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Page 23

by Douglas E Roff

  Kendra is the newest addition to my world and asked to be wed when the ceremonies took place in Nabataea. All that I have shared, and more, you will learn in Union with me tonight or in a future Unions if your interest persists.”

  Caroline looked at Adam and said, quietly, “My Shaman says I will conceive two children with you, twins, within the year. The conception will take place on the day you defeat and kill Paulo Fortizi. Did you know of this?”

  “I knew what was to take place and when, but not who my mate would be. I am pleased that it should be you if you choose me as your mate. But I already see the gloom covering your beautiful smile. We will never get to union tonight thus. You don’t need to achieve union or congress with me tonight; only when the time is right. For you.”

  Adam started to get up, but Caroline held his hand, pulling him back. “How am I to know what I shall be blessed with, if I have no knowledge of those skills. I wish you to stay with me this night, so that I may experience your body and mind. I wish to begin the journey of knowledge of all that you know and all that is possible.”

  Caroline stood and faced Adam. “Perhaps you can show me how to reveal myself to a man, so that he desires me more than any other.”

  “I am honored.”

  Chapter 39

  Adam left early the next day, before dawn. He kissed his Queen tenderly, saying he would return to her that evening, though a prior obligation would prevent another “business meeting’. Caroline smiled a sleepy dreamy goodbye, content in her body, and mind, and wishing Adam had nothing better to do that day than to remain at her side in bed, and to please her again.

  When she did rise, late for the Queen, she made her way into the kitchen, empty but for two women, Kendra and Eene, who couldn’t contain their giggles and laughter, meant to embarrass Caroline and make her blush.

  Eene said, “Well, Caroline, business must’ve been exceedingly good last night. Did you earn much coin for the realm?”

  Kendra added, “I’m certain your oral skills in negotiation are, in fact, excellent. I hear he is a firm negotiator getting a hard bargain but can close one deal then drive his point home again at a moment’s notice. Have I the thrust of the story correct?”

  Eene and Kendra couldn’t contain themselves.

  Eene said, “Tell us everything, and I mean everything, from the moment in the Library ‘til his kiss goodbye this morning. He did kiss you goodbye before he left, did he not?”

  “May-be. And I would say he was adequate in most respects. Could use some practice and his stamina was somewhat disappointing. But I felt a slight tingle of pleasure from time to time.”

  The ladies were astounded.

  “Hah! Turned the tables on you, you nosey busybodies. He was heavenly and he was everything I have ever heard about him, from you Kendra and my cousin Helena. He made me promise to let him keep his word to both of you tonight, and to behave myself in the interim. And he promised he would be by my side as quickly as he could. But, I just cannot be away from him for this night. Please will you allow me to join you tonight, even late if that’s all you are willing to allow. I ache for him already; I will die if I have to wait until tomorrow night.”

  Eene smiled her best friendship smile and said, “I cannot speak for Kendra, and while I think you’re being a greedy little you-know-what, you are the Queen, and this is your Palace. So, I will agree to your demand, if you’re going to be insistent and whiny, but then you will owe me not ‘big time’, but ‘huge time’. Agreed?

  “Agreed! Kendra?”

  “On one condition. When Eene is occupied with Adam, I may be allowed to occupy my loneliness with you, my Queen. Agreed?”

  “I would have it no other way. Let’s kiss and seal our deal. Perhaps we should have a dry run right now for tonight in my secret lair. How about it?”

  The ladies rose and moved to the Library.

  Caroline said, “One thing, though. Misti, his first wife and Alana, his principal consort, are wrong about one thing.”

  “Which is?”

  “He’s definitely no girl. He is a boy, a man, and in every respect a wholly different kind of creature. He is the Manti, the Protector, but more than that, he is the Giver of Eternal Pleasure. Now as for the smutty details, we started in the Library …”


  Adam arrived back at the Palace in early afternoon, well ahead of the schedule he was thought to be on by the Three Amigas. They had barely finished their own exercise routines and appeared somewhat disheveled when he met them in the Library, sprawled out over three couches, lazily reading back issues of Cosmo.

