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Page 16

by Douglas E Roff

  There was ice in his voice, yet the coven elected to stay and hear him out.

  “I should warn you that once before Misti chose to flee our home. I warned her then that if it happened again, she should keep fleeing. There would be no place left for her by my side.”

  Noki looked at Adam, then Edward. “Explain.”


  Edward began, his voice measured and cool. “As to know, Maria, Agustin and Edmund redesigned the use of the nanotech materials and Adam designed the software to re-shape the materials in new ways. Maria determined the amounts we needed in Nabataea and here. Agustin supervised and tested the materials when delivered. Betsy smuggled the materials into East Africa and Saudi Arabia. Bitsie designed the potential conflict scenarios and our response thereto. There was no way for the Saudi’s to come within 150 miles of the Nabataean capital by plane, land vehicle, missile or otherwise. But we were vulnerable to one thing; an attack by an EMP, an electro magnetic pulse. Rebooting the tech would take time, leaving a window of vulnerability by jet and missile. We had no backup energy plan in place. Thus, danger was very possible, just not very likely. Remember the US military has assets in the region, and those assets may have included an EMP.”

  “Go on.”

  Adam said, briefly, “I hid this information from you because you didn’t need to know about it. You also don’t need to know what I had for breakfast either.”

  Alana said, “True, but you have never hidden this kind of information from us before. We were there and in the line of fire. That gives us the right to know where we’re going and the danger posed. Now you have crossed a line. It alarms me; it alarms us. Misti is feeling betrayed.”

  “As to how I can do what I do now, I can only say the knowledge and ability have just come to me.”

  “Why not share this with us, as you always do?”

  “Because I was asked not to. This ability is dangerous and isn’t for anyone else. Perhaps later, in the future. Not now. This is all I have to say on these matters, so if this is insufficient, then please take whatever action you may need to with Abdul. Our commitment in Nabataea was hurried, so I hold none of you to your previous vows.”

  “Nor do we.”

  With that, the coven minus one stood up and left. Kendra, however, remained.

  “I have not changed my mind or my commitment to you, Adam, nor to this project. I will keep my vows, no matter the future. You need only ask what you will have me do and I will do it.”

  She turned to leave, then halted.

  “And, in case you ever have cause to wonder, I love you. I don’t need to understand what you think or why you ask me to do what you ask me to do; my love has nothing to do with any of that.”


  The ladies collected in a common room, minus Misti. She had already left. When they were comfortable, they sat silently, nobody wishing to speak first. Hannah was in tears, Vera confused about what happened and how quickly things had turned south. Noki was stoic and Alana pensive. Alana had said nothing and needed more time to consider events, including the departure of Misti. Of all the recent events, this troubled her the most. Adam had been clear, and a red line drawn. Extricating them form this bitter situation wouldn’t be easy, if any way was even possible.

  Alana began, “I wish to consider these events before saying anything further. I will take my leave.”

  “Me too”, said Noki. “This is too sudden and too unclear. I’m not sure we know everything. Neither, do I believe, does the Old Man. Adam, on the other hand is holding back, but for what reason I don’t know.”

  Hannah and Vera stood up and left hurriedly, still in tears. Hannah didn’t look back and felt more anguish than she thought was humanly possible. Vera would speak to her, but Hannah’s pain permeated her entire being. They departed for their temporary quarters but didn’t emerge for several days. Hannah was inconsolable and Vera unable to soothe her wife.

  Things had gone bad quickly and no one knew why. Only Adam knew everything, they thought, and maybe the Old Man. They would challenge them both again later, but by the looks on their faces, now wasn’t the time.

  Chapter 28

  The rapidity with which Misti moved astounded everyone, but not Adam. He was less than astounded and seemed supremely unconcerned. If he knew why, he wasn’t sharing. Noki was the first to get to him in his quarters, and when the other ladies arrived to speak with him, she shushed them away and locked the door.

  “Now, Adam, tell me what’s really going on.”

  “There is nothing to say. Misti and I both drew red lines in the sand and we each crossed them. I knew what I was doing when I did so, and her response was equally predictable. This was settled long ago and, if there is more to it, you need to speak to her. I have nothing to add.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.”

  Noki turned and left. She gathered what was left of the coven, Kendra included, and returned to their gathering place to discuss the turnabout of events.

  The next day Edward, discovered that Misti had spoken to Abdul on her way out, had annulled the marriage, then departed for London and the Manor. She was in London a few scant hours before departing from Heathrow for Seattle on the first direct flight out. The day after she arrived, she put her home in the Queen Anne District up for sale and sent Adam a note saying she was filing for divorce.

  Misti asked for little in the way of a property settlement but asked for an immediate Order of Legal Separation and a Restraining order against the entire Barrows Bay clan as well as the other members of the entourage. She excluded only Edward.

  Adam contacted her attorney and agreed to all of Misti’s terms, except one. He set aside the sum of fifty million dollars in trust for her to use at her discretion. Half would be irrevocable, so she would never want for funds to live on, no matter her change in circumstances.

