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Seduction in the Highlands: By choosing him she loses her inheritance, by leaving him she brakes her heart...

Page 5

by Kendrick, Kenna

  Elizabeth smiled, liking the idea tremendously. She was glad that she hadn’t thought of it because it felt deliciously wicked. Since it was Charlotte’s brainchild, she wouldn’t have to feel any guilt about it. “I only felt the discomfort of embarrassment, surprised at my own violent reaction. I suppose it was the wine that made me feel bolder. I had never consumed so much before.”

  Charlotte slowed her horse with a click of her tongue. “I am so glad that you did. You were here to celebrate my good fortune, and,” Charlotte lowered her voice, now that Liam was approaching. “I hope that you take this time while you visit us to do whatever it is you wish to do. Do not think that we have rules and regulations you must abide by. Drink whatever and how much you please. Sleep until noon! Perhaps even kiss another man who is not so wild in his manners?”

  Elizabeth gasped a little. Charlotte continued with her mischievous grin. “I can think of the perfect man, and it would be a wonderful way to make Liam seethe with jealousy. He deserves such discomfort, after all.

  Elizabeth knew just who charlotte was suggesting she kiss, and she saw his pair of stark blue eyes in her mind, with his boyish curls atop his head, near to becoming unruly. She was about to reply, but Liam was helping Charlotte down. Elizabeth was excited at the prospect of the next few days or however long her trip would be, and she was grateful as Liam helped her down from her own horse.

  She could spend at least most of her time busy with Charlotte so that her mind could not focus on her looming engagement to some man whom she had not yet met with so that she could fulfill her mother’s strange yet dearest wish.

  * * *

  After a few minutes of Fergus’s laughter, Liam shoved him with whatever strength his overindulgence had not momentarily stolen from him. Unphased, Fergus stalked away laughing. Liam was not in the mood. Now since he had been distracted by two people, he could feel the prospect of sleep getting farther and farther away from him. He knew that there would be some work today. Fergus was heading back to the castle to begin to prepare for the trip over the Sound but had said nothing about Liam joining him. He had been too busy deriding his old friend for his foolishness.

  Liam revealed nothing to Fergus about Elizabeth. He didn’t even answer his friend’s question as to which women were upset with him. He didn’t want the whole world to know about his own stupidity. He still had to figure out the apologetic speech that a proper English lady would deem acceptable as an apology. If it was one of the giggling girls on the Isle, they would never have shoved him away, but if they had, they would have slapped him, and then that would have been the end of it. They would have laughed it away, and so would he.

  He was in the stables and found his horse, Uaill. He laid his head against her smooth coat, breathing in her comforting scent of hay and oats. His father had given him the horse years before. She had led him faithfully on the journey to battle the English three years ago, and once his father died, Liam had never wanted to get rid of her. She was getting old, but Liam held onto her dearly, even when other younger horses were available. With his horse, he felt safe, and even the pounding in his head seemed to dim a little in her comforting presence.

  “Liam.” The deep, familiar voice entered the safe sphere of the stable. He grimaced.

  “Yer looking well taeday, lad. I suppose yer wife has something tae do with that,” Liam said.

  Angus laughed, crossing his arms across his chest. “And ye look as if ye have been beaten within an inch of yer life. I suppose a woman has something tae do with that too.”

  Liam growled, and his headache returned. “I was hoping that rest in me own bed will bring me back tae life. Ye must have put something in the ale and wine last night. I have never woken up with so much pain before in me life.”

  “All for the sake of celebration, lad. But nae, I didnae poison ye.” Angus smiled, and Liam knew what was coming. His friend was enjoying the sight of his pain and was happy to inflict more. “My dear new wife willnae stay in bed with me this morning.”

  “Despite yer strong encouragement, nae less.” Liam smiled, hopeful that his slight could put a chink in Angus’ cheery mood, but he was not successful.

  “Aye. So she will visit her patients. Follow her taeday. I am off across the water with Calum and Fergus. Calum plans tae go on a bit of a trip tae the other clans.”

  Liam groaned, but it only increased Angus’ entertainment.

  “Ye should appreciate that more, less of a long journey with the state yer in.”

  Liam nodded, opening the door to Charlotte’s horse’s stall and beginning to saddle her up. The smell of weathered leather filled their nostrils.

  “Ah, there is one more thing. Something ye might appreciate, seeing the way ye couldnae take her eyes of her last night.” Liam’s ears perked up, and his heart quieted, waiting for the next words to come.

  “Lady Elizabeth will be coming too. Charlotte needs a bit of help.” Angus was leaning over the edge of the stall, grinning with triumph as Liam resumed saddling. He could never let his friends know what had happened. He wasn’t sure they would congratulate him for his blatant attempt at a “conquest.”

  “Och, I see.”

  “Maybe Charlotte can give ye something for yer head, Liam.” Angus knocked his fist against the side of the wood. “Also, try yer best tae be a gentleman tae the lass. She is nae so experienced as the women yer used tae.”

  That is for damn sure. Liam thought sullenly. He must have hoped for a bit of a romp last evening, but he’d chosen the worst possible woman to try his advances on. She was a beautiful girl, but in his terms, she was off-limits. High-born women are always too finicky about things like that. The women of this area do not seem too unhappy with my attentions.

