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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 2

by Eli Lowe

  I was growing up to be as powerful as an alpha must be and yes... I was supposed to be the next alpha of our pack. But fate had other plans for me, I guess.

  Cause the darkest of the nights came to me with no intention of leaving, since... since I was very young, causing me to grow up quicker... earlier than my age.

  My childhood life had been snatched from me without any mercy, and the pathetic thing was that I couldn't even remorse.


  Told you... Things have changed for me overnight.


  My parents were killed in some rogue attack when I was just thirteen years old. Since then, I don't know why or how.. but the rest of the pack members accused me of being the reason for their alpha and luna's deaths, which I was not certainly. But things got out of hand so easily as I was so young to even understand what they actually meant.

  But then came my uncle Benjamin to my rescue, who took over the pack as the new alpha at that time, which was really needed back then to stop the chaos and to prevent the pack from other attacks.

  He is the only one who is good to me among all of the pack members till now.

  No, actually there is another one.. My one and only best friend Keith. He is my dad's beta's son and is also of my age. We grew up together and always stayed by each other's side irrespective of the fact that the rest of the pack hates me.

  But he never did.

  And I am really grateful for that.

  “How long do you need to get your butt down here, Sam?” Shouted Kaith from outside of my window, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  Yeah, it's time for school.

  I quickly put on my black ripped jeans and a blue oversized check shirt, tied my hair up in a messy bun as quickly as possible, put on my only black leather boots, and jumped out of my windows taking my backpack along with me, only to land on one knee in front of the ever so impatient Kaith, who was leaning against his bike.

  “Hey!” I smirked as I realized that I had successfully scared the hell out of him with my sudden appearance.

  “Don't do that. Ever.” Yeah... He didn't forget to yell at me, poking his fingers on my forehead.

  “Blah blah blah blahhh... I know.... Let's go.” I couldn't help but roll my eyes, earning a sigh from him of course.

  “Where is your bike?” He asked confused, as, like every other day, I didn't take my bike out to go to school.

  “Sent it to the garage yesterday. My baby needed some refreshment.” I said only, because I didn't want to bother him with the truth that somebody broke its parts down, in my absence.

  “I see...Get on then.” He sat on his bike while I settled myself behind him just before he kicked the starter and headed towards our school.

  The Valcom Valley High school.

  Now coming to my one and only best friend....


  Kaith is tall, lean and handsome.. He is just the definition of manly. Black wavy hair and those seductive green eyes, beautifully complemented his fair and six feet muscular stature.

  Although he is popular too in our school, but he is different, as he never bothered to pretend like the one which he is not. He is not mean like others but an honest soul on earth.

  And that's why I adore him the most.

  Yes, that is Kaith, and he is indeed popular... Unlike me.

  Oh no..., don't get me wrong.

  I am popular too but in a different way.

  Cause you see..

  I don't look like a girl at all which I am, rather my outfit made sure of it. I am fearless to fight with the untouchable fighters of our school. I am messy.

  And on top of that... I am strong.

  You can say that I am the strongest fighter apart from being a werewolf.


  Even then there is one who is my tough and only competitor, here, Markus... While the rest are just okay for some fun game,... at least for me.

  See, that's why...

  That's why I am quite popular... but not as a girl which I am, but as a boy which I pretend like.

  “You have a fight with Adrian today. You know right?” Kaith asked worriedly while we were making our ways into the school.

  “Don't worry, he can't even pluck a single hair off me.” I reassured Kaith just before I saw the guy of our conversation was standing across the school corridor, with his gang of fuckboys.

  The corridor was busy with the students unnecessary chattering, as the classes had not started yet for today. Everyone was busy gossiping about some shits.

  But I felt eyes on me from afar. Those hazel eyes who I am supposed to fight today. Yes, Adrian was smirking at me from across the corridor, but only if he knew that his stupid smirk is not going to last long.

  Tsk tsk tsk...

  He kept smirking at me making the other boys of his group to turn their gaze on me as well. There was Markus my only competitor, Jeremy, a beta and Kazan the most brutal young alpha among them, though I never got to fight a match with him ever, but I know that I hate him too, for no reason.

  Episode 4

  Markus' P. O. V

  “Ohh I hate that bitch, more than anything.” Adrian kept saying rest of the day after today's match that he had lost to Summer pathetically. Every time when he remembered what happened today, he kept frowning unable to control his anger.

  “Just because you had lost, that doesn't make her any bitch.” Kazan's deep and grumpy voice worked like oil in the fire, making Adrian even more exasperated. But he couldn't speak a single word over Kazan. Because no one dares to mess with this arrogant guy. Even if someone does unknowingly, he or she never gets to beg for mercy, as Kazan makes sure of that.

  So, realizing that the situation is not going to be any better, I spoke up.. at last..

  “Yeah, I know I don't like her either, but if I ask myself why...only because she is the only one who has the strength and courage to stand against us?” And that's why I even admire her the most irrespective of my dislike towards her.

  I mean, I remember her when we were kids. And she was like someone who could easily stand out among the crowd and I used to like her very much when I first saw her.