  “I can see you have been doing your cardio, ladies. I find the sweaty unkempt look intoxicating. I would be predisposed to have a little tussle with the three of you right now if you thought it would raise your heart rate sufficiently. Your health, of course, is my only concern.

  The three jumped up, having expected more time to prepare for Adam’s return. None had ever given much thought to looking a certain way to please a man, but suddenly each wanted to be the flower that drew this bee’s attention. Stinger and all.

  Kendra said, “Can we wrestle on Caroline’s bed. I heard its huge with room to roam.”

  “You hear that, do you? And I thought I was a terrible liar.”

  They all laughed.

  “Well we can do whatever is most pleasing to the three of you after we decide two things.”

  “Which are?”

  “First, I met with all the Shaman’s and Headmen, present company excepted. Your aide filled in admirably. I also met with the military men, and the elder women to decide transformation schedules, diet and exercise. Two of the Shaman’s had heard of a Gens of exceptional strength who was born weak but brought to full capacity by a regimen of strict diet, harsh exercise and training and frequent daily short-term transformations.

  I am prepared for this necessity as the military folk began explaining and demonstrating Gens hand-to-hand combat. I will be paired with Tarken and evaluated by Hans. The others will watch and critique, but I have already determined that my human martial arts and thought processes will remain intact. I need only learn how to integrate what I know as a human with what I don’t know about Gens tactics.”

  “What need we decide?”

  “I need my second with me training side-by-side. That means you, Kendra unless you decline. Tarken has agreed to take your place, with a new sparring partner taking his place. It’s up to you. This wasn’t what you signed up for.”

  “I’m in. There is one small problem, however. I don’t know how to transform. I don’t know if I can transform. How do we find out?”

  Kendra volunteered for two reasons. First to discharge her duty to her husband and second to keep Tarken in his village and away from the Palace. She winked at Caroline conspiratorially and drew a Hollywood kiss from Eene.

  Adam said, “I will teach you the ability tonight to transform, then you will begin your study tomorrow with the women warriors. You will follow my regimen and take my training. The military folk figured you can’t be more than a week behind me, so they thought you would catch up quickly. I personally thought that unkind, even though completely accurate.”

  “I’ll let you pin me down tonight in bed, and let you take advantage of me if that would make you feel any better.”

  “Not me,” said Adam. “But maybe you. After all, I know what makes you scream the loudest.”

  Kendra laughed. “That you do. But there was another item to decide?”

  “Yes. I promised myself to both you and Eene. I’m not sure how to resolve that if you and I will be tussling alone.”

  Kendra paused as if thinking, just for effect. “I think I have a possible solution, but it will involve very close quarters team work. Real cardio and some mental strain. Are you up for it tonight or are you too weak and too tired.”

  “No, I’m good. And no need to goad me.”

  “You’re sure? When you promise, your promise is your bond, correct?”r />
  “Always; you know that.”

  “Then we four shall convene in Caroline’s secret lair, the Batgirl cave downstairs, directly after dinner to begin our lessons, all of us.”

  Kendra turned to Caroline. “Am I correct in assuming that your bed can accommodate four bodies, two pairs tussling and communing at the same time. No bed mishaps or physical injuries?”

  “Nope. All safe and good to go. In fact, just to be sure, why don’t we go inspect the quarters right now. I’ll have dinner set up in the Library at seven. Then a short break and back to the salt mines. I fear we’ll be pulling what you Americans call an ‘all-nighter’. You can never be too prepared, you know.”

  “Can I at least clean up first? I know how grueling school can be. I should be refreshed for the long hours ahead.”

  Caroline said, “Of course. I have a shower for six in my bathroom. We can begin talking right away; no wasted time. See what a clever hostess I am. Environmentally sound too; conserves water. Low carbon footprint.”