  “Aye, aye,” he said, waving Angus away. He could not see it, but Angus smirked before leaving the stable, wondering what had already happened to sour his red-headed friend against the new lass.

  A quarter of an hour later, Liam heard the women approach the stable, and he pulled their horses out, trying to keep his gaze averted. However, it was like trying not to look at a beautiful, all-encompassing view, and his eyes were automatically drawn to her. Even after a late evening, she was still blooming, and her blonde hair glinted becomingly in the sun. Inwardly, he cursed women’s beauty, for it entrapped men and made them fools, and he was no exception.

  Their interaction was brief, and he was incredibly relieved when she did not immediately reveal his actions to Charlotte. She was short and terse, but that was better than his very public embarrassment before he could get her alone to apologize. They rode. He stayed far behind, for it was torturous to be in her presence. At the sight of her again, he could remember more of the previous evening, and flashes of images were coming into his mind.

  He suddenly remembered the way her lips, pink and soft, had felt underneath his, and as they rode, he made sure to stay far away, knowing his body would betray him if he got any closer. Damn, Mrs. MacLean was right. He had been incredibly forward, and even though he regretted his choice to do so, he had been rewarded handsomely for his effort. Elizabeth Darling was the most beautiful woman he had ever kissed, and his foolish body tempted him with thoughts of it happening again or something even beyond that, but he knew they could never come true.

  Lady Darling was not the type of woman he would normally bed. Women like Brea, giddy, and willing, were the kind of women that wanted him. Elizabeth Darling would never desire him in such a way. And yet, when they kissed, her breath was slow and soft. Her muscles had been limp underneath his grasp, and for a moment, however brief, she had kissed him back.

  He tried to shake off the memory as he helped Elizabeth down from her horse. To his surprise, she was smiling. She did not seem to notice him, even though he felt warm and sweaty so close to her, and his body craved to touch her again. But she was smiling. That boded well for him, he thought.

  Before they entered the small stone house, Charlotte turned to Liam and said, “Liam, did you know
that John Campbell is very interested in seeing Lady Elizabeth again? I would not be surprised if he visited again today.” Liam stiffened.

  Chapter Five

  “Elizabeth, you must be sure to accept any invitation he offers you. This is your time away from home, after all.” Elizabeth felt a blush tingle up her cheeks, but she tried to focus and keep her gaze away from Liam’s surprised expression. She could spy Charlotte’s wink as she revealed the news to Liam.

  “Yes, of course, Charlotte. He is a very kind man.”

  “But he is a Campbell, ye know. That should count for something.” Liam’s voice was slightly gravelly as he replied. When Elizabeth turned to him, she could see he regretted having spoken.

  Charlotte said, “Ah, but we have a sort of friendship now. Angus and Calum will not hear a word spoken against him. Without his brother Archibald in charge, John has become quite the respected laird of one of the largest clans in the country. It is an enviable position.” Charlotte looked absolutely pink with glee, and Elizabeth tried not to smile at her friend’s wickedness.

  Even if she was unsure how much Liam would care about any of this information, it did excite her a little to see his own face reddening. Underneath his beard, one side of his jaw flexed a little, and it appeared to Elizabeth that he was attempting to hold back any further words.

  “Well, let us go inside and see what there is to be found. I am certain your tea will be much needed here, Liam.” Charlotte grinned again, but Liam said nothing. She knocked on the door and was welcomed inside warmly.

  “Lady Charlotte!” A middle-aged smiled widely as she opened the door. “Ye are most welcome, lass. Come please. I think that my boys and husband have too many ailments tae count. It is nae yet the lunch hour, but their groans have given me my own headache as well.”

  Charlotte smiled, and the two of them entered the house with Liam standing outside. Charlotte introduced Elizabeth, and then she set to work, creating her own special mix of herbs as the woman bent over the fireplace stirring a pot of water.

  Elizabeth looked around her. The home was very small, but it was neat enough and comfortable. There were two beds and a long wooden table. The beds were separated from the main room by hanging sheets, and Elizabeth could hear people breathing in sleep behind them. Jars and pots covered the rest of the room, along with chairs and a few blankets. The fireplace was the largest area. Elizabeth felt suddenly meek and out of place. She had never seen such a home. Her father would never have allowed her to see or associate with families that were not of their income level. She had always been used to tea rooms, ballrooms, large hearths, and a full library.

  She clasped her hands in front of her, unsure of what to do. She was afraid that her face belied her discomfort, and she did not want it to appear as disgust. “Elizabeth,” Charlotte called. “Those herbs on the table. Would you be able to pull the leaves off of them and hand them to me?”

  Elizabeth felt a wave of relief. Finally, something to do that was not gawking at her surroundings. “Of course.” She picked up the herbs in her hand and lifted them to her nose. Mint. It was fresh and green, and she plucked the leaves with gusto, glad to assist her friend.

