Tales From the Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
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art in, 457
avarice growing with prosperity, 466
Bruno and Buffalmacco’s society meetings, 618–21
Cacavincigli (street), 621, 626
Camaldoli (district), 669
Canto alia Macina, 566
Corso degli Adimari, 467
coteries of distinguished men, 466–7
families, 459–61
Ghibelline and Guelph factions, 732, 736, 737
Loggia de’ Cavicciuli, 687
Mercato Vecchio, 661
Ognissanti (meadow), 630
Orsammichele district, 467
plague, 453
Porta San Gallo, 565, 566
San Pancrazio district, 486
society in, 531
summer residences, 427
Via del Cocomero, 616
war with Siena, 268
Folco (lover of Maddalena), 315–20
Forese da Rabatta (ugly Florentine lawyer), 457–9
Forlimpopoli, 623
Fortarrigo, Cecco (gambler of Siena), 664–8
Fortune, 3, 18, 55, 81, 86, 91, 96, 111, 126, 131, 142, 148, 152, 161, 256, 347, 566, 573, 743, 748–9
achieving desired object, 187
benign, 297
envious, 370
fickle, 372–3
grasping opportunities offered by, 535–6
happiness after misfortune, 68
hostile, 430
misfortune, 367
strange ways of achieving aims, 757
with a thousand eyes, 448
waywardness of, 417
France, 26, 49, 148–9, 151–2, 350, 420, 465
King of, 149, 161–4, 265–8
Queen of, 162, 619
Francis, Saint, 304, 434, 475, 496
Franciscan Order, 51–2, 216, 303, 434, 496, 626, 650
Frederick I ‘Barbarossa’, Holy Roman Emperor, 765
Frederick II, Emperor, 55, 403
Frederick II of Aragon, King of Sicily, 101, 406–11
Fresco da Celatico (uncle of Cesca), 465
friendship, 755–65
Friuli, 726
Fulvia (sister of Titus), 763
Funland, 474
Gabriel, Angel, 306–12, 470, 474–6; see also Bagriel
Gabriotto (lover of Andreuola), 331–8
Gaeta, 92
Gafsa, Barbary, 275, 277–9
Galahalt, Prince, 1, 802
Galen, 13
Galeone, Saint, 493
Galesus (Cimon) (son of Aristippus), 367
Galluzzi, see Egano de’ G.
gardens, 340, 726–7, 732–3, 735; see also loci amœni
Gascony, 62
Gemmata (wife of Neighbour Pietro), 696–8
generosity, 61
Genoa, 49, 51, 59–60, 93, 115, 116, 169–73, 178, 212, 316, 412, 712, 773, 776
Gentile, see Carisendi, G. de’
George, Saint, 799
Gerard of Narbonne (doctor to Isnard, Count of Roussillon), 265–6
Gerbino (grandson of William II of Sicily), 321–6
Germany, 72, 148, 161
Gherardo da Villamagna, Saint, 476
Gherardo di Bonsi, 476
Ghibelline faction, 118, 732, 736, 737, 745
Ghino di Tacco (Sienese nobleman and brigand), 707–11
Ghismonda, Princess of Salerno, 291–301
Ghita, Monna (wife of Tofano), 501–5
Giacomina (wife of Lizio da Valbona), 393–8
Giacomino da Pavia (guardian of Agnesa), 399–405
Gianfigliazzi, Currado, 454–6
Gianni di Barolo (poor priest who fastens tail on mare), 695–8
Gianni di Nello (dunderhead of Porta San Piero), 490
Gianni of Procida (lover of Restituta), 406–11
Giannole di Severino (lover of Agnesa), 400–405
Giannùcole (father of Griselda), 786, 789, 791, 794
Gilberto (husband of Dianora), 726–31
Guette of Narbonne, 264–74
Ginestreto, Ser Bonaccori da (lawyer of Florence), 556
Ginevra (daughter of Neri degli Uberti), 733–7
Giotto di Bondone (Italian painter), 457–8
Giovanna (beloved ofFederigo), 426–32
Giovanni del Bragoniera (prankster), 470–77
Girgenti (Agrigento), 100
Girolamo (son of Leonardo Sighieri), 343
Gisippus (husband of Sophronia), 746–64
Giusfredi (son of Beritola Caracciolo), 112–24
godfathers, 495–500, 545–7
Godfrey of Bouillon (Crusader), 62
Gomito, Martuccio (lover of Gostanza), 379–85
Goosebridge (Solomon’s place for curing stubbornness), 692–4
Gostanza (daughter of William II of Sicily), 321
Gostanza (lover of Martuccio Gomito), 379–85
Gradense, Ansaldo (lover of Dianora), 726–31
Granada, 322–3, 382
Grassa (Florentine tripe-merchant), 577
Greece, 93; see also Athens
Gregory, Saint, 211
Grimaldi, Ermino de’ (wealthy miser of Genoa), 59–61
Griselda (wife of Gualtieri), 785–95
