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Broken Beats

Page 22

by D. Kelly

  Just an Illusion groups – Ladies, I’m hard-pressed to find words to describe how much you all mean to me. I cherish your love, support, and opinions. You’re always so excited to talk with me about this crazy group of friends—no one understands me like you do. There is going to be some fun stuff coming up for our group, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

  My husband and kids – I don’t know how you put up with me most days, but I’m so happy you do. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

  To all the bloggers, beta readers, and anyone else I haven’t listed previously, thank you. I would love to list everyone, but I’d never stop typing. You’re all so important to me. If you’re reading this, I love you and I’m incredibly thankful for you.

  About the Author

  D. Kelly, author of The Acceptance Series, The Illusion Series, and standalone companion novels Chasing Cassidy and Sharing Rylee, was born and raised in Southern California. She’s a wife, mom, dog lover, taxi, problem fixer, and extreme multi-tasker. She married her high school sweetheart and is her kids’ biggest fan.

  Kelly has been writing since she was young and took joy in spinning stories to her childhood friends. Margaritas and sarcasm make her smile, she loves the beach but hates the sand, and she believes Starbucks makes any day better.

  A contemporary romance writer, D. Kelly’s stories revolve around friendship and the bond it creates, strengthening the love of the people who share it. For all things D. Kelly, you can visit her website:


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  The Acceptance Series

  Breaking Kate – Book One

  Catching Kate – Book 1.5

  Releasing Kate- Book Two

  Loving Kate – Book Three

  Christmas with the Houstons – Book Four

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  Stand Alone Novels

  Chasing Cassidy

  Sharing Rylee

  The Evolution of Us

  The Last Resort Motel – Room 13

  Dating Roulette – Pre-order available now – Coming July 9th 2019

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  The Illusion Series

  Just an Illusion – Side A

  Just an Illusion – The B Side

  Just an Illusion – EP

  Just an Illusion – Unplugged

  Just an Illusion – Encore

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  Illusion Series Spin Off Novels

  Interlude – Jordan’s story

  Broken Beats – Darren’s story

  TBA – Eli’s story coming fall 2019

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  Want to read more about Shawn Lucas? Check out Incognito by Siobhan Davis.

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  A new adult STANDALONE romance from USA Today bestselling author Siobhan Davis.

  A troubled popstar forced into hiding … A sweet small-town girl overcoming tragedy … And the kind of love that only happens once in a lifetime.

  Dakota’s dreams of attending Juilliard were shattered the night tragedy struck her family. It’s one year later, and she’s now enrolled at a local university trying to piece her life back together.

  Shawn is one of the world’s most famous faces, having lived under a spotlight since his star exploded when he was fourteen. Now jaded by an industry forcing him to perform music he no longer enjoys, he craves normalcy and the opportunity to rediscover his muse. When a crazy stalker gets too close, and death threats start mounting, Shawn’s management team comes up with a plan—one which will allow him to work on his latest album while staying incognito on a college campus.

  Romance is the last thing on Dakota’s mind, but after she crosses paths with a hot, prickly cutie with rock-hard abs and smoldering good looks, she can’t shake him from her thoughts.

  Shawn can’t afford to bring any girl into his fucked-up life, but the gorgeous blonde with the sad blue eyes captivates him in a way no girl ever has, and he finds himself falling hard and fast.

  But outside forces are conspiring against them.

  When danger draws closer, and secrets are revealed, will their love survive?

  * * *

  Exclusively available from Amazon and FREE to read in Kindle Unlimited.

  Deleted Scene


  Six months ago, I asked Haddie to marry me and she said yes.

  Picking a wedding venue was difficult for us. We both love the beach, but after exchanging vows with Belle, that was out. I never want to alter those memories; they’re some of my all-time favorites.

  Haddie’s back yard is out because it’s where she and Richie talked about getting married; it’s their sacred space.

  One day, I had a talk with my grandmother that changed everything.

  I push Grandmother’s wheelchair into her sitting room and position her to face the window. She wants to watch my grandfather teach Cadence how to tend to the rose garden.

  “You and Haddie can have your wedding here. It’s been a long time since the grounds were used for a celebration.”

  “I’m not sure that would be a good idea,” I reply as I take a seat on the sofa on the other side of the room.

  She looks at me sternly. “And why is that?” she inquires, her voice firm and authoritative.

  “Would you have extended that offer to Belle and me?”

  Her eyes meet mine, and it’s like looking in a mirror—I inherited her baby-blues.

  “No, but not for the reason you think.”

  I snort. “So it had nothing to do with you being racist and hating Belle?”

  “I’m not racist and I didn’t hate Belle.” She sighs softly. “I admired her.”

  I pause, needing a moment to collect my thoughts. “You were always rude to her and pointing out how different we were.”

  “Darren, I grew up in a different era. I’m ninety-two years old and was raised a specific way. When your father married your mother, I was devastated. I lived a good part of my life in a racially tense and divided world. Growing up on a farm in the South, I saw the worst side of humanity at times.”

  She blinks and focuses on Cadence and my grandfather.

  “You have always been my favorite grandchild, and if you repeat that, I’ll deny it. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and I’ve always thought the unconditional love your parents showered you with is why. It’s not a secret your mother and I don’t get along. For years, you’ve all assumed it’s because I’m a racist old bitty when, in fact, we just don’t mesh. I’m allowed to not like people, and I am sorry your mom is one of them.”

  I chuckle, and she smiles at me.

  “I knew you’d understand that. When you and Belle marched in here and announced she was pregnant, I wasn’t pleased. You weren’t married, and yes, her ethnicity was a consideration for me.”

