Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 48

by Eli Lowe

  After all this while, I realised that Benjamin had already lost his ability to speak or scream or even to form any kind of sounds and words, so that he could beg for mercy, which was again enough to enrage me even more out of utter displeasure as I could not hear him begging me, any more.

  I was meant to go on further, even when the darkness of the night came down around us. Cause I had to make him pay for harming all those whom I adored so much. But a sound stopped me from doing so all of a sudden.

  In the darkness of the night, I heard the furious howl from somewhere behind me, pulling me back to sanity, and it did not take much time for me to realise who it was.

  I stopped.

  At last, I cared to look around after a long while only to find that I was no longer alone, right at this moment.

  Episode 79

  Summer's P.O.V

  Even when the entire place was already submerged into the darkness of the night, I clearly saw how the road got completely surrounded by the innumerable number of wolves right at this moment, blocking every single way for Benjamin to escape like before.

  And all theirs eyes were fixed on the only one, who had dared to escape from their claws before, by using his treacherous means once again, after cutting the throat of one innocent girl only to leave her at the verge of the death.

  I could not realise since when they were standing here, as the whole time I was so involved in taking all my aggression out on the one who was now lying on the ground totally unable to move, not even for a bit.

  Now, seeing them here, I realised that it was time for me to stop as they all were waiting eagerly to get themselves tainted with his dark crimson blood as well.

  And among them all, one was beyond impatient, that anyone could tell how desperate he was becoming with each passing second, to prey on Benjamin.

  I did not even have to take a glance at him to tell who he was, cause it was no other than Kaith, as his huge grey wolf was standing at the very front, and waiting for me to finish.

  By that time when I was finally done, Benjamin was already in the worst condition as his each and every single part of his body was broken pathetically, while there was no space left on his skin that has not been cut or slashed or bruised, letting his blood flow out of the wounds without any mercy at all. And, that was not all. Cause the blood was not only tainting his whole body, making it very difficult for others to tell who exactly he was, but it was tainting the road here and there as well, making little pools of blood, showing how badly he was beaten up.

  But strangely, even after all this, he was still alive.

  His breathings were shallow but it was there for sure, declaring the fact that he had much worse things to endure in the coming time.

  Seeing him like this, I really felt that the table has finally turned indeed.

  Cause being alive, Benjamin turns to be an unfortunate one while fate chose to stay by our side this time making us the fortunate ones without any doubt.

  So, without wasting any more time, I stepped aside, leaving Benjamin to lie on the ground unattended without any worry at all, cause I was ensured enough that he was in no condition to lift his one little finger, even if no one were around to stop him. Even when Benjamin could still see the horror of whatever was waiting for him, he could do nothing. Even when he might have felt the urgency to get up and run for his life once again, he himself knew that there was no way left for him to do so, as I made sure of the fact.

  So, Benjamin's ripped and tattered body kept lying on the ground at our mercy, but we were not at all intended to go easy on him. At least I did not, and never will be. Cause even when I was done with him for today, I still want him to stay alive, so that he can be tortured even more for what he did to all of us, making us completely miserable.

  I stepped back, giving Kaith way to go near the murderer Benjamin, finally, for which he was waiting for long.

  His terrifying repetitive growls were making the rumble with its intensity, declaring the fact that how enraged he was right at that moment, when he had at last found the one who dared to kill her mate.

  All of a sudden, all the wolves howled all together as if they all were supporting Kaith in whatever he was intending to do with Benjamin to make him pay for his sins.

  But he was already shredded. What worse he could do now, I wondered.

  Kaith might have thought that too, as he did something else, which I had never expected ever, without any doubt, neither could anyone think of, either.

  Cause he did not pounce on him, he did not even rip his body apart, instead, he grasped him by one of his hands with his jaw, tightly, so that Benjamin could not let himself free out of Kaith's hold anyhow and started running with a tremendous pace.

  It did not take much time for me anymore to realise what exactly he was going to do with that brute.

  Cause I already knew he was intending to do much worse to him. I have never imagined that one day I would have to see Kaith's brutality this way, when no pain, no screams could shake his heart any further, turning him into a ruthless one, fully.

  As if Kaith had really turned into the beast that he was never before.

  Seeing, Kaith going away with Benjamin, dragging his already ripped and tattered body on the rough and uneven surface of the road with no intention to stop any time soon, the rest of the wolves decide to follow him closely from behind and I was determined to do the same.

  As we all kept running forward on the never-ending road, the trail of Benjamin's blood that Kaith made sure to leave behind, was staining the street without any mercy.

  But Kaith did not let him loose at all, as he was really mad and was in no sane mind to allow him any kind of pity.

  As Kaith kept running as fast as he could with all his strength, Benjamin's body had already started to tear apart bit by bit as it was hitting the hard ground continuously without a stop.

  But the pathetic thing was, Benjamin could not even scream due to the utmost pain he was feeling right at that moment.