  “Eene says we should consider the health benefits of this as a routine for the indefinite future. You know, monitor stress levels, dietary intake and hours of rest. She is a healer back home as well Headman to her clan.”

  “Kendra and Eene are right you know, Adam,” said Caroline. “You’re still recovering from your last debilitation, and who better than us to watch over you. Carefully. And poor Kendra dear, we mustn’t forget about her. She’ll need tender care also. Stranger in a strange land.”

  “What do you say, Manti? Will you allow us to serve you and your needs?”

  “Why yes, I guess I do see some merit in the plan. May I shower now? I fear I smell like one of your Ren-Ren goats.”

  Caroline said, “Right this way, Chosen One.” The girls giggled thinking Adam wasn’t in on the joke, but he already knew its meaning derived from a play on words in the Common Tongue. He would see if he could earn his reputation tonight, but he would pay special attention to Eene. He wanted to please her and let Kendra assist. He was unsure of Caroline’s gender preferences, but assumed the three hadn’t been playing chess all day. And since Kendra was aggressive with beautiful women, he had no doubt that Caroline had at some point been reclined on her back on the bed, legs positioned so that Kendra could inspect for contraband, and matching hair color. No doubt Eene had been a willing assistant and had needs of her own met.


  After their light afternoon refreshment, the three ladies, and Adam remained assembled that evening in the Library after dinner. They sipped on a local brew, sent away the servants, then descended to Caroline’s suite of rooms. Kendra wasted no time on pretense, and guided the pack into the bedroom, closing the door and locking it behind them. No servant would dare enter the private quarters uninvited but, Tarken or even Hans might decide otherwise. There would be more than hell to pay in such a circumstance, but prevention in this matter was preferable to an awkward explanation later.

  Caroline trusted her advisors, but something odd had changed with the arrival of Adam and Caroline didn’t like the presumptuous tone taken by either Tarken or Hans at all. She invited them both to the Palace for a “chat” the next day when Adam and Kendra would be absent. She sent them a note and informed them that attendance was mandatory and that she was most displeased with both.

  Caroline was twenty-five, but she was the head of state while Hans had no formal title and Tarken was merely next in line as Headman of a Gens village. She was furious with the apparent usurpation of legal authority they tried to command, and would be put the men in their place. She would find long diplomatic missions for them, on separate ends of the world.

  Kendra spoke first, “OK, I believe that Eene is now up to bat, since she has been whining the most since yesterday. May we stay as support or would you prefer privacy?”

  Surprisingly, Eene said, “I think I would prefer to take my turn a little later. I’m not sure I’m ready just yet.”

  Kendra and Caroline were puzzled.

  “What’s wrong Eene?”

  “I’m nervous and a little scared. There are things that I know that I dread revealing to anyone and that might be revealed to Adam now. I am anxious and afraid of revealing too much of myself. These things aren’t evil machinations, just very private matters that I never discuss.”

  Adam said to Eene, “We have all been anxious about the use and misuse of this ability. Especially me, during the very first time my skills surged into my consciousness. Alana McCarthy and I could have died as my mental abilities burst into existence. And learning from me, especially for women, can be more challenging as I have access to every aspect of their being, including their most private thoughts and memories, sex included. Is that what this is all about? Inhibitions and past misdeeds which should never bubble up from your past?”

  Eene looked unusually sheepish, and said, “In part. There are other things I wish not to be known; things that have long troubled my mind. I have never shared these matters, not even with family or my closest friends like Caroline. I have kept them deep and hidden. Yet they bubble up, as you say, and trouble my thoughts.”

  “Have you ever considered that it may be time to bring them out into the light of day? To permit others to share your burdens and let you know you are not now, nor will ever be, alone with your past? And present? You are the Headman of the Aziri. You are powerful, and you are loved. But if you wish not to experience this phenomenon with me, I completely understand. Many in my own family refuse the opportunity.”

