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Page 93

by Douglas E Roff

  “That love is returned everywhere in this realm. He is much loved.”

  “You shall see him tonight then, and we shall talk. He may bring his young apprentice, Orsin of the Black Forest.”

  “I know him well, as does Tanner. He is a friend and a good man.”

  “He was promised to Hecate, but I think they may have fallen out. I hear their wedding is off, and they are not speaking.”

  “A lover’s spat?”

  “I fear it is deeper than that. Harsh words were spoken that cannot be unsaid.”

  “We shall see. I am said to be a healer of hearts. I will try my best.”

  Chapter 29

  Adam arrived home late after a full day of training. Orsin had not heard that Carolyn and his old friend Tanner had come to the City; had he known he most certainly would have come with Adam. Orsin was younger than Tanner and the families connected only by happenstance. Tanner had saved Orsin’s father’s life when his father had fallen from a ledge. In saving the older man, Tanner himself lost his footing and fell. His shoulder was permanently damaged; it ended his dream of a military career. He resolved to return to his village in the mountains to tend to his ailing parents and younger siblings. For Orsin and his family, the story did not end there. They visited often and stayed for long periods of time helping Tanner with chores that were difficult for a man with an arm he could not raise above his head, and whose pain was a constant companion.

  When he later discovered that he had the gene and was given permission to emigrate to Paraiso, he found his calling as a farmer. He grew the crops his people needed, and his arm was no obstacle to tending to his fields and nurseries. Then, one day, he met another refugee from the Black Forest, a woman who carried herself with regal dignity but who spoke little of her former life and wanted only to till the soil beside the man she had come to love.

  They married in the Chapel in the City of Light, officiated by the King, and attended only by Adam and Kendra. Adam released the Queen from her obligation to him; if union was required, it would be under other circumstances. They were sworn to secrecy about her location in Paraiso as she wanted no part of her former life; not titles or subjects who would wish to pay their respects. Her part in the tapestry of the events leading to this very day were behind her; she wanted nothing more than to love her mate, bear his children and be happy with the simple pleasures of rural life.

  Tanner begged his wife to reconsider their isolation while the Manti was alive. He needed their help, hers certainly, in his race against time; soon he would be lost. They heard of the project undertaken by Vera Capri and Bitsie Tolan from locals who traveled regularly to the City.

  “We can help,” said Tanner. “Not with our brawn, but with the power of persuasion. Your people love you; others will listen too. You have a gift. You can make complication simple; you have done so many times with me. You are human, I am transformed Gens. We can help the Manti achieve his goals and do more than hide away as if we are unable to do anything of importance. I do not ask you to be someone you are not; I ask you to fully realize who you are. Like it or not, you are now part of this history; not just for our own people, but for the world. Our child will soon arrive. If he is to grow and prosper, we need to do our part for him. We may never get another chance.”

  Carolyn looked at her husband. “How do you know it’s a him?”

  “He is ill tempered and kicks hard in the womb; he is stubborn like his father.”

  “You are neither ill tempered nor stubborn. You are gentle and kind. But I fear for what the politics of the City may do to you. If I agree, you must swear that you will not leave us; this cannot be your excuse to be healed and seek military service.”

  “I will do anything you ask, wife; any decision we make will be decided by us both. I will not do anything of which you do not approve.”

  “A deft avoidance of the question, husband. Do you swear?”

  “I swear. My love for you and our child is greater than my youthful desire for glory. You will teach me how to speak with persuasion, so we may remake this world. We can accomplish anything together, even this.”


  As Adam came through the front door, his first sight was Carolyn and Tanner. He was overjoyed at the sight of his friends.

  “My Queen. Tanner. What a surprise and one I have longed for greatly. Surely you will stay for more than just a short visit? And you are…”

  “Huge? Looks like I swallowed a boulder? Yes, I am soon to give birth, and wish to be among friends and healers.”

  Alana said, “They will stay much longer, and with us, but have need of discussing what they wish to do for you. If you approve they will work to make our project a success. You must hear them out.”

  Carolyn said, “And I am no longer Queen. I am Carolyn, wife of Tanner the farmer. And you are just plain Adam, not the Manti, the Chosen One, or the Chosen of Chosen. But I understand the people and your wives now call you Master.”

  “It is true, though I forbid it. They say it anyway behind my back. My wives to my face.”

  “Still ruled by your women and your passions?”

  “Just my women. I am powerless when confronted with their love and wisdom. They can be very strict with me. And Tanner, how do you fare? Still ruled by you-know-who?”

  “She gave up all her titles but one.”


  “No. Tyrant!”

  They all laughed. If Carolyn was a tyrant, then it was what Tanner desired most in life.

  Tanner said, “Speaking of tyrants, where is the Lady Misti and the Princess Kendra? I have not yet met them but have heard much about them from our people and my wife. Are they in residence?”

  “Yes, we are!” It was Kendra who fairly flew into the arms of Carolyn, with due care and caution. “And who is this gorgeous hunk of chiseled manhood. I fairly swoon at his beauty.”

