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Below the Moon

Page 33

by Alexis Marie Chute


  The magic in the world of Jarr and on the island of Jarr-Wya. According to the secret history of the Olearons, as told by a Steffanus, Naiu was a flying being and created all worlds and all time, which extended its power to each of its creations. Naiu crashed onto Jarr-Wya and, before it died, fused with a human child, creating a new race called the Steffanus.


  An Olearon warrior and brother of Azkar and Kameelo, and deceased siblings Olen (OH-len) and Eek (EE-k). Nameris discovered his power—the ability to tell if someone speaks the truth—after visiting the man-spider Rolace with Arden, who at the same time transformed into Ardenal. Nameris is often grumpy and skeptical, yet he possesses great wisdom about Jarr-Wya: its terrain and size, its weather patterns, history, and races.


  Older sister of Luggie and a Bangol princess. Nanjee was favored by her father, King Tuggeron, and was skilled at penmanship and therefore tasked with recording the Bangol history—Tuggeron’s part of it—in ornate books. It was one of these books that Nanjee and Luggie gave to Ella. Nanjee was wounded and later killed, and is deeply missed by Luggie.


  A brown-eyed, blond-haired, tattooed sailor who captained the ship named the Atlantic Odyssey. Theatrical in his gestures, he loves to tell stories. He is young, brave, and flirtatious. He is not afraid to make known his feelings for Tessa and has vowed to protect her and her daughter, Ella.


  The magical grapes grown by the sprites, each variety with its own unique color, shape, leaves, smell, and magical power. There are ohmi to aid sleep, to be used in jokes, to enhance night vision, and for other useful purposes. The Life Ohmi is the most prized and protected as it is the seed of new life and represents the future of the sprites.


  A race of creatures on Jarr-Wya with red skin, full black eyes, and dark Mohawks with adorned dreadlocks. They can release fire from the backs of their necks and envelop their whole bodies in flame. Their warriors wear royal-blue jumpsuits and, in addition to their fire, wield weapons made of glass. They are ruled by the Lord and Maiden of Olearon. Olearons live in western Jarr-Wya in the glass city.


  A giggly and fun-loving sprite. Her twin brother is Quillie, and unlike most sprites, their wings are identical in their Naiu patterns. Sprites do not typically have more than one baby at a time, though their gestation period is a mere sixty-seven sunsets. Pinne has shaped her reddish-orange hair into the shape of a flower.


  A handsome middle-aged sprite, twin brother of Pinne and male attendant of Queen Jeo, from whom Quillie learns all the news of sprite royalty. Quillie is pregnant with a child, as it is the male sprites who carry their children until birth; the women are the better gardeners and refuse to give up their passion for the vineyard.


  A huge spider with twelve hairy legs and the head of an elderly man. He uses the enchantment of Naiu, found in the Banji flowers, to spin a cocoon around an individual to expose his or her unique powers, but only if the will is strong and the heart is brave. Rolace died at the hand of vengeful Valarie.


  A white wolf-like creature the size of a bear. Since the arrival of the Star, sasars no longer have a sense of smell and must use sound and touch to hunt their prey, primarily the huppers and the cradle birds.


  The mysterious ocean off the west coast of Jarr-Wya, near the Olearons’ glass city. Those who venture far on its waters never return.


  A square of Naiu-infused glass that responds to touch, revealing writing in one’s own language. Archie discovered it in a hidden compartment of the Lord of Olearon’s glass throne. The historical record documents the 30th Lord’s private search to understand why many of the public records, especially those of the 29th Lord, have been destroyed. Archie was discovered with the secret history by the Maiden of Olearon before her death. She confiscated it, threatening to scorch him, and the glass was lost to the sea—or so everyone believed. Luggie found the secret history and keeps its knowledge to himself.


  The leader of the Millia sands and spokesman on behalf of the evil race. He wears a crown and breastplate made of shells that are still inhabited by their sea creatures. Selfish and consumed with desire for the Star, Senior Karish strikes deals that bend in his favor.


  A creature of Jarr-Wya’s sea, a shellark has the smooth grey skin of a large swimming mammal but carries a tall twisted shell on its back. Shellarks may curl themselves into these shells and sit dormant at the bottom of the sea, only to unfurl in their hunting seasons. During these times, their kills stain the water with blood as the shellarks gnaw their prey with rows of dagger-sharp teeth. They have no allegiances, though the Millia wish to employ the shellarks’ strong bite in their favor. Their shells, at their death, are transformed into the Millia sands.


