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Page 31

by Douglas E Roff

  At daybreak, the fields were full of Gens in human and natural state, all crowding forward to listen to their leader who had come unprotected. Some thought her brave and defiant in the face of recent losses, blaming the defeat in Idaho on Arnaud. Others blamed her for not anticipating the human weaponry and allowing the catastrophe to happen in the first place. No matter the reason for attendance, all wanted to hear what she had to say. And to discover the identity of the stranger accompanying her.

  Saldana stepped forward to the edge of the precipice and began to speak in Common Tongue. Her companion was hooded and cloaked, and not yet revealed. He stood behind her, silently. He was tall but took on the aspect of a human; this could not be so, for it were true, it would spell his instantaneous death.

  Saldana spoke, “Gens of the Black Shirt Movement, I am glad to be back among my people again. Today I come before you with news, both happy and sad. But this news must be delivered by me to you in person and face-to-face. I have led this Movement for many years for reasons I shall discuss with you momentarily. But first, my announcement.”

  The field was silent, not even the wind seemed to rustle as she spoke.

  “Today I step down as your leader and hope to help you choose my replacement.”


  “I have not come alone nor with naked abandonment of my people as my object; today I will reveal a new way forward and propose a new leader who is even stronger and more capable than I. Those who wish to assent may do so; those who do not are free to choose a new path. No matter what you decide, today there will be change. It is my hope and wish that you will join me, but I understand that there will be many who will not.”

  Murmurs began.

  “I have, in my many years of leadership, done great evil to my own people, even among many of you here today. I cannot change the sinful conduct in which I engaged, only to beg your forgiveness and understanding. I have made decisions, good and bad, in order to further the goals of our Movement. In so doing, I have made mistakes. In some cases, grave mistakes. But I have also brought us further along than any of our predecessor movements. None of this brings back to life those we have lost, and as your leader I take full responsibility for the good we have done and for the bad.”

  What astounded the assembled masses was what they were hearing. Gone was the iron fist of Saldana Ri, ruthless torturer of her own sister. Present was a woman who looked like their leader, but much changed. Some in the crowd applauded what they were hearing; they often dreamed of a day in which Saldana would abandon her dreams of empire, death and glory.

  Others in the crowd smelled weakness and saw that their chance to incite insurrection.

  Several generals came forward.

  “A word, Saldana if you will. I, we, have questions. And we ask, no we demand, answers. This cannot wait.”

  “And, therefore, you should ask about the matters that concern you. Demanding anything from me will likely earn your death. And quickly.”

  “You seem confident in human form that you could punish my aggression? I think you are wise in the ways of politics, scheming and deception. But you are no match for me or my men. Mind your tongue or I will rip out your throat and return you to the Creator to reside for eternity with your ancestors.”

  Saldana paused and held his stare.

  “Before you dispatch me, may a I speak for one last time?”

  “You are still the leader, so you have the honor. What say you?”

  Chapter 52

  “I have come here today to address my many comrades, some of whom have been with me since the beginning. I have not come here to announce that I abandon you or the cause. This is a promise, though if words be action, it seems some of our generals may wish to dispatch me and that may include our General Arnaud Lemieux and his consort, Liv Wilder. We shall see at the end of the day who stands and who falls.”

  One of the generals shouted, “Hurry along Saldana Ri. We have work to do and your weak prattling is tiresome.”

  “As you wish General. I will begin by stating that your military and scientists, along with the Collective and others, have been lying to you and me for at least the past year.”

  Saldana paused. The military folk along with Liv were becoming nervous but had to let Saldana speak. I was her right.

  “The Collective began its research long ago into the Serums and the virus in anticipation of an upcoming apocalyptic war with humanity. But they soon concluded that even if everything they sought came to be, they still would lose the war. The best they could do was put up a good fight. The Fortizi Clan had taken power with grandiose plans of a new and better strategy that fooled no one except the masses of transformed Gens. They wanted to believe that Paulo had a plan and it would deliver them from extinction. In fact, what Paulo wanted was dictatorship over the Gens race and a peaceful settlement with the humans.