  But I don't know from when I started to hate her. No, it wasn't because of the incident that happened to her pack, but for the fact that she has changed. She never thinks twice to humiliate someone, like what she did today.

  “I really feel pity for whoever her mate would be.” Adrian scoffed.

  “And why is that?” I asked instantly.

  “Can't you see? I mean who would like someone like her? Is she even a girl?” Lizzie said in her nasal voice as soon as she made her way to us only to be all clingy on me. 'Now this is what a bitch looks like' I wanted to say.

  You see,... She is someone who can do anything to get into the pants of all the boys in our school.

  “I can even bet that she would definitely get rejected right after she finds her mate.” She even dared to say that while grinding her busty boobs on my arm like some leech, making me gag in disgust. I don't know why we even tolerate her.

  “I don't think so.” I said, making myself free from that slut with a jerk, as quickly as possible.

  “ Ha ha.. Don't tell me you like her. Do you?” Adrian's laugh seemed a cruel one to me. I don't know why.

  “None of your business.” I didn't bother to say much as I gave a stern look at them, making them shut their nasty mouth.

  “Such a waste of time.” I heard Kazan this time. His face was as expressionless as ever, as if he doesn't care about anything in the world. Neither did he bother to stay any longer with us to be part of such discussion, as he made her way out of our sight in no time, without a word. I never got to understand him, as he never shows what he actually feels. Or does he even feel anything? I never saw him justifying to anyone for his actions. Never.


  After Kazan left, I stayed with the two for some time, only to listen to their shits. And then I saw her again.

; Summer.

  She was waiting for someone outside the school, I guess. Each and every time when I see her, I see strength and power only, nothing else, no emotions..., reminding me again why I don't like her.

  I don't know for how long I was staring at her, because she looked back at me too with her olive-green eyes, once. As if she had caught me looking, but never bothered to keep her eyes on me much longer, and turned her gaze to somewhere else.

  I don't know why, but I felt a sudden pang on my heart.

  Another reason for me to admire her.

  You see, the whole school dies for my little attention, and here is the one and only Summer who treats me like some shit.

  Popularity never effects her anyway, unlike others.

  “Hey, Mark... Are you even listening?” Lizzie's fake nasal voice, pulled me out of my thoughts. That moment I realized, I could even get lost only by looking at someone, and which is bad...a very bad and dangerous thing for me.

  I kept saying to myself.. 'Not her. Don't even think'... But no matter how much I repeated that in my mind, I found myself drawn to her again,... to Summer.

  Not a single word fell to my ears whatever Adrian and Lizzie were talking about. I kept zoning out while keeping my eyes on Summer from a distance... until I saw her leaving with Kaith.

  Again I don't know why... but seeing her close with Kaith didn't make me feel better. I found myself frowning for no reason.

  So without worrying about Lizzie and Adrian, I turned my way from them, as I didn't feel like staying there anymore.

  “Hey..! Where are you going?” I heard Adrian from behind.


  Summer's P. O. V

  “What took you so long?” I asked Kaith impatiently, as I had to wait like an eternity, even after the school hours.

  And for that, I even had to see those faces again to make my day even more unlucky.

  “Sorry... I was caught up with something.” He said in between his breaths, as he came to me running all the way.

  Maybe he was afraid that I will beat him up for making me wait this long.

  Tsk, poor Kaith.

  But cute.

  I rolled my eyes, putting on a light smile on my face for his effort.

  “Anyway, listen... You go back home and take my bike... Here.” Kaith handed me the keys all of a sudden.

  “What? Why? I don't understand.” I asked, as I was confused.

  “I have to stay longer... teacher wants me to help him out with some papers. So, I'll be late. That's why, you take the bike.” Kaith explained as quickly as he could.

  “Umm... Well.. It's no need. And I also wanted to tell you that I am not coming with you today. That's why I was waiting.” I said.

  “You have somewhere else to go? Take the bike. You will be quick.” He insisted.

  “No, actually I am supposed to get my bike today. So... I will have to walk to the garage. And you keep your bike.” I handed back the key to him, as he agreed.


  I started walking down the street as soon as I left Kaith at the school.

  I looked up. The evening sky was painted with a beautiful shade of orange with the last rays of the sun. I enjoyed the soft smooth evening breeze throughout my walk until I reached my destination, in no time.

  Though the garage was far but the distance felt like little as I was enjoying my walk, and time flew by.

  “Is it done?” I asked the boy who was working inside, as soon as I reached.

  I couldn't see his face, but only the broad muscular back was what I saw, from where I was standing. He wasn't wearing any t-shirts, so I could see that his skin was dusky, reflecting all the hard work he has to do, maybe. He was sitting on the ground, so I couldn't get to know exactly how tall he is, but I am sure he is tall and young, by the little what caught my eyes till now.

  After some time, I realized he didn't answer... So I tried again.

  “Hello? Is my bike repaired yet?” I thought he might be some new guy as I never saw him here before. I remembered there was another guy yesterday, when I came with my bike.

  I could be wrong too as I don't come here often.

