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Roping Ms Impossible

Page 3

by Loni Ree

  Chapter Seven


  I’m sitting in a lounge chair next to the stunning pool, fanning myself to cool off. It’s not the ninety-degree weather that’s got me so overheated. No, I’m about to expire from heatstroke, and Bryce’s hot body is the cause. He’s the hottest man I’ve ever seen, and I think I might be in real trouble here—the ‘give my heart to him for life’ kind of trouble.

  He’s standing in front of the grill wearing only turquoise blue swimming trunks, and I swear his body could grace any magazine page. As the sun glistens off of his muscular chest, I attempt to swallow my drool before it pours down the side of my face.

  “Those are two hot specimens of mankind.” Libby catches me staring at her brother-in-law. As she sinks down into the lounger next to mine, I bite my lip, about to apologize, but Libby cuts me off. “Don’t worry. I know you only have eyes for Bryce. And from what I saw earlier, it’s definitely mutual.” Then she shakes her head sadly and sighs. “I can’t believe I finally found someone to replace Hillary, and Bryce is going to steal you before you even start working for me.”

  “Uh. I think you’re confused.”

  As Libby smiles at me, she looks over toward the grill. “I don’t think so. Look over there for yourself.”

  When I turn back to the men, my panties nearly melt off from the steamy look in Bryce’s eyes. Wow.

  “Girl. That man is eating you alive with his eyes. I almost had an orgasm just from the look he’s giving you.” Libby sighs, and I’m right there with her.

  By the time we’re ready to eat, I’m a hot, sweaty, overworked mess, and I’m barely able to control myself. Who is this person?

  I’m sure the steaks Bryce grilled are delicious, but I’m unable to taste a bite of dinner. As the conversation flows around me, I try to contribute every now and then, but I mostly let the others carry the discussion. Once we finish, Libby offers to help with clean-up, but Bryce refuses. “It’s a chance for Natalie to get a feel for the kitchen.” He crosses his arms over his chest and looks between Mitchell and Libby. “I’ll show Natalie where things are in my kitchen while we do the dishes.”

  I’m pretty sure Mitchell mutters something under his breath like, “not all she’ll be feeling.”

  Libby kicks her husband under the table, causing him to turn and glare at her before leaning over to whisper something in her ear. Libby’s eyes widen, and she gasps and suddenly stands. “If you’re sure you don’t need help, we’ll get out of your hair.”

  They rush to the door, and Libby smiles slyly before hugging me goodbye. “See you tomorrow morning for breakfast. We’ll make it a family affair. I’ll call and let everyone know to meet here at nine.” She looks between us before asking, “Does that sound good with both of you?”

  Bryce answers for me, “Sure. Nine sounds perfect.” He practically shoves them out the door once the plans are made.

  As I’m carrying the plates into the kitchen, I feel his eyes following me. The urge to squirm under his scrutiny is powerful, but I’m able to resist. I begin loading the dishwasher, and suddenly, the hair stands up on the back of my neck. Every nerve ending in my body goes into high alert when Bryce steps behind me and places his hand over mine. I’m surrounded by his masculine scent as his strong body surrounds mine. “I’ve wanted to get you alone all day long.” He sighs into the back of my neck. Electricity runs through me, and my legs nearly give out.

  Turning in his arms, I look up, and Bryce leans down to cover my lips with his. As his tongue runs lightly over my lips, I gasp, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. Our tongues tangle, and Bryce pulls me closer to his hard body. My legs turn to jelly. “This is moving a little fast.” I force myself to pull back.

  Bryce lays his forehead against mine and sighs. “I’ve wanted you from the second I saw you.” He runs his fingers under my chin and forces me to look into his eyes. “But I want you for more than one night. I want to keep you, so I’m willing to take this at your speed.”

  Shock runs through me. Holy hell. Bryce Mackenzie is talking about keeping me. I try to smile as the desire to jump still rages through me. “Can we take it at the get to know each other but still hot kisses and a little more speed?” I try to wiggle my eyebrows to lighten the mood, and Bryce throws back his head and laughs.

