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Kidnapped by a SEAL

Page 3

by Makenna Jameison

  The door suddenly burst open, and she screamed before everything went black.

  Chapter 4

  RYKER STRODE INTO THE main building at Little Creek in his desert camo and combat boots, his duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He dropped off his gear, his biceps bulging from the heavy load, and headed straight into the bull pen for a briefing from their CO.

  Hunter was already standing at the front of the room, eyes narrowed as maps and satellite imagery popped up on the large flat screen TV mounted on the wall.

  “They found her,” Ryker said, eyeing his team leader. It wasn’t a question. He knew in his gut the reason their team had been called up for an op was because they’d found the missing American woman.

  The woman whose necklace he’d been inadvertently carrying around with him all this time, hidden and forgotten about in his damn pocket.

  “Affirmative,” Hunter said. “She’s being held at a terrorist compound an hour outside of Kabul. We believe she was moved around quite a bit over the past month before they brought her there two days ago.”

  “Shit.” Ryker’s gut churned, and he scrubbed a hand over the stubble on his jaw. Was she being passed around among the men? Hidden for the past month until it was safe to bring her to her final destination? A single American woman being held captive in the Middle East was worrisome for a whole shitload of reasons. The fact that she’d been in enemy hands for an entire month made his blood boil.

  He didn’t even know the woman, but he sure the hell knew what terror cells were capable of. What men who were monsters would do to an innocent woman.

  “Do we have any word on her condition?” Ryker asked. “Any sat imagery?” he said, referring to the vast array of satellite images the military had access to.

  Hunter nodded. “We have photos of the compound where she’s being held and images of a woman we believe to be her arriving. She walked in on her own, which is a good sign.”

  Ryker nodded, clenching his fists.

  The other men filed into the room, grabbing chairs around the table, and their CO headed to the front and spoke quietly with Hunter for a moment. It was a hell of a change from their joking mood at brunch earlier, but such was the life of a SEAL. They were on call 24/7, ready to leave at a moment’s notice. While the other guys had girlfriends they worried about and left behind, Ryker only had himself.

  And damn near preferred it that way.

  His gaze slid to Colton, who was pulling out an empty chair to sit down.

  “I bet it’s the missing State Department official,” Colton said. “It’s been bugging me all month that we didn’t get her—I mean, just thinking about how Camila could’ve been in a similar situation if we hadn’t rescued her down in Colombia....” He shook his head, clenching his jaw.

  “It’s her,” Ryker confirmed. “The official with State. And this time we’re not coming home without her.”

  “None of us like that we just missed rescuing her,” Mason said with a frown. “But she wasn’t at the camp we targeted. Hell, all of us know what you feel like, C-4,” he said, calling Colton by his nickname. “We’ve all got a woman now, well, save for Ryker.”

  “Fucking hell,” Ryker spat out, sinking down into a chair. “That’s by choice, and it sure as shit doesn’t matter now.”

  “He’s right,” Noah agreed, adjusting the aviators perched atop his head. “We focus on the mission. The missing woman.”

  Their CO connected a secure video conference on the massive TV screen at the front of the bull pen, and the commander of the SEAL team based in Coronado popped up on the screen. Ryker raised his eyebrows, realizing those guys out in California would likely somehow be involved in this mission. He’d assumed the secure conference would be with State.

  “Commander Brinks has some information to share before I brief you on the op” their CO announced, meeting the gazes of the men in the room. “As you know, SEAL Team Alpha is down in Mexico chasing after a drug cartel and some missing women. The Coronado team will be joining us on this op to the Middle East. It’s imperative that we move immediately now that we have a definitive location for the missing woman, and the Pentagon and State have made this a top priority.”

  Ryker nodded, his gaze flicking toward Hunter. Some of the men knew the leader of the Coronado team from back when they were in BUD/S—Blake “Raptor” Reynolds was a legend in his own right. He could sneak in anywhere without anyone even knowing he was coming.

