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Wolf's Fated Mate (Wolf Shifters 0f Wakerlin Book 4)

Page 7

by Alicia Banks

  “No, you are not. I broke into the healer’s cabin and stole all the silver antidote. It takes a month to brew it, so there won’t be any more in time to save her. You want it, Taylor? Come and get me.” Harry snarled.

  Taylor growled, instantly jumping on Harry, who lunged back. They clashed head to head, both of them an equal match. There was a crackling of thunder, and the rain started to pour furiously, as both the wolves fought. Taylor lunged and clawed, attacking viciously. The only thought in his mind was to save Rose, no matter what.

  Yet, Rose’s pain-filled whimpers distracted him and Harry used this to his advantage. He slashed Taylor through his chest, Harry’s sharp claws penetrating through his body. His chest tore, blood spilling out, yet Taylor fought back. He fought for Rose who was slowly losing the battle for her life.

  The thunder roared, as the rain poured even more furiously. Taylor managed to get his teeth around Harry’s leg, and he bit it hard. He clenched his jaw tight around it, as Harry howled in pain. He pulled with all his might and managed to tear his limb from his body. Harry howled, lying in a pool of his blood, but he still got up.

  Driven by his desire for revenge, he refused to give up. He lunged at Taylor, who met him head to head, and for a moment the two mighty beasts fought. Neither could get the upper hand; both were injured and equal in match.

  Then Taylor heard Rose’s breath hitch. Her eyes were closed, and her heartbeat was so weak he could barely hear it.

  “Rose!” he shouted, but the momentary distraction cost him. Harry lunged, and his teeth sank into Taylor’s throat. Taylor felt himself freeze as Harry’s jaw tightened around his neck. Taylor knew that one powerful snap of those jaws would kill him.

  He made one last feeble attempt to twist and sink his claws into Harry’s stomach. The suddenness of it made Harry drop him and fall back, howling in pain. Taylor’s throat was bleeding heavily, and he could barely stand from the blood loss. Yet, he got up, purely because of the will power and the desire to save Rose.

  “It doesn’t have to end like this, Harry,” Taylor said.

  “Yes, it does. You made me a laughing stock! You chose that slut over our friendship. The only way I can ever recover my reputation now is to kill you. Both of you,” Harry said. “This ends in death.”

  He lunged at Taylor, and they both clashed again. Taylor’s vision was starting to dim from the blood loss, and when Harry slashed through his stomach, he collapsed. As he lay there, the light dimming in front of his eyes, he saw Rose. She was completely unconscious, and Taylor couldn’t hear her heart beating anymore.

  Harry walked over and placed his paw on Taylor’s throat. “I wish you hadn’t brought this on yourself. But you made your choice. And you chose her,” Harry said.

  Taylor looked over at Rose, feeling his heart swell with pain. He had just found her, and they were both going to die. He had failed her. He had failed his Rose; she would spend the last minutes of her life in agony and pain.

  Taylor didn’t know where he found the energy to get up. He knew he couldn’t give up, not while Rose was suffering. He lunged at Harry and the two clashed once again. The rain continued to pour, and Taylor fought, fuelled only by his will and his love for Rose.

  Taylor stuck his claws into Harry’s chest and tore it open.

  “No one made you a laughing stock. No one humiliated you. It’s your ego that couldn’t take it. It’s your ego that did this to you,” Taylor said. He managed to sink his teeth into Harry’s neck and bit, sinking his sharp teeth into his flesh. His mouth flooded with blood, and Taylor clenched his powerful jaws. There was a deafening crack, loud enough to be heard despite the thunder. Harry went limp, his lifeless body hanging from Taylor’s jaws, his eyes vacant.

  Taylor threw him down, running over to Rose. He didn’t have enough energy to stay as a wolf anymore and he shifted back. He picked her up, her body barely weighed anything. His neck was bleeding, and he somehow managed to stumble towards the forest. He had picked up the antidote from Harry’s body and he somehow managed to reach the healers house.