  The ragged clothes that were still stuck with his body due to the dried up blood, started to fall off with each passing second, as the dried up blood was once again being replaced by the fresh blood, that was oozing out from all the wounds and cuts on his body.

  In no time, it was now all his bare skin which started to be dragged on the dusty road, but Kaith cared the least to stop himself, as he kept on running.

  In front of our eyes, his skin soon began to scrape against the rough surface of the road bit by bit. And when the dust started to come into the contact with his fresh wounds and bloody flesh, it went beyond tolerance for Benjamin, as he could not help but make some kind of inhuman noise due to the burning sensation on his body.

  He could not even cry for mercy, and just kept making the deathly noises, filling the whole surrounding with terror, declaring the fact that how horrible was that sight to watch for all of us.

  His skin soon started to fall off only to be left pasted on the road behind, along with his blood, while the flesh underneath had already begun to get open, turning him into nothing but some bloody meat completely.

  No, Kaith did not stop even after this.

  As if he was skinning him alive, only to make him feel the burn all over his flesh, just in the same way one scalds and skins the meat to prepare for a great feast.

  It seemed that Kaith was indeed looking forward to throw us a great meal for tonight.

  Even when the vicious scene of getting Benjamin skinned alive in front of all our eyes was becoming hard to watch, I was feeling a weird kind of satisfaction, ever so strangely.

  I have never realised before, that someone's pain could also bring me such a pleasure, unlikely.

  But I will not deny that I was feeling great, seeing the one getting tortured to death, who made all our lives miserable, and still, he was out of his luck tonight as he could not die, no matter how badly he was wishing for that at such a moment.

  The inhuman noise coming out of him due to the into
lerable pain, was indeed doing a great work to soothe my heart, as I just did not want them to stop, ever.

  By looking at Kaith, I was certain that he was feeling no different than me.

  And after a long time, when Kaith was satisfied enough with his skill of skinning the murderer alive, while making sure he does not die that easily, he turned to the way which leads to nowhere but the pack yard of the Lunar High pack.

  And as soon as he reached the ground, he dropped the blood-covered flesh of Benjamin at the same spot, where once I saw my mom and dad lying lifeless and being stained in their own blood, years ago.

  I sneered in my mind, thinking that if this is what I can call justice.

  Once we all returned to the pack, the whole ground once again filled with lots of gasps, as some became extremely terrified and could not stay near the ground anymore and ran away. While some made sure to take their pups away to deprive them of witnessing such brutal sight, at such a young age. Whereas the rest decided to stay present at the spot, cause it was becoming hard for them to recognise their so-called alpha Benjamin, when they could see nothing but the blood and flesh.

  But, Benjamin was alive, as if he was meant to suffer like this, that even death had abandoned him this time, only to let the karma act according to its course tonight.

  Now when Kaith too was done venting his anger on Benjamin, for the time being, he came to stand by my side, being absolutely calm for now.

  “What do you want to with him now?” When the entire pack ground again broke into chaos, Seth came to my side to ask for my words. And hearing Seth, all the members turned their gaze on me as well, and waited for me to speak.

  “If you do not want to grant him an easy death, then you need to stop here for tonight. Or else we will not be able to keep him alive, when he is already turned into the meat as I can see now.” Seeing me quiet, Seth went on suggesting me. And to me, his words make quite some sense, as I was looking forward to make Benjamin pay more, in later times, cause I was still not done. And I believe, a few like me will feel the same way as well.

  “Take him to the Dungeon.” As soon as I ordered, the men of Lunar High came forward to lift him up to take him away, just as I had asked.

  “You go with them, and make sure that Benjamin gets no way out to escape, anyhow, until I come back to see myself.” I said to Seth right away.

  “Oh! Yes. Do not forget to give him food and treat my dear uncle very well. Cause I need him to get recovered soon to stay alive. As I am not yet done dealing with him.” I uttered loudly, making sure that Benjamin hears that too. Cause how can I miss to see the horror in his eyes as soon as he realised what I just said, imaging what worse was left for him to go through later.

  And with that, the men took him away, out of my sight, and Seth followed them just as I asked him to do.

  I did not realise when Markus came to stand by my side once again after changing back to his clothes, as the last I remember, he was there with the other wolves when Kaith found us earlier.

  “How is Jenny? Where is she now?” I asked impatiently, as soon as her thought hit my mind.

  “You will know once we get there.” He cared the least to answer me properly at such a crucial time when I was more than desperate to know about Jenny's condition.

  I freaked out, getting such a response from him.

  And Kaith who was still standing by my side being calm a while ago, once again started to lose his patience, as he might be feeling the same way as mine to know about Jenny. Or maybe his condition was even worse than mine.

  So, without even bothering to shift back to his human form the huge grey wolf started to run on the roads which were going to lead him to her mate, for sure.

  “Get on. I will take you there.” Getting on his bike, Markus motioned his head, offering me a ride to the pack hospital. And I just could not afford to waste any more time to hesitate and got on the back seat behind Markus, just before he twisted the accelerator with the highest speed only to run the wheels of his bike towards the pack hospital as fast as he could.