  Caroline stepped forward and hugged her friend. “Tell me what troubles you. What really is at the bottom of your anxiety.”

  Eene did not cry, just matter of factly stated, “I am ugly, hideous, inside and out. I have done terrible things and I yearn for sensual gratification that I believe to be immoral. I hold these troubling desires inward and keep my self-condemnation and disgust to myself. I cannot share my deepest fears and nightmares with anyone; I think I will eventually go mad.”

  Adam looked at Eene. He had heard this same story before, but not from the two women who actually should’ve worried about this issue. Helena and Misti. And their demons were not only real, but active and alive.

  Adam said, “Do you trust me Eene? Do you trust Caroline and maybe even Kendra to be brutally honest about their experiences with me?”

  “I do. I mean I guess I do. I can’t know for sure of course.”

  “Will you allow me to hold your hands. Just for a minute. Would you allow me to touch you? If you do, I know I can help ease your anxieties and let you see your life through a different, more realistic lens. May I?”

  “You won’t hurt me, will you? I mean I’ll be the same Eene after as before, will I not?”

  “You will.”

  “Bigger tits?”

  “Maybe not that. Perhaps later.”

  Caroline added, “Don’t worry, Eene. Adam will not harm you, and afterward, you will feel as if you were healed in some way, although I am not sure that’s his intent.”

  Kendra added, “Caroline is right. There will be no damage to the Eene we all know and love.”

  Adam said, “I will have your knowledge, but it will remain locked away and remain secret until you release it. We each have a room where we keep such things. I can go there and, when given permission to enter your mind, I cannot be prevented from having full access. But I only seek understanding and I never misuse the privilege I am given. Kendra is an example.”

  Kendra looked surprised. “True. There are no secrets between you and me, nor between me and any of my closest friends. I would share all with Caroline and Eene, if they asked.”

  Adam said, “Is that so? May I give an example?”

  “Is it awful?”

  “Hardly. But it is so you. So typically, Kendra.”

  “I’m all ears. Do tell.”

  “With all my wives, I share, to a greater or lesser degree, a robust and thrilling sex life. I love my wives immensely and especially enjoy our ph
ysical relations, even with those whose desire for sexual relations with men hovers around zero. Relations with Misti, my first wife, have always been frequent and extreme but recently have waned as her natural desire to congress with her own gender has grown. The same is true of Vera Capri and Nocera Lee, though each for very different reasons of no consequence here.”

  “Go on,” said Kendra.

  “Kendra is very different, again, from the women I spoke about just now. Kendra was the last of my wives to come into my life, and she came to me through my first wife, Misti Alarcon. Kendra has drifted away from Misti and toward me because she feels her sole duty in life is to protect me. All my other wives will all bear me children. Kendra will too. In the beginning, Kendra was curious about sexual relations with me but not anymore. She mildly enjoys our infrequent tussles between the sheets, but she does this more to maintain my physical and mental health, and because she believes it’s her duty to me as my wife. Kendra isn’t disgusted by her ‘duty’, neither does mark the dates on the calendar.

  Kendra was shocked.

  “But she’s wrong and always has been. She has no duty to me to do anything she doesn’t wholeheartedly wish to undertake. Sex, being intimate, and a private expression between two people, is the most personal of commitments two people can make. I see more joy in Kendra’s face after one hour with you, Eene, than I see in a hundred hours of sex with me. But I would never speak about this with anyone, save Kendra, unless she chose to say something to me. I might hint but I know how she truly feels and I am comfortable with her decision, which is hers alone to make. And I will never share that which shouldn’t be shared. Sex isn’t important in my life as a husband to Kendra because she could avoid it all together and still be happy as my wife. Her role as a wife is far different than that of Alana and Hannah. Even Misti, who loves sex with me, detests men.

  “And, to be clear, I always keep my promises and respect my obligations. If I commit my word about anything to you, it will be respected. You have no reason to fear union with me. May we touch?”


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