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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 28

by Eli Lowe

  Some kind of sounds like the clanking of metals, came to my ears.

  Someone else was at home at this moment. I thought that it might be Kaith who was making a mess in the kitchen once again. But right now, such little mess in my kitchen could not trigger me enough to stop Kaith from ruining the entire house, cause my own mess was even bigger than anything to deal with.

  So, I did not bother to go out, as I was not at all feeling like doing anything right now. I stayed in bed for quite some time and kept my eyes closed, attempting to run away from this harsh world, at least for a little while.

  But little did I know that I was not allowed to do that either.

  Cause, soon the delicious smell of the food was all over the house, declaring the very fact that something great was cooking, and which was obviously beyond my expectations from Kaith.

  But, no.

  I was proved wrong when I got hit by another familiar smell.

  And in no time I knew who it was. It was not Kaith as I thought before, but it was Kazan.

  Why was he still here?

  What was he trying to do? Why did he not leave right after getting whatever he wanted from me?

  I could not help but freak out from inside, thinking about what else Kazan wanted to torture me with.

  As I kept thinking, both of the smell kept coming closer and closer, bit by a bit. I was lying on the bed with my eyes closed as I had no intention to let him know that I was already awake, so that I could save myself from talking to him. Cause I did not want to interact with him in any kind of way anymore.

  Soon, I heard the door of my room opened with a mild sound and the sound of footsteps came closer to me only to stop at once at the nearest.

  After a few whiles, I felt the mattress dipped down a bit, making me totally aware of the fact that Kazan sat just beside me and in the next moment I felt his big and rough hand which was placed carefully on my cheek.

  I did not get what he was trying to do?

  What was the use of all these after what he did last night?

  I wanted to scream... I wanted to shake his hand off me as soon as possible...I wanted to run away as far as I could, but I did nothing whatever I wanted to do right now, instead, I just kept lying on the bed without a single movement.

  It was more like, I was lying like some dead.

  And I had no intention to become alive once again.

  I kept lying for quite some time as Kazan did not bother to move his hand away from me, until...until I felt those cold lips on my forehead, all of a sudden.

  I was shocked entirely.

  But it seemed that I did not have to hide my intense emotional conflicts any longer, as he did not wait for any time further after kissing me, and left my house in no moment.

  Episode 46

  Kazan's P.O.V

  I walked out of her house early in the morning, even before she was awake. Cause even if I stayed back until she was up, I was afraid thinking about how I was going to face my mate, when I knew very well, what I did to her last night.

  I was indeed afraid to see that I broke Summer in the worst possible way and that too for what? How was I supposed to make her understand that I had to provoke her to stand against me only because I wanted to keep her safe from all the dangers that I was about to indulge myself in, since this moment?

  And the pathetic thing was that I could not even tell her why.

  Yes, I had to hurt her only to keep her safe and sound.

  Because I could even make do with the fact that she hates me but I could never ever see her life at stake, only for the justice I was determined to make from a very long time. And now I need to act fast cause things are not that simple what I had assumed before. Now I know, how just one single wrong move can cause other's life to be at stake. I had learned my lessons once, but not now. Definitely not now, when she is also involved in all these from the very beginning.

  I wonder sometimes, that how both of our fates were always connected with each other since when it all started in the very first place years ago, without much of our knowledge. And little did I know back then that this exact fate would drag both us to stand in front of each other in such a way where we would crave for each other but still, it seemed like we were always meant to end up standing against one another.

  Now how do I accept the fact that the love we always lacked and desired the most, would come in our life once and then it would never let us stay happy together?

  I felt empty once again.

  Cause I left my heart, my love and every good thing back with her...with my mate, Summer. I did not know if I would ever get to tell her that I had to hurt her for her sake only, I did not know if I would even get the time to make everything right once again, and I did not know either if I would be alive to return back to her or not, but I wanted to keep her safe as long as I was there.

  From now on, Summer must hate me. Yes, she must, at least when there is always someone to watch us now. And I just can not afford to make a single wrong move.

  I have to make them believe that Summer was never with me in all my plans to get the justice what we failed to get years ago.

  “I am sorry, Summer.” I muttered under my breath and got on the bike only to turn my wheels to my next destination, making an oath to myself that I would not look back.

  This was always my battle to fight, and in some way, it was also Summer's...but I would definitely make them pay for what they did to both of us. I would definitely make everything right this time, I would give Summer what she always deserved, I would get the long-desired revenge for the ones whom they never hesitated to snatch from me with no mercy at all.

  Yes, that was the only goal I have left now.

  I speeded up my bike only to make the wheels run on the twist and turns of the road without letting any kind fear to stop me from going on the thorny path that I chose for myself. The wind kept messing with my hair, but could not bother me enough as my mind went back to this morning once again.


