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Fighting Secrets: Unbreakable Series, Book 2

Page 10

by D. R. Bohannon

  I reach the top and climb onto the ledge. Vi slides off my back. My body shakes and my muscles ache from carrying her on my back. Vi breaks down even more. I don’t know if she is hurt more than I can tell or if she is just worried about the potential things that may happen to her for failing at this task.

  “Shh… Stop. Don’t let Jack see,” I pant. She wipes her eyes and straightens her posture. She hides her hand behind her back and shakes mine with the other.

  “Well done, superstar.” Jack’s voice sounds praising, but I doubt he means it. I’m no longer cold because the adrenaline replaces my fear. I struggle to breathe normally. We stand at the top of the rock wall and watch the next members get ready. Vi fights back tears from the pain of her broken fingers. It would show a sign of weakness if she acknowledged it.


  It takes the rest of the day to get all the members through the obstacle course. We don’t break for lunch and I’m really regretting my decision to take a shower over eating breakfast. I feel my stomach rumble. Most of the members climb the rock wall with little trouble. Only two people fall to the water below. Shrieks from the frigid waters pierce my ears. Tyler helps pull a girl I haven’t met from the waters. Jack isn’t happy with her performance. He walks over grabbing her arm out of Tyler’s hand and drags her off to the waiting guards. He tells them something I can’t hear. The girl kicks and cries, trying to get away. I feel a pain in my stomach. I know the feeling of being dragged off to some place unknown, awaiting the pain that you know to be done to you. The other member that falls to the water isn’t as lucky. The current sweeps her away from the ledge and no one can reach her. We hear her cries and a thud when her body slams into the wall. I turn away, not wanting to see her lifeless body disappear.

  Kyle and Tyler are the second to last group to do the exercises. My heart pounds against my chest, watching them. They race up the wall and make it seem simple. It doesn’t keep me from worrying that they will fall. They make it to the top without even slipping once.

  “You’re dismissed. We will evaluate your performances,” Jack says, before leaving the room. I feel for the girl who died. She was someone’s daughter, maybe a sister. She was a human being and nobody did anything. Jack just stood there and watched. Judging from Angela’s speech, this makes little sense. She seems to be part of the population this government agency wants to get rid of. She is full of hate and seems to possess no remorse for anything she does.

  I watch Jack disappear with the guards down the hall. The other members disperse down the stairwell and begin crossing the bridge over the frigid waters. I step towards Vi and she lets the tears roll. She removes her hand from behind her back. I hold on to her arm and help her down the stairs. Her wrist and fingers are broken from the strain of holding on with only one hand while being jostled around. I support it the best I can until we can get down to Tyler and Sarah.

  They were in the last two groups to go, so they are amongst the first to make it back down the wall.

  Tyler cradles Vi in his arms. Sarah and I follow close behind. He sprints down the halls to his room. He no longer shows signs of being injured. I know he wants to end her pain and get her on the road to recovery. We get to Tyler’s room. I open the door for Tyler. He puts Vi on his bed. I watch as Sarah and Tyler jump into action. Tyler goes to the cabinet and pulls out herbs and a sticky liquid that resembles mud. Sarah retrieves pills from the cabinet and a bottle of water. All things I’m guessing they’ve collected and brought here in case of emergencies.

  “Squeeze Kris’s hand.” Tyler instructs, “I’ll be quick.” He takes the paste in his hand and smears it over her fingers and wrist. Vi’s grasp is tighter on my hand and I wonder if she will break mine. I bite my lip. She buries her face in my shoulder while Tyler wraps her hand with a bandage. Sarah makes a sling from a blanket, tying the ends around Vi’s neck. She places her arm inside to keep her wrist elevated. “Take these. I think it’s best if you stay here tonight.” Tyler suggests handing the pills to Vi. She nods and swallows the pills. I sit with her until she falls asleep and then head with Sarah and Tyler to the dining hall.

  “You were really brave today.” Tyler puts his arm around my shoulder.

  “I did what I had to do.” I continue. “I wouldn’t let her fall to her death, not if I could help it. She would’ve done the same for me.”

  We get to our table and Beau is immediately questioning us about Vi. Tyler raises his hand. “Let me get some food first.” I laugh, watching Beau’s reaction. He looks irritated but doesn’t push Tyler anymore. I would go get my own tray, but Tyler has made it a habit of bringing me mine as well. I’ll let him do it. He slides it down to me and then takes his seat beside me. “You better eat this time.” He raises an eyebrow.

  “I will.”

  The food looks strange. It’s some type of soup, red like tomato soup. The meat looks to be beef but is discolored, more of a grayish color instead of brown. The smell of it is nauseating. I have to hold my breath when the spoon gets close to my mouth. There is very little spice. I force it down. I’m starving.

  Beau stares at Tyler intensely, waiting for his report. Tyler doesn’t seem to notice, so I elbow him. “She’ll be okay. Just a broken wrist and a few fingers. Sarah gave her medicine to help her sleep, and I plan to work on it a little more after dinner. Have to make sure she’s relaxed or it won’t work.”

