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Won’t Fall Again

Page 5

by Liliana Rhodes

  “I got this for you. It’s still cold,” he said before reaching into the bag again and pulling out a bag of flexible straws. “And I got these for you too.” He opened a can of soda and handed it to me along with the bag of straws.

  I dropped a straw into the can and took a sip as I looked at Mason. The lines around his eyes were more visible now that the sun cast shadows as it set. Despite his looking older, he was still the best-looking man I had ever seen. It didn’t matter how much time had passed, I still felt like that girl meeting him for the first time. Without thinking, I put my hand on my chest to try to calm my pounding heart.

  “I knew I did good,” he said.

  “You haven’t changed at all. You’re as cocky as ever,” I said. He raised a questioning eyebrow at me and I lowered my hand from my heart. “Don’t get all excited, it’s just the caffeine.”

  “If you say so.” He opened another can of soda and took a long drink. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately. About us, to be honest.”

  I put my hand up. “Just stop right there. You know I want to take things slow.”

  “I know, I know. It’s taken you months just to say yes to a date. I think I understand what you mean by slow.”

  I felt a little guilty for making him wait for so long. Looking at him now, I couldn’t remember why I found it so hard to keep the hurt I felt in the past where it belonged.

  “Since you seem to remember so much about our dates, why don’t you tell me which one was your favorite?” I asked.

  He looked thoughtfully for a minute before his mouth spread into a big grin. His brown eyes caught the sun and twinkled, reminding me of the beach long ago. I looked out towards the ocean as he spoke.

  “I don’t have to tell you. I know it’s your favorite date too.”

  “That was more than a date, you took me to another country. And you tricked me into going.”

  “As you know, I’ll do whatever I have to to get what I want. Back then, what I wanted was you.”

  “And now?”

  “I shouldn’t have to answer that.” His voice was serious. “I’ve never wanted anything but you. Now or then it doesn’t make a difference. But whatever happens between us, I’ll never forget the time we shared together. And I’ll always hold close to me the time we spent at Mallorca.”

  Fifteen Years Ago

  Mason stormed into the tack room where I was finishing up my day. It had been a couple of weeks since we started working together and things had changed since that first ride we took together, but not for the better. After I canceled our date, he went from hot to cold without any notice.

  While I enjoyed having him around as eye candy, there were times where I was reminded that he was my boss. I didn’t like those times and by the fierce look in his eye I knew this was going to be one of them.

  “I’m going to need you to work overtime this week starting tomorrow,” he said.

  “I have the day off tomorrow. I’m taking my father to his check-up.”

  I didn’t look at Mason as I wiped down the saddle I used earlier. It was easier to say no to him when I wasn’t staring at his gorgeous face.

  “Reschedule it,” he said. “There’s a horse I want, and we have to leave tomorrow to get it or they’ll sell it to someone else.”

  “No, I have to take him. No horse is that important. You have people knocking your doors down for the breeds you have here. You don't need more.”

  “I know what I need,” he growled.

  His voice gave me goose bumps. I stopped what I was doing and before I realized it, I had turned around to face him. He was standing so close to me I could swear I felt the heat of his body through my clothes, but maybe that was just wishful thinking.

  He was in a dark brown suit that made him look both dressed up and casual at the same time. His jacket was open and his white shirt unbuttoned low enough that I found myself staring at his collarbone and wishing I could see more.

  “What do you need?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

  I cleared my throat and mentally kicked myself for sounding like a moron. As hard as I tried to make my voice sound normal when Mason was around, it didn’t.

  No matter what we talked about, there was always a point in our conversation where his voice would change. I couldn’t explain it, but something in his timbre would turn me into a blathering idiot. I was always fine until he did that, after which I was done. He always had that effect on me and although he never pointed it out, I knew he could tell.

  “I need you to pack for three days away. Do you have a passport? We’re heading to Spain,” he said.

  “Spain? For a horse?”

  “I heard a breeder there has a Menorquín horse. They are extremely rare, almost extinct. No more questions about this, it’s part of your job to help me acquire new horses. My limo will pick you up in the morning.”

  Morning? Suddenly my brain switched back on.

  “I can’t go. My parents need me.”

  “They’ll be fine without you. It’s only a few days.”

  He walked out of the tack room before I could argue more. I didn't know what to do. How could I leave for another country in the morning? I needed more time to make sure my family would be alright without me.

  * * *

  As I rushed into the house, the screen door slammed shut behind me.

  “Sorry,” I yelled, worried my father might have been napping.

  “We’re in the kitchen,” my mother called out.

  As I walked in, I was surprised to see my sister and my niece Maya. Brooke had my same blonde hair, but her eyes were wider apart than mine. She had left home at eighteen when I was just a little younger than Maya. Unfortunately our age difference kept us from being close growing up.

  Maya was ten years old and very shy. Her dark blonde hair was pulled into pigtails that hung in long, springy curls.

  “I didn’t know you were coming, Brooke,” I said.

  “Call it spur of the moment,” she said with a smile. “I’m almost done making dinner too so you’re just in time.” Her eyes darted to the table where our parents were talking to Maya. “Can we talk privately?”