  And hell.

  They needed all the badass dudes they could get on a mission like this. If Patrick “Ice” Foster’s team wasn’t available, Ryker and the other men would be happy to have Raptor and his team.

  “My men are readying to go wheels-up within the hour,” Commander Brinks said. “You’ll be arriving several hours before them in Afghanistan. My team was briefed on the unfolding situation moments ago. Troops in our forward-operating bases have been ordered to stand down on this rescue mission until the SEAL teams arrive.”

  “Do we have specs on the compound, sir?” Hunter asked.

  Commander Brinks nodded. “Yes, which your CO will be briefing you on shortly. I’ve told my men that your team has the lead on this. They’ll be there to provide backup and additional support every step of the way. You may or may not be aware of this yet, but Emily Swenson is a Special Agent with State. She was part of a forward operating team securing the area before State Department officials arrived. She was taken while patrolling the base with some of the U.S. military.”

  Ryker exchanged glances with Hunter, surprised by this new piece of information. He’d assumed she was a suit from Washington. Sure, federal agents in DC did in fact wear suits, but she wasn’t some desk jockey who pushed papers all day; she was in law enforcement. Which hopefully meant she could hold her own.

  That didn’t mean she stood a chance against multiple armed men though. Or after being held in captivity for a month.

  He clenched his jaw, listening as Commander Brinks continued for a minute with additional information, and then the screen went black as the secure call was disconnected.

  Their CO stepped in front of the empty screen. “Ms. Swenson is a top priority for State. We believe she walked into the compound unassisted, so she isn’t believed to be seriously injured. She may be weak though, and we have no idea if she’ll be able to move out of there on her own when you arrive.”

  “Understood, sir,” Hunter grunted.

  “It’s also unknown what’s happened to her since she was moved there. A small terror cell headed by Mohammad Izallah is believed to be at this compound. He’s emerged as the new leader of this group, and it’s possible they were saving her for him.”

  “Fucking hell,” Ryker spat out. “Saving her for what? To become his goddamn sex slave or something?”

  Their CO pressed his lips together, not replying, and Ryker’s blood boiled. “Fuck,” one of the other guys muttered.

  “They certainly wouldn’t call it that,” the CO said. “He’d take her as one of his wives—willingly or not. She’s been there two days, so it’s possible no harm has come to her yet. We have no way of knowing.”

  “They’re a bunch of fucked up assholes,” Jacob interjected.

  Their CO cleared his throat, and all eyes swept back to him. “You’ll receive additional instructions once you’re in flight. Sat imagery is being reviewed further right now. We need to determine where in the compound Ms. Swenson is being held. Infrared sensors can detect body heat, of course. We believe there’s other women and children there as well, so this is a delicate operation. We’re not sure which building she’s in, and we need to avoid injuring the others.”

  “Are we going in by helo or convoy?” Hunter asked, crossing his arms.

  “It’s rough terrain near the mountains. But since you’ll be arriving under the cover of night, it will probably be by helo dependent on the weather. You’ll land on the opposite side and then move in.”

  The men were dismissed a few minutes later and stoo
d, readying to leave. “What do you think?” Jacob asked as he fell in step beside Ryker.

  “I hope like hell the woman hasn’t been harmed. It’s possible those assholes roughed her up over the past month. Thirty days is a hell of a long time to be in captivity. Maybe the fact they were saving her for their leader means she’s in good condition. Doesn’t matter. We’ll get her this time,” Ryker said assuredly. “No matter what.”

  “Jessica’s worried,” Jacob said. “She sure the hell wasn’t expecting her brunch to end with all of us abruptly up and leaving.”

  “Don’t suppose so. She better get used to it though,” Ryker quipped.

  “Don’t be a jackass. Last time we were sent out on an op, I barely knew her. Actually—you told her we were leaving if I recall. I was pissed as hell that you got to see her before we left and I didn’t.”

