United East India Company, Dutch see VOC (United East India Company)
United Nations 894–6
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 901
United States of America
aircraft 898
American Standards Association 903
anti-Semitism 884
boundary with Canada 794
and Britain 852, 864, 878
California acquired by 852
and the Caribbean 856, 857, 858
and China 709, 781, 787–96, 893
Colón settlement, Panama 854
Congress 884, 885
container shipping 901–4
and Cuba 856
and Cunard 884–7
dockworkers 901
empire-building 856
and the Falklands 795
first generation millionaires 796
and First World War 882
Florida see Florida
and Germany see Germany: and the USA
and Hawai’i 816, 817, 856, 859
immigration policies 884–5
and Indian Ocean 781–2, 795
and ivory 833
and Japan see Japan/Japanese: and the USA
and Macau 806
merchant fleets 856–7
merchants 795
and Mexico 846
naval power 856
and Oman 833
and the Pacific 785, 791–5, 845–6
and Panama Canal 852–4, 856–9
and the Philippines 856
and Puerto Rico 856
racism 884
railway network 790
and Second World War 888, 890
ships see boats/ships: American
and Spain 856
trade see trade: US
US Virgin Islands 720
Vietnam War 904
whaling 845
wheat 878
Upēri 65
Uppsala 367
Ur 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 66, 69
Ur-Nammu 58
Ur-Nanše of Lagash 65
Urdaneta, Andrés de 580, 611, 616
Urnfield Culture 317
Usipi tribe 344
Usque, Samuel 494
Usselinx, Willem 717
Uti-napishtim 56
Utrecht, Peace of 453
uxers 474
Uzbekistan 170
Vaaz brothers 703
Vajrabodhi 149
Valdemar I of Denmark 425
Valdemar IV Atterdag 425
Valencia 478, 485, 492, 532
Valignano, Alessandro di 645–6, 647, 653
Vancouver Island 786, 791, 793, 816
Vanderbilt, Cornelius 854
Vanuatu 14, 19, 732
Varangians 362, 364, 367, 423
Vardø/Wardhouse 666
Varthema, Ludovico di 569
Vaz, Tristão 483, 485
Veckinchusen, Hildebrand von 438, 439–40, 441–2
Veckinchusen, Sivert von 438, 439–41, 442
Vega, Lope de 704
vegetarianism 230
Velázquez, Diego 591
Velloso (Spanish landowner) 589
Venables, Robert 770
Veneti 328, 330–31
Venezuela 551–2, 590
and the Dutch 683, 684
salt 683, 684, 685
Venice/Venetians 188, 415, 420, 454, 470, 676, 701
and Alexandria 460, 601
and Antwerp 669–70, 672
Armenian printing house 708
and copper 672
and cruise ships 900
galleys 669–72
glassware 660, 688, 754
merchants 594, 682
and Ottomans 595, 603, 607
and pepper 544, 545
and silver 672
and the spice trade 595, 675
trade 594, 595, 601
Venetian–Mamluk treaties and relations 595–8, 600
Vera Cruz harbour, Austrialia del Espiritú Santo 732
Veracruz, Mexico 591, 617, 764, 847
verdigris 217
Verrazano, Giovanni da 562–4, 661
Verrazano, Girolamo da 563–4
Vespucci, Amerigo 517, 523, 525, 526, 550–53, 556, 560, 566, 610
and Cabral 542
and Columbus 526
and de la Cosa 553–4
Viana do Castelo, Portugal 469, 686
Viborg 422
Victoria, Queen 826, 850, 864
Victoria 571, 577, 578, 581
Victoria Harbour 826
Vienna 604
Vietnam 113, 136, 228
and Buddhism 142, 144
and China 136, 139–44, 245, 257
and Christianity 695
Funan see Funan, southern Vietnam
and Hinduism 144
and India 140; Indianization 140, 144 and Indonesia 143
and Japan 632
merchant communities from Quanzhou 245
and Mongols 222, 228
and Norway 871
pottery 232
Red River delta 146
and South China Sea 908
and Temasek 286
War 904
Vikings xix, 243, 299, 347–8, 355, 356, 357–72, 465–7
and Anglo-Saxons 357–62
and Celts 375–6
and Christians 367
cult of the violent hero 363
and Franks 360
and Frisia 360
human sacrifice 367, 368
and Ireland 361, 372, 379–80, 381
and mixture of Norse and Celtic culture 379
and Orkney 372, 373–9
paganism 364, 367, 379, 388
ships 347, 357, 360–61, 365, 368–71, 376–7, 467
Swedish 362
‘Viking diaspora’ of Norse settlement 380–92
and wine 367
Village of the Two Parts, Mina 509
Villalobos, Ruy López de 614–15, 728–9
Villena 323–4
vinegar 510, 588
Vínland 398, 409, 410–11, 414
Virgin Islands, US 720
Virginia 761, 766, 767
Virginia Company 766
