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Page 5

by Douglas E Roff

  “Just so you know, Helena has no earth-shattering issues with Adam or Edward, so I’m really your only audience.”

  “I know. But you cannot understand Edward without first understanding Adam. If you don’t mind, let’s start there.”

  “Actually, could you tell us a little more about you, and Edward and you, and Adam. Then tells us whatever you want that will help us understand Edward.”

  Then our story begins in Athens Greece some years ago.

  Chapter 6

  Marcus gave the ladies, and Octavio, who had just joined them after a fitful sleep, as much of the details of the events in Athens, Edward’s background with Bethy McQueen, and Adam’s various tales of rage as a child. The ladies were shocked and, although Octavio pretended to be so, he wasn’t. Bella thought these tales were anecdotal and probably carefully selected for presentation today but Marcus assured her that was not the case. He also emphasized he was not telling tales to change anyone’s minds, just to provide a fuller picture.

  “I want to start however, with Edward. Not with his own strange brand of rage, but what Edward is really like. How Maria, and Agustin got involved with him. And why some thirty years later they are still a family, not one rooted in blood, but in love.”

  Bella bore an expression of indifference and doubt.

  Marcus explained Edward’s life from adoption through college, then told the story of Anna’s death. He mentioned the trip taken by Carlos, and Edward to LA when Edward finally caught up with the assassin. He left out no details, and had no problem giving his opinion that what Edward had done was wrong, monstrous, and indefensible. Had he been given the assignment to chase the killer, Marcus said, friend or no friend, he would have hunted Edward down, and arrested him.

  Bella asked, simply, “Then why didn’t you. You’re FBI. Surely you had the authority.”

  “I did not in fact have the authority but I could have reported it. My information was hearsay on hearsay, and there were no witnesses. And, it was always possible that it was just plain fiction; something to bolster his rep in certain quarters.”

  Bella asked, “And what do you believe?”

  “I believe my close friend, and confidant is a ruthless, cold blooded killer. But I also believe he would never harm anyone who didn’t already merit the punishment received at his hands. Edward, and, for that matter Adam, are occasionally ‘Old Testament’ Christians while at the same time trying to live their lives as “New Testament” Christians. It is - right or wrong - how I choose to think of them.”

  “OK.” Bella looked at Octavio as if asking whether any of this was true or at least known to him. Octavio smiled, then turned away.

  “The two stories I wish to relate to you today are about the Seattle part of the family, the Eight Families. One deals with Misti, Adam’s wife, the other with Misti’s father Carlos, and the rest of the Aunts, and Uncles, Tias and Tios, nieces and nephews, and all those who first chose to come to Seattle first, as well as those who came after.

  “Edward’s best friend, some say his only real friend, is Carlos Alarcon. Carlos is Misti’s father, and Soledad Alarcon, God rest her soul, was Misti’s mother. She passed while Misti was still in college, and to be fair, viscerally hated Edward. She wasn’t the only family member to doubt and dislike Edward, but the haters are fewer now, at least as I understand it. When he helps family, as he often does, he helps all the family, not just some. Even the haters receive his help when needed, and he always does what he does anonymously, and has never made any family member ask him for anything. He finds out, then he does what he believes he needs to do. Nobody asks, nobody thanks. Edward said that’s what God, his God, requires of him. To do good for the sake of good, not for thanks, not for admiration, not for fame or advantage. But because it is the right thing to do.”

  “Correct,” said Octavio. “The women refrain from discussing him, and the men are content to have him live in Barrows Bay. There are a few who love him as a brother, a kooky brother, and he is a frequent guest in their homes.”

  “How does Edward find about all this do-gooding if he doesn’t ask, and either does the person in need?

