Atlantic: Angra as a nodal point 752; and Baltic 721–2; of Copenhagen 721–2; eastern Atlantic from Neolithic times xxii; and Greenland 398, 402–4, 407, 408; Muslim 467; Norse trade with North America 414; tin trade 332–8
at Ayla 167
Baltic 338, 339, 364–5, 366, 367, 418, 420, 427, 428; and Amsterdam 676; and Atlantic 721–2; and the Danes 713, 714, 715–16, 721–2; and the Dutch 675, 676, 677, 685, 686; of Veckinchusens 441
‘Barbary’ 657
battle for control of maritime trade 526, 594–610, 667
Bermudian 766
Brazilian 560–61, 748, 880; slave trade/economy 490, 553, 560, 748
British see also trade: English: Canton trade 709, 825; with Japan 846; opium 825–6, 827; strike disruptions 896; through Suez Canal 850–51
Buddhism’s attitude to 236
Caribbean 520, 521, 590; British blocking of trade with North America 780, 781, 785; contraband trade in Spanish islands 771, 772, 776; Havana 592, 617; Hispaniola 586; between Jamaica and the English colonies in North America 777; networks 520, 527; slave trade see slavery/slaves: Caribbean
Chinese 236–50, 643, 709; Britain and Canton trade 709, 825; with Denmark 709, 712, 714, 725; and ethnic diversity in China 238; fur trade 785–6, 791, 792–6, 797, 806; with Hawai’i 815, 816; Hong downturn after Second World War 893; Hung’s ban on Chinese merchants trading overseas 219, 220; and imperial court 154, 163–4, 216, 236–8, 239–40, 241–2, 244, 248, 250; with Iraq 185; with Japan 201–2, 212–20, 228, 638, 647, 649; and Java 163–4; with Khmer Empire 244; with Mexico 592; Ming ban on private trade 257, 261; Ming restrictions on foreign trade 286–7, 289, 290; with Moluccas 574; networks 822–3; with North America/USA 709, 780–96; opium 825–6, 827; with Philippines 620–21, 622–5; porcelain see porcelain: Chinese; with Portugal 627, 636–7, 652; Quanzhou and ‘commercial revolution’ 239, 243–50; with Russia 801, 802, 806, 807, 808–9; with Siam 277; silk 108, 153, 163, 170–71, 172, 239, 242, 244, 652; with Siraf 171–2; Song liberalization 240, 273; South China Sea trade of Quanzhou 244–50; sucking away Chinese cash 188; with Sweden 725, 726; and tribute xix, 236, 257; women’s investment 239
Chola 273
Christian trading republics emerging 173
coffee 95, 709, 711, 721, 725, 831
and Confucianism 236
and containers see containerization
copper see copper
and crusade 420, 422
Cuban 772
Danish 667, 709, 711–19; Baltic trade 713, 714, 715–16, 721–2; with China 709, 712, 714, 725; with India 712, 713, 714, 715; and neutrality in Napoleonic Wars 712; slave trade 709, 712, 716, 720, 722; spice trade 714–15; tea trade 709, 715; with West Indies 711–12, 713
Dutch xix, 197, 627, 674, 676; Amsterdam 677; and the Baltic 675, 676, 677, 685, 686; in Brazil 686, 748; cloth 678; with East Indies 678, 682, 684–5; and the English 687–91; in exotic goods 660; grain trade 675, 676–7; herring trade 668, 674, 683, 685; intra-Asian trade 674; with Japan 694–5, 846; pepper 678; with Russia 677–8; and São Tomé 683; and the Spanish 683, 876–7; spice trade 678, 684, 688, 736; and struggle for ocean route supremacy 5, 667, 679–91; in West Indies 683, 686
Dutch–Portuguese struggle in 677, 682–3; and Amboyna control 689–90; and Dutch global trade 678, 679–82; Dutch supplanting of Portuguese trade 668, 674; and Lisbon trade 677, 682–3, 684; and ocean route supremacy 5, 667, 673–5, 677, 679; Philip II’s ban on Dutch trade 676–7; Philip III’s ban on Dutch trade 683, 684; and Portuguese trading stations in west Africa 683; and St Helena 756; and success of Dutch merchant fleets 668; and Viana do Castelo’s ignoring of rules 686
Egyptian 70–79; Indian Ocean 70–79, 99–102; with Punt 47, 73, 75, 76–9; Red Sea trade 46, 79, 110–11, 594; and tribute 77