  He didn’t get to see if Rose survived though, because just as he reached the healer’s, he blacked out.

  Chapter 20


  Rose stood at the clearing, surrounded by her friends and the pack. Taylor stood in front of her, a charming smile on his face. Things had finally worked out for the both of them. Taylor still carried injuries from his battle with Harry, and Rose was still recovering from the poisoning.

  Rose had forfeited the championship, mainly because she was too weak to fight, and Taylor had won the championship. A huge ceremony was held, where he was officially given the rank of the captain of the army. With a huge army under him, he had become serious in life. He now spent his days developing plans for the latest armours, working with Dominque on battle strategies and training the army.

  Now, they had finally decided that it was time. They stood in the clearing in front of the ritual master, who was holding up the golden thread of binding.

  “Do you, Taylor, take Rose as your mate as decreed by the moon spirit? You can never break this sacred bond. To do so will be the highest sin. You have been entrusted with Rose’s heart, which you must protect as your own,” the ritual master said.

  Taylor nodded, smiling happily at Rose.

  The ritual master turned to Rose and said, “Do you, Rose, accept Taylor as your mate? Keeping in mind the sanctity of the bond you will be in?”

  Rose smiled at Taylor and nodded.

  “Rose, you initially turned away from Taylor at the ritual. Hence, I need to ask you again, are you sure? There is no turning back after this. Taylor will be your mate for life,” the ritual master said.

  “Yes. I am sure. I wasn’t earlier, but now that I know Taylor, I can’t imagine being with anyone but him. He is my soul mate,” Rose said.

  The ritual master smiled and held up the golden thread, which he tied around Taylor’s wrist, before taking Rose’s wrist and tying it as well. He held up their hands, joined together by the thread and said, “Rose and Taylor. Mates before the moon spirit. Eternally bonded.”

  Loud cheers rang out, and Rose could hear Delma whistling. The ceremony ended, and she and Taylor walked hand in hand. Everyone rushed to greet them and congratulate them, and this was followed by a night of dancing and eating.

  They both finally managed to dodge their well-wishers and sneak out of their party. It was a beautiful night, surrounded by stars and the moon.

  “Do you remember? This was our first date,” Rose said, smiling.

  “You are right. I remember something else happening on our first date,” Taylor said, and Rose blushed at the memories.

  Taylor reached forward and cupped her cheek, his arm wrapping around her waist.

  “I love you, Rose,” he whispered.

  “I love you too,” Rose whispered back, as his lips touched hers, and he pulled her into a kiss. They stood under the moonlight as two lovers, wrapped in each other’s arms. Soul mates, forever.


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  Author Alicia Banks

  Facebook Page:

  Alicia Banks


  Alicia Banks

  About The Author

  Alicia Banks

  Alicia Banks is a small town girl, who has grown up listening to the stories from her Grandfather, Aunts, Granny and Mom. And those are the most beautiful stories of my life.

  I love music and I love dancing. I love green fields of grains, mountains full of snow and lakes. So in total I am an ordinary girl who is full of love and compassion.

  My focus is to bring some great stories for Paranormal Romance Lovers.

  Books In This Series


  The Baby Protector: A Paranormal Wome
n's Fiction Romance (Book 3)

  She had been shunned and ignored by her own fellow wolves.

  And she deserves this.


  Because she is a daughter of a traitor, and my biggest enemy.

  She doesn’t deserve to be in the pack.

  I was left an orphan at a young age, only because of her father.

  Seeing her face, is the last thing I want.

  Even if she has perfect curves and most attractive woman.

  She has now invited the biggest trouble, just like her father.

  She wants to protect the enemy.

  Protecting a human will be a biggest threat.

  It is a complete danger and against the rules of the pack.

  Relationships with humans are already on the edge.

  I know our lives will be thrown into turmoil.

  As a leader I need to protect my pack.