Visby, Sweden 418, 419, 423, 424, 425, 426–7, 449
Vishnu statues 159
Vitalienbrüder 436, 437, 447
vitamin C 573
Vivaldi brothers 471, 501
Vix 332
VOC (United East India Company) 677, 684, 685, 688, 692, 695, 713–14, 717, 723, 736
charts 741
ships 736, 738–41
and Tasman 743
Vorontosov, Alexander Romanovich 805
Vorwerk 880
Wadden Sea 354
Wadi Gawasis 78
Wagrians 423
Waldseemüller, Martin, world map 556, 728
Wales 302, 308, 330, 347
Anglesey see Anglesey
Bronze Age 316, 317
copper 302
coracles 331
gold 302
promontory forts 328
trade 457
Viking raids 361
Vikings and Welsh slaves 379
wallabies 9
Wallace, Alfred Russel 158
Wallacea 7
Wallem, Haakon 872
Wallem shipping company 890
Wallis, Samuel 810, 811
walnuts 114
walrus 391, 397–8
hide 398
ivory 408
tusks/ivory xix, 385, 391, 397, 406
‘Wanderer, The’ 350
Wando island 209–10
Wang Dayuan 279, 285–6, 289
Descriptions of the Barbarians of the Isles 285–6
Wang Gung-Wu 138, 139
Wang Hong 637
Wang Liang 207–8
Wang No 201
Wang Yuanmao 245–6
Wardhouse/Vardø 666
Warwick, Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of 719
hington, George 792
watercress 643
watermelons 178
Watson, Andrew xxiii
wax 427, 428, 444, 470, 503, 678, 682
axes see axes
bronze 316, 317, 319–20
cannon see cannon
from Danish colonial empire 721
European weapons arriving in Far East 644
of hardened wood 472
Japanese 213, 222, 232
of raiders 342, 343
spears 104, 321, 342, 736, 793
stone 472
swords see swords
Wei 136
Welser family and banking house of Augsburg 589, 590, 672
Welwod, William 679, 681
Wends 423–4
Weng Chao 245
Wessex 319, 360
West India Company, Danish 667, 719, 720, 721
West India Company, Dutch 683, 686
West Indies 781 see also Caribbean
Antilles see Antilles
Bahamas see Bahamas
and the Canaries 592
Columbus and the term ‘Indies’ 46, 517
cotton 588
and the Danes 711–12, 713, 716, 720–22
and the Dutch 683, 686, 783–4
Hispaniola see Hispaniola
Jamaica see Jamaica
and Madeira 749
mules sent from Morocco to 839
and North American imports/smuggling 780, 783–4
scramble in 17th century for 719–21
and slavery 841
Spanish: Spanish involvement see Caribbean: and the Spanish; Spanish islands see Antilles: Lesser Antilles; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Hispaniola; Jamaica; Puerto Rico; Trinidad
and sugar trade 721, 839
trade links with the East 711–12
West Indian workers on Panama Canal 853–4, 855
whales/whaling xxiii, 381, 385, 399, 661
ambergris 180, 467, 766
baleen whales 399, 661; Right whale 659, 661
massive decline in some species of whale 908
Sperm whale 845
and the USA 845
whale blubber 385, 408
whale bones 92, 310
whale meat 196, 323, 381, 385
whale oil 721
whale skins 91
whaling ships 459, 845
Whampoa Island 788, 816
Wharton, Samuel 781
wheat 50, 52, 70, 92, 187, 246, 442, 444, 461, 475, 492, 545, 648
American 878
Azorean 752
English 389, 391, 444
flour 620, 624, 648
globalization and transatlantic wheat trade 878
Madeiran 484, 486
in Qusayr 176–7
Wheeler, Sir Mortimer 103, 121
whisky 904
White Bulgars 171
White Sea 659, 666, 677–8
White Star 886
Wilem, Jan de 713
Wilfred of York 352
William III of England 782
William of Normandy 362
Willibrord 352
Willoughby, Sir Hugh 658, 666
Willoughby, Robert 748–9
Wilson, Woodrow 882
Winchelsea, England 456–7
Atlantic xv, 302, 304, 333, 389, 538, 558, 735–6, 751
around Cape Horn 727, 792, 793
English Channel 321
essential knowledge for navigators 51
Indian Ocean 51, 110 see also monsoons
Mediterranean 322, 324
monsoons see monsoons
Pacific 20, 614–15; easterly 16; and journeys to South America 29; wind system 616, 813
Red Sea 51, 52, 117
Roaring Forties xv, 735–6
trade winds 16
typhoons see typhoons
Windsor, Treaty of 469
wine xix, 106, 112, 115, 331, 432, 439, 444, 449, 491, 665
amphorae 119–20
Azorean 751
and Bristol 458–9
Canary 592, 688
English wine trade 457, 458–9
French 458–9, 675
Indian imports 116
Italian 104, 115, 116
Madeiran 748, 749–50
