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Adverse Effects

Page 20

by Alicia Nordwell

  “In that cupboard, sir.” The guard pointed at a row of cabinets along the wall.

  “We’ll be out shortly.”

  The guard inclined his head and left the room, and the door slid shut behind him.

  Dade turned around. “Hey.” His severe expression melted into a tender smile. “You’re finally awake.”

  “I feel better now.” Dade still looked dehydrated; his skin was pulled tight over his cheekbones, and his lips were chapped. “You didn’t let the doctor take care of you, did you?”

  Dade held up the palm he’d rested on Yaseke’s chest over his mark. “No, I did. See?” The cuts were gone. “I’ll get more fluids and stuff when we get to our suite. Maybe we can ask Larede to come over. I trust him.”

  Yaseke slipped off the end of the medical bed and pulled Dade down into a hug. “Okay.” He tilted his face for a kiss, and Dade didn’t make him wait. Their lips locked together. Yaseke sucked on Dade’s tongue, gripping his shoulders. He whimpered and tried to get closer when Dade locked his arms around him.

  They’d made it back to Caeorleia. He knew they weren’t safe yet, but they weren’t lost on an unfamiliar planet worrying about dying of dehydration with two small young depending on them to keep them alive. The relief made him giddy. He leaned his forehead against Dade’s shoulder when they finally broke the kiss to breathe.

  “Yaseke?” Pira’s small voice broke the moment. “I’m hungry. Where are we?”

  Yaseke turned around. “We’re home, guys, we’re home.”


  Modoalm didn’t summon them to the meeting room but saw them in his personal rooms. “Please sit,” he said, gesturing toward the couches.

  I held in a groan as I sat. My muscles were still store, and Pira climbed up on my lap, plopping her skinny, naked butt right over a bruise on my right thigh. “Ouch, sweetie, move over a bit, please.” I shifted her onto my other leg.

  Maerit squeezed in between Yaseke and me, shivering as he huddled against our sides. Ovrumi stood next to Modoalm, one hand covering his mouth. His eyes glistened, and he cleared his throat. “I think I have some old wraps from our young; I will go get something for these little ones to put on.” The wraps on the ship had been much too big for them.

  I was sure they didn’t normally need wraps this time of year. It was humid and warm outside, and the windows open in the Toleral’s suite let in the heated breeze. After the extreme heat of the Collectors’ planet that could burn the skin off your hands from the hot rocks, though, Caeorleia didn’t seem as hot.

  Modoalm took a seat opposite us. “Seral will be joining us shortly. I believe he is getting the rest of his report from Fieo.”

  I nodded. Fieo had been anxious to return to Seral’s wing where Nicklaus was still staying in the suite we’d shared. I’d been surprised the guard had left him behind when he came to find us. His dedication to his duty might have something to do with the fact I’d overheard Seral tell Fieo that Nicklaus hadn’t left Ryker’s side the entire time Fieo was gone, except to bathe and sleep.

  Pira had her head on my shoulder and her arms around my neck. “Dade, I’m still hungry.” Her whisper was very loud. I rubbed her thin back.

  “I know, Pira. We’ll get you something to eat soon, I promise.”

  “She can eat now. We have some fruit.”

  Maerit began squirming.

  “Are you hungry too?” Yaseke asked him. “I know I am.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I guess I’m hungry.”

  A very stoic young man. I’d appreciated both the children’s ability to endure without nearly as much complaining as human children might have done. I had to wonder if all Caeorleian children were that way, or if it was just them. We hadn’t found out everything they’d been through yet. Until we knew them better, Yaseke and I were trying to be careful not to ignore Maerit’s needs if he wasn’t going to share them.

  Soon the children were settled into a small chair together, the wraps Ovrumi found secured around their thin waists. Ovrumi let them take handfuls of fruit, and they were devouring some sort of berry ravenously.

  “Easy, guys, I’d hate for you to get sick. Slow down,” Yaseke ordered.

  We all sat quietly for a while. Exhaustion dragged at me, and I fought to keep my eyes open. Seral must have been held up. Yaseke was curled up against me, blinking slowly, when he finally showed up with Ryker right behind him.

  Both men hurried in, followed by Fieo and Nicklaus.