  “But to do so he needed to create a threat that did not exist, so he could then solve it and be the hero. Then came the Human and his plans went awry.”

  Another general shouted, “Is there a point to any of this?”

  Arnaud turned to the general and said, “Interrupt our leader once more and I shall take your head. If you disrespect Saldana now before I take her head, you will try to do the same to me later. Silence and let her finish.”

  “Through the work of Liv Wilder and her scientists, and my clever theft of Collective funding, we have finished the work first begun by the Collective. This you know. Unfortunately, what Liv and her consort failed to tell you is that the Human has already developed a vaccine and cure for the A-5 Virus making the Serum project useless and irrelevant. With the cure for the deadly virus, the Serum is merely interesting research. Other medicines were also developed, drugs to control the Gens population but this was never disclosed except to the few who are your leaders here today. Is this not so, General Lemieux? I remind you that you are the senior military commander in charge and are required to speak the truth.”

  “She speaks the truth. We cannot begin a war with the humans, the Collective or the Eighty-One. In each case we would lose.”

  An ordinary soldier shouted out, “Then why not tell us Saldana. Did you not know too?”

  “I did. But my actions were not the same as leadership here. I wanted only to protect those among us who could be saved, once I finally understood the likely totality of our defeat.”

  “When was that?”

  “After Idaho. With our defeat and massive loss of life against but a few weak and puny humans, I knew that their weaponry and technology was new, unknown and superior to any other in the world. Especially us. I began to look for alternatives but there were few. I decided that training was the best way to keep everyone occupied; eventually we would have to remain in hiding here or somewhere else more remote. I assumed that the Collective would act rashly, which I fully expected Paulo and the Councils of old men and women to do. They had begun to believe their own lies.”

  The murmuring continued among the assembled Gens. A young voice from the back of his unit shouted out, “Leader, what are we to do? You say you are stepping down, but it sounds as though you are fleeing us and leaving us to fend for ourselves. That cannot be why you came to us today. Is there more you have to say?”

  Saldana smiled, perhaps for the first time in many years.

  “What is your name, young soldier?”

  “I am Senda of the Mogaves in …”

  “I know your people well, Senda. And you are correct that I have come here with glad tidings. Will you honor me by standing by my side?”

  “With pleasure, my leader.”

  Senda walked up to the outcrop and stood by Saldana.

  Saldana spoke out to the assemblage, “This is how a Gens warrior of the Black Shirts acts with honor and dignity. Asking plain questions of their leaders who, if they have any honor, answer truthfully. I shall answer your questions, Senda truthfully and honestly.”

  Senda, taller than Saldana reached his hand to h
ers and awaited her reply.

  “You all know that in matters of Gens mythology and lore, culture and religion and all things political, I am unmatched in knowledge. You also know I have visited every continent and most every clan, sometimes welcome, sometimes not. And in every clan everywhere I have visited, one legend persists and is believed by all, even the materialists of the Collective; even our own scientist, though they would, and often do, deny it. I admit I never believed in this legend either. But I was wrong.”

  Someone shouted out, “It could only be the Prophecy. The revelation of the Chosen One. The one who will guide and unite all peoples of the planet in harmony. Is this the nonsense of which you speak?”

  “It is.”

  The man shouted out, “Then kill her now. More lies and deception.”

  Saldana said, “I bring proof. Proof irrefutable and tangible.”

  “Then show us. Show us now.”

  Adam stepped forward on cue, his hood and cloak still obscuring his face.

  “I bring you the Human, our nemesis in the flesh. And, the Chosen One ordained by the Creator.”

  “Blasphemy!” shouted many. “The Chosen One is Gens, not human. Not even the Human. This is more lies and deception. Death to the traitor! Death to the Human!”

