The Thirty-Year Genocide

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by Benny Morris

  28. Ibid.; and ARF report dated 2 August 1915, attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 10 August 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 162. See also Dadrian and Akçam, Judgment at Istanbul, 216–217, 219–220; Malta File of Hodja Rifaat Effendi, UKNA FO 371 / 6500; and report of Lieutenant C. E. S. Palmer, 18 December 1918, UKNA FO 371 / 4157. See also notes by Mordtmann, 4 August 1915, German Foreign Office, 213.

  29. Dodd to Morgenthau, 15 August 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 192.

  30. Morgenthau to SecState, 9 November 1915, enclosure no. 3, U.S. Official Rec ords, 341, 343.

  31. Dodd to Morgenthau, 15 August 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 192–193. See also Post to Morgenthau, 3 September 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 248.

  32. Izmit vilayet to Interior Ministry, 29 August 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 666 / 86; Morgenthau to family, 13 September 1915, FDRL, HM Sr. Papers, Letters 475; and Report of Lieutenant C. E. S. Palmer, 18

  December 1918, UKNA FO 371 / 4157.

  33. Morgenthau to family, 13 September 1915, FDRL, HM Sr. Papers, Letters 475.

  34. Heinrich Albertall to Foreign Ministry, 25 September 1915, OeUA, 234–236.

  35. Ali Suad, mutesarrif of Zor, to Interior Ministry, 7 February 1916 and 12 February 1916, in Sevk ve Iskan, 350–351, docs. 278, 281.

  36. Report of Lieutenant C. E. S. Palmer, 18 December 1918, UKNA FO 371 / 4157.




  Talât Pasha’s Report, 26.

  38. Dadrian and Akçam, Judgment at Istanbul, 203, 206, 208, and 318.

  39. Trano, Austro- Hungarian consular agent, Bursa, 16 August 1915, OeUA, 201–202; and Dadrian,

  “Documentation of the World War Armenian Massacres,” 572.

  40. Two enclosures by the consular agent in Bursa, attached to Pallavicini to Burián, 24 August 1915, OeUA, 216–217.

  Notes to Pages 220–223

  41. Post to Morgenthau, 3 September 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 246–249.

  42. Morgenthau to family, 13 September 1915, FDRL, HM Sr. Papers, Letters 475. See also Talȃt to valis, 8 September 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 244, doc. 188; and Talȃt to valis and mutesarrifs, 18 / 19 September 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 264, doc. 209.



  (Hüdavendigȃr) vilayet to Interior Ministry, 24 October 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 298, doc. 244.



  United States Diplomacy on the Bosphorus, 380.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 135.


  Bardakçi, Talât Paşanın Evrak- ı Metrukesi, 77; and Sarafian, ed., Talât Pasha’s Report, 24, 27.


  Talât to Ankara vilayet, 25 April 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 127, doc. 58; and Talât to Ankara and Kastamonu vilayets, 10 May 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 135, doc. 68.

  48. Fifth session of military court, Takvim- i Vekayı no. 3554, 14 May 1919, translated in Akçam, Shameful Act, 164.



  Armenian Golgotha, 82–83.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 156. See also Balakian, Armenian Golgotha, 82–89.

  51. Consul in Konya to Morgenthau, 8 September 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44; ARF

  (Dashnaksutyun) Report, dated 29 September 1915, attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 9 November 1915, U.S. Official Documents, 341–342. See also Report of Stephan Semoukhine, Steward of the Rus sian Embassy, who had been exiled to Ankara with 129 other Rus sian Armenians, attached to Morgenthau to State Department, 13 November 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  52. Palmer to British High Commissioner, 9 January 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4157.


  Talât to several vilayets and mutesarrifliks, 3 August 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 205, doc. 146. Despite the initial exemption orders, almost all the vilayets deported their Armenian Catholics.

  54. Morgenthau to wife, 13 September 1915, FDRL, HM Sr. Papers, Letters 475. See also ARF Report, dated 29 September 1915, attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 9 November 1915, U.S. Official Documents, 341–342; and “Report of Difficulties in Armenia,” November- December 1915, USNA RG

  59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  55. Contained in Clayton to FO, 19 May 1918, UKNA, FO 371 / 3400.


  Atıf to Interior Ministry, 17 September 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 252, doc. 195.