  “This is my husband, Tanner. Have you changed teams? I thought …”

  “God no! I still can only lay with Adam, who pleases me much, but never enough. He has become stingy with his attentions, though attentive and doting while I was pregnant. I am now forced to find companionship with the women of the City, which is quite satisfactory. But it does not mean I cannot appreciate beauty in any gender when I see it.”

  Tanner said, “You are a flatterer I see, Princess Kendra. Nonetheless I shall take compliments whenever I can find them. My wife says I’m a troll.”

  Carolyn said, “He fishes for yet more compliments because I only tell him I love him and adore him whenever we are together. Still he complains …”

  Kendra said, “Yes I can see the emotional trauma he suffers at your hands. You are staying?”

  “Yes, if we can convince Adam of our plan. We wish to aid Vera Capri and Bitsie Tolan. Bridging our worlds is essential and we would like to help. We both have the gene and would like to acquire the knowledge and the new skills in transformation. I am human; Tanner is transformed Gens. I believe we can speak to those who are willing to listen, especially the young and open minded. Knowledge and transformation will be the greatest adventure to the world of young humans. They will flock to Adam’s side. But we must not tarry. And, if I may be so indelicate, we must find a way to save our Master.”

  Adam immediately saw the wisdom of her simple plan, “Anything you wish to have will be placed at your disposal, my Queen.”

  “Your language trickery is well known, Adam St. Chosen One. I will refrain from calling you what you dislike to your face. Behind your back is another matter. I may call my husband my Master if that excites him.”

  “Seems he needs no help in that department. Then it’s settled. You shall move in with us, I will have Niona and Fionna attend to your health, and you shall begin work with Vera and Bitsie as soon as you are moved in.”

  “Should we not seek their approval first?”

  “They will love you. And watch out Tanner, Vera is a shameless flirt. She is beautiful and beguiling. She curses like a sailor
and tells bawdy jokes while feigning innocence and naiveté.”

  Carolyn asked, “Should I be worried about this siren beauty?”

  “About you, yes; your husband no. She is married to my ex-girlfriend, Hannah Parker.”

  “I shall be careful to fasten my pants securely.”

  “Good luck then.”


  Orsin was in his home reading before bed when Hecate entered unannounced. Orsin looked up, then continued reading.

  “It is rude to enter a home uninvited. I shall speak to your Guardian and ask him to discipline you for your interminable spying and disrespectful behavior. You should leave now. I do not wish company; yours or anyone else’s.”

  “I wish only to talk to you. I miss you. I am lonely and heartbroken. Why will you not even speak to me?”

  “Sleep alone, wedding is off? Perhaps you have forgotten the cruelty of your caustic words. You humiliated me in front of everyone who matters in Paraiso as well the Manti. Now you wish to talk? About what? We are no longer mated, and I have no need of a woman who is this inconstant. If you treat me so in public, what must the world think of how we are in private. I am not yours to disparage, humiliate and order around as a cuckold. You are an Immortal; I will never be good enough for you. Go! Find an equal, not someone who is beneath you. Go commune with Niona and especially Fionna. Their arrogance is equal to yours. Leave me be. We are well past talking. You have ripped my heart from my chest; be content with that.”

  Hecate fled; she was crushed by Orsin’s words. She had never meant to hurt Orsin, just motivate him to be more serious and dedicated to his training. The rest was bluster that she did not intend; it was not what she felt inside. She wanted only to make a point. Surely Orsin knew how much she loved and treasured him above all others. She thought only of him; she dwelled within him each night and knew his heart and the kindness in his soul.

  She appeared to Alana, confused and in tears.

  “I have hurt Orsin. He will not even speak to me; he sends me away.”

  “What did he say? You saw him tonight?”

  “Yes. He said I broke his heart; that I humiliated him and said cruel things. But I did not mean to; it was not what I felt inside. I meant only to motivate him to work harder and do better. I don’t understand. We have all said much worse to our Master, yet he always forgives us though he may be stern in the aftermath. He holds no grudge and he lets go of angry words as quickly as we hurl them at him. Why cannot Orsin do the same? Surely, he cannot believe I meant any of what I said. Nor does anyone think lesser of him today than they did before yesterday.”

  “Orsin is not Adam. And he is young and in love with you. Your words, as would his to you, cut deeper than any other. He is a man, and as a man he has his pride, dignity and manhood always at stake; he can only be crushed by those he trusts and loves. You are his safe harbor, his refuge where he never needs to concern himself with his innermost safety. He is vulnerable to the things you think and say. It pierces his pride and his heart when he feels you think so little of him that you would threaten him or say you no longer wish to mate. He loves you.”

  Alana paused.

  “The upbraiding in public was not your best moment. Your words were harsh and unfortunately timed. In private, at home, you may say anything that is not cruel. Fight, argue then make up. But in front of the whole of the leadership of Paraiso, perhaps that was a step too far. He is probably wounded, angry and confused. But I suspect he still loves you every bit as much as before. Otherwise he would simply be indifferent to your presence; he would simply move on. I would bet, however, that he wishes to find a way back into your world, the one before this all happened. But you must make him listen and tell him how you really feel.”