  I was hiding inside the closet for long. It was all dark around me but still, I could see that the light was coming through the holes of the closet door.

  I curled my body into a ball and was sitting on one of the shelves as my body was little enough to fit into that small space. I was so excited. My eyes never stopped to sneak a peek through the wholes of the door every now and then only to see what was happening outside...if she was coming or not.

  Yes, I was waiting for her to find me. I was waiting ever so eagerly for my mother to open the closet door so that I could jump on her all of a sudden and surprise her. I wanted to play hide and seek and mom agreed to play with me at last, as Markus was of no use.

  He is so boring and lazy...he does not know how to have fun.


  I kept hiding inside the closet for long. It seemed that no one could find me at last. That means I was definitely going to win this time. Thinking about that only, I was becoming even happier with each passing second.

  But, some noises came to my ears soon. I did not understand what was that for. Maybe there was some commotion out there, but who could it be? Except mom and me, there was no one at our home right at this moment. Dad was out with some pack business and Markus was at grandpa's place. Or did he return? If he did, then it would be more fun I guess. I could get to startle both of them at the same time.

  It would be great.

  I kept planning when and how to jump out of the closet to surprise them, with so much excitement.

  But what I got to see in the next moment, completely froze me. I could not move even for a little bit as I stayed exactly where I kept hiding till now. No one knew that I was present there but I could see each and everything through the small holes of the closet door, all that was happening before my eyes.

  The darkness around me kept eating my senses bit by a bit as the sight before me, did not allow me to blink even for once. I kept holding the breath unconsciously for long but the tears di
d not do the same and kept flowing down from my eyes all this while.

  I became so much terrified that I could do nothing even after witnessing everything. So, I stayed quiet and watched my life turning into a burning hell before my own eyes.

  I was young enough to understand what happened exactly, but I definitely realised how people look when they die.

  Cause I saw my mom was lying next to dad on the pool of blood. Their eyes were still open but they were not moving at all. And in front of them, there was standing a man whose face I could not see cause he was standing very close to where I was hiding all this while. Only a tattoo I could see. It was a red coloured rose painted on the skin of his shoulder.

  A red rose.

  The darkness grew in an instant and all the air went to somewhere else leaving me completely out of breath.




  I woke up from my sleep as I was struggling to breathe even in my dreams. No, a nightmare it was, actually. The breath which I kept holding in my nightmare, suffocated me in my reality as well. I kept panting for long, attempting to catch a single breath while the lack of air caused me to sweat badly even in such a cold night.

  But it was not night anymore, cause if I look out of the windows, the dark night sky was now lit up for a little bit, announcing the arrival of dawn.

  Once again... the haunting past tormented me in my sleep once again.

  I turned on my side only to find that Summer was still sleeping next to me but she was shivering in the cold even when I made sure to cover her bare body when I was tucking her on the bed last night.

  I was about to pull her into my chest to warm her up completely but my mind did not fail to remind me that I had no rights anymore to do so, after what I had done to her last night.

  The hand which I did lift up to pull Summer into a hug, could not dare to approach her further. I was completely shattered in an instant realising that I could never hold her the way I used to, before. I started to crumble into millions of pieces once again, seeing that my unfortunate fate made me do what I detest the most in my life. It made me hurt my mate so that she could stay safe?

  Ironic, isn't it?

  I found her one night ever so surprisingly and then lost her again. But when I finally got to hold her into my arms once more and when she finally accepted me as well, I needed to make her hate me even when I knew that my life would be miserable without her in it. I could not even show her that I love her so much that I would never hesitate to come before her if death arrives to knock at our doors. I could not even leave her with anything good and that too, only because I wished to protect her from all the bad, even when I had to become the worst in her life?

  Isn't fate unjust to both of us?

  I was feeling like I was about to die, but I could not even afford to do that. Cause I needed to stay alive for now, at least until I got to fix everything this time.

  I got off from the bed and looked for something to dress her up with, so that she does not feel cold anymore. A t-shirt got into my hands in no time and I carefully put it on Summer without waking her up.

  I stayed by her side for quite some time until the first sunlight came to the room, declaring that it was morning at last. All this while I kept thinking that if what I did was right or wrong but I got no answers. All I knew was that I could not let Summer stay on good terms with me anymore, neither with Markus. Cause if she decides to stay with anyone of us, it would be the same for her. She would definitely be in danger if not now then later, from which I must keep her safe always, at any cost. But little did I know that I would get to do what I had decided, in such a way that I had to pay with something which was so precious in my life.

  Finally, I had to get myself together for the sake of her, even when my heart kept breaking ever so badly. I stood up only to get out of her room after wearing all the clothes which I took off last night.

  I thought of making something for Summer before she wakes up. I did not know if she would even like to have anything that I made, after being such a worst person to her since last night, still, I wanted to. At least for once. So, I got into the kitchen and prepared breakfast with whatever I got in hand. I wished if I could stay back with my mate and watch her eating, but I think I could not do that anymore.


