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Page 14

by Douglas E Roff

  “Where will you go?”

  “Even I don’t know that. We will find that out when we get there. Only Adam and Edward have all the details. But Abdul says we will all be free, and safe, and believes that this miracle is what Adam believes: it is the work of God, in whatever form God chooses to be revealed.”

  “And you? What do you believe?”

  “That we are fortunate to know Edward and Adam St. James. I will leave God to our Shamans.”

  Chapter 24

  The men eventually showed up, filthy from their “intense discussions of scientific principles”. The ladies would normally have had something to say, but not this day. They simply asked their men to wash up and return in an hour for dinner. There was much to discuss and they wanted to know everything. That Kendra was involved, and key to planning and logistics, was fine with them. Even keeping them in the dark was OK, including Misti. That the Old Man and his son could have pulled this off, whatever it was, well that was interesting too.

  They would keep their men up late into the night as they extracted details. How did Adam keep the ladies from knowing what was in his mind? How was it even possible? All the ladies, except Bunny, knew that Adam was far advanced in his mental development and abilities, but this only confirmed that he had made breakthroughs that he hadn’t shared with the coven.

  This wasn’t like him and the women were somehow both proud of and annoyed with Dr. Adam St. James. There was no anger, nor even resentment. They just wanted him to tell them everything, even when it meant danger.

  Adam, for his part would tell them everything this night. Almost. But his special burdens, those assigned him in Hawaii in what seemed like an eternity ago, he would reserve only for himself. The coven couldn’t assist him with what God had tasked him; they could only do their part and try to understand.

  And they did. On his personal torments, they could only soothe his mind and soul. On the weight of his fears about the future and his ability to endure more suffering and pain, they could do nothing. Adam revealed nothing and only spoke of what he was tasked to do, when he needed accomplish his tasks, and by what means. His personal goal was to relieve all the anxiety of the women who loved him.


  At the appointed hour, the men and women gathered in the main dining room, the servants dismissed for the evening, and removed from the Palace. Only the few most trusted remained, and they were sent outside to stand watch. The ladies of the Queen’s entourage were sent to their labs.

  As all were seated, Dr. Edward St. James suddenly appeared at the doorway, walked over to the table and took the empty seat next to Misti. He asked all believers in the room to say grace and utter a prayer for the safe undertaking of the tasks which would be revealed to all present that night.

  This was not the Edward his family knew. He prayed to his God; the Nabataeans to their pantheon.


  Misti tapped her water glass and spoke. “I know that what we will discuss tonight will be difficult for some of us to hear, and will cause me, and us, much anxiety. I understand that it might be better if those of us in the coven, except Kendra, remained ignorant of the dangers about to be undertaken. But I also know that the journey we’re taking was begun with eyes wide open. It is because of the faith we all share in each other that I know we will all remain strong, for those who will remain behind in mortal danger, and for those of us burdened to leave so soon with us. All of us here, the ladies of the coven, ask only for your honesty, and explain what the next five days hold for us all. We simply ask for the truth.”

  Edward spoke up. “We will tell you everything tonight, holding nothing back save what Adam reserves to himself. That’s the deal we all struck with him, and, though I wish I had never pledged that to him, I will keep my word. I expect everyone at this table to honor your commitment to Adam as Adam has always honored his to us. Do we all agree?”

  Heads nodded, though Alana and Hannah were last to assent, though assent they did. The room was suddenly dark, and the air heavy. No one spoke.

  Vera broke the silence. “The Queen, our hostess tonight, has promised, if we all behave and act very bravely, to tell us how she got her nickname: Bunny. I for one would rather die than to see any harm come to any of us, but I am also an insatiable busybody and gossip. So please, put on your brave faces while the guys and Kendra tell us their story. And cheer up. I’m still having sex tonight, so ponder that it may be with one of you and smile.”

  Abdul began.

  “First, I regret to inform you that our timetable has been moved up unexpectedly, and we must now act more swiftly than we had planned. This news comes from Edward and was just received. The Saudi military will be here in two days time and Adam’s, paramilitary has already landed on Nabataean soil. We will evacuate the entire Nabataean race and that process has already begun.”

  Adam spoke, “Then I am so very sorry, but Kendra and I must leave. I must ask The King and Queen to gather their children and household staff and meet at the entrance to the Palace.”

  He turned to his father and the coven. “Edward will tell you everything while we prepare to leave. Please gather with the Royal entourage where you will be safe. I am sorry I cannot come with you, but I am needed here, and time is short. Abdul? The wedding? Let’s get started.”

  “Our culture has no concept of marriage or divorce, we only recognize commitment, shared happiness and sorrow. So, although our ceremony would have been elegant had we time for it to take place, I will be brief. Within the Kingdom of Nabataea, the marriage of Adam and Misti St. James is dissolved. Do you both consent?”

  “We do.”

  “The marriage of Adam St. James to the six women here assembled in this room is hereby decreed by the King of Nabataea, Abdul Salman bin Aziz. Do you each consent?”

  Abdul smiled, and chuckled, “Ladies, this is where you can say no and find someone much better looking than this poor excuse for a mate.”

