 79, 96, 167, 182, 266
Sōpatma 119
Sorbians 423
Sørensen, Marie Louise 492
sorghum 114
souterrains 329
South Africa
trade 841, 874, 880
South America see also specific countries by name
Cape Horn see Cape Horn
Columbus’s ‘discovery’ of 528, 532
Gran Colombia 852
and Hamburg 880
maritime highway to Caribbean islands 521
New Granada 852
and Polynesians 27–9
and the Spanish 28–9, 522–3, 550–56; and Casa de Contratación 555; and gold 553; loss of northern colonies 852; and slavery 553, 554; Vespucci and the ‘Antipodes’ 550–53
trade with northern European ports 880
South China Sea xxii, 6, 43, 121, 125, 136, 148, 240, 679
and China 240, 822; Chinese claims/control 136–7, 238, 908; and Pax Sinica 293; Quanzhou trade 244–50
Melaka as link with Indian Ocean 272, 295, 569, 636
and Mongol rule 279
and the Portuguese see Portugal/Portuguese: and South China Sea
shipwrecks 162–5
Singapore as link with Indian Ocean 272
and smuggling 894
trade see trade: South China Sea
trading empires 131, 133; Śri Vijaya see Śri Vijaya, Sumatra
and Wu Chinese 137, 142
and Zheng He’s voyages 254–5, 256–69, 280–81, 293, 636
South Equatorial Current 16
Southampton 454–5, 458, 885, 887
air raids 891
as Hamwih 353
Southern Ocean see Antarctic Ocean
Souyri, Pierre-François 235
soya beans 648
and Aden 182
and African coast 471
amphorae 115
Andalusia see Andalusia
and Antwerp 673
and Armenians 707
Basques see Basques
and Britain/England 557, 656; Armada 627, 676; and the Caribbean 764–5, 770–71; and Cromwell 769, 770; and the Inquisition 656–7; and Jamaica 773–9; and licensed piracy 765, 775–6; and Nootka Sound/Convention 794; and the Pacific 665, 687, 730–31; Panama and war between 851; resistance to Philip II of Spain 654; tussles between English and Spanish sailors hitting Antwerp trade 673
Bronze Age 319, 323–4
and Cape Verde 754
and the Caribbean see Caribbean: and the Spanish
Castilians see Castile/Castilians
Catalans see Catalans
and the Chinese 622–8, 652, 806
Christian reconquest 477; and battle of Las Navas de Tolosa 468