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Seduction in the Highlands: By choosing him she loses her inheritance, by leaving him she brakes her heart...

Page 16

by Kendrick, Kenna

  John nodded with satisfaction. He had done his lairdly duty. He had put the clan first and asked for other money-making opportunities even if it wasn’t the thing that was most in his mind. He was glad that business was over, for he wanted to discuss Elizabeth, anything to do with Elizabeth, and what consumed her time and mind. It was a subject endlessly fascinating to him.

  But before he could put forth any questions, Elizabeth said kindly, “You are most wise to align with the MacLeans to help their fortunes, John. I know that with Julia’s help, they have come far from what they once were.”

  “’Twas a sad thing tae behold. I can say that now that we are in alliance taegether, and I would consider us friends, even if perhaps our clans are nae. Calum lost his wife tae an English soldier many years ago. Since then, he had let the clan go tae ruin. But finding Julia breathed new life intae the lad. It changed everything. I cannae take all the credit.”

  General Andrews smiled. “A woman always does.”

  John’s eyes were on Elizabeth, feeling heat running through his body. She looked up at him, her blue eyes glimmering. He said, “Aye. ‘Tis true, Sir.”

  A moment passed, and John tried to read her face but found he couldn’t. He needed a chance alone with her to see how she felt about him and to make her understand that what he felt for her was not just a passing fancy. He wanted her more with each day. He wanted her to become his Lady. Lady of the Campbells, even if his parents might roll in their graves at the thought of an English daughter-in-law.

  General Andrews suddenly clapped his hands. “My friends! What do you say to a party, or a gathering, if you will, here at the Fort? We can invite everyone from Duart who Charlotte and Julia wish to come and anyone from your clan you wish to invite. Since you are in business together, it would not be inappropriate. It might even help to endear some of the other not so happy clan members to us.”

  John brightened. This would give him the chance he needed. “I think ‘tis a delightful idea, Sir. What do ye think, Lady Elizabeth?”

  Unfortunately, Elizabeth looked a little bit green at the idea, but she did her best to smile pleasantly. “That sounds wonderful, General. When would you like the party to happen?”

  “We shall consult with Charlotte tomorrow, and then we will set on a date. Think about who you would like to invite, John. Oh, what a party we shall have! The King would approve most heartily, for he hopes to create more amicable relations with the Scots and hopes there will be a sort of alliance between our country and yours.”

  “Aye, I will do just that, Sir.” John’s mind was filling with ideas. Finlay would be happy to come, and he could invite a few others, but he wouldn’t want the party to be just men. He might call upon his aunt and female cousins, who would be most happy to be given an excuse to accept an invitation for an English party.

  The food arrived, and they all tucked in, silent as they ate. John couldn’t help but keep his eyes from Elizabeth, hoping he would get a chance to ask for a private moment. Surely the General wouldn’t see any harm in that? They made pleasant conversation about the weather, the life back in England, and how Duart had progressed. John did not want to say too much about how his clan secretly hoped to gain more footing with the English, leaving other clans behind in the dust, even if he wasn’t sure that was the right way to go anymore. He hoped that one day he could help to cure them of this notion.

  General leaned back once he was finished and sighed loudly with contentment. “Now, I say, since we have finished, you both should go for a long walk.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes opened wide, and her mouth opened to make a retort, but the General continued. “Do not worry about its propriety. There are eyes everywhere, and soldiers can tell me if anything untoward goes one.” He winked at John.

  “But, I am too old to partake in delights such as a walk with two such vigorous young people. Now, go. As a general, I command you! The day is too lovely to leave behind.”

  John stood. “Thank ye, Sir. I would be most obliged tae accompany Lady Elizabeth.” He looked in her direction, hoping for a bit of encouragement from her end.

  She gathered her cape around her, tying it again around her neck. She was looking at General Andrews and not him. “Yes, Sir. You are correct. The day is quite lovely, and the meal has strengthened me for another walk.”

  Another walk? Where could she have gone? Suddenly, John found himself overwhelmingly suspicious of her words. What walk? Had she walked on Mull before coming here? Surely not, for it was way too early. Or had she walked here around Fort William before entering the building? Again, that did not seem likely. The walk from the shoreline to the Fort could hardly be considered exercise, and so, he found himself utterly curious about what she meant. He would ask her as soon as they were alone.

  “Enjoy yourselves, my young ones. Now, Elizabeth, I do hope you shall stay the evening. Since Charlotte has gone, I have not enough people to play whist, so I dearly miss it. Will you stay to play with the other soldiers who deign to do so and me?”

  John replied a little too eagerly. “I could also stay tae join the game, Sir if ye will allow me.”

  General Andrew’s mouth opened in a wide grin. “But of course! You shall also stay. We can discuss the party plans further. I am too excited that I shall speak to the cook as soon as you are gone to warn her of our future endeavors! Go now, go!”