  Beau nods.


  After dinner, we go back to check on Vi. Beau comes too. Though she’s asleep, he still kisses her forehead. I smile. I didn’t realize the two of them were a thing. I should pay more attention, but I’ve been too concerned with things going on between Tyler and me to notice anyone else. He sits beside her and strokes her hair. It’s amazing to me to see such powerful men be so gentle. If they wanted to, they could break us in an instant. Tyler places Vi’s broken fingers in his hands. His fingers extend to her wrist. I watch as he closes his eyes and chants. I wish I could understand what it is he says and how it feels to possess such a power to help others. Every time I see him do this, it makes me fall for him even more.

  Chapter 16

  Beau and Sarah decide to stay with Vi for a few more minutes before joining us for the meeting. Tyler and I go out into the hall and make our way towards the stairwell that leads to the library. Before we go up, he takes my hands and turns them over, palms up to check on my wrists. They are scabbed but no longer bleeding. I’m surprised I didn’t injure them on the rock wall. He kisses them. I smile a thank you back.

  We head up the stairs and reach the library. Neiamiah is already there. Tyler and Neiamiah shake hands when we enter. “Go. I’ll wait,” he says.

  Tyler nods.

  We go behind the bookcase. He presses his boot to the bottom shelf, and it arises. Tyler enters a different four-digit code and the light on the panel flashes green.

  “Back here,” Tyler whispers. I watch the shelf snap back in place before I turn away. We go behind another line of bookcases and the floor is cut in half, each half slid to the side. I look down into the dimly lit hole, a wooden staircase descends. I shiver at the thought of another dark, unknown place. “It’s safe. Come on.” Tyler feels me shudder. The wood creaks under the weight of our feet. If the wood fails, it’s a long way down. I steady myself only by Tyler’s grip.

  At the bottom, Tyler takes a flashlight from the metal table at the end of the stairs. He flips it on and we continue through the dark hall. It’s cold. I shiver more than I mean to, but my nerves and imagination are getting the better of me. We round a bend and I can see silhouettes of at least twenty other members standing behind lit flashlights. I believe there to be more people lingering in the darkness.

  “So, she’s in?” A familiar voice echoes on the walls. “That surprises me.”

  “She’s proved herself,” Tyler retorts.

  Jack. Why is he here? He doesn’t strike me as the retaliating type. Especially since he’s Angela’s, right-hand man. I step f
orward without realizing it. Tyler puts his arm out in front of me. “Now’s not the time,” he whispers. I stand beside him and place my hands on my hips. He’s right, but I hate that smile of Jack’s. I can’t see it right now, but I know it’s there.

  “Let’s get started,” Neiamiah says, entering the room. Beau is close behind. “We know things are getting hairy with the secret organization. I believe firmly they know we have Kristina here.” I hear gasps around me. Except for Jack, he just laughs. Neiamiah continues, “I say this because I believe Angela to be involved with them. That’s why she treats us the way she does and why she’s being so hard on you.” His flashlight shines on me. “I want you guys to know if we do this, there’s a good chance some of us, if not all of us, will die attempting to just get out of here. Once we start our mission, it won’t take long for her to figure it out. We have to move fast.” He sighs. “Until then, you have to get your shit together.” Neiamiah’s light is still on me. I’m so glad he’s chosen to single me out. My fists tighten, but Tyler’s hand on my shoulder keeps me still.

  “We’ll work together to get everyone up to par,” Tyler says. Neiamiah guides his light back to the floor. “We are a unit and we are only as strong as our weakest member.”

  Jack’s laugh sends a flame of anger through me.

  “Shut up!” I yell.

  “See, this is what I mean,” Neiamiah says. “She lets her temper get the better of her. If you don’t learn to control that, you will not make it far. It’s important to stay calm in the face of anger, pain, and fear. You can’t let it get to you. Your weakness is their strength.” Neiamiah walks back down the hall. The others follow. Who they are is still a mystery.

  “Don’t worry, Kris,” Tyler reassures me. “We’ll get it figured out.”

  “Will we?” I cross my arms in front of me to keep out the cold.

  “You’ve come so far already. Mastered things I wasn’t sure you could. You saved a fellow member from falling to her death.” He pauses. I know why. He was going to talk about my run-ins with Angela but decides against it. “You are brave. You CAN do this.”

  I nod and lean in for an embrace. I need his arms around me. The warmth he expels is the best comfort I have ever received. He makes my troubles melt away. He makes me believe I can do just about anything. Even if I don’t believe I can myself. He welcomes my hug and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. The secret room is empty besides Tyler and I. Tyler’s hands are resting on the small of my back. He begins to hum a soft tune that only he knows. I’ve heard it once before, back at his house. I heard him playing it on his guitar on the porch. I walked up to the screen door and listened until he was finished. I feel myself warm even more and smile at the memory. Tyler and I sway back and forth to his tune. My head is pressed against his chest and I feel myself let go for a second. I let go of all the troubles and cares I have been carrying. I just want to be here in the moment with him. I know he feels the calmness as well because he lets out a small sigh as we finish our impromptu dance.