  Misti had stipulated that her son, when born, would be awarded to her ex-husband and that she agreed to visitation rights when agreed to by the parties. Adam informed her attorney, her visitation rights were unlimited, but the child could not travel with his wife alone without his permission.

  A further stipulation enjoined Adam and his family, except Edward, from seeking her whereabouts or attempting to contact her in any way. In a private message sent to Adam, she warned him that to seek her out would not be seen as friendly. His reply, as it had become to all her fury, was silence.

  Edward contacted Carlos and asked if Misti was with him. He answered yes. Edward asked to speak with her, so Carlos asked, and she agreed.

  “What’s up Old Man. Wasn’t expecting to hear from you for a while. How did you find me anyway?”

  “Where else would you go, if not home to your father?”

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but what do you want?”

  “To talk. To hear your voice. To understand. I miss you. Like last time. Is there nothing I can do? Can I at least see you some day?”

  “If you want answers, talk to your son. As to what you can do, then nothing is all I have to say. This wasn’t your doing, so it isn’t for you to undo. This can never be repaired.”

  “Will you see me, at least?”

  “Of course, Old Man. You’re my Dad. A very disturbed Dad, but so is my other Dad, so I guess we three come by it naturally. By the way, Dad’s married. She’s lovely and by the sounds of it the sex life is terrific. Who knew? A felon from Oaxaca and a Jewish Princess from Queens.”

  “Two sociopaths from the Pacific Northwest?”

  “Never had a chance, Old Man. Adam belongs to Alana and Hannah. My job was over a while ago. I’m back to being the old Misti. Don’t worry, Dad. I’m long past my bad old habits and psychopathic bent. No killing, no maiming for sport.”

  “And your son?”

  “When he’s born, I’ll tell you where. You come alone with a nurse. The papers are signed, and I will never cause a problem with him, you, or Adam. I promise.”

  “And that one thi
ng about Paulo? Will you honor that?”

  “I will. And if anyone fucks with you or the family, including the coven or anyone else I love, I will be there for you. I’m not angry and I bear no ill will to anyone, save only Adam. But that is limited to this divorce, not physical harm. I sent him a note, and warned him away, and the consequences of non-compliance. If he doesn’t live up to his promise though, I will hurt him. I will meet him once again as agreed if the Prophecy is fulfilled, then never again thereafter. Make sure he understands. I will not say this again.”

  “I will.”

  “Anything else Old Man?”

  “Just that I love you and that I am so, so terribly sad. I’ll think of you every day, and yes though it may mean nothing to you, I will pray for your safety too. Please let me visit as soon as you are ready. I cannot live a life that doesn’t include you.”

  “I love you too, Old Man. Bye for now, but not forever.”


  Edward next visited Alana, wondering what part she played in this, and what else she knew.

  Alana said, “I’ve been expecting you Edward. I presume you spoke to Misti, but still have questions. I think it would be better for you to talk to your son but we both know he would never tell you anything. I guess what little there is left to learn, you want to learn from me,”

  “You knew about Adam’s ability to hide his knowledge from the rest of you?”


  “And he taught you this skill without the others knowing?”



  “He knew what he had to do, and he knew what Misti would do in reaction. He wanted Misti to give me all her knowledge, all her experiences and the totality of her mind before she left. If Misti survives until the end, then she will do her part. If not, Kendra must take her place. When this is over, if Misti is dead, her part in this must be recorded and live on. I have promised to make that so.”

  “And if you die?”

  “It’s not my destiny to die. Nor will Adam or Noki. Our destinies are intertwined and lie elsewhere. Misti is of this world and to this world she’s destined to return.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s not for you to understand, just as Misti failed to understand that which was beyond her physical materialistic ability. It’s why Adam is changed and will ever be so. In time, he will return to us as before. But that time isn’t now. I will explain everything to our extended family later. We should leave soon for London. The mercenaries can remain here.”


  Edward’s next stop was to visit Hannah and Vera, a task he truly didn’t wish to undertake. While Edward had ceased to be the center of the new world, aside from Adam, everyone looked to Misti for advice. Her absence would be acutely felt by everyone, but by Hannah especially. Though once mythical enemies, they were, truthfully, now much more like siblings. They enjoyed a physical relationship too, which only seemed to enhance their love and respect for each other.

  Misti’s absence was devastating and Hannah inconsolable. The perfection that Vera and Hannah saw as the whole of their family together was broken and the splinters of glass could never be put back together. If the family was shattered, then so, were Hannah and Vera.

  Edward sat down with the ladies in their quarters, “I’m sorry to be here in this room, with you now, under these circumstances. If I could heal your wounds, make this all right again and have our old world back together, I would do so, no matter the cost to me. I would give my life just to see you smile again the way you used to. My heart is broken.”

  “Then why? Why did she leave? What happened that Adam and Misti couldn’t work out; not fix?”

  “I can only say what I know now, but Alana has promised to explain everything once we’re home at the Manor. We leave tomorrow morning early. I don’t know what she can say, but what she can, she will.”

  Vera looked at Edward. “What do you know then? What can you say?”