  A petite flying being about four inches tall. Sprites live in the Fairy Vineyard on Jarr-Wya where they harvest ohmi grapes. They have the hind legs of grasshoppers, allowing them to jump far, though with delicate padded feet. Their femurs jut backward, thick with strong muscles under their shiny skin, and their thin tibias are covered in bristles that help the sprites catch themselves on leaves, vines, and trees. Their legs are hidden under clothing made of creased leaves, flower petals, and the shed wings of murdered awakin butterflies. They have one palm-sized wing growing out of each shoulder blade. Each wing is nearly transparent and sparkles with Naiu as if sprinkled with stars that make up tiny constellations, each configuration unique. The wings of the sprites glow in the night and they tell each other apart by these glittering patterns. Their skin is a pale sea-foam green, their eyes are chestnut and sprinkled with blue like rain on bark, and their wild, thick, and tangled rusty-colored hair is braided into ornate and regal headpieces of winding shapes. Sprites do not choose one partner. They are all family, living and working together, sharing roles.


  Five thousand sunsets past, the Star flew through the sky, heading for Jarr-Wya, which it chose to spare. Instead it crashed into the ocean, coming to rest beneath the island. The shellarks’ love of it turned them evil, forming the Millia sands. Much plant life and many creatures have been altered by it; the island has not been the same ever since. Everyone is searching for the Star, but each for their own distinct purposes.


  A she-race created by the fusion of a human girl and a magical being, Naiu, at its death. They have large wings that extend out from their backs, antlers from their heads, and skin that shines silver. Their weapons are long daggers with gold coiling handles. They collect gold and silver—particularly buttons, brooches, and beads—and have a fascination with traveling to Earth, which they do by building Tillastrions. They can operate Tillastrions on their own, drawing on both their human and Jarrwian identities. They have serpentine tails, but these they keep private.


  A Steffanus sister who wears flowing red garments and has squinty, judgmental eyes. She has transported herself between Jarr and Earth many times, and with each portal jump, she grows in foresight and doom. She is suspicious, looming, and razor sharp. There is not even the smallest trace of humor in her, and she is guarded and protective of those she loves and of her home.


  As a young Olearon, before becoming the 29th Lord, Telmakus was brave, determined, and foolhardy after love. He was later corrupted by the demands of his reign and his thirst for power. He killed his brother, Dil
lmus (Pronounced: dill-MUS), and lost control of his fire and the glass throne. His death is shrouded in mystery.


  A Seattle nurse with long blond hair, green eyes, and a feminine style. Wife of Arden, mother of Ella, and daughter-in-law of Archie. She is the sole breadwinner and caregiver for her family since Arden’s disappearance two years before. She is stubborn and passionate, with a quick tongue and an unbreakable motherly love, though she often gives off an air of suspicion. Tessa is an orphan, raised in a dysfunctional foster family, though these are secrets she has told no one. She had scoliosis as a child—a crooked back—and underwent surgery leaving two scars, one on each of her shoulder blades. Within the web of man-spider Rolace, Tessa gained the power of telepathy, though it is a skill yet to be honed. It has allowed mental conversation between Tessa and Ella, which has proven helpful on their quest but also a channel for arguments between mother and daughter.


  A portal jumper between one magic-filled world to its connecting, derivative dimension. Two beings are required for the device to function: one to build it and the other to operate it. The one who builds it must be from the world the pair wishes to reach; the one who operates it must be from the world they wish to depart.


  Zeno’s shop in Mercado Artesanal Plaza Haria, on the island of Lanzarote. There the banished Bangol sold antique jewelry, baubles, lamps, and furniture before transporting back to Jarr-Wya with Archie. It is a small building with a zigzagging crack and is squished between two larger storefronts.


  The murderous current king of the Bangols, and father of Luggie and Nanjee. He is a fat, selfish Bangol who wields a stone mallet and desires dominion over Jarr-Wya—and beyond. He lusts for immortality and, most of all, for the Star. He wears a sleeveless outfit of brown and grey fabrics, decorated with animal hides.


  The spunky brunette cruise director of the Constellations Cruise Line’s ship the Atlantic Odyssey. She was the scorned lover of Captain Nathanial “Nate” Billows. After a challenging youth, she became jaded and spiteful. After her death within Rolace’s web, her wicked spirit was hosted in millions of carakwas that linked together to form one massive monster. Valarie attacked the Bangol bridges over the eastern sea, desiring to kill Ella and Tessa most of all, as she believed the blond passenger had stolen Nate from her. The hive mind carakwa monster was defeated by the Maiden’s blast.


  A loaf of square-shaped bread made from the Olearons’ harvest. It is grainy, pale yellow like corn bread, and dry.


  Twin brother of Zeno and blood co-heir to the Bangol kingship. The twins were banished to Earth by Tuggeron, but Winzun found a way back when Arden Wellsley came looking for the magical island. Unfortunately for Winzun, he was murdered by Tuggeron upon his return to Jarr-Wya.