  Adam dropped his hood and cloak for the first time and stepped forward. Though still in human form, his voice carried the entire meadow, commanding quiet, if only for a moment.

  In the Common Tongue, Adam said, “Hear me, Gens of the Black Shirt Movement! I have come here before you unprotected and unarmed to speak with you about the future. Our future, if you will only listen. I speak to you in the Common Tongue, so all shall understand my words.”

  “A common enough trick, human. We have often taught our pet humans our language.”

  “Your name, brave soul.”

  “I am Ar and will meet you any time.”

  “Then meet we shall. When this part is over and if you do not pee a trail away.” The latter a common male Gens insult.

  Arnaud interrupted, “You have no place here human, you are neither Gens and nor Black Shirt. Whatever devilry you had planned will not avail. You shall step away from this place and leave immediately. We will hunt you down later and drag the carcass of your confederate Saldana Ri with yours through our camp as a lesson to all that conspiracy with humans against the Movement has only one punishment: death.”

  “That will be difficult with your head separated from your body. When would you like to die, great General?” Adam said derisively. “I will be happy to take you on, any of your generals, your soldiers or any champions you proffer. Have you one great champion with the courage to fight a puny human?”

  One of the Colonels, watching the show and believing sport was about to be had, said, “Bring Tar of the Alessi. He has never been bested, but once.”

  “Who was that?” asked Adam, already knowing the answer.

  “No one you know, human, but it was Tarken of the Gens Germania. He only sparred, but Tar’s defeat was imminent.”

  Tar was brought forward, in natural state.

  In Common Tongue, Adam said, “Do you wish to die today, Tar of the Alessi?”

  “A common boast as a I separate head from shoulder in all my bouts to the death.”

  “So be it.”

  With that, Adam transformed. His presence was both disturbing and startling. All drew back. Even those on the far side of the meadow, a kilometer away, could hear his voice clearly and see his crimson eyes.

  “I am the Manti of the Village, friend to the humans of Dietschberg, member of Clan of the Gens Germania by right of combat, Shen-da in the Old Tongue and loyal warrior to their Headman and Lord, Akira. The traitors Tarken and Hans of the Village scurried to this place to commit high treason to his clan, to the Eighty-One and to his father, the Headman. He plotted with you, great general and you welcomed him with open arms. How far the mighty have fallen in honor.”

  Adam leaped down from the outcrop and angled to Arnaud and looked him over face to face, moving head side to side, and said, “I shall deal with your head later oh great general, should you or your head still remain in camp.”

  The sight of Adam was one to behold. Tar himself withdrew backward. The generals, so bold only moments earlier, began to melt in behind their men. Adam then quickly turned to where Tar was standing. Adam howled loud and long, asserting his dominance in a way never heard previously by the assembled masses there that day.

  “I have no wish to harm anyone, even those who wish me and my mate death and humiliation. I say again to you, Tar of the Alessi, do you wish to die today? It was I who was given the honor of combat with Tarken by his own father Akira. Tarken tried to run but his own military prevented his escape, as cowardly as he was. I took his head in less than thirty seconds and kicked it away from his father’s sight, as is the custom for traitors among the Gens Germania. I ask you again Tar, do you wish to die today?”

  Rather than answer Adam, Tar shouted to the assembled Gens, “He has the five claws of the Chosen One on his front paws and the vestigial human toe on his hind legs, as the Prophecy foretells.”

  He turned to Adam, “I humbly beg your forgiveness for any insult to you or your mate. You are the Chosen One and I will hear your words and follow your commands.”

  “No offense is taken, Tar of the Alessi. I welcome you to my clan, which begins here today, first of a new people to populate the Earth. We shall henceforth be known as the Clan Talessi, in honor of you as first among equals with the Chosen One.”

  “It shall be my honor, Lord. When shall we meet your mate? It will be our privilege to welcome her and your brethren to our camp.”