  Ryker smirked, thinking of Jessica’s roommate and the summer they’d spent together. “And hell if Michelle didn’t give me a goodbye to remember,” he said with a chuckle. “But all good things come to an end, and I don’t need a woman tying me down. Shit, if that’s your thing man, then good for you. The only woman I’m concerned about right now is the one we’re about to rescue.”

  Jacob shook his head, his lips quirking. “Jessica is damn good for me. You’ll see, jackass. Someday a woman will have you by the balls, and then life as you know it will be over, man.”

  “Like fucking hell she will. I’m single for life, buddy.”

  Hunter chortled behind them as he caught up. “Famous last words, bro. Famous last words.”

  Chapter 5

  JESSICA COUGHED AND moaned in pain, clutching her ribs. She’d have a bruise there after getting hit with the butt of the rifle or whatever weapon that asshole had been carrying. She hadn’t been able to tell in the dark.

  They’d hit her in the head with something too, she realized, feeling the small lump on her forehead. Something sticky coated her fingers.


  She blinked, realizing they’d stashed her in a room that was completely dark. Was she still in that small little storage building? Or had they hauled her off somewhere else after she’d been knocked unconscious?

  What had happened to the teenager?

  “Hello,” she croaked, knowing without waiting for an answer that nobody was here.

  Her mind whirled, and she wondered how long she’d been out. Hours? Days?

  There were no windows. No lights.


  A string of voices muttering in Arabic came from the other side of the wall, but they got softer, as if whoever had been talking was moving further away. Leaving her alone to lie here in pain.

  She heard a loud crash in the distance but closed her eyes, rolling over on the floor. If her head would just stop pounding....

  She submitted to the darkness.

  Chapter 6

  RYKER SPAT ON THE GROUND and walked into the command center of the forward operating base in Afghanistan. Sweat dripped down his face, and he swiped it off, gripping his weapon in one hand. His heavy gear was hell to haul across the desert—not that they hadn’t done it a million times before.

  Kevlar vests, helmets, combat boots, weapons—they were fully armed, ready to take on whatever enemy they encountered. And he had one mother-fucking terrorist asshole he’d like to shoot right between the eyes.

  Damn him for thinking he could kidnap and harm an innocent woman.

  He rested his assault rifle against the table and took a swig of water from his canteen. His combat boots scuffed against the gritty ground, sand damn near everywhere in this place. He’d probably be scrubbing it off his skin for a week after he got back—that stuff always got in all his clothes and belongings.

  It sure made a man miss the salty ocean air.

  “The Coronado team will be landing at twenty-two hundred local time,” Hunter said, his voice gruff as the men gathered around him. “They’ve received the updated aerial imagery and know their approach when we move in. They’ll land at the airstrip and come straight here on the helos. We’ll briefly meet and then it’s go time.”

  Ryker nodded, his gaze narrowing. “Tell us the plan.”

  Hunter laid a map of the compound on the wooden table, pointing at it as he spoke. “Raptor’s team will be breaching the south side of the compound. Ryker and Noah will be surveilling the perimeter from the east, providing cover as necessary. The helos will be landing on the west, which is where I’ll move in with the other men.”

  “And the mountains?” Jacob asked.

  “We don’t believe any of the insurgents will exit that way as the terrain is rough. In all likelihood, they’ll be heading straight toward Ryker and Noah.”

  “And we’ll be fucking ready for them,” Ryker smirked.

  Hunter nodded. “The goal is to move in, get the girl, and move out. We’ll fly back to base and then get Emily whatever medical attention is needed.”

  “What about the infrared scans? Do we have an idea of where exactly she’s being held?” Ryker asked. His gut churned, not liking that they were still taking a shot in the dark at where specifically the woman was being held. What if the kidnappers escaped with her, and she slipped right through their fingers one more time?

  He didn’t think he could stomach letting a helpless woman fall prey to enemy hands once more.

