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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 31

by Eli Lowe

  No, Markus did not leave, neither he had any intention to go back on his own without taking us back, I guess. He just kept standing in a distance ever so patiently, and waited for me to move on my own.

  But it appeared that, my legs did not let me do so.

  The swords fell from my hands all of a sudden, creating an ear-piercing clanking sound just when both of my blades reached the surface of the ground.

  And I did not know what happened next, cause the last thing I remembered was that everything turned black before my eyes.

  “Sam!!!!!!!” The scream was what I heard before I closed my eyes, even though I knew it was Kaith.

  But for what he was terrified all of a sudden, I did not know.

  Episode 51

  Kaith's P.O.V

  I was running as fast as I could, through the deep dark forest tonight. I needed to get to the road at least. Cause Sam was still lying unconscious in my arms and I had to take her to the hospital as soon as possible, no matter how.

  My arms were like falling off, as my injuries did not even get enough time to heal properly. But I did not have any time to think about myself, when my best friend suddenly collapsed and for what reason I did not yet.

  Seeing Kazan, who came at last in his wolf form as our saviour tonight, at the right moment to rescue both of us from the vicious rogues when we needed some help the most and he did that only by ripping all of them apart with no mercy at all, so that I could take a breath of relief finally.

  and when I realised that there were no other threats around us right at that moment, I went behind a tree to shift back and came out of there after getting into the very change of clothes which I had brought here earlier.

  But, to my surprise, I did not know what changed within just a few seconds, as I saw one of the huge black wolves turned back and left the place without even looking back.

  Though another one preferred to stay, before that particular moment, I could not even realise how similar both of the huge wolves looked like. They were all black with the same eyes. Now I wonder who was Kazan among the two...the one who preferred to wait for us patiently or the one who left.

  I kept thinking, but it seemed that I could do that no more, cause just when I turned around to look at Sam, attempting to know the possible answers of my newly raised questions, all my words stayed back at my throat as I saw her tremble for some unknown reason.

  I thought that she might be terrified after dealing with such a nasty battle tonight, even when it was not at all that cruel which could make Sam shiver in horror ever, not even for a little bit, but still, I was puzzled for some moment.

  I moved to go to her but could not get enough time, as I saw her collapse down to the ground in no moment, just before my eyes.

  I rushed to her side, without bothering myself to be concerned about my injured arm. The only thing which scared the hell out of me was nothing but Sam and her sudden act of becoming unconscious for no reason at all.

  “Sam!!!!!” I screamed with all my might, but it seemed that she was no more able to respond to my call. Her lifeless body was lying cold on the dirty ground.

  I kept shaking her limp body but nothing changed, causing me to freak out the most. I could not even realise when the other huge black wolf came to stand by my side. Even he seemed concerned as he kept jumping and pushing her body, attempting to make her conscious once again. But it seemed that all our attempts were for nothing as she kept lying there senseless.

  And seeing Sam like this way, I got so much scared like never before. I had started to feel that I could not even protect the one whom I should have always keep safeguarded, proving myself one such failure and nothing else.

  I had no other reason to wait for anyone or anything, as I scooped up her limp body from the cold and hard ground with both of my arms and started to run without bothering myself to look at any other way but to the one and only way which could get us out of the deep dark forest as quickly as possible.

  The huge black wolf did not leave our side even for a moment as it kept guiding us through all the way out of the wood while keeping a careful watch at every other thing around us right now, attempting to guard both of us against any kind of danger, no matter how. It looked like, the wolf was even ready to sacrifice its own life if needed, only for the sake of us...for the sake of Sam.

  I crossed the forest in the dark soon, but it was feeling like a whole lot of time. Cause each second was now precious as Sam was showing no sign to become conscious again.

  Without wasting any time, I ran to the place where both of our bikes were still standing for a long time, since when we came here. Somehow, I made both of us settle on my bike, keeping Sam in front of me. I kicked hard to start my bike and wasted no time to turn the wheels only to go back to the pack hospital, as fast as possible.

  Her eyes were still closed and I did not get time to check if she was breathing or not, as the only thing I knew that I needed to take her to the hospital no matter what. With one hand I kept holding her limp body tightly, making sure that she does not fall while I kept speeding as much as I could. The bright light from my bike kept showing my way through the dark night streets.

  I realised that we were not alone, as the huge black wolf did not bother to leave us at all, as his huge body did keep up with the speed of my bike and was running with all his might, only to follow us closely from behind. Maybe he wanted to make sure that we do not have to get into any more trouble for tonight, not at least when Sam was still unconscious and needed help and also when I needed to take her to the hospital, ever so desperately.

  Both of us were desperate to keep her safe indeed.

  I could not think much as I just kept wishing for the long streets to become short so that I could bring help for my best friend as soon as possible.

  I even prayed to make her alright.

  But she did not move, not at least now.

  And finally, I reached the pack hospital with Sam who was still lying unconscious in my arms.

