Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 55

by Eli Lowe

  “Could you see the colour of his eyes, Kazan?” I enquired even when I had a strong feeling that my assumptions were going to be true.

  “Yes. They...they are blue. Like mine.” Kazan said and buried his head on the crook of my neck even more while I could clearly feel how warm he was getting with each passing second.

  Kazan's ears got red and I wondered how he was looking right now.

  But even before I could move to see him, Kazan whispered into my ears all of a sudden,

  “Summer!!! He is a boy.” His words startled me as I did not understand what he was trying to say, yet.

  “What do you mean? I know that he is a boy.” I uttered and pulled myself back right after, so that I could look into his eyes to see what he had to say to me now.

  “Do you not remember about the deal that we made yesterday only?” Kazan's eyes sparkled with something new which I could not recognise, just when he said those words, turning his cheeks even redder than before.

  And in no time, I understood why he was behaving like such from the beginning.

  I wanted to run away at this moment, but I knew that I can not do that.

  I just could not believe him.

  He even dared to mention about the deal when he clearly knows that I just gave birth to his pup not so long ago, and here he comes to me asking for another one?

  “Kazan! We just had our pup.” I exclaimed in shock, seeing that he was very serious about his statement from earlier.

  Seeing me with wide eyes, he slowly sat up on the bed with his eyes down as if something was lost on the bed, and then he said after some time,

  “Yes. And I am more than happy with both of you that I can not even explain. But you did promise to give me a girl like you, Summer. I do not want to listen to anything unless you give me a little girl too. Moreover, I am sure that you do not want our son to grow up alone with no one to play with during all his childhood either. Right?” Kazan keeps saying all his excuses, showing how eager he was to convince me for another pup, while I could clearly tell that he was not going to back down so easily now.

  “I want to see my son, now.” I said as soon as he finished, and this time he did not argue any further and get down from the bed to get out of the room straight away, just after planting a quick kiss on my lips, saying,

  “I will take that as a yes, then. I love you a lot, Summer.” He smirked.

  And I was left in shock, thinking about when exactly did I agree with him?


  After some time the sound of a door opening came to my ears and in an instant, I turned that way to see whatever was coming on my way.

  And there he was.

  A tiny little fellow in that big guy's hand.

  Kazan was carefully holding his little pup with both his hands while our son was still sleeping peacefully on his chest without a worry in the world.

  I never imagined that this sight would be this much heartwarming as I did not realise when my eyes became moist but I was surely going through the happiest feeling in the world.

  I could not help but chuckle seeing that the big and scary alpha was even getting difficulties to hold his own son without hurting his delicate tiny little body while he himself knew that he was indeed a much bigger appearance for his son.

  I saw how Kazan was almost sweating, attempting not to make his son fall from his arms.

  Yes, holding a pup is much difficult than managing an entire pack. Indeed.

  I can see that, now.

  In no time, everyone came inside the room as well with all those huge smiles plastered on everyones faces while Kazan was still as slow as a tortoise when it comes to bringing our son to me, safe and sound.

  “Help me. Please.” At last, he said out loud seeing that he was not yet trained to look after an infant right now. And sure enough, everyone laughed at him while he stayed quiet. Jenny came forward at last and lifted my son up from Kazan's arms and finally handed him over to me with her the warmest smile I have ever seen.

  And I know that it was time for something more important, first.

  Episode 89

  Summer's P.O.V

  “Did you think of any name for my son, Jenny?” I asked holding my newly born pup in my hands, who was still sleeping peacefully even after being in his dad's clumsy arms just a while ago.

  I looked up only to see those warm smiles on Jenny once again, just when she shook her head ever so enthusiastically, announcing the fact very clearly to me that she was all ready to name my son and his godson.

  “Good. Then I want you to name him now. Is that okay?” I asked again and smiled at her while others were busy looking at us with wonders in their eyes.

  And as soon as I excused Jenny, she ran around the room for some while to fetch a piece of paper and a pen from somewhere and then I saw her scribbling something on that paper in a hurry. Only after she was done, she rushed to stand by my side with the most gorgeous smile on her face but she made sure to hide the paper from me for the time being, and I let her keep up the suspense for now and waited patiently.

  But she did not keep me waiting for long, as she started to count down showing her fingers...




  And tadaaa...

  In an instant, she held that piece of paper before my eyes which was in her hand a while ago.

  And there was a name written on it clearly and beautifully.


  I could not help but smile at her with all the love and adoration in my heart, showing her that she did a perfect job.

  It was such a beautiful name.

  “Eugene.” I called out my son in a low voice with the very name that Jenny chose for him.

  And quite strangely, the little one who was sleeping in my arms ever so peacefully, even a while ago, woke up all of a sudden and opened his two beautiful eyes.

  As if he knew that it was his name and I was calling him by that.

  “You are such a clever boy, ain't you?” I uttered, addressing my son as if he could even understand whatever I was saying.