English 448–9, 451–2, 455–6; and Bristol 457–64; and the Dutch 687–91; grain trade 389, 391, 444, 458; with Hansa 419, 453, 458; with Portugal 700; with Russia 659; spice trade see spices/spice trade: and the English; wine trade 457, 458–9
English Channel 319–20
exotic see exoticism: exotic goods, luxuries and foods
exponential and transformative growth of maritime trade 880
free navigation rights and trade rights 679–82, 822
free trade 219, 419, 682, 804, 824–5, 826
French 562–3; Atlantic, from Neolithic times xxii; with China 709
Frisian 352–3, 355
fur see furs/fur trade
German 173, 421 see also Hansa, German; Glückstadt trade with Guinea 719
and globalization see globalization
grain see grain trade
Greek 872–3
and Greenland 398, 402–4, 407, 408
Guinea 504–8, 719, 754; coast 489, 490, 504, 669, 717
Hanseatic 419–20, 426–8, 429–31, 432–46
Hawai’ian 815–17
Icelandic 390–92, 461–3
illicit, between Portuguese and Spanish hemispheres 642
Indian 265; ‘country trade’ 713, 715, 825; with Denmark 712, 713, 714, 715; and New Julfans 706, 707
Indian Ocean 47, 51–2, 53–4, 90, 99, 149, 238, 241; and Ceylon 118; and Dilmun 66–7; and Egypt 70–79, 99–102; between Gerrha and Babylonia 94; between Mesopotamia and Indus Valley 66–7, 69; with North America 780–96; and the Omanis 832; and Periplous tēs Eruthras thalassēs 104–9, 124; and the Romans 52, 110, 877; and Singapore/Temasek 286; and Śri Vijaya 149; and Strait of Malacca 279 see also Melaka (Malacca): Strait of Malacca; Sumerian 57–62
Indo-Roman 52, 110–23, 877
intra-Asian 674, 871
Irish 457
Japanese 189, 632–3, 647–50; with Britain 846; with China 201–2, 212–20, 228, 638, 647, 649; with the Dutch 694–5, 846; and imperial court 194; imports 194; in Inland Sea 652; with Korea 194, 198, 630; and Macau 638; masked as tribute xix; official/unofficial distinction 235; with Philippines 629, 648; and Portuguese 652, 654; with Russia 846; with US 846–7
Javanese 163–4
Korean 194, 198, 216, 630
Lapita 15
Levant 460–61
in luxuries see luxury goods
between Madagascar and Melaka 548
and Majapahit 280
and mapmakers 471
Mediterranean centres and the crusades 420
merchant guilds 183, 184, 249
merchants see merchants
Mexican: with China 592; with Havana 592, 617
monopolies 233, 277–8, 335, 441, 447, 506, 563, 600, 690, 695, 723, 773, 784 see also East India Company, English; VOC (United East India Company)
Moroccan 511, 561, 657, 834–40
‘Muscateer’ involvement with European trade 831–2
Muscovy 659, 678
Norse trade with North America 414
North American see also trade: US: with Bermuda 766; Caribbean trade blocked by British 780, 781, 785; with China, 709, 780–96; fur trade 785–6, 791–6, 816; and Indian Ocean 780–96; with Jamaica 777; with the Norse 414; wheat trade 878
North Sea 353–5, 390, 430; networks 348, 444
Norwegian 390–92, 871–2; and Bergen 443–4; and Hansards 442–6; intra-Asian trade 871
Omani 829, 831–4
opium 824, 825–6, 827, 828
Orkney 373, 444
Pacific: Manila as hub of 618 see also Manila galleons; networks 795, 815–16, 817; role in island societies 15; and Spain 29; Torres Strait islanders 9–10; and the USA 785, 791–5
pearl 54 see also pearls
in Persian Gulf 46, 53–4, 170–73
Philippine 614, 617, 620–21, 622–5, 629, 648; with Manila galleons see Manila galleons
Phoenician 81, 83, 322–3
Portuguese 459, 469–71, 474, 563, 697–703; in Africa 510–11; with Brazil 560–61, 748; in calico cloth 635; with China 627, 636–7, 652; in cotton 635; and the Dutch see trade: Dutch–Portuguese struggle in; with England 700; and global trade networks 470–71, 617, 700–702, 703; and Havana 592, 754;
and Japanese 652, 654; mastery of trade routes in all oceans 704; methods 634; and trading stations in west Africa 683
Red Sea 46, 79–84, 96, 174–82, 187; Egyptian 46, 79, 110–11; Indo-Roman 110–23; as spice route 52, 170–71, 594, 600, 603, 605–6, 672
religion’s intertwining with 144–6
resin see resins