  With such speed, it did not take much time to reach the hospital, where we found that Kaith was even earlier than us to get here. And, without minding his huge presence right at this moment, he straight went into the hospital, caring least to look back.

  And neither did I have any reason to wait for any longer when we had already come all this way.

  So, I rushed inside the hospital in no time and Markus followed.

  And just when a few familiar faces started to come to my sight, I stopped on my track all of a sudden. From the distance, I could clearly see that they all were standing outside a closed door with their long faces. And seeing them like this, my heart started to sink slowly, as a sudden fear had already started to take over all my mind and my heard, menacingly.

  I could not move my legs anymore to take another step ahead, and suddenly, I started to feel weak, when I knew that I supposed to stay strong.

  I did not even realise when Markus passed by me and when exactly Kazan came to stand by my side, until I was pulled into the warm chest by those sturdy hands after a long day, and found myself completely engulfed by the most pleasant smell of my mate.

  His embrace was what I needed the most right at this moment, as I could finally feel that it was now okay to break down, cause I knew that Kazan was there to keep holding me altogether.

  “I was worried about you.” Kazan's warm breath brushed passed my ears, letting me fall into a daze, without any effort.

  I stayed quiet.

  And he asked again,

  “Are you two alright?” One of his broad hand rubbed against my belly, while he kept holding me close with the other.

  Episode 80

  Summer's P.O.V

  “How is Jenny?” I asked Kazan, hoping that I might get to hear something good.

  I even prayed with all my heart that she gets well soon. Cause I did not want anything bad to happen to her and that too for me.

  My heart sank, and my voice even started to break with the realisation of the horrifying incident that happened to her today.

  I was even afraid to look at Kaith properly.

  Cause, I knew very well that somehow I was one of the reasons for his such kind of miserable state right at this moment.

  Yes, I failed to protect his mate well, when he was always there to protect me at any cost, leaving his mate alone. And only that was why, today she got harmed in the most pathetic way, that I could not even imagine.

  So, how can I now free myself from the guilt, when I am totally aware that it was me who pushed Jenny in such danger, indirectly or not?

  The only thing I wanted right now is to see Jenny all recovered and in a healthy condition, just like before.

  I really wished that to happen, even if it takes some kind of miracle or anything, would do.

  In fact, I needed her to be fine.

  I did not know when the tears already started to flood into my eyes, until I felt the hot streams flowing down, making my cheeks wet.

  I did not realise that I was shivering too.

  Kazan might have noticed too that I was really frightened and was way more concerned about Jenny right now, than myself, cause I did not even bother to answer him back when he asked about me and my pup, just a while ago.

  Instead, I wanted to get some news about Jenny.

  So, he did not ask me any further as well, seeing that it will be all useless, when I was the least bothered about my own condition when I have some even more important person to worry about.

  “She has been treated already, but due to the sedatives, she is still asleep.” Kazan's words did magic to my ears, and all of a sudden I had finally started to see some light of hope, that I kept losing bit by bit until now. But not anymore, cause whatever Kazan said ensured me enough for the time being that she will be fine, in time.

  “That means, we got to save her, right? She will be fine, isn't it Kazan? Tell me. Just tell me that Jenny will be okay,
just like how she was before. Please, Kazan.” I kept saying ever so desperately, as I was becoming greedy enough to hear some more good things right now. As if, whatever Kazan just said was not at all enough for me to ease my heart.

  At this moment, I did not stop my tears from falling down, caring least that others around us will definitely see that I was crying just like a baby. No, I did not care about anything at this moment.

  I just Kept grabbing Kazan's shirt tightly into my fists and let all the tears out.

  And, Kazan did not stop me either.

  But strangely, he was stiff for some reason that I did not know yet.

  In the next moment, he took both of my cheeks gently in-between his palms and made me look up at him, while he kept wiping out my tears from my cheeks with his thumbs as I did not bother to stop crying, not even for the slightest second.

  “Listen to me carefully. You need to stay strong. If not for Jenny, then for Kaith at least, for now. Your stupid friend really needs you in this situation. Okay? Do you understand?” Kazan said, but I did not know why I saw something else in those eyes. As if they had more things to say to me, but was afraid if I could take it or not.

  “Why are you saying that? Of course, I will look after both Kaith and Jenny even if you did not tell me to do so. They are my friends. But what else is there? Kazan? What else do you have to tell me? I want to k ow right now.” I asked. My eyes widened without much of my consciousness, seeing that Kazan was behaving in a strange way with his ambiguous words.

  But, Kazan did not answer me right away, and kept looking deep into my eyes. As if they were trying to figure out if it was okay to let me know or not all of a sudden.

  And there was no doubt that Kazan's such behaviour was indeed freaking me out.

  I got scared once again, all of sudden.

  The ray of hope that I saw just a while ago, seemed like it had already started to fade away without my will.


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