Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 14

by Eli Lowe

  “Who could it be?

  You tell me... among the two of you who could do such a thing.

  Do you really think that a beta would harm his own alpha?

  When you did not even spare Adrian as well?” Kazan spat in anger while I realized that he was not at all aware of the truth. Of course, what else could I expect from Adrian to tell Kazan instead of the cold-blooded lie? That was why Kaith could not find him last night, because by then that brute Adrian might have crawled to Kazan to hide behind him in order to prove himself innocent by blurting out the lies only.

  “What I did to Adrian seemed right to me and I do not regret at all. He deserved that and if the situation demands, I would never hesitate to do the same.” My blood boiled thinking about that prick Adrian and what he did last night. Only for him, three of us had to go through such battles of a different kind.


  Markus was fighting to get healed soon at the pack hospital whereas Kazan was forced to hold the sword to fight someone little like me.

  And I?

  Well, my condition was even worse. I had to fight not only with Kazan for some lies but I had to battle with my own self.

  “I dare you to say that you feel the exact same about what you did to Markus.” Kazan shouted ferociously while his sword was lifted up in an instant only to point at me menacingly, without much of his consciousness.

  He could not help but clench his jaws in utter anger while his eyes did not stop to eject the fire which was already burning inside him for long, and waiting to take out its aggression on something ever so brutally.

  No, the blaze inside him was actually meant to turn no one but me into ashes without mercy.

  “What is there left for me to say when you have already declared me as the one to stab Markus like some coward.” I uttered without any fear, neither did I bother to lift my sword to protect myself.

  But it seemed that my words shook something inside Kazan, causing him to get enraged even more than before. And it did not take much time for me to understand that my words worked as nothing but the trigger which made Kazan swing his blade in an instant into the thin air only to make me feel the sharpness of his sword.


  His blade made me bleed with just one swift move, as my heart was not at all willing to fight.

  Episode 23

  Kazan's P.O.V

  I had never seen such a girl like her. The one who dared to stand in front of me with her head held high. As if she was not at all afraid to die.

  Yes, she was the one and only Summer.

  I knew her.

  I had always seen her at school.

  Actually, she was the only girl I had ever bothered to look back or even remembered her name all these years. No, not because I wanted to chase her or anything, in which I had no interest at all, but only for whatever she was. Her boldness, her courage to stand for the right with all her dignity, her fearless attitude and her fierce appearance without any concern about what others would say, always forced me to look back at her in admiration, which was so unlikely of me. Like other girls I usually come across at school or other places, she was never up for becoming popular by playing tricks, but her strength and courage made her one, if not to others, to me at least. Cause, told you, I remembered her name and who she was, strangely.

  But I had never thought even for once that I had to stand against the same Summer one day, the one whom I used to admire.

  I always saw how she never thinks twice to indulge herself in some danger if she needed to save someone, without even thinking about her own safety first. Then how could the same person do such an awful thing, completely distinct to her nature?

  I just could not believe it.

  Rather I did not want to believe whatever I was told, but seeing Markus in such a state with my own eyes, I had lost all of my ability to think rationally anymore.

  The only thing that came to cloud my mind was that, no one should have dared to harm Markus, not even by mistake. And if that ever happens, I would never spare that person no matter who the person was. No matter if that person turns out to be the one I admired. Even when it was Summer.

  I just could not let her escape that easily from whatever she did or not.

  “Fight. Dammit. Lift your sword up, just as you had dared to do the same with the silver dagger and never hesitated twice before stabbing Markus without thinking much of the later consequences.

  So, what happened now.

  What is stopping you when I am already here standing in front of you and waiting ever so eagerly to let you harm me however you can or only if you can.” I just could not help but scream at her with all my might, seeing that she was not at all willing to fight back, which made me even angrier.

  Why was she not fighting for her own justice?

  Why was she not even trying to prove herself innocent?

  How could she accept anything that easily whatever others accuse her of? How could she accept what I was accusing her of?

  Even my instincts kept telling me that something is wrong. This whole thing which came to me, could not be the whole truth. But why she was not at all intended to clarify herself?

  I knew that I had already blamed her for what happened last night, but I was helpless as well. I had to believe whatever I was told cause at that time there was no one else to tell their part of the incident which could have given me another reason to think otherwise in order to help me find out the truth better.

  I just needed to listen to what happened last night from her perspective.

  I wanted her to explain and that was why I came here in the first place, but I had never imagined that she would not even bother to justify herself.

  No matter how much I provoked her, nothing came out which could have persuaded me to think all over again.

  But, I was like hoping for something which was never meant to happen. It seemed that I was more desperate to prove her innocence than herself.

  She kept standing with her sword down even when my blade had already made contact with her flesh, causing her blood to ooze out ever so cruelly, but she did not scream at all. As if she was in much greater pain to feel such little one.