  “You will definitely fit in with the rest of the Mackenzie women.” After kissing my earlobe, he whispers, “Let’s clean this kitchen so we can go sit on the sofa and get to those hot kisses, Ms. Impossible.”

  “Ms. Impossible?” I laugh.

  “Yep. Forgetting you is impossible, so I decided to keep you instead.” He smiles and kisses me again.

  I’m so happy, but one little worry still runs through the back of my mind. No one has tried my cooking yet. I hope that isn’t a deal-breaker for Bryce.

  Chapter Eight


  After walking Natalie back to the garage apartment, I spend a sleepless night thinking about her. Missing her. My dick laughs at me when I order it to go down so I can get some sleep, and I stomp into the bathroom for another late-night jack off session. The sun is barely over the horizon when I give up trying to sleep and roll out of bed. After throwing on clothes, I rush down to make sure the kitchen is ready for Natalie’s first day of cooking for my family.

  I’m having my second cup of coffee when she comes breezing in the door. I see the outfit she’s chosen for today, and the sip gets stuck in my windpipe. As I’m coughing, I feel her small hands pounding on my back. “Are you okay?”

  Once I’m able to drag air into my lungs, my words are harsher than I intend. “What the hell are you wearing?”

  Natalie’s eyes flash, and she glares at me. “Excuse me?”

  I look down at the skimpy jean shorts and tiny t-shirt that shows off her tan, trim stomach and growl, “Those fuckers on this ranch aren’t allowed to see my property.” After running my finger along the soft skin of her stomach, I lean my forehead against hers and sigh, “I want to keep all this perfection for my eyes only.”

  Natalie looks up at me and bites her lip. “Maybe I’ll wear it when I’m cleaning, and you’ll be the only one home?” I shake my head as she narrows her eyes for a second. “Although I’m seriously damaging my street cred, letting you call me property.”

  “We’ll keep your little lapse between us.” In the back of my mind, I realize I’m behaving like a possessive asshole, but there’s no way any other male is seeing my woman wearing little more than her underwear. “You can wear anything you want around here when we’re alone. Just be prepared for me to follow you around like a lost little puppy with my tongue hanging out.” I wink playfully, and she throws back her head to laugh.

  Shaking her head, Natalie walks toward the door. “I’m sure there’s a website that sells French maid outfits,” Natalie calls over her shoulder. “I’ll check it out later after I change and come back to make breakfast for your family.”

  An hour later, I’m sitting with Harden and Mitchell in the breakfast nook while Megan and Libby stand next to the breakfast bar and talk to Natalie. Natalie appears to be concentrating while she plates food for the girls. I watch Mitchell look down at the food on his plate and swallow. My older brother looks up at me and grimaces. “Man, your woman could burn water and undercook air.”

  As I glance at the food on my plate, my stomach turns. I’ve never seen a cooked egg this color before. It’s a steely gray outside with an almost tannish yolk. A shudder runs through me, and my mind works overtime, trying to figure out how to get rid of this mess without actually eating it.

  Libby takes mercy on us and announces, “Guys, I think there’s something wrong with the eggs. Maybe they were too old.” Thank you, God!

  This is the second time in the last few days I’ve had the urge to kiss my sister-in-law for saving my bacon. I owe her big time.

  “Why don’t we run by Sweet Beginnings and grab some pastries for breakfast and try this again another day?�

  The other two couples decide to ride together, but I want Natalie all to myself, so I make up an excuse for her to ride with me. “After we eat, I’ll take you by the market.” I grab Natalie’s hand and lead her over to my truck before anyone can argue. She looks at me and sighs once we’re alone. “I’m so sorry about breakfast. Uh. I’m not really too good at cooking, but I’ll practice.”

  I pick up her hand and kiss the back of it. “I honestly don’t care. We’ll figure something out, but there’s no way I’m giving you up.”

  Natalie beams at me, and I feel my heart turn over. I knew she was the one before, but in that instant, she becomes the sole owner of my heart.