  Can you even imagine, who is helping her with this?

  Alpha Wolf Protector: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Romance (Book 2)

  What would you do if you ever fell in love with a man who is a wolf shifter? That alpha wolf didn’t only touch my body that night but he touched my soul too.

  I yearn for his touch.

  His touch is comforting and hot at the same time.

  He makes me feel young and beautiful again.

  And I can do nothing but give in.

  I want to be selfish for a while.

  And forget the fact that I am already married and a Mom.

  I know he likes making my body tremble.

  I couldn’t stop fantasizing.

  His seducing fragrance increases the desire in me.


  He is, danger and risk.

  He said he is a half wolf and half human.

  I have to keep my son safe.

  I know he could be even a bigger threat than I have imagined.

  But why am I dying to get closer?

  Human Alpha Protector (Book 1)

  He is an alpha wolf shifter, and I am a human. He was always there to protect me. He’s been following me since my childhood and I had no idea.

  Brandon Scott has been all I need since I saw him naked, the very first day we met.

  After seeing his tanned body, with those bulging muscles, I want him so badly.

  He makes me crazy and I am getting obsessed.

  His eyes can melt any woman’s heart.

  I’ve never felt like this in my entire life.

  Now I have to share a cabin with him.

  And I don’t know if I can trust myself with him.

  I know he is not a human. He says he is my father’s assistant.

  He says he can not fall in love with a human. It is against the rules of his pack.

  Who cares? I am stubborn.

  I can’t resist this sexy creature roaming around me.

  My body craves his touch. I need him.

  I want him to do all the naughty things to me.

  Lust is taking over my mind.

  How long can I keep control?

  How long can I fight my hormones?

  Now as I am addicted to him, My heart is breaking.

  All my plans with Brandon are shattering.

  He already has a mate and he never told me anything about her.

  Now I am hurt and I want to run from here.

  Maybe moving to Italy will help me forget him.

  There he is, again standing in front of me.

  There is not even a single second when I don’t miss him. Why he can’t be mine?

  Books By This Author

  Dragon's Second Chance (Elite Shifters of Colorado Book 2)

  #Betrayal, Bitter Memories, and a Broken Dragon.

  He was the son of the Elite Dragon King and the strongest and fiercest among all the shifter clans.

  He was the only heir but he didn’t want his throne back.

  He had been betrayed by his own blood.

  He had his one true mate and there was no replacement for her.

  But life had different plans…

  Going back to Colorado was the last thing he wanted until he saw her.

  He had peered into the depths of her striking and beautiful eyes.

  There was something vibrant about that woman, who seemed to deliberately slam herself into him.

  He knew he was betraying his mate, but he had no control.

  And the cat shifter, she was with made his blood boil every time.

  He was a danger and he needed to protect her.

  He tried to douse the flames of anger, jealousy, and desire.

  She was a human and he didn’t intend to stake a claim on her.

  So why did his traitorous heart beat faster and ache when she was around?

  Dragon's Mate (Elite Shifters of Colorado Book 1)

  #Elite Dragon Shifters: Strongest and fiercest of the shifter clans.

  #He is a rebel, stubborn, powerful and son of a King, bound to keep his bloodline pure.

  My mate comes from an ancient and powerful line of dragon shifters.

  I should feel honored and privileged, but I want that human florist.

  She is innocent and beautiful as those flower arrangements she makes.

  I couldn’t resist warmth of her touch and heat of her body when she asks for help in the gym.

  My mate deserves love, but my heart pulls me in another direction.

  When her intoxicating smell enters my nostrils, I am out of control…

  And now she carries my baby.

  I will turn the world upside down to protect her, save her.

  I am ready to fight; I am ready to kill, even if it is my own Dad.

  It is time to break the boundaries and the years old hollow traditions.

  But… she just got to know I am engaged, and she is not even ready see my face.

  She just knows the half of it, what will happen if she gets to know I am a dragon shifter?




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