  “Dade!” Both Ryker and Nicklaus rushed over. Nicklaus reached for me, and Yaseke blocked him, though he was gentle about it.

  “Don’t touch.”

  “Oh.” Nicklaus’ face turned pink. “I’m so sorry, I forgot. I was just so happy you’re okay. I mean… after everything….”

  I reached up and patted Nicklaus on his arm. His loose blue shirt covered his skin, and I was able to avoid feeling any of his emotions. “That’s all right,” I said. “I’m glad you’re okay too. I was afraid the attack was against all of us and that you and Ryker would be in danger too.”

  Seral sat down and pulled Ryker onto his lap. “It doesn’t appear we were targeted at all. You and Yaseke were the targets. Or possibly just Yaseke, but they took you as a bonus.”

  My tziu tensed. “I don’t know why, I swear I don’t!”

  Modoalm leaned forward. “We know, Yaseke. No one believes this is your fault. However, something is going on. Buphet has been on the asheksi for quite some time and managed to hide his activities from even me.” He shook his head, and Ovrumi rubbed his back. “If anyone should have noticed, I should.”

  “Blaming ourselves, or each other, wouldn’t do any good. That bastard hurt my tziu.” I glanced over at Maerit and Pira, not wanting to remind them of what they’d been through, but they were fast asleep. “Worse, he killed these kids’ parents, as sure as if he’d pulled the trigger himself. He’s up to something. I want to know just how much of Yaseke’s family he’s eliminated as well as who else might be a target. We must warn them.”

  Seral leaned forward. “You’re right, Dade. I’m afraid, however, I do not have good news.”

  Yaseke clamped his hand on my thigh hard enough to bruise. I wrapped an arm around him, hiding my wince. I wouldn’t complain about a few small marks when he needed me.

  “Other than those young”—Seral nodded his head toward the sleeping children—“your family is gone. We found out that much from Buphet’s accomplice. He didn’t know anything else, though….”

  Yaseke sagged in my arms. “They… they are?” His hum faltered and broke. “All of them?”

  Seral grimaced. “Yes. I’m sorry.”

  I’d lost my family long before, and my wound had healed, but I knew my tziu was hurting. He might have been estranged from them, but he’d been able to know they were still there. They’d had the chance of reconciliation, at some point, but that was now gone. It angered me that Yaseke had to feel that kind of loss. My rage grew, and I was more determined than ever to catch that son of a bitch Buphet and make him pay.

  Yaseke buried his face against my shoulder, and I took over the conversation. I needed to get him out of here, and that meant getting the briefing over with. “Knowing all this tells us—what? Do you have any leads on where Buphet is hiding? Has he made it off-planet?”

  “We’re still looking.”

  “So basically we know nothing more than we did before that scum had us taken? Are we going to be safe here?”

  “You will,” Modoalm assured me. He gestured toward Fieo. “The guards have changed their rotation and stations. We’ve instituted several new methods to randomize our security so there will be no way Buphet, or any agents of his, can get to you.”

  “I’d like to go back to the planet where you crashed,” Fieo said. “We were more concerned with getting you back here, but the Vlrsessiums might have some information on their ship we can use.”

  Nicklaus began to fidget in his seat, frowning. He had been sitting
quietly, much like he always did, but now he was biting his lip as he stole glances up at Fieo.

  “Do you think the Collectors would help us?” Seral asked. “It’s been long enough for the nanos to have begun affecting the humans. The Collectors always know everything. Maybe they would be able to tell us if my plan to end the war is working.”

  Modoalm leaned forward in his seat. “You really saw them?” he asked eagerly. “The Collectors?”

  I nodded. “We did. I don’t know if they’d show themselves for a Caeorleian, though. They said they already know you. They said they seek new information, though they will bargain for it if they find you.”

  Fieo tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair. “Damn it! Knowledge about the humans’ fleet being grounded is vital information as well. With it, we could avoid a trip to your home world.”

  “I’ll go,” Nicklaus said quietly. He sat up straight, a determined look on his face. “They were interested in Dade; it stands to reason they will want to talk to me too.”