  “First, Edward, and Adam’s Mom, Maria, talk to a lot of the family every week, ask how things are going, how everyone is doing, is everyone otherwise OK. The answer is always yes, but what happens afterward, if it isn’t, is that the Tias call Maria, and Maria whispers in Edwards ear. Sometimes it’s getting a child into Sacred Heart Catholic School, and paying their tuition, sometimes it’s keeping a child from going to jail. Sometimes it’s a reward for kids who work hard in school to go with family on vacation somewhere. Sometimes it’s college or college tuition or a favor. Edward never forgets a birthday, a christening, a quinceanera, a wedding or a graduation. He always comes home to Seattle, and he’s always there in time. In the back of the room, maybe for just a short while, and then he’s gone.”

  Bella asked, “Quinceanera?”

  Octavio answered, “For girls turning fifteen, a coming of age party we do in Mexico.”

  “Sorry, go on.”

  “Sometimes it’s straightening out a kid who needs to be reminded of the meaning, and value of family.” Marcus looked at Octavio.

  Octavio said, “Uncle Edward used to call me occasionally when I was home on leave with a request or two.”

  “Like what?”

  “My little cousin Manny was fifteen or sixteen when he started hanging out with some kids, maybe not bad kids, but kids with an attitude. Edward always used to say to all of us in the Eight Families that there are three important things in life: God, Church and family. In Edwards case, it was God and family, but that’s a story for another day. Anyway, Manny was out of control, and disrespecting his mother and father. He would say and do hurtful things. His parents couldn’t control him it seemed.”

  “What happened?”

  “Manny was a good kid who was testing boundaries, and letting his hormones get the best of him. He straightened out, though a trip down to Seattle by Adam was required to teach one extra lesson. Cousin Adam is really, and I mean this sincerely, a sweet guy. OK, there are worms in his head, which he will fully and freely admit. But deep down he wants what his father wants – a big, raucous, and happy family. Adam believes in his father’s Big Three, even more than his Dad but Edward believes you must tow the line, get an education and, above all, do everything you can for family. Edward says it’s how we get through life.”

  Octavio paused, “Edward is in no way related to me or anyone else in our family except to his only child, Adam. He understands the difference between friendship, and family, but he told us all a long time ago that there is the family you are born to, the one you cannot choose, and the family you can choose. Edward chose us, and we chose him. Yes, he’s occasionally crazy, occasionally a psycho, and occasionally cruel. But that’s only occasionally when he thinks his family is in danger. Then even I don’t understand the man who looks like my Uncle Edward. But when you are family, when you choose this family even if you don’t choose him, to him you are family with all the rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities. I can never find the words to express just how much he means to us, but he means everything. Even the haters will admit that.”

  Bella sat back on the couch, and asked Marcus to continue. “Unless you’re done.”

  Chapter 7

  Marcus cleared his throat. “One more story then we are almost done. Adam is like his father in one certain way, and in many more of course too. But this one way is that he stays in touch with friends, and family, and always remembers important things, events. Usually for him it’s just remembering a birthday or Christmas or something he knows is important to one of his friends. One of those friends was a girl he had a mad crush on in high school, a girl you may all know. April Mayes.”

  “She’s on a TV show,” said Helena. Bella frowned at her sister.

  Bella said, “I like TV. Wonderful human invention.”

  “Anyway, Adam and Apri
l used to study together, and hang out. Most of the kids in Barrows didn’t really like Adam much, but they never bothered him. Strange nerdy kid with the cool brother, Rod Suarez. But April seemed to get Adam, and the two were inseparable for the time she and her parents were at the Victoria Institute.

  “One Friday Adam stopped by to see April, but her mom said she had gone out to ‘wherever you kids go to ditch us parents’. Adam thought it odd, so he decided to go on home. Then he decided abruptly to turn around to take a quick look and see what was up. He knew the place April’s Mom mentioned and had been there many times himself. What he saw brought the ‘other’ Adam out, like the ‘other’ Edward that resides within his father.

  “There were a few kids from the school there, some new, and some long timers who knew Adam since kindergarten. One of the new kids, one of the jocks, had April pinned against a tree, not letting her move. She was in tears, asking him to please let her go.”