  “Negative,” Hunter said with a frown. “There are multiple women and children living at the compound—we have no idea which building Emily is being held in because there are just too many bodies. We want to avoid civilian casualties, so we’re going to have to search every damn one.”

  “Understood,” Mason said. “And we’re just leaving the other women and children behind?”

  “Not much we can do,” Colton said with a frown. “They’re not American citizens. We’ll have to move them into one secure location as we conduct our search, but they’re not our mission.”

  “Fucking hell,” Ryker muttered. “I can’t believe we have to just leave other women and kids there.”

  Hunter’s gaze locked with his. “They’re not our priority. We’ll take out whoever we can when we breach the compound, but ultimately, this is a rescue mission to get an American hostage. She’s been in enemy hands for too long. This ends tonight.”

  “Damn straight it does,” Ryker said, clenching his fists.

  “Let’s get those bastards,” Jacob said, glancing around at the other men. “They can’t take an American citizen and get away with that shit. They’re going down tonight.”

  “Hoorah!” Noah shouted, as the other men whooped and hollered.

  “Ready up, men,” Hunter said, listening to a voice over his headset. “The Coronado team will be landing in thirty.”

  RYKER STRAPPED ON HIS remaining gear, checking his K-BAR knife and night vision goggles. The whomp, whomp, whomp of helicopters coming in sounded in the distance. “Sounds like the boys are here,” he said, glancing over at Jacob.

  “Hoorah. Do you know Raptor?” Jacob asked, adjusting his headset.

  “Nope. Heard a hell of a lot about him though.”

  “He’s badass,” Jacob said with a chuckle. “One scary mother fucker.”

  Ryker’s headset crackled, and then a deep voice spoke. “This is Raptor. We’re en route, approaching base right now. ETA is one minute.”

  “Roger that,” Hunter said over the headsets. “The Delta team is ready and waiting. We’ll quickly convene for a SITREP, and then it’s go time.”

  “Roger. Over and out,” Raptor said.

  Ryker grabbed his weapon and stood with the other men, watching as two helicopters landed and the Coronado team jumped out. They jogged over to the small command center. A tall SEAL with dark stubble across his jaw lead the way in, his dark gaze sweeping around the room as he instantly took everything in.

  “Welcome fellas,” Hunter said. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Hunter ‘Hook’ Murdock. These are my guys on the Delta team based out of Little
Creek,” he said, briefly introducing the men.

  Raptor nodded. “I’m Blake Reynolds,” he said, nodding at them, “but you can call me Raptor. Jacob and I already know one another. This is my team,” he said, calling out each of the guys standing behind him.

  Ryker’s gaze slid over the other men. Troy “T-Rex” Harrison looked vaguely familiar, and he wondered if they’d gone through BUD/S around the same time. This was no time to journey down fucking memory lane though. They had an op to run. A woman to save.

  “The woman being held is a special agent with State,” Raptor said.

  “Affirmative,” Hunter replied. “She’s highly trained and could probably hold her own in other circumstances. We don’t know her condition though or if she’s even capable of walking out on her own.”

  “Understood,” Raptor said. “We’ll move in for rescue and retrieval.”

  “It’s unknown how many insurgents are at the compound. We’ve got a rough count of people, but some are believed to be women and children.”

  “Fucking hell,” Troy said, his green eyes blazing. He had light stubble across his jaw, but Ryker couldn’t see his hair beneath the helmet. He was probably blond, not to mention tan, like a typical California boy. Typical save for the murderous look on his face and thick muscles to rival any of the men on the SEAL team.

  The Alpha SEALs from Coronado may be used to life on the west coast, but they were just as deadly and highly trained as the men based in Little Creek.

  “We don’t know if the women are being held against their will,” Hunter continued. “Some are the wives of the leader—they might not take well to us breaching the compound. We have to treat everyone like a potential threat.”

  “It’s not like they have a goddamn choice in the matter,” Raptor said, his eyes blazing.


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