  John nodded and offered his arm to Elizabeth, who took it without looking at him, sliding her hand timidly through his arm. They walked on silently for a few moments as they left the earshot of the soldiers outside the fort and headed towards the shoreline. “Is there someplace ye most wish tae walk, Elizabeth?”

  “I do enjoy the shoreline. Let us go there if it pleases ye.”

  He leaned just a little bit closer to her. “What pleases ye, pleases me, lass. And, if ye dinnae mind me asking, are ye all right? Are ye feeling well? I dinnae mean tae presume, but I feel that ye are nae yerself this morning.”

  He could not resist asking. His mind was going mad with all the questions he had about her. Was this what love was? An illness? He thought it was most polite to ask in general about her welfare. She sighed loudly in response. “I am sorry, John. I do not wish to be rude or tiresome. I think I am simply feeling unwell. There is a lot on my mind of late, and I think that it is showing too much in my expression. Do forgive me.”

  He was heartened by the tightening of her arm on his. “Ye have given me such relief. I feared I had done something or said something tae displease ye.”

  Elizabeth shook her head, but he felt that she was avoiding his eyes. “No, certainly not.”

  “Where did ye walk this morning, lass?” The question came out more abruptly than he’d wanted it to. He winced as he waited for her reply, chiding himself with his boyish haste. When had he ever acted this way before?

  She spoke quickly, her eyes moving from side to side. “Well, I walked from the boat to the Fort.”

  He nodded, hoping to make her feel more comfortable, but instead, feeling deep down that she kept something from him. “Och, I see. I thought only that perhaps ye had walked on Mull afore ye came to the Fort, and that was why ye mentioned it tae the General.” Damn it. He was blathering on like a jealous fool. What did it matter what the lass did with her time? She was not his. She was not under his control or jurisdiction, not that she ever would be, but at least if they were married, he would have cause to ask such questions.

  He found himself in an unknown land, trying to navigate strange waters. A woman had never made him feel so weak and vulnerable. He felt open to attack from any side, and he wanted to protect himself as best he could. It was the way of a Highlander. He was trained to fight and trained to defend himself. And now, a woman who had come from a strange land was making him feel like all his training had been done for naught.

  He decided to change the subject. “Are you any more certain of how long ye will stay in the area?”

  They walked on along the water, and Elizabeth o
ften kept her eyes out across the Sound. Was she desirous of returning there? Desirous for Liam? He couldn’t help but feel jealousy roil in his stomach at the thought. Had she already given her heart or even more to the man? He clenched his fist at the thought of Liam touching her when he knew that Liam could never commit to any woman for a lifetime.

  Elizabeth shrugged, but then she seemed to gain back a little of her old brightness and energy. Perhaps the walk was doing her body and mind good. “Let us walk nearer to the woods, John. I think it will be nice to take in both settings when the sun is at such a beautiful spot in the sky.”

  Smiling, he nodded and pulled her arm so that her body faced the woods. He decided to forget the fact that she did not answer his question with words. Perhaps it was too painful for her to discuss. Instead, he said, “I am yer servant, lass. Ye may bid me tae do just as ye please.”

  “Is that so, John?” John almost sighed with relief. Her teasing voice was back. So he had not done anything wrong after all. Perhaps it was just a brief moment of having much on her mind, as she said.

  They walked a few moments towards the woods, each commenting on the loveliness of the space. Elizabeth told him how much she loved Scotland for its beauty, and it gave his heart hope for the future. “Would ye consider staying forever in the area if ye could?”

  Her eyes went a little dreamy. “I would like to still visit England, of course. There are still distant relatives and old friends, and I confess I would miss London if I had left it forever. But it is not a home for me. To me, Scotland has begun to feel like a true home, and so if it was under my power, I would consider staying.”

  Her words made his heart soar with glee. His future could be sealed, and Elizabeth Darling would make him the happiest man in the world. He would give anything to make Scotland and the Campbell castle home for her. He was certain the clan would love her in time. But what could be holding her back? Why was it not within her power? Was it only because she did not have a man who wished to claim her as his own?

  He wanted to speak, to spew his river of feelings and ideas forth, but as soon as they stepped inside the border of trees, and he glanced down at her golden hair in the lovely sunlight, he felt that perhaps actions were better than words at that moment. Elizabeth freed her arm from his and turned to face him, looking up at him with curiosity.

  Before he could stop himself with thoughts of fear or hesitation, he leaned down and placed his lips upon hers. With the feel of her mouth and the lovely, fresh scent of her, he was suddenly plunged into a heavenly dream. But neither of them noticed the pair of eyes not far away, watching them with a smirk.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Elizabeth wasn’t sure what surprised her more. The fact that John had kissed her or the fact that she did not immediately push him away. It was similar to the feeling of the previous evening, where she had clasped onto Liam’s hand and pulled him towards the stairwell, but there was something else in it this time. She was worried that it was borne out of sheer fatigue and fear of what John might say next once they pulled apart.