  “Sure, let’s go out on the porch,” I said.

  Brooke lowered the flame on the stove and then joined me on the screened-in porch. The crisp night air gave me a chill, and I rubbed my arms to warm myself.

  “I know I haven’t been around much since Craig and I got married,” she said. “I’m really sorry about that. I know it’s been rough on you having to take care of them.”

  “I never blamed you or anything like that. You were eighteen when you moved out. I was younger than Maya at that time, so this is just how it’s always been. You have no reason to feel sorry.”

  “I know it’s been rough though. I got to move out and live my life while you were stuck here.”

  “I never thought I was stuck. I have a job that I love and I got it because of them. If they hadn’t bought me Ladyfinger, I would’ve never started working at Abernathy Ranch. What’s this all about anyway, Brooke? What’s going on?”

  She sighed and turned to look back in the house before speaking.

  “I’m leaving Craig,” she said. “I haven’t told them yet.”

  Brooke hesitated like she was going to say something else then changed her mind. Her eyes darted across the yard then to the street before they came back to me.

  “You’re leaving a lot out, aren’t you?”

  “You were probably too young to remember,” she said. “Mom and Dad didn’t want me marrying Craig. They said we were too young, we had our whole lives ahead of us, they just went on and on. If I tell them that we’re divorcing, they’re going to give me even more grief.”

  “Give them a break, you’ve been married for over ten years now. I don’t think they’ll give you shit about leaving him. If you feel it’s what you need to do, then that’s good enough.”

  She nodded her head then pushed her long hair back behind her ear. As
she did that, I saw a bruise at her hairline by her neck.

  “Wait,” I said as I reached out to her. “How’d you get that? Did he hit you?”

  Her hand went to her neck and she pulled her hair forward so it fell around her shoulders. I could tell she was thinking over what she was going to say next as her eyes darted to the street again. I gave her the stern look I learned from our dad.

  “Oh wow, that’s exactly the look I was trying to avoid,” she said.

  “Has he hit Maya?” I asked.

  “No, no, I don’t think he would ever do that.”

  “You don’t think? That’s not something you're sure of?”

  “Listen, Tara, you don’t understand. I love him. He’s my first love, my first everything. But when he drinks, he’s a different person. It’s like I don’t even know him. He doesn’t mean to do it, he just can’t control himself.”

  “That’s bullshit, Brooke. If he has a drinking problem, he should get help. But if he’s hitting you, then you need to fucking leave. Pardon my French. How’d you get this?”

  I pushed her hair back and tilted her head to get a better look. The bruise was already turning yellow. It wasn’t fresh.

  “That was a beer bottle. It was my fault, I forgot to buy more beer when I did the grocery shopping,” she said.

  “Brooke! I’m so mad at you right now.” I squeezed her tight as I hugged her. “You’re an idiot, okay? You and Maya can stay in my room with me. Your old bed is still in there.”

  She shivered as I held her and then soft sobs came from her throat.

  “I was hoping we could stay here. I know there’s not much room, but we don’t have anywhere to go,” she said.

  “You can stay here as long as you like. This is your home too, you know.”

  “Thanks, sis.” She breathed in deep and wiped the tears from her face. “He doesn’t know we left. He’d been gone for two days and I know what that means. I didn’t want to be there when he came home. And then there’s Maya. I have to do what’s right for her. I don’t want her thinking this is normal.”

  “You did the right thing by leaving. Let’s get back in, it’s chilly out here.”

  As I reached for the door to head back into the house, she grabbed my hand.

  “Wait. I just need a few more minutes to compose myself. I don’t want Maya to see that I was crying. She’s very sensitive. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you. Are you dating anyone?”

  Mason popped into my head, and I smiled even though I didn’t mean to.

  “Ahhh, I know that look,” Brooke said. “Who is he?”

  “No one. I’m not dating anyone.” No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Then who are you thinking about? You’re crushing on someone. I can tell.”

  “I was just thinking about the new manager at work.”

  “At the ranch?”

  I nodded and despite how much I fought it, I grinned.

  “I wanted to hate him for being a cocky, spoiled bastard, but there’s just something about him. He’s smart and funny and he’s just a couple of years older than me. And oh my lord, is he hot. He looks at me and I just melt into a puddle.”

  She giggled. “This is exactly what I needed to hear. What’s his name? And when do I get to meet him?”

  “Mason Abernathy. And why would you meet him? He’s just my boss. Although he’s coming in the morning to pick me up, but now that you’re here, I think I’m going to push back on him more about going. I didn’t want to leave Mom and Dad anyway.”

  “Abernathy? Really?” Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Where is this wealthy rancher taking my little sister?”

  “Oh stop,” I said. “He’s looking to buy a horse. He said we have to go to Spain for it.”

  “Spain? To buy a horse? Well, that’s the biggest load of horse shit I’ve ever heard, Tara.”

  “I didn’t make that up.”

  “I didn’t say you did, but I know guys. He’s not looking for a horse, he’s looking to spend some time with you. He’s whisking you off somewhere romantic. I know it!”

  “You’re insane. There’s plenty of romantic places right here in North Carolina. Why would he take me all the way to Europe?”