  They all nodded in agreement, saying then hugged, kissed and congratulated each other. To formalize, each said “I do,” simultaneously.

  “Then follow Bunny to the foyer and I will join you presently after I collect the children. You must all promise to care for them, as Bunny and I will remain with Adam and leave on the last transport. The safety of my subjects requires our solidarity with them here in our hour of need.”

  “I’m sorry, your Highness, but that will not be possible.” Two men stepped into the room, ushering three children who rushed to their mother and father. One was Octavio. The other was an Asian man in his early thirties, dressed in battle fatigues, and carrying an Uzi with a curved fifty bullet clip. He was tall for a Chinese man and had an air of confidence that commanded immediate respect.

  He said, “I too must apologize, but your Highness, your wife the Queen and your children will board the jet taking the ladies to safety in Qatar. I have my orders. We must leave at once.”

  “We will do no such thing,” shouted the King. “You have no authority here and we will remain as planned.”

  The man wore an impassive expression. “I have my orders. It would be best if you came with me. Now.”

  “Orders? Whose orders? You have no right …”

  Adam spoke up. “I’m sorry old friend but, they’re my orders. I would love to discuss this but, there is no time. You must leave and leave now. The Nabataean Kingdom will need its King and Queen, alive in a new land. This place is only sand and water. It will soon be stained with blood. It cannot be yours. For your family and for your people, I implore you to leave now.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  “Then my old friend Xin Lee will be forced to place you in irons, and forcibly remove you. This would frighten your wife and children, and upset my wives. Please Abdul, you must understand how much you mean to the future of your people and mankind. You are brave. You are the embodiment of Nabataean values and culture, the very bedrock of all that is Nabataea. But it will all be for naught if you and Bunny are dead. Plea
se say you will leave peacefully.”

  “I will but only because you give me no option.”

  He started to walk away.

  “But know this. I do not forgive you for your arrogance, and presumptuousness; you dishonor me. I thought you were my friend.”

  Abdul gathered his children and Bunny and, together with the ladies of the coven, walked toward the foyer along with Octavio, who remained silent, and impassive like his colleague.

  The Asian man turned to Noki and said, “This is not how I wished to meet you, Nocera Lee. Let me introduce myself. I’m your big brother, Xin.”

  He turned quickly as if to leave, then stopped and turned back. “And, by the way congratulations on your nuptials with Adam. He’s been a good friend, as has been his father. And congrats on your baby boy. Can’t wait to meet him. See you back at the Manor in a few days. Safe journey.”

  Adam’s powers have grown, she thought, well beyond hers, which were formidable. How else could her new husband have kept this little nugget from her. Misti, and Alana had already surmised that his skill for concealment from their mental probing was exceptional; they had broached the subject with him previously. He had not denied having such skill only that he had no way of knowing whether his was superior to theirs or simply more practiced.

  An elegant deception, she thought, but two can play at that game. Noki watched as her brother exited the front door with Octavio, and Adam, and disappeared into the night.

  Chapter 25

  Two black SUVs pulled up in front of the entrance to the Palace foyer and bid the assembled group, including Edward, to come with them. The charter jet was fueled and waiting. They would depart as soon as the last passenger was aboard, in this case a burly ex-Marine whose sole mission was to keep an eye on Abdul and prevent him from bolting.

  As soon as they had fastened their seatbelts for takeoff and put what little baggage they had away, Edward spoke up.

  “We owe you ladies and Abdul an explanation for what has just transpired, and to Noki for the surprise that shouldn’t have happened that way. We wanted to present your brother at the Nuptials Dinner, so you could get to know one another and hear his story. From him. This went all wrong in so many ways, but though we, I, bungled this series of events, our response was justified. I am truly sorry Abdul that you couldn’t stay along with Bunny, but one day you will forgive Adam, and understand he had the best interests of you and your people at heart.”

  “My people, Edward, will view me as a coward who fled at the first glimpse of danger. That sir is what my people will think of me. And I cannot say I blame them. Alive or dead, I should be with my people. And they should see me among them, calming their fears and leading them to safety. As we planned.”

  “All true Abdul and perhaps you, and Adam are both right and both wrong. But the decision was not made in a vacuum without consulting your family.”


  “Both of your brothers. And your wife.”

  “Bunny? Is this true. I thought we agreed …”

  “We did. But, as my choice was between a brilliant live physicist and King for his people, or a dead martyr, I chose life for you, husband. You are angry, I know, but you are prideful as are all men, and chose not to see the greater good. No one will blame you for leaving. Our people already know you were kidnapped against your will. They are overjoyed that you are safe and that you will await them in our new home, wherever that may be.”

  “And you know this how? We just left.”

  “I spoke to our people in the streets and to our Councils over the past few days and told them what was planned if the Saudis attacked early. They all counseled me not to allow the pride of Nabataea to die an unnecessary death simply to prove his manhood. Three children and five years of strong leadership on the throne are sufficient proof of that.”

  Abdul stood up and moved to the rear of the plane, sitting in a seat facing the rear of the plane. He did not intend to move from his seat or speak to anyone until the plane arrived safely in the new Nabataean homeland.