  Seral cocked his head sideways as he considered Nicklaus’ offer. “They might. We didn’t get a chance to test the reprogrammed nanos Dr. Handiburge took from Ryker. If they didn’t work, the entire military fleet could still be coming for us. We had a chance to end the war, and the Collectors might be able to help us. It’s probably the best option.”

  “No!” Fieo shot to his feet. “You will not leave here. It isn’t safe in space, much less on a strange planet. You are not strong enough to go.”

  For the first time ever, I witnessed Nicklaus lose his temper. His eyes narrowed as he stared up at Fieo with his fists clenched. “You don’t get to tell me what to do,” he hissed. “You are not in charge of the guard, Seral is. If he thinks it is a good idea, and says I should go, I will. It has nothing to do with you!” His voice rose to a shout.

  Fieo loomed over him. “What happens to you has everything to do with me.”

  Nicklaus stood up, and Fieo stumbled back just before they could touch. Nicklaus closed his eyes and then snapped them open. “No. What I want means nothing to you, so what you want means nothing to me. If I can help Caeorleia by getting some answers from the Collectors, then I will.” His voice rang with finality. He turned to face Seral. “Let me know when I need to be ready.” Modoalm and Ovrumi got a nod from Nicklaus. He stood there with his back straight, his shoulders thrown back, and showed just how he’d survived the years as an experiment. “Thank you for including me, but I need to go check on my plants now.” Pointedly ignoring Fieo’s stricken look, Nicklaus walked out of the room. A guard followed a few feet behind him silently.

  Fieo was rigid, his nostrils flared as he took deep breaths.

  Yaseke was still leaning against me. The shouting hadn’t roused the children, but I wanted to get them to a bed.

  “Right now, it doesn’t sound like much of anything can be decided. My tziu and the children need rest—”

  “And you need to see Larede,” Yaseke said. “You promised.”

  I grimaced. “I did. We are worn out and need rest. There isn’t much I can tell you that I haven’t told Fieo already. Until I am needed, we will be in Yaseke’s quarters.”

  Modoalm gestured to two guards standing near the door. “I want you to have two men outside your room. We now have roaming guards in the inner and outer courtyards. You will be perfectly safe.”

  “I want weapons,” I said stubbornly. “You said we’d be safe before and look what happened. I am a soldier. I know how to fight when I have the equipment to protect myself.”

  Modoalm glanced over at Seral and Fieo. Both of them nodded. “Very well. You will have them.”

  “Thank you.” I pulled Yaseke to his feet, and picked up the children. Maerit was heavier, so I took him.

  Larede was actually waiting for us outside Yaseke’s room with the large portable bio-net medical device on a small table he’d used to heal my broken hand the day I met Yaseke. It felt like so long ago.

  “Yaseke!” Larede hurried forward. “You’re okay.” His gaze scanned up and down Yaseke’s body quickly. I barely controlled my jealousy. I still thought Larede had a thing for Yaseke—cousins by besedad or not. “Who’s this?” He gestured toward Pira.

  Yaseke tightened his hold around the drowsy little girl in his arms. “This is Pira. Pira, this is my friend Larede. He’s a doctor.”

  She curled her arms around Yaseke’s neck, peeking up at the other man with one eye. “Hello,” she said in her soft voice.

  “Hello, love. Aren’t you a beautiful little female.”

  She smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

  Larede turned toward me. “And you, young male?”

  “My name is Maerit. I’m almost a whole turn,” he said staunchly. He squirmed in my arms, and I let him down. “Are you going to fix us?”

  Crouching down, Larede looked at Maerit. “You’re looking pretty good, young male. Maybe a few meals short, but I can tell you’ll be ready to chase your sister around and pull her hair in no time.”

  “Oh no”—Maerit shook his head back and forth rapidly—“I can’t. Mama told me I had to take care of her now, ’cause I was bigger, and Pira needs me.” The high-pitched hum of his voice was so earnest. I had to blink hard to keep the burning tears in my eyes from falling. Maerit didn’t need to see me crying over his loss.

  Larede cleared his throat. “I’m sure you’ll do a fine job.” He stood up, and I caught sight of his eyes, shiny with unshed tears too. He turned away and grabbed the table with the bio net. I ran one hand down Maerit’s hair, tugging on the strands gently. He smiled up at me, a little wobble in his lip, and then he took my hand. I squeezed his small fingers.