  Son-of-a-fucking-bitch. Of course, Rodney, Richie, and Melvin Ellis would be the first three people we run into at the Sweetbriar Market. Richie smiles his sleazy little smile and elbows his brother to point in our direction. As I wrap a protective arm around my woman, I stare at the fuckers. Melvin realizes his sons are about to cause trouble and glares at me before shuffling over. “I didn’t know you Mackenzies were into robbing the cradle nowadays.” His bloodshot eyes roam over Natalie, and rage roars through my body.

  Natalie digs her fingers into my side warningly, and I realize she’s stiff as a board. There’s no way I’ll let this trio of slime scare my girl. “Come on, baby. This place is bug-infested.”

  As we turn to leave, I hear Richie making comments, and turn and glare over my shoulder. I promise myself these three are going to feel the wrath of the Mackenzies soon.

  Chapter Nine


  The entire ride back to the ranch, Natalie is quiet. She seems shaken by the run-in with Ellis scum. Deciding I need something to distract her, I kiss the back of her hand and ask, “Would you like to go horseback riding with me?”

  Natalie looks over at me, her eyes lit up. “I’ve never been.”

  “That’s even better. You’ll have to sit close to me and hold on.” She laughs happily, and I watch her visibly relax.

  While she’s changing, I call one of the ranch hands and have him get our gentlest horse ready. There’s no way I’m taking a chance with my girl.

  Twenty minutes later, I knock on the apartment door, and Natalie smiles wide as she answers. “Let me take Nacho out to potty really quick, and then we can go.” The little mutt glares at me the entire time he’s outside. I swear he sniffs every single blade of grass before deciding to piss on the very first spot he smelled. The shithead.

  We walk hand in hand across my backyard and through Libby and Mitchell’s yard to cut through and get to the main barn. Alvin is waiting on the side with Oscar, a sweet, old Quarter Horse who we’ll have an easy time riding. Natalie takes a step back and stares when she realizes how big he is. “I’m not too sure about this.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you,” I promise before kissing her.

  Natalie still looks unsure but lets me help her up onto Oscar’s back. Once I’m settled behind her, we make our way toward the back of the ranch. As the horse trots along, Natalie’s soft body rubs against the front of mine and sends little sparks of desire shooting through my already overheated blood. I groan when she turns to look back at me and breathes against my lips, “This is so much fun.”

  I watch as her pupils dilate while I’m staring down into her eyes. The world around us falls away, and her body melts back into mine. I’m unable to stop myself from leaning down to cover Natalie’s lips with mine. Her taste roars through me and wakes every molecule in my body. Natalie wiggles slightly, and my already engorged cock is flattened even more between our bodies. I’m unable to control the growl that breaks free from my throat when all the blood in my body suddenly rushes to my dick.

  “Fuck. You’re about to make me lose control.” I give her one last chance to turn back when she reaches between us and runs her soft hand lightly over the bulge trapped between our bodies.

  Natalie’s breathing is ragged, and I’m barely able to understand her. “I know you’re a cowboy and all, but how does this work on a horse?” The confusion on her gorgeous face is adorable, and I throw back my head and laugh.

  “I’ll educate you, my love.” After leading Oscar over to the small pond on the edge of the clearing, I help Natalie down. “Last chance. We can head back to my house and keep on kissing and stuff.” My cock threatens to rebel as I give her the chance to turn back.

  “Look here, mister. You’ve got me all hot and worked up. You better do something about it.” After Natalie jabs her finger into my chest, I grab her around the waist and toss her little ass over my shoulder. After snagging the picnic blanket out of the saddlebag, I leave Oscar to graze.

  “I’ll show you what I’m going to do.” I smack her perfect ass before heading over to the small private swimming area our family has set up alongside the pond. I set Natalie on her feet, then spread the blanket. Turning to her, I run my fingers through her soft hair and smile. “This is your last chance. We can still take this back to my house.”

  Natalie leans up and runs her tongue over my lips. “I can’t think of a better place for our first time.” I nearly swallow my tongue when Natalie steps back and pulls her t-shirt over her head. My cock weeps cum down my thigh as my eyes look over her perfect breasts encased in a light pink lacy bra. While I’m staring at her, she reaches behind her back and unhooks it. “Are you going to undress, too, or just stare at me all day?” she teases before reaching for the button of her pants.