  “My mate stands above, Saldana Ri of the Clan Shen-do of Mongolia. Brilliant but cruel; clever and without mercy. I live for her attention and desire, yet she has thus far rejected my advances and refused me as a mate. I shall, however, continue to pursue her until she is no longer able to even breathe the word ‘no’.”

  The Gens males roared with laughter; it was an old joke among the males when a female declined their invitation to mate. The women assembled were much more to inclined to accept his invitation.

  Arnaud then spoke, “You accept this impostor as the Chosen One? He has proven nothing but hot breath coming from open mouth. I do not accept him, now or ever. He is no Gens; he is human and unfit.”

  “You insult Akira of the Gens Germania? I shall wait for you to transform, then I shall take your head. While you are waiting to die, I shall address our people.”

  “This proves nothing,” Arnaud said. “That you can transform thus proves only that you have some trickery or magic at play.”

  With that, Saldana transformed instantly and joined Adam by jumping down from the outcrop.

  “You have me as proof, and I now have the knowledge of the Universe, such wonders we have never known. This is what the Chosen One offers to all who join us now. No fear, no hiding and walking tall and proud with the Manti as our leader. We shall become new and stronger, as the Creator has already revealed to the Chosen One. And if he proves worthy, he may yet be chosen by me as his mate.”

  Now all the women roared with laughter. They were very sure that “mating” had already started.

  Saldana turned to Arnaud, “You have served the Movement well, General, you and your consort. But those days of scheming for combat and killing are over. The Chosen One has shown me a better path, but it will require all of us and all those of good will, strong mind and devotion to a single purpose. Any who wish to join with us shall make their decisions known to their company commander or to the science unit this day. Those who do not wish enlightenment may leave. I expect tallies tomorrow morning at dawn. But now listen to the words of the Chosen One as he explains how we shall become leaders in the new world.”

  Adam turned his back to leap back up to the precipice, just as Arnaud lunged at him from behind with dagger drawn. Saldana stepped between the two men and was slashed and bleeding
profusely. Adam turned and took Arnaud’s head. Liv Wilder fled.

  Adam looked at the injured Saldana Ri, and said, “Worry not little one. I shall begin your healing now.”

  Adam reached down to Saldana’s temples and became one in union. Within minutes, the healing properties of her own body had sealed the wound and begun her healing. The assembled Gens kneeled in prayer and thanksgiving for the revelation of the Chosen One.

  Saldana, weak and near sleep, said, “I suppose I will have to mate with you now. I owe you my life.”

  “And I owe you mine.”

  Adam stood to address the Gens, still kneeling, and said in a loud voice, “I accept your offer to mate, though I feel it would have been more proper for you to wait for me to ask.”

  He drew howls of approval from men and women, no longer despondent but joyful at the coming union of the two and their future together.

  Chapter 53

  Adam remained in Gens natural state and spoke to the remaining Gens in Common Tongue. He wanted all Gens who numbered among the diminished Black Shirts to understand what the future meant for them and why they should abandon leaders who wished to pursue the destruction of humanity.

  “First, I must echo the words of both Saldana Ri, who remains your leader and the now departed General Lemieux. It was never feasible to defeat mankind, at least not the way you were told it could be done. You were told many lies and half-truths to bring you into the Movement. In this matter let me say, though deceptive and wrong, it was still seemed like the best option available to you for the survival of most Gens. As things turned out, it was not. But there is another way, a better way, to achieve your goals for a better world.”

  Adam paused.

  “The humans now have technology that can detect all Gens by heat signature, DNA and other means. You best defense and offense against the humans was invisibility, cunning, strength, and courage. With new weaponry, which I created, plus the technology I invented, you saw the utter defeat, chaos and destruction I brought to your finest warriors in the field. This was no accident and it was accomplished by one hundred puny human men and women under the leadership of my brother and sister. This coupled with the lies regarding the state of your warrior strength in numbers, lack of funding and the utility of your secret research program means that you have almost no ability to fight and defeat my family, much less eight billion humans looking to hunt you down for sport and out of fear.”


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