  Once she was finished, she handed them to Charlotte, and Charlotte added them to her pot of tea over the fire. Elizabeth leaned over and began to smell the fragrant mixture. It was refreshing and even a little spicy. Charlotte handed her the wooden stick. “If you like, Elizabeth, you may stir. Lara and I will get the bowls for the tea, to hand out to the suffering men.” Lara’s eyes crinkled with laughter.

  Elizabeth knelt down and took the wooden spoon in her hands, watching as the herbs swished around and around, bleeding their bits of medicine into the water. After a few moments, Charlotte announced that it was time for the tea, and Lara began to spoon it out into bowls for all of the men, including Liam.

  Charlotte handed one to Elizabeth, grinning once more with mischief. “Elizabeth, please hand this to Liam. Perhaps his company will not be so odious once he has been cured of his ailments. I could use a bit of laughter this morning.”

  Elizabeth took it in her hands, enjoying the heat in her palms. “As if you have not had enough already,” she replied with a smile. Charlotte laughed and began to help Lara in waking up her men. Elizabeth took a breath and moved to the doorway, wondering what it would feel like to be so close to Liam again, looking him straight in the eyes after the moment they’d shared while both under the emboldening powers of alcohol.

  When she came out, she saw him staring out at the Sound. She stepped closer, but he didn’t hear her, and she could admire both the strength of his figure and the beautiful view before her. The Sound looked even bluer from above, and it stretched almost endlessly before them. Through the haze, she could spot the mainland. Even though the natural view was stunning, her eyes kept turning to Liam’s back.

  His red hair was blowing in the wind, and it brought to mind the image of fingers swirling through his hair gently and softly. He was still wearing his clothes from the night before, but in the daylight, Elizabeth was reminded of the width of his strong shoulders. Apparently, they had seen many battles, for their hardened outline could be seen under his linen shirt and waistcoat. He still wore a kilt, as it was custom to wear to a wedding, she had heard, and beneath that, she saw his strong legs, standing firm in his dirtied boots.

  She remembered the day she’d first met him when she was dumbstruck by his manly beauty. The memory made her breath catch just a little, but she knew she could not dwell on it. Beauty is no reason to make a fool of oneself, she thought. Especially when a beautiful man is well used to such attention. I shall punish him as he deserves and not make him believe that I am simply putty in his hands like all the other women at the party.

  She took another step, and a stick cracked underneath her foot. Liam turned quickly, and she could see his hand flash to his sword. Her eyes widened in surprise, but when he saw her, his expression softened for a very brief moment. Then, his brows returned to a furrow. “Och, sorry, Mistress. Ye scared me.”

  Elizabeth was empowered by Charlotte’s plan of punishment. “I suppose it can be dangerous here. As you said yesterday, one can never know what lurks around the next corner.” She kept the cup in her hands, forgetting it momentarily, enjoying the way his eyes shifted uncomfortably.

  “Aye, ‘tis true enough.” There was a silence, and Elizabeth did not feel that an apology was forthcoming. She held the cup forward.

  “This is from Charlotte. I am merely your deliverer.” She blushed. “The deliverer of your medicine. Hopefully, that should help ease the pain somewhat.” Elizabeth wanted to stamp her feet at the way her voice sounded so gentle and caring. Why should she care about his pain? She would not appear weak. She refused to!

  He held his hands out. “Thank ye. Ye both are a godsend. For the medicine, of course.” He cast his eyes downward and took the cup from her hands. Elizabeth swallowed as she felt the texture of his rough fingers sliding on her own. Once he had the cup securely in his own hands, she pulled away quickly.

  A strong breeze suddenly rushed past them, and Elizabeth pulled the shawl Charlotte had given her more tightly around her arms. “The MacLean colors,” Liam said suddenly after he took a sip of tea. “They look well on ye, Mistress.”

  Elizabeth felt her heart do a little flip at his compliment. No, this is exactly what he wants to do! Make me feel that he is charming and give myself to him!

  Her plan to stay strong faltered at a new distraction. She could see a tiny scar at the side of his right eye. Why did I not notice that last night? She mused but then shook it off once again.

  “Ah, thank you. Now, I must—”

  “Mistress, I—” Liam said at the same time, but then stopped. They stood staring at one another for a moment. Elizabeth saw something flash in his eyes quickly, but then it disappeared.

  “Elizabeth!” Charlotte called from the doorway, and both of their heads turned to her. “Ah good, you have given Li
am his elixir. Charlotte crossed her arms. “How do you feel now?”

  Liam took another long sip. Elizabeth swallowed too as she watched the way his large Adam’s apple bobbed as he did so. Even his neck is alluring. Elizabeth! You should be ashamed!

  Liam sighed. “Ye are a miracle worker, lass. I feel almost human again and not so much like a beast.” At his mention of the word beast, his eyes slid over and captured Elizabeth’s. She knew he was referencing last evening, and she thought earlier he had perhaps been on the cusp of an apology, but Charlotte had interrupted them.

  His gaze did not go unnoticed by Charlotte. She smiled. “Good. Now perhaps you can be of some use to us.”

  Liam pretended to look hurt. “And here I thought that me handsome and charming presence was useful enough.” He finished the rest of his tea bowl in one long gulp and handed it back to Charlotte. “I wish we had a healer like ye years ago.”


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