  But to my surprise, he stood up this time saying..

  “Which one?” He asked turning himself to face me.

  In an instant I recognized the face. Blue eyes, dark brown hair, sharp nose and jawline, dusky indeed, tall and muscular.


  I was really really shocked to see him here, as I never expected.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked unconsciously with my wide eyes. As far as I know, he is a young alpha, and obviously doesn't need to work in some garage.

  Wait... Does he even work here?

  But without bothering to answer my question, he asked again with his deep voice..

  “Which one?”

  “Royal Enfield classic 350” I just said, as I also didn't want to talk to this arrogant for no reason.

  But without my expectation, there arrived Adrian and Jeremy, at the very moment when Kazan took my bike out of the garage.

  “Look who is it here.” Said, Adrian.

  Yeah, that was what left to deal with to end my peaceful day.

  But then I remembered that I have no such day that I can call peaceful.

  “Hey, kids.” I replied, rolling my eyes in disgust.

  “I think you are becoming more and more impatient to know if we are kids or not. What? Do you need us to help you with that?” Adrian scoffed at me.

  Just before I could get back on them with my sharp mouth, I heard..

  “Move” For one moment I thought Kazan was saying it to me, until I saw his ferocious eyes on Adrian.

  And to my surprise, Adrian followed what he asked him to do, without a single word.

  “Get your keys from the counter and drop your cash there.” Kazan said in his deep voice, just before he handed me the bike, and retreated to whatever work he was doing, without bothering about anything around.

  It's high time I heard him speaking.

  I mean,

  I couldn't even recognize his voice.

  As he doesn't bother to speak much.


  He doesn't bother about anything, at all.


  Arrogant,...what he is.

  Episode 5

  Summer's P. O. V

  I went straight to my home this evening.

  Yes, I live alone.

  As Uncle Benjamin had to live at the packhouse for being the alpha, with his mate and the rest of the members. And the pack pretty much hates me so, I chose to live in my parent's house all on my own, even though there is no one to receive me when I get back home. No warm hugs for me, no one to ask about my day, no one to have dinners with me. So, yeah, it's just me.

  After locking the door behind I threw my keys on the table and went to my room to take a warm shower to freshen up my mood a bit. I changed into some comfortable clothes and made my way out to prepare something to eat. You see, I need to feed my hungry stomach at least.

  As soon as I finished making my dinner my phone rang, and I knew who was calling. Because not many people call me every day. So I picked up, without bothering to see the caller Id.

  “Hey, are you done with your extra work today?” I asked, keeping the phone in between my head and shoulder, while wiping the mess that I had just created in my kitchen.

  “Yes, where are you now?” Kaith asked from the other side of the phone.

  “Where else? Home.” I said, reminding myself what is coming next, as I went to prepare dinner for another one.

  “Okay then, I am coming over in fifteen minutes.” He hung up right after.

  I sighed.

  Yes, I am quite used to this, as Kaith always accompanies me whenever he can, from the very beginning. And told you,.. things between him and me never changed, not even for a moment. At least he is the only one who could give me the feeling of what I can call family, making this cold and lonely house as alive as a ho
me should be. So that I don't have to eat alone, always.

  I was lost in my own thoughts when the doorbell went off suddenly. So I went to get the door after putting down the food on the dinner table.

  “You are earlier than I have expected.” I said, when I saw the grinning face of no other than Keith.

  “Yes, because I am damn hungry.” He made himself in, quickly.

  “Ahh! What wonder did you do with your cooking skills? It smells delicious.” Throwing his stuff here and there, he made his way into the kitchen as fast as he could and grabbed himself a plate only to go over the dinner table with all his curiosity.

  “Spaghetti.” I couldn't hold back my chuckle as I saw him behaving just like a kid.

  “Go, get yourself a plate quickly or I will eat all of it.” Yeah,.. Kaith ordered me as if it is not me but he owns everything around here.

  “Go change first. You are stinking. And wash your hands too.” Yes, my house is like the second home for him. He even left a few of his stuff here, so that when it is needed he can stay over. I never stopped him, as I live alone, so there was plenty of space for another person to fit in, as I even cleared one of the rooms for all his stuff.

  “Okay, I am coming back in minutes, but don't start without me. Okay?” He narrowed his eyes to me in suspicion as if I would leave him to starve by eating all those food alone without him.

  Huh, funny.

  Anyway, he came back quickly as he promised and we ate together. Then he made himself busy with watching TV, while I went through my online blog, and wrote whatever I needed to.

  And if anyone of you is wondering about what do I do for living on my own... then let me tell you, I do work part-time at a cafe, four days in a week,... And today is my off day. So I had nothing much to do for today, except watching TV with Kaith and annoying each other for every little thing.

  “Are you staying tonight?” I asked as I was feeling quite tired that I needed my bed very badly.

  “I think so and you don't have to stay up, go sleep. I have extra keys, so even if I have to go I'll lock the door. Don't worry.” Kaith assured me.

  So, I dragged myself to my room and fell on the bed. But I highly doubted that even when I was hell tired, would I be sleeping? Like ever?


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