  “Because he’s a billionaire,” she said as she shrugged. “They do things we normal people would never understand. Now let’s go eat and then get you packed. There’s no way you’re not going and now that I’m here, you won’t have to worry about Mom and Dad.”

  * * *

  I couldn’t sleep, so I stared at the ceiling as I listened to Brooke and Maya’s steady breathing in the next bed. I was glad they were sound asleep. They needed the rest. I couldn’t imagine what they had been through with Craig, but I hoped it was over. Even with my father as ill as he was, I knew he would do anything to protect them. They were safe.

  As the sun began seeping through the blinds, Brooke stretched and quietly rolled out of bed. She peeked out the window and started flapping her hands excitedly.

  “What is it?” I whispered.

  Maya groaned and rolled over. Brooke tiptoed out of the room and waved at me to follow. She closed the door as quietly as she could, then yanked me by the arm to a window in the kitchen.

  “Look outside,” she said.

  I braced myself. I expected to see Craig out there in his beat up Ford, but instead I saw a long limousine with its glossy paint shining in the rising sun.

  “That must’ve made a wrong turn somewhere,” I said.

  “That’s for you, Tara.” She smacked the back of my head.

  “Hey, that wasn’t nice.”

  “Sometimes we all need a good smack to the head. You said Mason Abernathy was picking you up this morning, and it's morning.”

  “But it’s a limo.”

  “What did you think he was going to show up in? A Chevy pick-up?”

  “I didn’t really think about it,” I said, feeling foolish. “If it is him, he’s early.”

  I slipped on a sweater and went out into the cool morning air. As I got closer to the limo, a window at the back rolled down, revealing Mason.

  “I know I’m early. I couldn’t sleep,” he said. “How quickly can you get ready?”

  “I couldn’t sleep either. I’m mostly packed, I just need to shower. Give me twenty minutes?”

  He nodded, and the window rose as I turned back to the house. As I entered, Brooke was waiting for me.

  “Wow, you weren’t kidding about him,” she said, fanning herself. “What did he say?”

  “He couldn’t sleep. I have to go get ready.”

  “Oh, he’s totally into you.” She followed me through the house as I collected my things for the trip.

  “I think being gone from home has made you crazy. He didn’t say that at all.”

  “He said he couldn’t sleep and you said he wants you to get ready quickly. He was thinking about you all night long.”

  “I have to shower,” I said. “He can have his pick of any of the beautiful socialites in and probably outside of North Carolina. There is no way he was thinking about me last night.”

  “I’m telling you, you’re wrong. I know guys.”

  As Brooke made kissing sounds, I pushed her out of the bathroom and locked the door. The last thing I needed was her filling my head with ridiculous ideas about Mason. It was bad enough I was attracted to him.

  * * *

  The limo ride, the private jet, everything overwhelmed me so much that it was a blur. When we arrived at the airport in Spain, I realized I knew nothing about the trip or this horse we were looking to buy.

  “What kind of horse are we here for?” I asked.

  “It’s a Menorquín. We’ll be heading to Menorca for it.”

  “A Menorquín? I’ve never heard of that breed.”

  “They’re rare and in danger of extinction. That’s why we’re here. There are very few Menorquín horses left and the majority of them are still only on the island, but I pla
n to look on the other islands as well.”


  “Yes, Mallorca, Ibiza, I’m sure you’ve heard of them. We’ll be taking a boat,” he said.

  Mason pointed out the window. In the distance, white boats dotted the blue-green sea. The view looked like a living postcard.

  The more I looked, the more out of place I felt. Those boats didn’t look anything like what my father and I had gone fishing in. And as the limo parked at the dock, all I saw were fancy people in their beautiful clothing. I felt uncomfortable. I was wearing my favorite pair of jeans and a plaid shirt that had been washed so many times it had gone soft. I didn’t fit in.

  “I don’t think I packed appropriately,” I said, thinking about my clothes that were perfect for the ranch and not much else.

  “You have nothing to worry about,” he said. “It’s just going to be you and me. We’ll be staying here overnight and then in the morning, the yacht will arrive.”


  Money never intimidated me. I knew the Abernathys were just like everyone else, they put their pants on one leg at a time. But hearing Mason talk about taking a yacht like it was something normal was the final push after a long and overwhelming day.

  “I think maybe I should go home,” I said. “I really don’t belong here.”

  “I don’t want to hear that. If you’re worried about your parents, you can call home once we get to the hotel room.”

  “Hotel room? Not rooms? Don’t you think that’s a little presumptuous of you to think I would share a room with you? You told me we were here for work.”

  The car stopped in front of a tall building. Without answering me, Mason got out of the car, and a bellhop headed straight for our bags. He entered the hotel lobby and I followed behind him, waiting for him to respond. Had we been anywhere else, I would have made a scene. Mason was lucky I felt out of my element.

  We rode up the elevator in silence. Each bell that indicated we were passing another floor made my anger build even more. Who did he think he was? Was he that cocky that he thought women were ready to sleep with him at the drop of a hat? I didn't care how gorgeous he was, he would have to earn it.


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