  In the meantime, feeling secluded and not being able to know what name Jenny chose for out pup, everyone else started to snatch that piece of paper from Jenny's hand, so that they could finally know what our pup would be called from now on.

  Kaith, Markus, Jacob and even Seth tried to sneak a peek and went busy to fight over a little piece of paper while Jenny joined them in order to make it harder for them to find out whatever they were seeking.

  Soon, the whole room which was quiet a few minutes before, was now filled with cheerful noises and laughter before my eyes and I just can not feel more relieved to see them happy as ever.

  Maybe, I was lost in my own thoughts for some moment after finding such a moment of happiness in my life while this time I was not at all alone, as all my friends and close ones was there by my side to rejoice the day with me and I was more than grateful for that.

  “Eugene!! I got that first. It is Eugene.” Kaith screamed, all of a sudden announcing the name of my son to everyone, which definitely caused me to come out of my trance only to find that Kaith had finally succeeded to speak out the name first of all even before others could see it properly. And definitely, Kaith did not forget to show how proud he was feeling at this moment for his greatest success.

  I sighed, seeing those fellows behaving like kids before my eyes. And even Seth and Jacob was no better than them.

  So, I sighed once again.

  It might be their loud voices that made my little Eugene cry out all of a sudden, when I knew that he was still fine even a second ago.

  His little face became red in an instant due to his intense crying, making everyone else absolutely silent whoever was present in that room, showing them how they should maintain the decorum of a hospital, at least when a newly born pup is around them.

  And only after Eugene was successful enough to get a quiet surrounding for himself to sleep again, he fell silen
t at last and dozed off to sleep in my arms.

  I did not know that my son would be so dominating that he could even make other big guys like Kazan, shocked and stupefied and even frightened without even having to lift up a single finger.

  And I could not help but laugh at such a realisation.

  Cause, I could clearly see how everyone's faces were looking like just a while ago when Eugene was taking the initiative to silence them all at once. They were almost sweating in the fear that if Eugene wakes up at this moment and continues to cry all day, they might have to go through a lot of more trouble to coax the baby to sleep. It seemed that they had already experienced something like that when I was still unconscious all night.


  After Eugene fell asleep no one dared to raise a single noise and went busy to talk with each other in their low voices while some went outside for completing the hospital formalities, I guess.

  “Let's go home, Summer.” Kazan whispered into my ears, while I was busy observing my son in his sleep. I did not even realise when exactly Kazan came back after a short while and was standing beside the bed for some time now.

  I took my gaze away from my little pup only to see that Kazan had already brought a set of fresh clothes for me to change into before we leave the pack-hospital at last.

  “Hold him then.” With that, I motioned my head at Kazan asking him to sit beside me and when he did what I asked him to do, I carefully placed our newly born pup on his lap while Kazan quickly moved his arms to hold his kid without dropping him from his firm grip.

  When everyone else came back to the room to join us once again before leaving this hospital, I was already done changing and was all ready to leave with them. Without wasting any more time, I took Eugene with me and went out of the hospital finally, only to head towards our home.

  Soon, the black Mercedes-Maybach reached the Lunar High pack and stopped in front of the door of my house. Kazan went out of the car first and helped me to get out with Eugene without disturbing him in his sleep.

  After some while, others came too, but they did not stay long as both of us mother and son needed rest. So, they went back, promising that they would come back soon, leaving me and Kazan behind to take care of our pup. I meant to say that it was only me who was able to take care of Eugene while Kazan knew nothing.

  It was a really long day even though we did nothing specifically, as for today our respective betas dealt with all the pack stuff, sparing us some time to cherish the moment in our life.

  “Is he still sleeping?” Kazan asked coming to my room at night after dinner.

  No, he did not go back to his pack at all, even when I assured him that we will be fine.

  “Yes. I am just done feeding him and he fell asleep in an instant without causing any trouble. Why?” I replied and walked around the room to place Eugene in the crib, expecting that Kazan would say something at least.

  But nothing came from him after that as my room felt quiet and a bit cold in the darkness of the night.

  The soft night breeze kept coming through the open windows, causing the curtains to fly in some gentle rhythm of the wind, while the tranquillity of the night sky outside the window was declaring the fact that the whole world now had already indulged in their sleep after a long day.

  But we were not.

  Kazan and I were still awake, tonight.

  Seeing that Kazan kept standing without saying anything further, I was about to ask him if anything was there which was bothering him anyhow, but it seemed that I could not do that.

  Cause in the next moment, without any kind of warning, Kazan pulled me by my hand only to fall on the bed together.

  I yelped due to his sudden move but soon, my body started getting entangled with his warm and huge one, only to take me into his tight embrace as soon as possible, cause Kazan seemed impatient, indeed.

  “Umm... Kazan... We should not...” I was about to ask him not to come closer to me any further but it seemed that all my efforts went in vain within a few seconds, as the rest of the words stayed back in my throat as it was while my lips got enclosed by his warm and teasing lips in the next moment. His clumsy tongue once again started to rummage inside my mouth, taking all the sweetness for himself, only to make us breathless due to the intense kiss which lasted for quite some time.