  “Help!!!!!! Help her, please.” I shouted as much as I could, without even bothering to get off from my bike, as I had no time to do so. And, indeed, few of the nurses rushed to my side in no time along with a stretcher, so that they could take Sam inside to help her without even wasting a single second.

  Only after I saw that Sam was now given to some safe hands, I let go the breath at last, which I was holding till now, I did not even realise for how long.

  I parked my bike on one side and got off at last. Now, only after the stress was released, I realised that I could not even walk properly, and my whole arm....?

  Well, I could not feel one of my arm any more.

  So, somehow I managed to drag myself inside the back hospital as well, while limping all the distance to get in.

  But, just when I was about to get in, I turned back for the one last time to look for the one who did not choose to leave our side all this while, and came along with us. Yes, the huge black wolf.

  And I did not have to search for him any longer as the huge shadow with a pair of glowing blue eyes caught into my sight in no time, declaring his inevitable presence right at this moment, which was standing behind one of the trees beside the road, as if he had no intention to leave until he was assured enough that Sam was safe and sound at last.

  Even though I realised that he was concerned for her as well, I could do nothing, as the doctors were still helping Sam to get back conscious and we both knew that we had to wait patiently this time.

  Without bothering myself for much, I went straight inside, as I needed to treat my wounds as well.

  “Do you know how is she doing? I mean, the one whom I brought here just a while ago?” I could not hold myself back and asked the nurse at last, who was doing a bandage on my injured arm, carefully. Yes, I was badly injured too, as my healing powers could not even make the pain go away that easily, this time. But little did I care.

  “Yes, she is fine. The doctors are doing some check-ups on her, and yo
u will get to hear the news any time soon.” Said the nurse with a smile on her face but for what reason I could not guess. It seemed a kind of wired to me, though. But I did not say anything further.

  After some time, I was informed that I could finally go to see Sam. So, I did not delay any more second and rushed to her cabin, hoping that she might be conscious by now.

  But no.

  Sadly, she was still lying unconscious on her bed.

  “Do not worry. She will wake up soon. Things like this happen sometimes in such conditions.” The doctor who was attending Sam, I guess, said from behind while entering the room.

  “What do you mean by such condition? What happened to her?” I asked with panic, as I was not at all prepared to hear such words from the doctor.

  But to my surprise, he smiled the same way, just as the nurse did, a while ago.

  “Well, there is nothing to be worried. Both of them are fine and healthy. Nothing is wrong with them. It is nothing but the early symptoms. And that was why she fainted earlier.” The doctor replied, but I could not understand a single word of whatever he was trying to say.

  “Who are you talking about? Who are they?” I could not help but ask again, as I had no clue about what I was about to hear in the next moment.

  “I mean, the mother and her pup. She is pregnant.” He declared, making me all startled right at this moment.

  My mouth was left agape as I just could not believe whatever I just got to hear.

  “She is what?” I enquired once more, as I wanted to know if I heard anything wrong earlier.

  “She is pregnant with a pup. And both are safe and sound. They just need a few more months of rest, before the delivery.” His words proved that I heard right, even at the very first time.

  But how?

  No, I mean what now?

  I froze completely at my spot and just kept looking at the doctor without any idea what to say next.

  Even though I could not say anything, someone else did, to my surprise.

  “He must not know. Kaith, please, do something or anything, but promise me that Kazan will never get to know about this pup. I am beginning you. Please, do not tell anyone. For me.” Sam's hoarse voice pulled me out of my trance all of a sudden, causing me to freak out for no reason at all.

  Even though I was relieved to see that she was awake at last, but I could not even get the time to rejoice as I was hit by an extreme shock, with no doubt at all.

  “I believe you two need to talk. So, I am taking your leave then. And rest assured, none of us ever says out any kind of information about the patients, against their will. So, your secret is safe with us. Do not worry and try not to exhaust yourself much.” With that, the doctor left the room, leaving both of us behind to start a whole new conflict right at this moment.

  “What the hell, Sam? Why do you not want Kazan to know about his own pup? When only he has every right to know.” I yelled at her, bothering least about the fact that she just woke up.

  “No, he does not. And do not ask me anything about him any more. Do you get that?” Sam retorted back, with a stern voice, making me all concerned for a whole new reason.

  “But why? Do you think I am a fool, Sam? I have seen how you are trying to stand against him when it was supposed to be the opposite. You both need to say together but look at you now.

  You have changed, Sam. And not only me, but anyone could tell how different you have become now. Tell me if I am wrong.

  Cause, even you know that I am not. So, let me ask you, Sam. Do I not need to know what is happening with you recently? Can you not tell the truth even to your best friend? I just want you to be happy, Sam.” I did not know if my words could show her how concerned I was for her right now, as she chose to stay quiet.

  “What happened, Sam?” I tried again to make her speak.