  Hecate left and went back immediately to Orsin. He was still reading, though getting ready to retire. The daily training was hard and demanding. He slept well each night from exhaustion.

  “You have returned. What now? I could not have been plainer. You are not welcome here.”

  “Please hear me out, and if you still wish me out of your life, I will go. You have been honest, and I have been dreadful to you. I am sorry but truthfully, I did not understand what I was doing, or what effect it would have on you. I did not mean anything I said; I was wrong to say anything in public. And I would never wish to be with anyone other than you. I count the days to be wedded to you; I am devastated to be apart from you, even for one night. I am new to love, to the ways of mortals and I have never thought myself above you. Please say you forgive me and let us start again. I will apologize to the whole of Paraiso for my foolish behavior. Please let me stay. I am lost without you. I need your love; I am dying inside from pain and regret.”

  “You don’t deserve me. I have only ever loved you and wished for your happiness. But perhaps I was quick to anger, and a fool.”

  “You are like our Master then?”

  “Are you listening only to my words, but not their meaning? I am nothing like the Manti. I am Orsin. That is all. And you possess my heart. That means you must guard it with your love and take care that it is always first in your heart. That is what love means to me.”

  “Then I must learn how to love you as you wish to be loved. I know not how. But if you will love me as you did before, I will do better and always take care with those things I love most about you. You are kind and understanding; you tolerate my moodiness and childish behavior. You have always been my friend even when I did not know what friendship meant. As to love I would say, we have grown up together. Please say you forgive me. Say you love me again and always will.”

  “Do you think I ever stopped loving you? It is not possible even if I wished it so.”

  “What can I do to make this right.”

  “You must shamelessly show your affection for me to all my friends and all of the City to see. For at least a month.”

  “That long?”

  “Two months then!”

  “OK, OK. Just let me sleep with you here tonight. I will endure the harshness of my punishment beginning tomorrow everywhere we go. We have no training scheduled. Our Master is occupied with other duties.”

  “Your punishment begins tonight, wench. I am bone weary from the tyrant who trains me so hard by day. I have need of tenderness from my woman, or do you still wish to implode my head?”

  “Which one?”

  Chapter 30

  Adam rose early and took Carolyn and Tanner to visit with Vera and Bitsie over at the Tech Center to introduce and get them established. Late the previous evening and again at breakfast, the three discussed the couple’s plans for the revelation of the existence of the Gens nation and Nobilus Magnus. Immortality would be discussed at a later time; there was no need to overburden the human mind. There were plans and SWOT charts of the lead up to and the roll out after the news went public. Stakeholders in the before and after phases needed to be identified along with the identification of allies and enemies; this revelation would confuse religious communities and doctrines, and create problems for governments, legal frameworks, and cultural beliefs.

  There were slightly over three hundred million Gens and Nobilus worldwide but the transformed Gens and Nobilus communities would feel the effect most immediately. Both Adam and his friends were concerned about human violence in the wake of the announcements. Adam would have to create a plan for how to protect nearly one hundred million beings, leaving the Wildmen and the Preserve Gens largely on their own; it was unlikely they would be found any time soon. They toyed with the idea of not giving accurate numbers for Gens populations, locations, and lethality in natural state to anyone outside of the citizens of Paraiso and Nabataea. The Wildmen were truly safe; the Preserves might not be.

  One company had audio evidence that something was wrong in Colorado. If released, at least one identified Preserve might be filled with human hunters. The aftermath might be devastating for other Preserves if their locations were discovered through land ownership records and tied to Bio-G
en. This was a problem for both the Collective and Adam; they just didn’t know it yet.

  The worst news discussed was the breakdown in relations with the Eighty-One. After centuries of living in harmony, the Gens were suddenly breaking with their human counterparts. Adam had offered, then denied, the Gens of the Eighty-One with the gene access to knowledge and the ability to instantly transform. He did however, provide it to the humans. The breakdown of their civil societies had already begun, with factional fighting along pure human and pure Gens lines. Mixed species families were fleeing in large numbers and being brought to Paraiso for resettlement.

  Both the Gens, Nobilus and human leadership councils warned that accepting all refugees who came to Paraiso was dangerous; some would emigrate for the sole purpose of committing treason from within. However, none were comfortable with how to address the refugee situation; letting all in and sorting it out later was determined to be the only way. Adam could not, at this early date, turn anyone away. Tar and the Gens military believed that each species should police their kind under guidelines developed by all councils and approved by Adam.

  Sedition and rabble rousing would not be permitted; free speech would not, however, be suppressed. Policy issues were fair game; tearing down the institutions or inciting species hatred would earn individuals and their families instant release into the wild with maps to find their way back to civilization.

  Adam confided to Tar and Orsin, sworn to secrecy, that he was prepared to kill hundreds of millions of humans if they went to war with the Gens and Nobilus. He also suggested that he was willing to take the planet back to the stones ages if things got out of hand.

  “Eight billion humans will not pivot on a dime and become enlightened about race and species discrimination. The world is already too racist and intolerant among our own species. I have no doubt the haters will bubble up quickly incited by politicians and religious groups.”


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