  “Which is why you didn’t like her.”

  “No,” she says firmly. “It’s why I worried for the safety of your family, especially that beautiful little girl out there. I may be old, but I still watch the news. I know there are people out there who are not supportive of families like—” She takes a deep breath and exhales. “Like ours.”

  “Why were you so mean to Belle?”

  “Darren, it may have come across as mean, and if she were here, I would apologize to her for that. I pushed Belle because I wanted to know she had the passion and drive she would need to stand up for her family if the occasion ever arose. I did the same thing to your mother. She failed though. Your mom has a strong backbone, but her retorts were insults filled with indignation.”

  “And with Belle?”

  “Belle was fire and fury backed up with thought and fact. She was quick-witted, sarcastic, and knew how to respectfully put me in my place. Cadence has that same fire. Perhaps that’s why I’m so attached to her. I admired Belle, Darren, and I’m sorry she never knew it.”

  “So you were testing her?”

  “Yes. I’m su
re it wasn’t my right, but it’s who I am.”

  “Do you like Haddie, Grandmother?”

  “I do. She’s thoughtful and kind, and her love for the two of you is plain as day.”

  “Why do I hear a ‘but’ after that?” I smirk.

  She tilts her head and smiles. “She’s not even on the same spectrum as Belle. Don’t get me wrong, she’s lovely, but are you sure she’s the one for you?”

  “Belle was the woman I needed when I was in my twenties. She was outgoing, spontaneous, and ready for any kind of adventure. I’ll love her until my dying breath. Haddie is who I need now. She’s the only one who was able to bring me back to life after losing Belle. She’s the best of humanity wrapped up in a single soul, and I’m going to love her past forever.”

  Grandmother claps, startling me. “Would you look at that … Cady’s managed to get herself some roses,” she says, gesturing toward the window.

  I smile. “It looks like Grandfather is cultivating another green thumb in the family.”

  “Indeed, he is.” Grandmother turns back to me. “Are you going to accept my offer for your blessed union, Darren?”

  “I’ll talk to Haddie about it.”

  “Lovely, and remember, dear, all the things I’ve done have been out of my love for you. Surely, you understand.”

  I cross the room and kiss her cheek. “I love you too.”

  Noah’s Video

  Deleted Scene

  Haddie and I had an incredible honeymoon in Paris. While we were there, I decided it was time to watch Noah’s video. I think not having him at my wedding really fucked me up. I wanted to do this alone, so I waited until Cadence and Haddie left for school.

  I take a deep breath and start the video. Right away, I notice how young he looks, and I have to hit pause. I’ve aged almost ten years since he filmed this. Though I don’t feel old, seeing him shifts my reality a bit. I’m aging while my brother never gets to see his kid grow up. It’s not fair, but I owe it to Noah to listen to what he needed to tell me.

  I start the video again and get comfortable.

  Noah smiles. “Hey, Darren, long time no see! Out of all the videos I’ve made, I think this is the only one I worry will never be seen.”

  I laugh. He knew me so well.

  “I’m going to guess if you’re watching this video it’s because you miss me and you’re at some sort of crossroads. I can’t help you miss me any less since I’m one of a kind and all, but maybe I can help with your problem.”

  Tears fill my eyes, and I have to work hard to swallow over the lump in my throat, but fuck me if I don’t have a constant grin on my face. I’ve missed him.

  “I’d say there are three things you may be conflicted about—music, love, and parenthood. I can’t picture you and Belle not being able to work through anything. That woman loves you with an undeniable passion. And since I won’t let myself picture Cadence as anything other than the sweetest little girl possible, I don’t think I can be much help with parenting. If it is one of those two, just breathe and remind yourself of this: however much you love them, they love you the same.”

  Man, Noah, if you only knew …

  “That leaves music, and it’s probably the most logical issue for you to have. I imagine if I’m gone, you guys are in a rut. None of you probably want to play, and you’re seeking other outlets. God, please tell me Sawyer went solo. If that happened, shout it to the heavens. The three of you are far too talented to stop playing for good.”

  Noah pauses and takes a drink of water.

  “Want my two cents? Start a spinoff band. Take all your emotions and make some kickass music with the three of you. Do it indie style, play some clubs, have a few special shows a year, and have fun. Lord knows you don’t need the money. Hell, bust out a hologram of me and have a kickass reunion tour. If that makes you happy, go for it.”

  I pause the video and laugh—the kind of laughter that comes deep from your soul. Sawyer is never going to believe this. It could be sort of fun if we could get past our emotions. I turn the video back on.

  “Be fucking happy, Darren. You’re the only one of us who lets shit roll off his back easily. You’re the first one to go for something you want and not let anything get in your way. Make the music, love your wife and kid, and enjoy your life.”

  Noah pauses and shakes his head.

  “Okay, back to Belle. I can probably give you a little more advice. If you’re watching this because you’re no longer together, I’m sorry. It’s hard to imagine, but I know life happens. If that’s the case and you want my advice, here’s what I would do if it happened to me. If you guys can’t work things out and you need perspective, remember the feeling that drew you to Belle and wait for it to come again. You know as well as I do that love will find us when we least expect it.

  “Now, I love the hell out of you, but I want to get back to my wife. Hug her for me, yeah? Give Nate big snuggles and a kiss and tell Sawyer I’m proud of him. It doesn’t matter what he’s up to—I’ll never not be proud. Tell everyone I love them. Just always remember to be true to yourself because that’s when you’re the happiest, Darren, and you always have been. Love you, brother.”




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