role in Pacific island societies 15
Roman: Indo-Roman 52, 110–23, 877; pepper 113–16, 877
Russian 422, 427–8, 839; with China 801, 802, 806, 807, 808–9; with the Dutch 677–8; with East Indies 802; with England 659; fur trade see furs/fur trade: Russian; with Japan 846; and the northern Pacific 800, 803–9
sandalwood see sandalwood
Scandinavian ports serving as northern European distribution centres 722
Siamese 233, 277–8
silk see silk
and Singapore/Temasek 286, 288–9, 824–5
Sirafi 171–2
Slav 423
slave see slavery/slaves: slave trade
Socotran 130–31
South American trade with northern European ports 880
South China Sea 137, 138, 140, 141–2, 145, 149, 162–5, 240; and Ayutthaya 278–9; networks 240, 617, 822; and Quanzhou 244–50; and Singapore 288–9; and Śri Vijaya 149
Spanish 455, 634–5; and Caribbean see Caribbean: and the Spanish; and Casa de Contratación 555; and the Dutch 683, 876–7; fur trade 806; grain trade 587–8; and Havana 592, 617; inter-colonial 592; methods 634–5; scorned by the nobility 696; between Seville and the Americas 703; slave trade see slavery/slaves: and the Spanish
Spanish inter-colonial 592
spice see spices/spice trade
Spice Islands 574
Śri Vijaya as intermediary between Indian Ocean and South China Sea trade 149, 273
sugar see sugar
Sumatra and Malay peninsula trading empires 131, 133; Śri Vijaya see Śri Vijaya, Sumatra
Sumerian 57–62
Swedish 709, 722, 724–6, 871
taxes and trade agreements 838–9
tea see tea: trade
tin 332–8
and tribute xix, 214, 236, 238, 257 see also tribute
Ubaidi 53–4
US: with China 709, 781, 784–96; fur trade 785–6, 791–6, 816; with Hawai’i 816; international trade of eastern ports 845; with Japan 846–7; and the Pacific 785, 791–5, 845–6; restrictions 879; whaling 845; wheat trade 878
Venetian 594, 595, 601, 675
Welsh 457
wine see wine
between Zabaj and Oman 156
trade routes xvii–xviii, 52
acceleration from 1490s in linking oceans 517–19
between Alexandria and India/Ceylon 103
around Cape Horn 785, 791–2, 793, 807, 845, 851, 875
Atlantic ports to Indian Ocean 606
from Aydhab and Qusayr to Far East 179
battle for control of maritime routes 526, 594–610, 667
of Bronze Age Greece 314
Buddhism’s spread along xx, 146, 166
Caribbean 521
between China and India 125, 137, 138–9
described by Carletti 648
and Dilmun 61, 65, 66–9
Dutch struggle/supremacy in ocean routes 5, 667, 679–91
between England and Alexandria 848–9
and globalization xvi–xvii, 879
Greco-Roman route linking Egypt with south India xviii, 106–10, 877
Hanseatic 424–5, 438
and Hormuz 598
Indian Ocean 124; to Atlantic ports 606; between Egypt and the Indies 99–102; ‘Silk Route of the Sea’ see Indian Ocean: ‘Silk Route of the Sea’; to South China Sea 255, 272, 338
Islam’s spread along 146, 166
between Macau and Japan 635
networks of see trading networks
overland xix–xx, 99; for amber 339–42; between Ayla and Gaza 167; and Hormuz 598; through Petra 167; Silk Road see Silk Road
across Pacific 29, 648
through Panama Canal 859
from Persian Gulf: in 8th century 170–71; to India 184
Portuguese mastery of oceanic routes 704
Red Sea highway 70, 111–13, 166–7, 181–2, 517, 594, 600, 603, 605–6, 634, 672
shifts in southern France with La Tène culture 334–5
Silk Road see Silk Road
from Siraf to India 184
across South China Sea 138, 241, 250, 272, 606; to Indian Ocean 255, 272, 338
Spanish control of Pacific routes 29
spice routes 52, 170–71, 173, 523, 600, 606, 617, 672
and Strait of Gibraltar 470, 475 see also Gibraltar: Strait of
through Suez Canal 849–51, 866
transatlantic 562–4, 606
across Yellow Sea 649
trade winds 16
trading diasporas 697–708
trading licences 634
trading networks
Aden as nodal point in global network 182
Ålander 874–6
Armenian 705–8