  “I can say that Adam and Misti once had a very difficult time. A very bad fight and some words passed between them that couldn’t be taken back. They came to an understanding, an agreement about something each promised never to do. They each crossed that line, they each broke their promise. Adam for his part has his reasons, and it was never that he didn’t love his wife. He did and does. He hasn’t left his room in days now as you know and I have had to force him to eat. He refuses to see anyone except me and Alana. And Alana only for moments at a time. He’s in unrelenting pain and is fighting to regain his sanity. He will, then we will all return to a new normal absent Misti.”

  “There can never be a normal, new or otherwise, without Misti,” Vera said. “I don’t see our happiness ever being as before. A great piece of our happiness is missing.”

  “It can, and it will return to normal. I know you don’t see that now but I believe it will return. We will see Misti again, but she will not be the same as before. Adam will return to himself when his grieving for her departure is over and he accepts what has happened is now over. Until then, please keep hope for the future and love Adam, and all our family as best you can, knowing we will come through this stronger than ever as a family.”

  Edward steeled himself, then said, “And know this, that Misti and Adam each knew this day would come, just not when. They don’t hate each other; to the contrary, they love each other very much. But, if it is within your moral beliefs, pray for them too. There is still much remaining to be done.”

  Chapter 29

  The flight home the following day was quiet containing as it did the world’s entire daily supply of sadness distributed evenly amongst such a tiny number of souls. There was silence, there were tears, and there was one mind, Adam’s, that was thinking well beyond the gloom of the past few weeks and into the future of what lay ahead.

  Yet Adam too was in deep pain, in chaotic turbulence, and tumult not really believing that Misti would ever make good on her threat to leave him. He was wrong. In his heart, he believed that he could cross the line one more time without a response more serious than a deep and abiding expression of anger from his wife. Adam had been warned and, in Misti’s eyes, she had been disrespected and kept in the dark once again. He promised never to do that again – for any reason. Adam had loudly complained about this very same treatment as a child and young adult; now he seemed completely at ease replicating his father’s self-same behavior.

  Misti had helped Adam come to terms with his own troubled past and his father’s role in it, only to fall into the same trap of deception and obfuscation he claimed to have always detested. Now here it was: Adam assuming the role of prevaricator-in-chief with Edward acting as his chief enabler and, later, apologist-in-chief.

  To Misti, the hypocrisy was blatant and evident. That Adam didn’t protest or even attempt to fight the divorce filed back home in Seattle in the days after she left London only served to bolster her conviction that Adam’s actions were intentional, well thought out and intended to be kept from her. That he could do this, no matter the reason or explanation, was beyond anything she could any longer tolerate.

  The baby, soon to be born on the other hand, had to be given up to his father, and his family for care. She would never be able to settle down again, love again and be the mother she thought she could be, Adam faithfully by her side. No, this Misti would slide back into old ways, old habits, and old anger. She would again pursue what she had once decided to give up and exercise the plenary strength of her most lethal skills on those most deserving of her attention.

  And, she now had skills. Skills beyond what anyone other than a few at the Manor knew about or could protect against. Some beyond even their knowledge too. As the days passed between her last embrace with her husband and this day, her rage only grew, unchecked by the warmth of the only man she had ever loved, admired, and understood. The façade gone, the old and lethal Misti emerged, unrestrained.

  She had one legislative body in mind, and she would allow herself to b
e brought before it, so she could teach their members a lesson. A lesson she believed was long past due. Misti would forego practicing her brand of toxicity on the weak and meaningless; she would instead seek out other flavors of evil. She would pay them close attention and bring havoc to their worlds. This because Misti, like her soon to be ex-husband, had her own secrets: She too had been given special abilities and she too had learned how to keep them hidden.

  Neither Misti nor Adam had what the Goddess Aequitas, or Equity, would call “clean hands”.

  It was now simply too late. Misti’s brain had already refocused its neural pathways, and her mind had adapted to the new hardware. She was still Misti, but without the restraints that could channel her skills in a single more positive direction by more socially acceptable means of behavior.

  This Misti would shortcut justice in new and less cumbersome ways.

  Misti had the genetics and the access to the DL Main using the same back doors as her ex-hubby. Even Alana would be powerless to stop her. And neither would now be able to locate her.


  The secure facility at the Tech Centre was once again filled with family and those colleagues closest to Misti for an explanation Adam wanted everyone to hear. In the weeks that had passed since Misti’s departure, the frostiness in the air had less to do with the weather than it had to do with the blame placed squarely on both Adam and Edward by the family, friends and staff resident at the Manor. Misti had been justified, they believed, by her maltreatment and betrayal of trust. Perhaps she went a little too far given what was at stake, but the balance of justification lay purely on one side.

  Adam feared a complete breakdown of their project, his familial reputation now in tatters and his character called into question. The notion that he was unable to lie was no longer solid: his co-workers, even family held Adam in less esteem. This was intolerable.

  “I have called you all here today not to listen to my explanations, which have clearly fallen on deaf ears. You believe I have mistreated Misti, lied to her and callously treated our relationship with, at best indifference, and at worst, outright betrayal. No matter what I say, none of you will believe me. In the past, I would give you a hearty middle finger, even those closest to me, if you truly felt I was lying when I wasn’t. I am not lying now.


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