  John’s arms were hugged around her tightly, and he held onto her face. In his kiss, she could feel the slight bristle of an unshaven beard on his skin. He smelled woody and leathery like he had just finished working, and once the smell filled her senses, she found she rather enjoyed it. His lips were different than Liam’s, a little thinner, but they were strong yet gentle.

  His mouth opened and begged hers to do also, and she did, allowing him to gently explore her with his tongue. She timidly explored back, not wanting to think about the wantonness of it all, to kiss a man in broad daylight once again! She suddenly felt lifted up off the ground a little, John’s arms around her waist, holding her firmly. His kisses took an even more sensual turn, attempting to strum at the strings of her desire. She imagined that she would not be opposed to his lovemaking, but she knew it would not be right to continue, not with what she knew now deep inside of her.

  Elizabeth pulled away abruptly, and John looked down at her with surprise. His blue eyes were fiery, and he was attempting to catch his breath. Elizabeth’s mouth was swollen, especially after feeling her way along the stubble surrounding his lips. His husky voice said, “I am sorry, lass. I shouldnae have kissed ye as I did. It was nae very gentlemanly of me. I just couldnae contain meself there for a moment.” He released her from his grasp, and she took a step back.

  Elizabeth blushed and wished she could look anywhere else but at his face, a heavy mask of desire when her own had so quickly cooled. He continued, “However, I am afraid that if we continued, something more would happen, and I dinnae think it wise. Nae yet.”

  Before, Elizabeth would have wondered with curiosity what the man could have meant, but now, she blushed even more, feeling a slight pang of guilt that she did know. She knew very well what he meant. The image of Liam’s thick member standing erect came to her mind, and her core tingled at the memory of it being inside of her, bringing a wave of pleasure to her body.

  She smoothed her hands down her dress. “Of course, John. I do not hold it against you. You are entirely forgiven.” She tried to smile. What else could she possibly say to the man standing before her, his eyes full of lust and affection?

  Unfortunately, she realized she did have to be grateful to John for his boldness. He had helped her complete Charlotte’s advice. She had now been able to compare John’s kiss and touch with Liam’s, and even though John was looking down on her with pleasure and satisfaction, she knew now, deep in her core, that John’s kiss had come up wanting. It was Liam she truly wanted and more than just physically.

  “I am glad for that.” John lifted his fingertips to her cheek, and Elizabeth nearly wanted to cry. But instead of revealing what she’d discovered in her words or in her expression, she pulled John’s arm and slid hers through it again.

  “Come, let us return to General Andrews. He will be wondering about us, I am sure, and we can help him decide as many party matters as he wishes to discuss.” John nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer.

  She was grateful. This was not the time to talk about it, not when her heart was beating wildly with her new knowledge. It brought a wave of new emotions and new concerns… new thoughts for the future, new little seedlings of hope that she would not cultivate. Right then, she had to shove everything aside and proceed normally, or as normal as she could. Back at the Fort, they had other matters to attend to, and she would have to play the perfect guest until she could leave tomorrow morning back to Duart and back to Liam.

  * * *

  Dearna burst into Brea’s room at the madam’s house, trying to catch her breath. Brea was in front of her looking-glass, washing her face. She yelled out, “Dearna! What if I had a customer?”

  “This early? Surely not.” Dearna waved aside her friend’s remonstrances. “Brea, there is news. I saw something with my very own eyes that I knew ye had tae hear about!”

  Brea turned, her head slightly bent, watching Dearna with interest. Last night had been only a slight success. She had been able to dampen at least some of Liam’s hopes for Elizabeth, if not hopefully erasing them altogether. But with this new news, maybe there was hope for more?”

  Brown-haired and doe-eyed, Leyla peeked into the room and crossed her arms. “What is going on here, ladies? Some new gossip tae discuss?”

  Dearna pulled Leyla inside. “Leyla, ye will want tae hear this too. Brea, ‘tis of the bonny lass ye spoke of, who was taking Liam from ye, or so ye thought.”

  Brea threw Dearna a dark look. She wished her friend and colleague would not be so free with her personal information. “Go on, then, what about it?”

  Dearna took a deep breath and looked at them both. “Well, there is bad news, and there is good news. I will let ye know both, but ye have tae understand that first.”

  Brea was losing patience. She placed her hairbrush down on the table and turned fully around to face Dearna. “Come now. We havenae all day tae listen tae yer prattle!”

  Dearna grimaced at her friend. “Well, I just saw something this afternoon, and I was so shocked that I stayed longer tae watch, just tae make sure I had the information correct.”

  Leyla and Brea looked at each other and then said in unison, “What?!”

  Dearna folded her hands on her lap to contain the words from flowing out of her rapidly. “I saw that lass of yorn and John Campbell kissing in the woods as if there were nae days on Earth left tae them!”

  Brea paused, trying to digest the words carefully. She turned them over and over in her mind, wondering if it was possible. “So, it is true? My plan worked?” Her excitement was budding. Surely if John and Elizabeth were joining together, Liam would have no reason not to return to her. She could have Liam to herself again and be rid of that Sassenach once and for all.


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