  I did not just get why she came to stand before me like this. What happened to her? What made her tainted with such filth?

  Then again, I cared the least.

  “Fight.” I shouted once again as I saw that she completely froze at her spot, quite unlikely. I swung my blade once again to make her move but she just did not. Even when the tip of my sharp and pointed sword laid on her bare skin at last on her neck, she did not tremble, neither did she try to avoid the assault of my blade.

  My blood boiled seeing her caring the least about herself. The thick crimson fluid had already started to flow down from her neck as well causing my blade to go deeper, menacingly, but nothing could make her lift the sword up.

  How could she not feel the pain?

  Seeing Summer like this, my heart even trembled for once without my permission, then what could have caused her to turn into such a stone?

  How do I make her fight?

  So, I tried again to provoke her, saying,

  “So, now you don't want to fight when the truth has been revealed. Now you know how to accept the fact that you are a real traitor? This is for what your parents were raising you, to become a backstabber?” And as soon as I uttered the words with ultimate disgust against my will, I knew that I did not have to try once again, cause the words were successful to do their job.

  Yes, it definitely did provoke her, at last, to lift her sword up and to fight back.

  Summer did not say anything after whatever she had to listen, but her sword did. I saw with my own eyes, how her stares turned into obsidian with extreme rage just before she moved her blade ever so swiftly, as if it was the part of her own body. She created some vicious noise in the air with the fastest moves with the help of the sword and even before I could realise, her sword came to me in an instant that I could p
rotect myself from the conspiracy of her sharp blade, hardly.

  The clanking sound of the two metals crashing together appeared even more treacherous which did not fail to make others who were present at that time shiver, only by witnessing such a horrible fight that I and Summer was about to indulge in.

  ****flashback from last night****

  I was more than happy to think that I was going to meet my mate once again tonight. Even though the whole day kept bothering me with its long hours, depriving me of the ability to make the time run even faster so that I could get to meet her as soon as possible.

  I could hardly concentrate on the other activities through out the day.

  And my wolf was making it even harder to hold the urge back to run to my girl as he kept coming to the edge of my mind.

  Yes, I was dying for her scent...for her touch...for her kisses. I closed my eyes to remember her lips on mine, as if I could still taste her.

  What else could I do?

  But then again, thoughts were never enough to fulfil all my desire, my need and everything else, as the only thing it did was worsened my thirst for my mate.

  And as a result of such desperate needs, I went to the place where we were supposed to meet every night, way before our decided time, even before the time when I came yesterday. It was like, with each passing day, I was becoming more and more impatient.

  Anyway, I came to wait for my mate in the darkest alley even when I knew that there was still plenty of time left for her to come, cause I had reached earlier than ever.

  Anxiety did not let me stand still, as I kept pacing in the dark cause I was determined not to leave the alley ever until she comes. My mind was no better either as various thoughts kept coming to I kept thinking about how many kisses I was going to get for myself more than yesterday from my mate.

  But little did I know that all those thoughts were never meant to become a reality.

  Cause, I was forced to break out of my oblivion just when my phone started to ring ever so loudly, rather menacingly.

  “What is it?” I asked after seeing that the one from whom I wanted to stay far so that I could keep my sanity, was now calling me.

  “ need to come. As soon as possible. I..I just could not do anything. I tried to stop her but I just could not.” Adrian kept stuttering over the call, making me even more frustrated for not being able to get whatever he was trying to say. His voice did not fail to show how terrified he was. If it was not for his scared voice, I might never bother to ask him twice about what was he up with. But tonight, his voice felt different, which I could not just ignore.

  “Stop your nonsense and say clearly. What the hell happened?” I asked as I was already anxious enough to deal with his puzzling words.

  “Markus. He is at the pack hospital.” It just took one single name for me to lose all the calmness of my mind in an instant.

  “Coming.” Without bothering about anything else, I hung up the phone only to rush to the pack hospital. I did not know yet what exactly happened to him which caused him to end up in the hospital. I mean, for someone like us, who had the ability to heal faster, except something severe nothing could injure us that badly which might cause us to wake up in the hospital bed.

  And that was why I panicked.

  What could have happened to him? To Markus?

  And when I reached there at the hospital, I was in no right mind to find out that something was different in the air. Without giving a single attention to any other things, I rushed inside only to see Adrian first.

  Although he was standing in front of me, he was not at all looking like he could stay awake any longer or he could walk another step ahead. His hands were all broken while his face was ruined as well. In short, he was all tattered.

  After seeing Adrian, I feared, thinking in what state Markus was now?

  “Where is he?” I asked viciously, as I had no patience left to be all polite with the broken one.