Malmsey 455, 748
merchants 457, 458–9
Moselle 675
palm wine 574, 688, 754
Portuguese 459, 469, 647
Rhineland 353, 367, 448
rice wine 286, 648
Spanish 459, 633
Syrian 104
and Winchelsea 457
Winsemius, Albert 894–6
Witte Leeuw 756
woad 455, 459, 488
Wolff, Gustav 870
Wolin 367
Wolof cavalry 502
wolves 306
of Bergen 446
Chinese men taking Filipino wives 625
Chinese women investing in trade 239
enslaved 347, 379, 386, 553
Greenland 406
Hawai’ian 814, 815
labouring in Panama 858
maritime role xix
Neolithic body sizes 307
pagan Scandinavian women in Faroes 383
Polynesian 810
prostitutes 823
shipowners 111
slaves 137–8, 347, 379, 386, 553, 823
Wonders of India 186
wood 65, 414
in Algarve 467
aromatic/perfumed 80, 233, 278, 648 see also sapanwood
brazilwood 560, 561, 676
cassia 99
cedar 73, 78, 80, 81, 122, 259
from dismantled ships 122–3
driftwood 276, 380–81, 399, 408, 452, 661
fine/precious woods 57, 63, 106, 247 see also ebony; sandalwood; teak
Finnish timber 724
firewood 246
Inuit search for timber 399–400
larch 408
limewood 339
Madeiran 484, 485, 749
oak 78, 331, 339, 343, 354, 369
pine 73, 78, 343, 371
Portuguese timber 484
sandalwood see sandalwood
on São Tomé 493
sapanwood 232, 233, 234, 278
teak 106, 122, 642
Thai ‘eaglewood’ 278
weapons of hardened 472
wool xix, 58, 352, 353, 448
and Calais 455
English 450, 453, 454, 456, 460, 866
and Florence 454
and the Genoese 454–5
Merino 475
Taunton cottons, made of 750
woollen cloth 353, 400, 441, 451, 866
Woolley, Sir Leonard 60
World Heritage Sites 908
world maps 472, 556, 661–2, 745 see also globes
Babylonian 50
Catalan 500
de la Cosa 554
Dieppe maps 733–4
Hereford mappamundi 50
Mercator 572, 657–8, 661, 728
Ortelius 728
Piri Reis 607–10
Ptolemy 727
Waldseemüller 556, 728
‘World Ocean’ xvi
world wars see First World War; Second World War
Wurst 429
Wuzung 208
Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte 854–5
Xerxes 89
Xia Yuan-ji 267, 268
Xuan-de 267, 268, 270, 293–4
yams 12, 132, 493, 752
Yangtze River 136, 205, 259, 260, 268, 866
estuary 199, 245
Yangzhou 199, 206
Yanyuwa people 10
Yarhibol (god) 114
Yaroslav III of Novgorod 427
Yavan 82
Yavanas 114, 116, 118–19, 129
Yazd-bozed 161
yellow fever 853–4, 855, 858
Yellow Sea 6, 43, 200, 649
Yemen 62, 71, 73, 78, 166, 254, 595, 603–4
see also Himyar
coffee trade 831
Jews in 181, 182
and Mouza 105
and Socotra 128
Zheng He in 265
Yepoti 145
Yi Sun-sin 651
Yijing 149, 160
Yin Qing 255, 293
Yokohama 846, 892
Yolŋu people 10
Yomjang 211
Yong-le (Zhu Di) 251–4, 255–6, 257, 259, 263–4, 267, 281
York 353, 361
Yoshimitsu 235, 251–2
Ypres 440–41
Yucatán peninsula 592–3
Yueh people 135–7
Yunnan 257–9
Yūsuf (Dhu Nuwas) 166–8
Zabaj 155–9 see also Śri Vijaya, Sumatra
Zacuto, Abraham 536–7
Zaikov, Potap 793–5
Zanj 182–3
Zanzibar 104–6, 131–3, 171–2, 176–7, 266–7, 546–7, 829–30, 841
and Oman 831, 832–4
Zanzibar City 833
Zarco, João Gonçalves 483–4, 485, 486
Zaytun see Quanzhou
zebras 259, 266
Zen 215, 218, 222, 229
vegetarianism 230
Zenkan 230
Zhao Rugua 149, 152, 154, 155, 158, 184–5, 186, 266
Zheng He (Cheng Ho) xvii, xxix, 254–5, 256–69, 278, 280–81, 293, 622, 636
Zhengde Emperor 636
Zhenla 146–7
Zhou Man 267
Zhu Cong 245
Zimbaue 548
Ziryab 170
Ziusudra 56, 67
Zoroastrianism 170, 172, 183
Zoskales 104
Zuhrī, az- 369–70
Zuider Zee 677
Zurara, Gomes Eanes de 484, 497–9, 502
Þorfinn, Earl 376, 377
Þorfinn Karlsefni 411, 412
Þorkell the Far-Travelled 400
Þorvald 411
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First published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 2019
First published in Great Britain by Allen Lane 2019
Copyright © David Abulafia, 2019
The moral right of the author has been asserted
Cover: Detail from Landscape with The Fall of Icarus, c. 1558, by Pieter Bruegel, in the Musée des Beaux Arts, Brussels. (Photo © Bridgeman Images)
ISBN: 978-0-141-97209-1
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