Atlantic 302, 391–2; and the Azores 751–2; Bahama 520; between islands 488; links with Mediterranean 470, 517; and Manila galleons see Manila galleons
and Ayutthaya 278–9
Bahama 520
between Baltic and North Sea 366
Caribbean 520, 527
centring on the Azores 488
Chinese 822–3
and date palms 53
Dutch network in East Indies 684–5, 688, 689–90, 821
exploiting Portuguese control loopholes 745
global 182, 188, 594, 643; and Cape Verde 752–5; of the Danes 709; and European weapons arriving in Far East 644; and Hawai’i 815–16, 817; and introduction of alien plants 643–4, 752; and Portugal 470–71, 617, 700–702, 703; and Scandinavia as centre of interconnected global operations 711; of the Swedes 709
between Hamburg and South America 880
Hanseatic 444
between Iceland and Norway 391–2
India as interchange point between 187
of Indian Ocean 43, 90, 93, 124, 125, 147, 167–70, 279
between Indonesia and Malaya 147
and interconnection of oceans xxi
Japanese 647–8
Lapita 15, 19
linking Mediterranean to Indian Ocean 167–70
and Madeira 748–50
and Manila 620–22
Mediterranean 322, 338; and the Dutch 676, 682; links with Atlantic networks 470, 517
and Melaka 272, 295, 569, 636
North Sea 348, 444
Norwegian shipping network 391–2, 871
Pacific 795, 815–16, 817
Portuguese 470–71, 617, 700–705
of primary produce xix
and Ryukyu Islands 231–4, 614
Sephardic 838, 840
and Seville 586
South China Sea 240, 617, 822
of Śri Vijaya and South China Sea 148–65
and Sumatra 233
in Torres Strait 10
Tranquebar, India 713, 714, 715
Transoxiana 170
treasure ships 774
in Caribbean 763, 764–5
Chinese 254, 259, 260, 266, 267
Spanish 665, 673, 686, 764–5, 851
Trekh Sviatitelei 794
Trevor-Roper, Hugh xxiv
Tri Buana 283–4, 287
tribute 21, 26, 77, 230
and China xix, 142, 236, 238, 257, 262, 270, 281, 293, 622
food tribute to chieftains on Hawaiki 38
Frisian 360
in gold 546
and Japan 192, 213, 215
Korean 192
and Manila 618
and Melaka 295
Mongols’ demand for 223, 279
from People of the Sea 213
Russian, on people of Siberia 801
and Siam 277, 295
silver 360
and trade xix, 214, 236, 2
38, 257
from Zanzibar 546
Trier 342
Trieste 851, 872
Trinidad 521, 592
Trinidad 577
Trinity 463–4
Trinity College, Cambridge 905
Tristan da Cunha 755, 758
Triton 787
Trujillo, Rafael 586
Tryall/Trial 737
Tsushima island 191, 195, 204, 216, 218, 224
Korean invasion 223, 225
Mongol invasion 223
Tuamoto 26
Tuareg Berbers 500
Tudors 534
Tun-sun 144
tuna 196, 467
tunny-fishing 54
Tunisia 173, 182, 184, 186
Tupac Inca Yupanqui 727
Tupaia (Polynesian navigator) 16–17, 31, 812–13
Tupí Indians 553, 560, 561
Tupinambá Indians 519
Turks/Ottomans 318, 456, 536, 537, 601–10
and Basra 604, 606
Constantinople’s fall to 460, 594
and Diu 602
and Egypt 601–2, 603
Franco-Ottoman alliance 603
and Hormuz 608
and India 603, 605
and Indian Ocean 601–10; Ottoman–Portuguese conflict 549, 594, 599–607, 610
and Italy 601
and Mamluks 600
and Mediterranean 604, 607
and Melaka 577, 607
and the Moluccas 607
navies 566
Ottoman government of Iraq 831
and Persian Gulf 604, 606
and Persians 599, 604
and the Portuguese 600, 602–3, 607
printing refusals 608
and Red Sea 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 608
ships see boats/ships: Ottoman
and the spice trade 602, 603
sugar supplies threatened by 485
Sunni Turks 599
and Syria 594, 601
and Venetians 595, 603, 607
and Yemen 603–4
turquoise 99, 107
turtles 9, 10, 105, 112, 278
Tuscany 486, 682
Livorno see Livorno
Tyneside 869
typhoons 146, 176, 226, 228, 245, 620, 623, 637, 643
Tyre 81–2, 83
Tyrkir (German slave) 410, 411
U-boats 881, 882, 888, 891
U Thong 277
Ubaid 53–4
Ulf the Unwashed 342
‘Umar, Caliph 167
Umm an-Nar 52, 61, 65, 67
Unalaska Island 793
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 901
United American Company 805
United East India Company, Danish (later Danish Asiatic Company) 712, 714
The Boundless Sea Page 150