  57. Semoukhine report, attached to Morgenthau to State Department, 13 November 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.




  Talât Pasha’s Report, 38.

  59. Konya had a sizable Greek population of around 70,000, but at this stage it was left alone.

  60. Dodd testimony, 21 December 1917, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 809, Roll 39.

  61. Cited in Morgenthau to SecState, 24 September 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  62. Dodd to Morgenthau, 8 September 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  63. Dodd to Morgenthau, 8 September 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  64. Samih, vali of Konya, to Interior Ministry, 23 October 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 295, doc. 239; Dodd to Morgenthau, 8 September 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44; and Dodd to Morgenthau, 15 August 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 192–193.

  65. Kayseri mutesarrif, Zekai, to Interior Ministry, Sevk ve Iskan, 260, doc. 202; Karashisar mutesarrif, Şevket, to Interior Ministry, 18 September 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 260–261, doc. 203.

  66. On Protestants: Talât to valis, 2 August 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 55 / 19. On soldiers’ families: Talât to valis and mutesarrifs, 15 August 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 215, doc. 160. See also Dodd to Morgenthau, 15

  August 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  67. Dodd testimony, 21 December 1917, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 809, Roll 39.

  Notes to Pages 224–226

  68. Dodd to Morgenthau, 8 September 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44. See also Balakian, Armenian Golgotha, 444.

  69. Celal Bey, Memoirs, “The Armenian Affair, its Reasons and Effects” part 2, Vakit, 12

  December 1918.

  70. Dadrian and Akçam, Judgment at Constantinople, 280.

  71. Testimony of Wilfred M. Post, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 823, Roll 39.

  72. Konya acting vali’s scribe, Naci, to Interior Ministry, 16 October 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 287, doc.

  227. Testimony of Wilfred M. Post, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 823, Roll 39.




  Talât Pasha’s Report, 34.

  74. Kayseri mutesarrif, Ahmet Midhat to Interior Ministry, 2 May 1915, BOA, DH. EUM. 2. Şb, 7 / 25.

  See also weapons found in the Develi (Everek) area, Develi Kaza report, 16 April 1915, BOA, DH. EUM.

  2 Şb, 6 / 1; Security Directorate to several vilayets and mutesarriflik, 28 February 1915, DH. ŞFR, 50 / 127; and Frieda Wolf- Hunecke’s Report on Everek, attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 20 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016. See also Morgenthau to family, 5 July 1915, FDRL, HM Sr. Papers, Letters 475; Erickson, “Armenians and Ottoman Military Policy,” 152, 155; and Wangenheim to Bethmann- Hollweg, 8

  May 1915, German Foreign Office, 176.

  75. Kayseri mutesarriflik to Interior Ministry, 4 May 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 469 / 108.

  76. Testimony of Stella Loughridge, 21 June 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–

  1919, no. 803, Roll 39.

  77. Report of American missionary from Talas, in American High Commissioner Heck to William Sharp, American ambassador in Paris, 30 January 1919, USNA RG 84, Vol. 400 (Turkey). See also testimony of Loughridge, 21 June 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 803, Roll 39; and Testimony of Clara Richmond of Talas, 11 May 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,”

  1917–1919, no. 807, Roll 39.

  78. ARF report, “The Horrors of Cesarea,” attached
to Morgenthau to SecState, 17 September 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 259.

  79. Richmond gives the date as August 8, 1915. A few days prior to this date, notices were posted in the market (Richmond testimony, 11 May 1918, USNA RG 256 “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 807, Roll 39).

  80. Testimony of Clara Richmond, 11 May 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 807, Roll 39.

  81. Report of American missionary from Talas, attached to Heck to Sharp, 30 January 1919, USNA RG 84, Vol. 400 (Turkey). See also Army General Staff to Interior Ministry, 27 February 1916, Sevk ve Iskan, 355, doc. 284; Army report about the destruction of a cave in which rebels fortified themselves, 27

  February 1916, Sevk ve Iskan, 355, doc. 284; and testimony of Stella Loughridge, 21 June 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 803, Roll 39.

  82. Security Directorate to Ankara vilayet, 9 August 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 54A / 326. For an eyewitness deposition about these massacres, see testimonies in “Enclosure 8,” attached to Büge to Bethmann-Hollweg, 1 October 1915, German Foreign Office, 406.