  Abdul had little to say and his anger didn’t abate. Only Misti understood his emotions, though Adam should have too. However, he did not, and while he briefly considered that he might lose Abdul’s friendship, he would never permit Abdul, to assume an unnecessary risk. The loss would simply be too great.

  Adam understood pride, arrogance and his own self-serving and outsize ego. He was only beginning to understand the burdens of leadership.

  The ladies, though mostly Noki, were staring at Edward, expecting him to say something, to explain the events about which they either knew little or nothing. Obviously, the Old Man, and Adam had been planning events and the Plan B of those events without the knowledge or consent of the rest of the family, save Kendra and Octavio. Who else was included was then unknown and would probably never be revealed. What had happened had happened and neither Adam, nor Edward were ever ones to look back to justify even the worst of their conduct. This would be no different.

  Bunny’s face revealed deep anger and concern while Noki’s was difficult to read. But Edward was aware that he had to begin explaining the sudden appearance of an unknown brother to Noki very quickly or the old Noki might begin to re-awaken which would be very unpleasant for him and for Adam.

  “Noki we will talk privately in just a moment, I promise. But I need to speak with Bunny first. Can you give me a minute?”

  “Take your time Edward, but when we speak it will be in the open in front of all my family here assembled. I have no secrets from the ones I love, though I must admit I am saddened that this isn’t something you, and Adam felt obliged to reciprocate. I am not angry; I no longer possess that emotion, though the last vestiges of my past emotions are terribly hurt and wounded. Speak to whomever comes ahead of me and return when you have gathered what little self-respect and courage you can muster to explain why you have had so little regard for someone you have claimed to love.”

  Noki didn’t display any outward emotion, though the cold, and bitter tone of her voice was evident to all the coven; it affected Misti most deeply. She had arranged everything and knew that Noki’s brother would be in attendance. In fairness, that knowledge had been withheld from her too until the last minute. There was dead silence as Edward suggested that he and Bunny move a few rows down for privacy. Bunny refused, saying that, like Noki, what she had to say would be said open and in front of the coven.

  Edward spoke first. “You have something to say? Then say it.” Edward’s tone was far from warm. The evident source of the molten anger he sensed Bunny was feeling, which was bubbling up from just below the surface, had become obvious, at least to him. Edward was in no mood.

  Bunny said, calmly but with simmering and suppressed fury, “I do Edward and for once I would like you to try very hard to be truthful. It was my hope to have this chat with both you and Adam, but since he’s absent, you will have to do. Besides, I have little doubt that your fingerprints are all over this exercise, and that whatever the end game is, you’re behind it.”

  Edward looked at Bunny, expressionless. “Then say your piece and get to your point quickly. Your paranoia, and foolish conspiracies test even my patience, Bunny. What now?”

  The coven sat in silence, confused more than ever about the sudden turn in events they knew nothing about, one piling ever more rapidly on the others. Fear didn’t occupy their minds, but confusion, and ignorance did. Each had long given up long ago being annoyed by Edward, but Adam as a different matter, and they would each have words with him when he returned home.

  “What are you really after Edward. You can have our research if you really want it. Just recompense for saving our people, our culture, and preventing genocide, gradual or immediate. I just don’t understand why you’re doing this or where you’re taking us. What do you want from Abdul? Or our people? Some sort of test of your ability to destroy a culture that will never be missed? And Adam. Why is he helping you? It makes no sense.”

should speak to your husband and your Council of Elders. Maybe find out what they know and why they haven’t shared any of this with you.”

  Bunny said, “Why don’t we just cut to the quick, as you Americans like to say, and you just tell me the truth for once. My husband is … indisposed and the Councillors are probably dead or on their way to Riyadh, courtesy of your treachery. Just tell me the truth.”

  The anger in Edward’s face was unrestrained. Misti thought he might physically accost Bunny, whom Misti knew Edward did not like or trust. Her arrogance exceeded both his and Adam’s. As Queen, she thought she bore deference, even from Edward, and Adam. She was a Royal, and they should both be grateful for her assent to their visits.

  Edward and Adam well understood that she was a mere commoner who was Queen of a few square miles of sand and water in a remote and barren expanse of forgotten territory. Nabataea had no natural resources, no indigenous wealth, and nothing exportable except Nabataeans. Their only true priceless gem was Abdul and he wasn’t only a national treasure, but a global phenom. Until the Saudi’s found out about his research, and Bunny’s, the Saudi Royals were content to ignore Nabataea and its heretical religious views: they would leave that to the Wahhabi clerics, but not allow them to decimate Nabataea. Eventually they would put a stop to the deliberate destruction of the Nabataean Kingdom, but there was no need to do so right away. No Nabataeans were actually in danger, and hadn’t been for decades thanks to Edward, and the old King of Nabataea.

  Bunny knew nothing of this nor how close Abdul was to completing his research and beginning the implementation of his technology, technology that would change the course of history, destroy the wealth of the House of Saud and oil, coal, natural gas, and all fossil fuels globally.

  Energy could be easily, and cheaply extracted from the atmosphere. Cars would no longer pollute, and the release into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, and large quantities other methane and other green house gases would be eliminated.


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