  Nothing to regret now. Cause it was me who ruined all the opportunity to be loved by her ever again. But I wanted to tell her that I would love her till my last breath but what was the point in saying all those words which will be of no meaning to Summer since today.

  So, I decided that it was better to keep it all inside me like I always do.

  After I was done making her breakfast, I took it to her room and kept it aside for her to have later, only if she wants to.

  Summer was still sleeping but even in her sleep, her brows were furrowed as if she was disgusted with something. Maybe, she was disgusted with me. Yes, it must be it.

  I could not hold myself back from touching her for the one last time.

  Yes, I needed her badly. But I knew that I probably had lost all the right to ask for her love.

  So, I sneaked a kiss in her sleep for one last time before I went out, leaving my heart behind with her, but only if she knew.

  ****end of flashback****

  Episode 47

  Kaith's P.O.V

  After what I had witnessed last night and also after all those things that I got to hear from dad, I decided to start quiet, at least for some time. But one thing kept bothering me since I came up with my decision. I just could not make my mind about whether I should tell Summer about all these or not? Cause somewhere at the bottom of my heart, I was feeling like she has all the right to know, but the fear of seeing the past repeat once again, just did not allow me to tell Summer about all what I got to know recently.

  She could be strong and inevitable but alone she was nothing against all those vicious beasts. And I just could not afford to take the risk. Now I know why no one talked much about the past, cause there was no one alive to talk about the truth unless one decides to stay quiet even after knowing everything. And that was what I had decided to do since now until the right time comes. This was what my dad did once and now it was my time to do the same.

  Yes, I should not let anyone get even a little bit of hunch about the fact that something big is about to happen, or blood would shed without any kind of mercy, turning the earth red, making each and every single effort and endurance of a few people for years go all in vain. No, none of us could afford that now, at least when everything was about turn right at last. So, I must wait for Kazan first.

  And till then I needed to stay by Summer's side, like before, without giving anyone any kind of reason to suspect.

  “Hey, Sam!! Are you home?” I asked loudly as soon as I get into her house this morning, expecting Sam to reply but I could not hear a single sound right at the moment.

  I wondered if she was even here or not. But just when I was about to go inside her room, the door opened even before I could knock and there she was. Sam was standing just in front of my eyes but it seemed like she was now changed in some weird kind of way. I did not realise what it was exactly, which was not the same as before, but she was looking a bit different today. Her eyes were stern as if they were always meant to burn down each and every person into fine ashes, who would dare to stand in front of her.

  I wondered if Sam was always like this?

  “I thought you were out somewhere, cause you did not answer when I called for you, so I wanted to check if you were in your room or not.” I felt like I should explain every reason for my each and every move right now to avoid the possible threat, or she would definitely tear me up for no reason. Yes, she seemed mad...very mad right now. And I just did not want to mess with the mad Sam, risking my life.

  “Do not worry. I get it.” She said, and made her way out of her room in no time, but I felt like her dangerous aura of being an alpha, did not bother to leave me alone,
even when she was gone.

  What happened to her?

  “Sam! Is everything all right?” I asked cautiously, as I was becoming really worried about her right now.

  “Yes. Everything is fine.” She said and went to put on the boots all of a sudden. Since now I did not realise that Sam was all dressed up as if she had somewhere to go to. But where? There was no school today, and that was why she did not have any of her part-time jobs to attain. Then where could it be?

  “Are you going out somewhere, Sam?” Again I gathered a bit of courage to ask, preparing myself to take shelter if anything goes wrong. Tsk.

  Sometimes she becomes really scary.

  “Yes.” She bothered to say that much only, leaving me all struggling with the thought if I should ask her further or not.

  “Am I allowed to come with you, Summer? I really want to.” Without being able to ask where she was about to go, I decided to go along with her, so that I could stay by her side. But I did not know if she would agree or not, still, it was worth taking a chance at least.

  “Yes, you can.” With that Summer went out of the house, leaving me no other option but to follow her wherever she was planning to go.

  “Take your own bike. You might need it later.” Summer said while getting on her bike and did not bother herself enough to explain what did she mean by that. And of course, I was becoming all crazy by her sudden change in behaviour.

  I took my bike without wasting any more time, and followed Summer, but to the least of my expectations, she stopped after covering such a little bit of distance, in front of the very building where she should not have come, at least not now.

  Yes, Summer parked her bike in front of our packhouse, surprisingly. There was no doubt that I was completely shocked, cause I barely saw her coming here since the incident years ago, but what made her do that now? What she was trying to do?

  “Hey! Hey! Sam??? would you care to tell me what are you thinking? Cause you are really freaking me out right now.” I stopped Sam to ask, as soon as we both get down from the bike to make our way inside the packhouse.


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