  The silvery drink of the Olearons, given to strengthen the weak or weary, and consumed at times of celebration. It can produce a drunken effect in the young.


  A young Steffanus, too trusting and awestruck. She was birthed from the last group of blossoms and is a fearsome 3,761 sunsets old, which is approximately ten human years. Xlea is perceptive, fearless, and friendly. She and Duggie-Sky are instant friends. Her wings are the color of a pale newborn rainbow, and her robes flow in yellows and greens. In a side pouch she carries a worn paper journal bursting with drawings, writing, scraps, mementos, and dried flowers from her travels to Earth.


  A trusted henchmen-warrior to the 30th Lord of Olearon. He is diligent in following orders and unafraid to confront an enemy.


  A Bangol and rightful co-heir to the throne. He and his twin brother, Winzun, were banished to Earth by Tuggeron, a wicked Bangol who killed the twins’ father to become king himself. Winzun helped Arden—Ardenal—travel to Jarr-Wya. When Archie discovered Zeno, who was operating a trinket shop called Treasures in Lanzarote on Earth, Zeno was ready to say and do whatever it took to return home. Zeno is often conflicted between doing what he wants and what is right, and is curious to learn from Archie how kings in the human world earn the love of their people. One of Zeno’s closest confidants is his clumsy cousin, Borgin.

  The Olearon Alphabet

  The Bangol Alphabet

  Family Tree of the Lords of Olearon

  Decoder Challenge

  Decipher the language and the words. Email the decoded message to to receive a secret clue to an important revelation for book three in The 8th Island Trilogy.


  Being an Artist requires extreme support from a massive number of people. It’s not for the faint of heart.

  Aaron Chute, you are my rock when life gets crazy (and it always is, isn’t it?). Thank you for all the sacrifices, pep-talks, and belief in my stories. Hannah, Zachary, Eden, Luca; I love you to the moon and back. You four are my sun, my moon, and all my stars. Thank you for letting me be a big kid alongside you. To my parents: thank you for teaching me to never give up and walking with me on the bad days, as well as the good. I am truly blessed.

  There are friends in my life who are on the front lines with me—proofreading manuscripts, writing reviews, making movies, attending launches, brainstorming, humoring my wackiest ideas, doing the grunt work before the glamour, and pouring me a glass of wine at the end of the day. Phew! That’s a lot! Special thanks to Tom Lim, Candace Forget, and Melissa Baker. To all my forever-friends—you know who you are—thank you so much.

  Thank you to my publishing team: to Lauren Wise and Brooke Warner at SparkPress; to my editor, Caroline Kaiser; to all my early readers; and to my publicists, Leslie Barrett and Marika Flatt. Big gratitude to my kick-ass Street Team—I love you all! Thank you to the actors, musicians, photographers, videographers, and editors that brought the book trailer to life. We made magic together! To my tireless assistant Brooke Gander: I look forward to taking over the world with you. You are immensely appreciated.

  To my readers: Thank you for reading and sharing my books, and for your emails and social love. We are not on this journey alone, and I’m grateful for you. No matter what you’re facing, you are brave and strong. I believe in you.

  A Note from the Author

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for portal jumping with me to Jarr-Wya! If you enjoyed the journey we have taken together, please send a note to, as I would love to hear from you. For free downloads of Ella’s drawings, wallpapers for your phone and computer, discount codes, secret chapters, character profiles, book tour info, and more, please visit:

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  Thank you!

  Alexis Marie Chute

  Abouot the Author

  Alexis Marie Chute is an award-winning author, artist, filmmaker, curator, and inspirational speaker. Her memoir, Expecting Sunshine: A Journey of Grief, Healing, and Pregnancy After Loss, was a Kirkus Best Book of 2017 and has received many other literary awards. Expecting Sunshine is also a highly acclaimed feature documentary film produced and directed by the author. The film screened around the world in 2018. She is also the author of the epic fantasy adventure series called The 8th Island Trilogy. Above the Star, Book 1, was released in 2018, and Below the Moon, Book 2, in 2019. Inside the Sun, Book 3, will hit bookstore shelves in 2020. Alexis Marie holds a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Art and Design and a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. She is an internationally exhibited painter and photographer, curator of the InFocus Photography Exhibition, and a widely published writer of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Alexis Marie is passion
ate about creative living and coined the term, “The Healthy Grief Movement.” She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and teacher across all her artistic and healing disciplines. In her spare time, she loves traveling, reading, canoeing, paddleboarding, sharing thoughtful conversations with friends—old and new—and spending time with her family. Alexis Marie lives in snowy Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with her husband Aaron and their three living children.

  Connect with Alexis Marie Chute




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  TWITTER: @_Alexis_Marie




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