  Beau beats us back to Tyler’s room. He’s at Vi’s side. She’s sleeping peacefully. I’m used to seeing her strong and full of life, always smiling. Now she looks small and lifeless. It may just be because Beau is next to her. He holds her good hand and lays his head next to her shoulder.

  “You guys can stay in my room. I’ll make sure she stays comfortable and still for tonight.” Sarah smiles at us.

  Tyler nods and takes my hand in his as we leave the room.

  We make our way to Sarah’s room down the hall. I haven’t been to her room before and don’t think to count how many doors we pass along the way. I’m too caught up in the good feeling I have from spending just a few minutes alone with Tyler.

  “This is it,” Tyler says, opening the door to Sarah’s room. It’s set up the same as Tyler’s. A bed, dresser, mirror, and a cabinet for extra blankets that runs the length of the wall.

  “What’s on your mind?” Tyler asks, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. Our fingers still entwined with each other.

  I should tell Tyler about my dreams. About Louisa. A part of me is afraid he’ll think I’m losing my mind. I want to know why he and the other shifters here don’t shift. I’ve been trying to figure out who amongst them are all shifters. I mean, if they truly don’t like Angela, wouldn’t an army of shifters be able to take her down? They can become any beast they choose, surely it would be possible. I worry for my brother who isn’t getting visitors to reassure him we love him and need him to get better. I worry about my family. I can’t imagine things have gotten any better for them. I let go of his hand and bend down to remove my boots.

  “Nothing,” I say, sitting them by the door, just as I do in Tyler’s room. I hope he won’t notice I’m lying. “Will Vi be okay?” I try my luck at an easier subject than what’s actually on my mind.

  “Her bones will be set by this time tomorrow,” he says, watching my expression. “I know there’s something else. Just tell me.”

  “I would if I understood it. Right now, I just want to keep it to myself.” I stand in front of the mirror and undo my braid, letting my wavy hair fall on my back. The bruise on my face is still prominent.

  “Want me to look at that for you?” Tyler’s reflection stares back at me.

  “No. I don’t want you to fix me every time something happens. It isn’t bothering me, and I’d rather see my progress in this fight than having it erased every day.”

  Tyler stands behind me, our reflections staring back at us. He runs his fingers over my tattoo and smiles. His touch leaves me with goosebumps. “I love you, Kris.” He moves my hair from my neck and kisses it. His breath on my neck and his hands around my stomach make my heart beat faster. I close my eyes, taking it all in. I tilt my head up towards his and our lips meet. I turn to face him.

  “I love you, too.” I smile at his smile. Every time I tell him I love him, he looks at me with such excitement. The same surprised face he had when I first told my family we were together.

  I had just finished making breakfast for my family at my parent’s house in Kentucky. After my brothers, mom, and dad had trickled in to fill their plates, I introduced them to Tyler. I wrapped my arms around Tyler’s neck and said, “Tyler’s my boyfriend.”

  “Are you sure you want to deal with me?” I ask.

  “I don’t have a choice. It’s my responsibility and I bare it proudly,” Tyler says, sitting on the bed. “What did you feel when we first met?”

  “I thought you were hot,” I tease. I don’t know who wouldn’t think so. His tan skin, jet black hair, and stunning brown eyes all mixed with his hard chiseled body make for a pretty perfect feast for the eyes. It was more than that, though. It wasn’t just his appearance that made me weak at the knees. I felt this urge to be near him.

  “Did you feel drawn to me?” he asks, looking me in the eye.

  I nod. “It worried me at first. I still don’t understand how or why I wanted to be near you so much.” I sit on the bed next to him, my hands under my thighs.

  “Fate,” he whispers. “It’s because of fate.”

  “You believe in that stuff?” I ask.

  “After everything you’ve seen, you’re going to question if fate is real?” Tyler nudges me with his elbow. “Can’t you see it?”

  “In some ways, I guess. I can’t believe my family is being tortured just because of fate.”

  “They’re doing that out of love and to protect you.”

  “Why can’t you just take an army of shifters in and rescue them? Why can’t you just get us all out of here?” I feel the burning in my eyes as tears threaten to fall. I know if that was an option, he would’ve done it already.

  “Kris.” Tyler sighs a frustrated sigh and takes my hands in his. “I can’t shift here, nor can any of the other shifters. Angela knows we would be a threat to her. She has something somewhere that prevents us from shifting. Trust me, we have tried. I don’t know what it is. It fee
ls like an electrified border surrounding us. We all feel its constant sting. It isn’t painful, but it becomes annoying.” He runs his fingers through his hair and looks at me with defeat in his eyes. “I left headquarters once and tried to return in my wolf’s form, but as soon as I crossed over the border I was instantly shifted back to my human form.”


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