  The boy said, “That don’t work on me, and not out here fur sure. You can go when I’m done. And I ain’t done.”

  Adam stepped out from the trail. “Let her go, Jimbo. She asked you nicely, now do what she says.”

  The kids who knew Adam began backing away, the guys and the girls. The newbie guys who hung around with Jimbo started toward Adam.

  Adam said, “I don’t want any trouble, and there won’t be any trouble if you leave April alone, and back off. If you don’t I’m going to hurt, you and hurt you very badly. I don’t want to do that, but I will. Now let - her - go.”

  “You tellin’ me what to do here, nerd boy? You think you can make me do anything? I think you should make me leave this little tease alone. I mean you’re here, I’m here, and she’s, well she’s got nuthin’ to say in this. Come on, do your best.”

  The kids who knew Adam were trying to warn Jimbo and his friends to back off, and leave. This was getting out of hand way too fast, and they said Adam would hurt him, Jimbo, then his friends. He’d done it before and it never ended well. For the others.

  “You don’t look like much to me.” Jimbo’s friends laughed and waited for the beat down to begin.

  All Adam said was, “I warned you. Now you’re going to get a lesson in civility.”

  “Mighty big word for such a hot air pussy.”

  “Let’s get this over with so April, and I can study over at her house.” Adam looked over at Jimbo’s friends. “When Jimbo goes down, you should leave as fast as you can. If you don’t I’ll do to you what I’m going to do to him.”

  The two guys with Jimbo laughed, but the other kids started to walk away, down the path they took to get there in the first place.

  Jimbo threw the first punch, which Adam blocked then gave Jimbo a quick punch to the kidney. Jimbo stopped to collect his breath. Then he lunged, as if getting Adam on the ground was the key to success with a ground, and pound. Had he, Adam would have hurt him even more.

  Adam gave Jimbo a quick punch with his palm to his chin. Jimbo started bleeding.

  “You fuck, I’m bleeding. I’m gonna…”

  That’s as far as he got, as Adam kicked Jimbo in the stomach, doubling him over. Adam brought his knee up to Jimbo’s chin, and Jimbo went down hard. Adam them rolled him over, put him in an arm bar, and broke his arm at the elbow.

  Adam stood up and looked at Jimbo’s friends. They lunged at Adam, who avoided the charge; both teens went down hard, one after another. He broke one guy’s chin, and he choked the other guy out.

  Adam looked over at April, who was now the only remaining kid. Adam walked to her slowly.

  “Time to go. I’d like to go over that Algebra problem we worked on last week. I still don’t get differential equations, and I was hoping you would help me with it.”

  April said, “Are they going to be…”

  “Alright? Yeah, the other kids will know where to send the cops.”

  “You’ve done this before?”

  “Twice. Once for my little cousin Misti who was being … bothered by an older boy. And once to a bully who called my Mom a bad name. I don’t look for problems, but sometimes they just seem to find me. Now about that Algebra…”

  April, who was in shock, said, “Maybe we can just go sit on the swings at school before you take me home. I’m a little freaked.”

  “Sure. But you’re still gonna help me with my Algebra, right?”

  “If you want. Aren’t you, you know, a little…”

  “Tense, angry, pumped up? No, not really. He was bothering you, he wouldn’t quit, and he was rude to you, and to me. He got what he deserved. I would never hurt another kid who didn’t start something first. Ask around. The other kids will tell you. I’m a nerd, an unpopular nerd, but I’m not a bully, and I don’t start fights or push kids around. Honest. You’re totally safe around me. Unless you pick fights, and bully little kids.”

  April smiled, and hugged Adam. “Take me home, Nerdly McNerd. I haven’t swung on the swings for a while. Maybe we can talk a little, and then you can take me home.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  Chapter 8

  Bella started to stand up.

  “There’s more to the story,” said Marcus. “Then we’re done.”