  “Well, you guys look pretty good, but I’m guessing Dade didn’t want to take the time to take care of himself. How about this? We go inside, I order you some nutritionally rich foods the young will love, and then you guys can all rest.”

  “Sounds good,” Yaseke said. “I think we could all do with a few more days’ rest.”

  I was stuck in a chair with the bio net while Yaseke and Larede took care of the children. The rest of my wounds were being cleaned and sealed and the healing accelerated. I was also somehow being rehydrated. The term made me sound like some sort of dried ration, but I was feeling better by the moment.

  Both the little ones had been fed. They were holding cups full of fluid Larede ordered for them. He’d had a pitcher delivered and poured me a glass as well.

  “This is full of all sorts of things to help you replenish what your body lost,” he said. He held up a cup to me after he turned off the bio net.

  I sat up, flexing and moving. “Amazing. I feel so much better.”

  Yaseke came over and plopped down in my lap. I held my arm with my cup out so I wouldn’t spill it. “You could have felt better sooner if you’d done this earlier. Stubborn male.”

  “Yeah.” I yawned. “But then I would’ve fallen asleep on the shuttle. Besides, you like how stubborn I am.”

  Yaseke smiled. “You wouldn’t be my isit any other way.”

  Larede frowned. “How long has it been since you really slept?”

  I tried to think back, but my brain was too fuzzy. My body felt better, but I was exhausted. “A while. I’m used to it. I’ve gone days without sleep before.”

  “Well, I’m telling you to go to bed. Doctor’s orders,” Larede said. Yaseke got off my lap, and I stood up. I wobbled on my feet. “Hey, wait. Finish your drink first.”

  There wasn’t any taste to the liquid supplement, which I appreciated when I downed it in a few big gulps. Most medicine I’d had before was disgusting. Yaseke stood next to me, helping prop me up. “Do you have a room for the young?”

  Yaseke nodded. “I have a spare room in my suite I’m not using, but I don’t think they should sleep alone right now.”

  As much as I wanted to be alone with my tziu, I knew he was right. I slung my arm over Yaseke’s shoulders. I didn’t want to make it obvious, but I was having
a hard time staying on my feet. “I agree. They can sleep with us for now.”

  “Don’t neglect your bond, you two. You’ve been under a lot of stress lately, and the beginning is a period of adjustment for every couple who join in besedad.”

  Yaseke stared up at me. “We won’t.”

  My cock stirred, but I was too tired to get hard. Holding my tziu close as we slept would be good enough, for now.


  Yaseke laced his fingers through Dade’s. “The young are in bed, but I’d love to take a real shower.” He stepped close to Dade, looking up into those dark eyes. “We could take it together, save time.”

  “I don’t think you’re really worried about saving time.”

  He trailed his free hand down Dade’s chest to his waist and tugged on his wrap. “Not especially.”

  Dade licked his lips. Yaseke smirked, letting his fangs show, making Dade groan. When Yaseke looked down again, Dade’s wrap was bulging obscenely. So much for them being too tired. Yaseke knew Dade better than he thought.

  “Let’s go.”

  Yaseke led him into the bathroom. He’d seen how his isit had begun cringing away from people already. To help him, Yaseke had put himself between Dade and the guards in the halls and outside his suite. He’d willingly be a buffer between Dade and anyone who made him uncomfortable. More than anything, he wanted Dade to have a better life than what he’d endured. The stoic male was clearly used to suffering, and it made Yaseke want to pamper him. He’d start with the shower. In the bathing chamber, Yaseke was distracted by Dade’s muscles rippling as he untied his wrap and let it fall to the floor.

  “Aren’t you going to get naked?” Dade asked him. “Or are you going to stare at me all day?”

  Yaseke stuck his tongue out. Dade laughed, sending a thrill of pleasure through Yaseke’s shypsoid bone.

  “You know, children do that where I come from too.” He stepped forward and captured him, cupping Yaseke’s face with his big hands. Dade’s breath puffed across his face, warm and moist. Yaseke parted his lips as his heart sped up.


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