  No, he could not speak a single word after seeing my utterly enraged state, instead, Adrian just pointed to one of the doors at my right side. And I had no more reason left to waste another second, as I went right inside that cabin only to be left entirely shocked, seeing the one of my closest was lying on the bed lifelessly and struggling for his life.

  I lost my mind. I could not think further.

  “Who did this?” I asked as soon as I came out to find Adrian again, so that I could get my answers.

  “Summer. It was Summer who stabbed Markus with a silver dagger. She took the opportunity to vent out her anger on him, also when he wanted to become a friend.” Whatever Adrian just said shook me, as I could imagine it the least as the reality. Especially the name that he took.

  Summer could never do such a thing as far as I knew.

  But then again, I could not just deny in what state I just saw Markus. No matter whoever dared to harm him, would definitely have to pay, even if it was Summer as per Adrian.

  “Tell me what happened exactly.” I could not help but grate my teeth unconsciously as I had to struggle to see Summer as the traitor. I was even angrier to think that how could I judge someone's intentions wrongly.

  No, I could not distinguish between the truth and the lie anymore.

  All I got to hear was the name of the one who had caused such a disaster. And it was Summer's.

  “Markus approached her earlier at school, asking her to become friends, but she did not agree at that time. But mysteriously, she asked Markus to meet alone at someplace quiet and deserted later after school.

  As I was suspicious of her the whole time, I decided to follow Markus even though he warned me not to.

  But what I saw later, made me regret about the fact that I did not stop Markus from becoming a victim of her conspiracy. And when I rushed to save him, I was too late already, cause she had already stabbed Markus with a silver dagger when he was not at all cautious of her treacherous thoughts.

  She did not even let me take Markus away, and fought me until he was convinced enough that I could not stand straight anymore.

  But...but she did not know that nothing could stop me from protecting my alpha.

  So, after she left, I brought Markus to this hospital right away, using the last bit of strength which was still left in me after all I had to go through.” Adrian blurted out about the incident without a pause as if it was engraved in his mind for long and he knew exactly what to say.

  But my growing rage did not let me figure out if his words were a cold-blooded lie or not.

  “Get me her number.” I could not think of anything else as I was already feeling helpless. Markus was still unconscious and except Adrian and Summer, the one whom he had accused, there was no one to tell what happened.

  I needed to see her.

  She better says something or I would never forget what she did neither would I let her forget.

  ****end of flashback****

  Her furious strikes kept coming, filling the air with the piercing metallic sounds of our swords which were crashing together in order to cut each other through only to bleed mercilessly.

  The Summer, who was now fighting against me felt completely different. She seemed not the real her anymore, rather I could see myself in her. She seemed just like my replica cause she was bearing a face which was completely unreadable, and without any remorse for anything at all.

  But something changed in me without my knowledge. I could not say what it was actually as I did not know either. The whole time I kept feeling as if I was doing something wrong, very wrong. As if my mind was trying to tell me something which I just could not understand yet. But I know how each time my blade kissed her to cut her flesh, I was the one who kept feeling the pain instead, while she seemed not bothered at all.

  Every time I saw her bleed my heart denied to beat further while rage kept manipulating my mind, depriving me of each and every chances to realise what was happening.

  Or what I was doing without my knowledge.

sp; Episode 24

  Kaith's P.O.V

  Where the hell he could be hiding right now?

  It was the only thing that I kept thinking since I rushed out of the packhouse early in the morning only to take that rat out of its hole as soon as possible.

  Yes, I was looking for Adrian almost everywhere like some crazy. Because if I could not find him out in time, something bad would definitely happen and everything would be gone out of our hands even before I could do anything. And I just could not let that happen, not to Summer at least, who did not even do anything wrong.

  Yes, I believed her words without a single doubt when she told me everything about what happened to her recently and even last night, cause she was always the most truthful person I have ever known. Even though she was always accused of the incident that she never caused and ended up to be the most hated one, I knew her and believed that she could never do such a thing. And even now, the same thing was going to happen to her once more, and I won't stand back to watch her suffer again this time. Never.

  I knew.

  I knew exactly something like this would be happening right at the moment when she asked me not to drag the incident further which would cause some massive chaos. I knew, even if we stay quiet, the chaos was going to occur either way, but it would definitely prey the one and only Summer, who did not do anything at all, let alone the fact that she could have been in the place of Markus, because of the real traitor Adrian.

  And most of all, even if she would try to tell the truth crying out to everyone, I could even bet that no one was going to believe a single word of her. So, Summer was not wrong either with her decision to stay quiet. But how could I do the same when my best friend's allegiance was questioned.

  Once I could do nothing when she was questioned like the same way a few years ago, but not today.

  I kept speeding up the wheels as much as possible, so that I could hunt Adrian down from wherever he was hiding, no matter if I had to turn the entire town upside down in order to search each and every corner minutely. It was just that I did not have much time to waste.


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