  “After Hannah broke up with Adam, he mostly hung around in his bedroom, sat on the floor, and bounced a tennis ball against the wall. Edward told me he took at least one shower a week, and Edward was happy for that. He didn’t work, watch TV or listen to the radio. He stayed inside his head for weeks on end, until he finally hooked up with Misti months later.

  “One day he got a call from out of the blue, area code LA. It was April Mayes, she was in trouble, and could he come down south right away. She was afraid and didn’t know who else to call. He said sure, packed some things for a short stay, and drove to Victoria International where he caught a flight to LAX.

  “A couple of hours later he was knocking on the door of April’s condo. She opened the door, threw her arms around him, and quickly pulled him inside slamming the door behind them.

  “April, what the hey? Are you OK? You looked freaked, and I mean F-R-E-A-K-E-D.”

  “April was out of breath, and she was, in fact, totally freaked out. Something she thought she could handle; something she believed every woman has sadly had to handle far too often. For her, it had suddenly escalated. She explained about her job, her rise in Hollywood, and the sometimes very ugly part of men in the business. But this guy was different; he was careful, and practiced and until forty-eight hours ago, she did not understand the depth of his depravity.

  “OK,” Adam said calmly guiding April to her sofa. “Let’s begin in the beginning.”

  April looked calm on the outside, but inside she was frantic, scared, and at her wits end.

  April said, “I work for a production company, you know the one that produces the show I’m on for the network. Well it’s what I guess you’d call a family business; this guy’s dad is Roger Fenton, and his son, the guy I’m having a problem with, is Eli Fenton, the executive producer of the show. We shoot in Hollywood, and his dad runs the corporate side of the company from New York. Plus, Roger executive produces another show on cable based on life in New York City.”

  April took a deep breath.

  “Eli had nothing to do with hiring me for this character; for some reason that was his dad. In any event, things go well, my character is popular, and the show is going along smoothly. You know me Adam, I’m not all that with it, not sophisticated. I’m a girl from a college town in Wisconsin and, well, to be honest, I’ve only ever hooked up with a few guys in my entire life.”

  April stopped, and waited for Adam to catch up.

  “Oh. Oh, you mean…”

  “Yes, that’s what I mean. You’re still totally dense, aren’t you?”

  “I’d say no, but then you know me, so what would be the point of denying what’s obviously true.”

  “You still talk like that too, don’t you?”

  “Like what?”

“Never mind. So then, Eli starts dropping hints that he needs to see me, talk to me, go over some stuff, and spend some time together. Little light brush of my shoulder as he walks by, the stuff he says becoming increasingly more, you know, in poor taste. I still didn’t think much of it. But lately he’s become much more … aggressive. Vulgar and demanding. He’s told me to come to his office and … well, dress in a certain way. I said no.”

  “Isn’t there like an HR where you could complain? Go to the police?”

  “What good would that do with him. No phone calls, no written notes, no dinner dates, no hotel rooms. Really, I’m not sure I would believe it if it was some other woman. He doesn’t seem the type.”

  “Something happened.”

  “A girl from the show asked me what was wrong, why I wasn’t myself, and then asked if it was Eli. She said this had happened many times before, and the bastard, excuse my French, just gets away with it, over and over again.”

  “What’s changed?”

  “He said he’s coming over here. Tonight, and it’s time for me to pay up. Past due, and I had better be very, very friendly or things would get bad for me.”

  “Like what? You’re a star.”

  “Hardly. I have a good part on a good show. He could let me go, and it might be a problem for me getting work. He said if I caused any problems, complained or didn’t cooperate, he’d start the rumor mill up that I have a drug problem, or an alcohol problem, or I’m a nightmare to work with or something else that will make my life hard.”

  “I see. Is there something you want me to do, specifically, or just handle it?”

  “Neither; for now, I just want you to be here with me. He scares me, and he always travels with two guys. You remember, like that other guy back in Barrows.”

  Adam smiled, “Yeah him. Well, I’m here, I’ll stay here, and I guess we can wait to see if he shows up. Chances are he won’t but, if he does, we’ll tend to business.”


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