  “I will definitely tell you, but not now. This is not the right time. I have so many things to do. I need to make something right, which I should have done before.” With her words, she even dared to move, attempting to get down from the bed only to leave the hospital, I guess. But in my presence, I was definitely not going to let her do anything and everything according to her wish since now.

  “You can not leave. The doctor said that you need to rest. So, lie the hell down on your bed, Sam. Do not dare to do anything stupid from now on, cause you are no more alone. A pup is inside you and waiting to be born in a later time. So, you must keep that in mind, before you try to do something reckless...if possible, think about your unborn pup even before you try to think to do something dangerous for both of you two. Am I clear?” It seemed that this time I was finally able to startle the fearless Sam, as she froze for a while and kept looking at my face, thinking of some nonsense of course, about which I cared the least.

  “Okay. And you do not have to scream, please. I know... I get it what you are trying to say, Kaith.” She lied down on her bed like an obedient girl just what I wanted her to be right now.

  “Finally. And I am honoured for that, Sam.” I replied seeing that I could get to scare Sam at last.

  “Kaith?” Lying on her bed, she called for me again, but this time with a low and calm voice.

  “Yes, what is it?” I enquired, but again she said the only thing which seemed very important to her right now,

  “No one must know anything about this pup. Not now. And most importantly, Kazan must never know. Can you promise me?”

  Episode 52

  Summer's P.O.V

  I went back to my place last night even when I knew that nothing will be the same as before because I was no longer alone to do anything and everything without caring much about the later consequences. Because now I have a pup growing inside me whom I needed to look after no matter how.

  But the most important thing which kept bothering me since I got to know about the tiny little existence of my pup inside my belly, was that how am I supposed to prepare for the very battle now, which I had already initiated without much of anyone's awareness. How am I now going to achieve the only goal left in my life, for which I had already made myself determined before?

  So, what now?

  My mind kept struggling the whole time, with the very conflict between what to do and what not to.

  All I knew was that, in this situation, I definitely wanted to keep the pup safe and away from each and every danger which was already standing ahead of us, even before it was born. And I was not that indifferent about the fact that in later times, whatever was waiting for me ever so eagerly only to take me down further into the treacherous dark pit of my life once again, would not even spare my pup, which I just can not accept. Never ever.

  My life was indeed going to turn into a very battle itself, where I needed to make plenty of choices for sure, as far as I could see from this moment. But even then, nothing could make me back down from what I had already started once.

  Revenge. And that was what I had planned to take, in any way possible.

  Lying down on the bed of my room, I kept thinking about a lot of possibilities, but could not get to find any kind of solution for all my problems.

  Though unconsciously, my hand did move to touch my own belly, to feel that little thing inside. Even now, it was quite impossible for me to believe that I was going to give birth to a pup.

  Was it too early? Or did I make the right decision to keep it, even when the whole situation was not so favourable for me? If it was about the time, then again, when the time did any kind of justice to me ever before, that it would change its course all of a sudden and make everything all right for me, in later times?

  No, that was never going to happen ever. Not to me at least and I was very sure of that.

  So, it was always now or never for me.

  Cause, how could I forget that I still had some unfinished business with the one who is also responsible for my condition.

  I did not realise when I dozed off while thinking about a lot of things at night, quite unlikely. It seemed that this li
ttle brat inside me was making me more exhausted than ever.

  But, strangely, I could not even sleep properly as I kept waking up for so many times in the middle of the night.

  I did not even realise if that was for the strange dream I had or for something else.

  Cause, quite unbelievably, I saw Kazan in my sleep. For the slightest moment, I even thought that he was real...that he actually came in that darkness of the night, but I cared the least about such a dream, thinking that it was not at all possible.

  Still, he seemed real somehow, and so was his warmth.

  First I saw him standing at the farthest and the darkest corner of my room ever so quietly, keeping his warm gaze on me for how long I did not know. And after that, I saw him once again, but this time he was lying on my bed just beside me. His huge body was curled up just like a scared boy, as he was holding me tightly by my waist while his cold hands kept bothering me even in my dreams. I even felt his lips on me for so many times that I could not even tell if it was just my dream, cause his every touch appeared so very real.

  But, my tiredness did not allow me to wake up completely right at that moment so that I could see if he actually came or not.

  And when I woke up in the next morning, at last, there was not a single trace of anyone else's presence in my room except me. So, I believed that last night, whatever I saw must be a dream. It had to be.


  I got out of the bed and went straight to the bathroom to wash up and to get ready, so that I could head towards the school, even when I was feeling like doing nothing throughout the entire day.

  Though I was feeling all lethargic for quite some time now, I just could not afford to give myself some time to rest, cause I had a lot of things to accomplish today, even before school.

  So, without taking much time, I dressed up hurriedly and went out of my house early in the morning, taking all the stuff along with me what I needed for school and all.

  But first, I needed to go somewhere else. So, after walking a good distance from my house, I found a deserted and darkest corner of our town, cause I needed to take off all my clothes in order to shift into my wolf form. And so I did.


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