  My shirt lands somewhere along the tree line, and my fingers shake as I try to unbutton my jeans. It takes a couple of tries, but I sigh in relief when my cock springs free. Looking up, I notice Natalie staring at me with her mouth hanging open. “Baby?”

  I’m positive this is all a dream when Natalie blinks several times, then walks over and drops to her knees in front of me. She smiles up at me. “Let me know if I get this right.”

  “There’s no way you can get it wrong,” I assure her.

  Natalie winks as her soft hand wraps around the base of my cock before she leans forward and licks the head. I’m unable to stop myself from grabbing the back of her head and tugging a little. Very slowly, she takes my cock in her mouth and lightly sucks. “You’re torturing me, love,” I warn her.

  Natalie shrugs and continues to slowly drive me out of my mind. When I feel myself begin to lose control, I reach down and pull her up. Natalie pouts, but I kiss her juicy lips and smile. “I can’t take any more. I’m ready for my turn.”

  Laying her back on the soft, plaid blanket, I run my hand over her supple curves. Straddling her, I place a knee between her legs and lean over to kiss her sweet neck. Pinching a tight, pink nipple between my thumb and forefinger causes Natalie to arch her back and cry out loudly. When I take the other little bud between my lips, she wraps her long, silky legs around my hips and pulls me closer.

  Feeling Natalie’s wet center rubbing against my leg causes my cock to steadily leak cum onto her soft skin. “You’re determined to make me lose control,” I groan against her tit as she grabs the back of my head.

  “Is it working?” She sighs as her nails tighten against my scalp.

  I reach between our bodies to run my fingers through her tight slit. She’s soaking wet, and I slide two fingers into her tight center while rubbing on her clit. When vibrations start deep in her core, I hit the limit of my control and slide into her tight pussy. “Yeah, it worked,” I groan and gently bite the silky skin where her neck and shoulder meet.

  I push back onto my knees and watch her gorgeous breasts bounce as I sink into her curvy body. My fingers sink into her hips as I pull her tighter to my thrusting hips. The sun beats down on my back, and I feel sweat rolling down the side of my face while Natalie calls my name.

  After pulling her leg over my arm, my cock sinks a little deeper into her tight center, and she comes. Her silky walls tighten almost painfully around my dick. I nearly pass out from the pleasure coursing through me as my orgasm bursts through me.<
br />
  I use the last of my strength to drop down next to her on the blanket. Natalie turns and drops her head onto my shoulder while running her soft fingers along my chest. After placing her chin on my chest, she looks up at me and smiles. “Wow. I love how you lose control.”

  I grab the back of her head and lean down to cover her lips. “I love you. And you make me lose control just by breathing.”

  Natalie looks shocked for a second then swallows. “God. I love you, too. How is this happening so fast?”

  “I really don’t care.” I kiss her lips until they’re red and puffy. “You’re mine, and I’ll never give you up.”

  On the ride back to the barn, Natalie leans back against me, and I realize there’s no way I’m letting her go back to the apartment tonight or ever again.

  “Nat, when we get back to the house, I’m going to help you pack up and move the hell into my house.” She stiffens for a second before looking back over her shoulder at me. Before she can argue, I give her a squeeze. “We can still move at your speed. Only we’ll do it from our home.”

  Chapter Ten


  Nacho looks up from his basket and gives me a satisfied smirk. My spoiled rotten little guy loves our new living arrangements. We’ve been living with Bryce for a couple of months now, and everything is going great. I worried at first that the Mackenzies would think I’d only taken the job to find a man to take care of me, but the opposite has happened. The family has welcomed me with open arms and maybe a little relief. After I moved in with Bryce, Libby found a middle-aged woman to come in and cook several times a week for the family. Libby has also been giving me cooking lessons, and Megan has been giving me baking lessons. It’s slow going, but I’m much better than I used to be. At least, most things I make are edible now.


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