  83. Zekai, mutesarrif of Kayseri, to Interior Ministry, 18 September 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 260, doc.


  84. Wingate, American Mission in Talas, Kayseri, to Morgenthau, 16 November 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 349.

  85. Testimony of Clara Richmond, 11 May 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 807, Roll 39.

  86. Report of American missionary from Talas, attached to Heck to Sharp, 30 January 1919, USNA RG 84, Vol. 400 (Turkey). See also Akçam, Shameful Acts, 176–177.

  Notes to Pages 226–228

  87. Security Directorate to Kayseri mutesarriflik, 14 July 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 54 / 427.

  88. Wingate, American Mission in Talas, Kayseri, to Morgenthau, 16 November 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 349.



  Armenian Golgotha, 169–170. The story of this convoy passing through Talas is also told in Report of American Missionary from Talas, attached to Heck to Sharp, 30 January 1919, USNA RG 84, Vol. 400 (Turkey).


  Bardakçi, Talât Paşa’nın Evrak- ı Metrukesi, 77; Zekai to Talât, 18 September 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 260, doc. 202; and Der Matossian, “Ottoman Armenian Kesaria / Kayseri,” 209, Table 1.

  91. The events described here and in the following paragraphs are based on Der Matossian, “From Bloodless Revolution,” 152–173; and Sahara, “1909 Adana Incident (Part 2).”



  Massacres, 45.

  93. Der Matossian, “From Bloodless Revolution,” 164; and Akçam, Shameful Act, 69–70.

  94. Numbers are disputed. The American mission in Adana estimated that the towns Adana, Maraş, and Hacin contained 195,200 Armenians. Armenian leader Nubar, quoting the patriarchate, spoke of 407,000: “The Pre- War Population of Cilicia,” Bodl. MS Toynbee 44, Stats.

  95. Report by Simon Agabalian, 12 March 1915, attached to Eugen Büge to Wangenheim, 13

  March 1915, German Foreign Office, 154–155. See also report from Dörtyol, 12 February 1915, BOA, DH. EUM. 6. Şb, 3 / 8; and Erickson, “Captain Larkin and the Turks.”


  Talât to valis and mutesarrifs, 28 February 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 50 / 127, and 2 March 1915, DH. EUM. 2. Şb, 5 / 14; and Report by Simon Agabalian, 12 March 1915, attached to Büge to Wangenheim, 13 March 1915, German Foreign Office, 153–155. See also Lewy, Armenian Massacres, 183; Erickson, “Armenians and Ottoman Military Policy,” 154–155; Demirel ve Takkaç, “Ermeni Tehciri Anilari Uzerine,” 27; and Hoffmann, vice- consul in Alexandretta, to Wangenheim, 7 March 1915, DE / PA- AA- BoKon / 168.

  97. For the search orders, see Hakki, to Talât, 16 April 1915, BOA, DH. EUM. 2. Şb, 7 / 21; and enclosure to report of ARF, Sofia, 2–15 June 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43.


  Talât to Cemal, commander of the 4th Army, 24 April 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 143, doc. 74; and enclosures in Max von Oppenheim to Bethmann- Hollweg, 29 August 1915, German Foreign Office, 338–340.

  99. See ARF report, 15 June 1915, attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 20 July 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 98–101; Nathan to Morgenthau, 24 May 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 6; and Hoffmann to Wangenheim, 29 May 1915, DE / PA- AA- BoKon / 169, Embassy register A53a/1915/3464. See also Lewy, Armenian Massacres, 184; and Testimony of Harriet J. Fischer, 13 April 1917, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 813, Roll 39.

  100. Nathan to Morgenthau, 24 May 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 6.

  101. Government decision to deport Armenians, 30 May 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 155, doc. 81. In the original document, the actual phrase is “nefs- i Adana, nefs- i Sis ve nefs- i Mersin müstesna olmak üzere Adana, Mersin, Kozan, Cebel- i Bereket livaları” (“the districts of Adana, Mersin, Kozan, and Cebel- i Bereket, except the towns of Adana, Sis, and Mersin specifically”).

  102. Testimony of “Miss Y.,” in Bryce and Toynbee, eds., Treatment of Armenians, 506; and Nathan to Morgenthau, 7 August 1916, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43.