  Without much of my consciousness, the heat of our body had already started to grow with each passing seconds, turning my cheeks all red for sure. The never-ending sparks kept unfurling all over our bodies in no time, as there was not a single spot left on my skin that Kazan was not touching right at this moment.

  And for sure, I was losing my mind, bit by bit with the sweet torture that my made had already begun tonight and I did not know for how long I might be able to hold myself back if he kept going on.

  “Summer. I am still waiting for your answer you know?” I heard Kazan's deep voice in the middle of something which we were in right now, but my mind was way beyond any right kind of state to think carefully about whatever he was talking at this instant.

  “Wh...what?” I asked, keeping my eyes still closed as I could not get my mind out of this situation right now that easily, while I was busy savouring some great moment of pleasure that Kazan had to cherish me with.

  “I mean, I did not get a definite answer when I asked you to marry me, last night, Summer. And our son had a great participation too in the very reason regarding why his dad still has to roam around without being able to marry his mom. Cause, your son knows how to create upheaval at the perfect time.

  So, I am asking you once again, Summer. Will you marry me?

  And yes, think carefully before answering, cause we have a son now. And I am telling you that there will be more coming on the way.” Kazan's words startled me which was enough to bring my mind back to the reality.

  But I still did not know what to answer him as I had already thought of this matter for a long time now. And I do have my own reasons not to agree with him even when I wanted to say yes to him badly, each time he asked me, before.

  So, except staying quiet, I had no other choices, cause I just did not want to hurt Kazan at all.

  Seeing that I was not going to answer him this time either, Kazan sprung up on the bed all of a sudden, with a long face.

  “Why do you not want to marry me, Summer? Am I that bad as a mate?

  Please answer me whatever you have to say whether it is good or bad, but do not stay silent. Cause your silence is really killing me, Summer.” Kazan said with a lot of frustration while the sadness in his voice made my heart sink at this moment, realising the fact that I was indeed doing injustice to Kazan. Cause I had no right to make him wait for me all his life long.

  So, now or later, I needed to answer him, no matter how hard it would become for me.

  Then, why not tonight?

  Just when I made my mind at last, reluctantly or not, I sat up on the bed too only to face Kazan in the darkness of my room.

  “It is not that I do not want to marry you, or you are bad as a mate or anything. Cause you are not. As you are the best thing that happened to me ever.

  So, of course, I never want to lose you.

  But it is just that I can not marry you. Not now, not ever.

  And that does not mean I do not love you. Cause I do. Very much. I love you more than ever Kazan.” I said and stretched my hands to place my palms on his cheeks to make him look right into my eyes as both of our eyes became moist at this moment without much of our consciousness.

  “Then, what is stopping you from marrying me? You know how badly I wanted all of you. I just want to make a perfect and happy home with you and our pups. Is that so wrong to ask for a family from the one who had already given birth to my first pup? What is it, Summer? Tell me. Why can not you marry me?” Kazan asked desperately pulling me into his chest only to hide his welled up eyes, even though he could not cover up his broken voice from me which held so much pain in them as he kept saying just beside my ears, k
eeping his head buried on the crook of my neck.

  “It is because I am the alpha of the Lunar High pack now, and an alpha must never leave his or her pack at any cost, no matter what.

  So, marrying you would make me the Luna of your pack, the Blood Bay for sure, but it will leave my pack abandoned and without an alpha to be followed by the pack members of the Lunar High. And this is what I just can never afford to do in my life.

  Once I could not stay by my pack's side when mom and dad died and let all the members fall into the trap of someone evil like Benjamin, but I can not do the same once again.

  You must understand my situation, Kazan. Cause, I can not expect others to understand me except you.

  I can not overlook my responsibilities which I have towards my pack, for my own happiness.

  And no one knows better than you that how Alphas need to think of the pack first, even before themselves. So, I am doing the same.

  I have no other choice, Kazan.

  Forgive me, please.

  I can not marry you.” I said until my voice got muffled as I never realised since when I could not hold back my tears any more and was already crying, keeping my head on the unshakable shoulders of my mate.

  Again, I started breaking into pieces in front of Kazan, as I knew very well that it was the only place where I could show how fragile I am from inside, without worrying about being judged at all.

  And Kazan kept holding me tight to his chest without saying a single word against whatever I just said. As if he just wanted us to stay like this forever. Close and warm.

  But I could not erase the feeling from my heart that even after being close, we still will be far from each other somehow. And this thought was making my tears welled up once again only to get flooded in the next moment, letting my cheeks get wet with all those tears which had no intention to stop.

  Not tonight at least.

  Or I thought son.

  Cause, in the next moment, Kazan spoke up after long, breaking the menacing silence, all of a sudden,

  “Trust me. I will not let anyone sacrifice anything at any cost.


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