  103. Testimony of Elizabeth Webb, 1 June 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 819, Roll 39.


  Talât to Ismail Hakki Bey, 4 August 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 54- A / 271; Interior Ministry to the valis and mutesarrifs, 15 August 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 55 / 20; and Ismail Hakki Bey to Talât, 18 September 1915, BOA, DH. EUM. 2. Şb, 68 / 77.


  Talât to valis and mutesarrifs, 3 August 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 54- A / 252; Lewy, Armenian Massacres, 184–185; Büge to Hohenlohe- Langenburg (Istanbul), 12 August 1915, German Foreign Office, 303–304; and Chambers to Barton, 31 October 1915, Houghton ABC 16.9.5, A467, Reel 669.

  Notes to Pages 228–235


  Büge to Constantinople Embassy, 10 September 1915, German Foreign Office, 377. See also Testimony of Harriet J. Fischer, 13 April 1917, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 813, Roll 39.

  107. Chambers to Barton, 18 October 1915, Houghton ABC 16.9.5, A467, Reel 669.


  Talât to Cemal, 28 November 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 322–323, doc. 265. See also Testimony of Elizabeth Webb, 1 June 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 819, Roll 39.



  Armenian Genocide, 641–646, 673, 678–681; and Akçam, Shameful Act,


  110. Unsigned, “Addendum to ‘Report of an Inhabitant of Athlit, Mount Carmel, Syria,’ ” undated but stamped “M.I.2.b, 27 November 1916,” UKNA FO 371 / 2783.

  111. Tele gram from Adana, received in Washington D.C., 16 February 1916, Houghton ABC 16.9.5, A467, Reel 672.


  Talât to valis and mutesarrifs along the railway in Anatolia, 16 January 1916, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 60 / 45; and Morgenthau to SecState, 21 July 1916, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 45.




  Talât Pasha’s Report, 55.





  Vakit, 12 December 1918; and Malta file of Mufti Zade Shukri Bey, UKNA

  FO 371 / 6500.

  115. Bekir Sami to Talât, 18 September 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 254–255, doc. 199.


  Rössler to Bethmann- Hollweg, 27 July 1915, German Foreign Office, 265. See also Rössler to Embassy, 30 July 1915, German Foreign Office, 274–275; and Malta file of Mufti Zade Shukri Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6500. See also Kurt, “Curious Case of Ali Cenani Bey,” 62–63, 68–69.

  117. Jackson, “Armenian Atrocities,” 4 March 1918, U.S. Official Rec ords, 586.

  118. Malta file of Ahmet Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6500.

  119. Malta file of Ahmet Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6500. The documents cited in this file were clearly taken from the Naim- Andonian collection, which some researchers, most prominently Orel and Yuca, claim are forgeries (
Talât Pasha “Tele grams”). These claims were effectively countered by Dadrian in “Naim-Andonian Documents.”

  120. Malta file of Ahmet Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6500.

  121. See, for example, memorandum of Walter M. Geddes, an American businessman, attached to Horton to SecState, 8 November 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 381. See similar descriptions in Rössler to Bethmann- Hollweg, 9 February 1916, German Foreign Office, 542–543; and de Nogales, Four Years, 170–171: “It was terrible to see some of the stragglers. . . . After crawling for a long time like wounded animals, shrieking to their families, they fi nally fell at the roadside, to die and become carrion.”


  Rössler to Hohenlohe- Langenburg, 27 September 1915, German Foreign Office, 382.

  123. Geddes memorandum, attached to Horton to SecState, 8 November 1915, U.S. Official Rec ords, 381.

  124. Jackson, “Armenian Atrocities,” 4 March 1918, U.S. Official Rec ords, 588.




  Four Years, 175, 179–180.

  126. Jackson, “Armenian Atrocities,” 4 March 1918, U.S. Official Rec ords, 588; and Kevorkian, Armenian Genocide, 645.

  127. Jackson, “Armenian Atrocities,” 4 March 1918, U.S. Official Rec ords, 591. See also Rohner to Peet, 17 January 1916, attached to Peet to Consul- General Mordtmann, 10 February 1916, German Foreign Office, 556–557. See also Kieser, “Beatrice Rohner,” 224–225.


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