Gualandi, Lotto (father of Bartolomea), 179
Gualtieri, Marquis of Saluzzo, 784–95
Guasparrino d’Oria (Genoese nobleman), 115–16, 122–3
Guasparruolo da Saliceto (magistrate at Forlimpopoli), 623
Guccio Imbratta, 342, 471–4
Guelph faction, 101, 732
Guido degli Anastagi (murderous knight), 421–2
Guidotto da Cremona (guardian of Agnesa), 399–405
Guiglielmino da Medicina (friend of Guidotto da Cremona), 403
Guiglielmo, Messer, 281
Guiglielmo della Magna (husband of Isotta), 737
Guillaume de Cabestanh (murdered by Guillaume de Roussillon), 349–52
Guillaume de Roussillon (murderer of Guillaume de Cabestanh), 349–52
Guiscardo (lover of Ghismonda), 292–301
Gulfardo (German soldier of fortune in love with Ambruogia), 552–4
Gumedra of the Great Khan of Altarisi, 620–21
happiness, 125
hawking, see falconry
Hippocrates of Gela (Hippocras), 13, 621
Holy Cross, 475
Holy Ghost, 475
Holy Land, 49, 62, 146, 238, 470, 475, 518, 765; see also Crusades
Holy Sepulchre, 62, 146, 238, 518–19
homosexuality, 47, 86–8, 433, 440
Hospitallers, Order of, 711
Imbratta, see Guccio I. Imola, 303
improper words, 798–9
India, 582, 593
acquisition of, by simpleton, 370
cuckolded husbands’ restraint, 202–5, 611–15
and destiny, 755
jealousy causing loss of, 512–13
parents’ restraint over children’s love affairs, 397–8
physicians’ ignorance ridiculed, 615–32
presumptuousness as to, 342–3
repartee avoiding danger, discomfiture or ridicule, 441–77
wife’s presence of mind, 677–82
wisdom of mortals, 795
wives outwitting husbands, 501–13
woman’s, 166–8, 206–15, 44–6
Iphigenia (Cimon’s beloved), 369–78
Ireland, 148, 154, 159
Isabella (lover of Leonetto), 514–18
Isabetta, Monna (wife of Puccio di Rinieri), 216–21
Isabetta (nun of Lombardy with secret lover), 655–8
Ischia, island of, 405–6, 410
Isnard, Count of Roussillon, 265
Isotta (daughter of Neri degli Uberti), 733–7
Italy, 59, 85, 92, 166, 228, 473, 704
Jancofiore, Madonna (lady-barber of Palermo), 633–44
jealousy, 507–13
Jeannette (Violante) (daughter of Count of Antwerp), 152–60, 163
; Jehannot de Chevigny (Paris merchant evangelizing Abraham), 37–41
Jeremiah, 802
Jerusalem, 146, 475, 691
Jews, 37–41, 41–4
John, Saint, 453
John Golden-Mouth, Saint, 52
John Gualbert, Saint, 220
John Thomas, 445
Joseph (young man seeking Solomon’s advice), 691–4
Julian, Saint, 76–82
Lackland, Lord Charles, 25
Lagina (companion to Simona), 340
Lajazzo, 416, 419, 691
Lamberti family, 83, 459
Lamberto (son of Tebaldo), 83–5
Lambertuccio (unwelcome lover of Isabella), 514–17
Lamiens, Jacques (husband of Jeannette), 154–64
Lamporecchio, see Masetto of L.
Landolfo of Procida (father of Gianni), 410
Lapa, Monna, 442
Lapuccio (supplier of thongs to priest of Varlungo), 556
Laterina (pun on name of village near Arezzo), 626
Laughland, 474
Lauretta (member of the lieta brigata), 14, 21 59, 68, 91, 254, 281–2, 313, 411, 452, 501, 548, 644, 685, 718–19
foolish judges, 575–8
lawyers failing to live up to splendid appearance, 616
true allegiance to devil and his iniquities, 240
Lawrence, Saint, 476–7
Lazarus, 475
Lazzari, Francesca de’ (woman of Pistoia), 650–55
Lazzarino de’ Guazzagliotri, 462–3
Leonetto (lover of Madonna Isabella), 514–17
Lerici, 123
Levant, 412
Liarland, 474
Licisca (Filomena’s servant), 444–5, 478
Liello di Campo di Fiore, 390–92
lieta brigata ladies, 13–14
men, 18–19
servants of, 21, 444–5
themes of stories, see themes of stories
see also members by name
Lipari, island of, 112, 379–80, 385
Lippo Topo (proverbial lazy vulgarian), 471
Lisa (daughter of Bernardo Puccini), 738–45
Lisabetta of Messina (lover of Lorenzo), 326–30
Lisetta da Ca’ Quirino (Lady Birdbrain), 304–10
Lizio da Valbona (father of Caterina), 393–9
loci atnœni (places where stories told), 19–20, 22, 70, 189–92, 281, 363, 366, 444, 470–82, 648, 702
Lodovico (lover of Madonna Beatrice), 518–24
Lombardy, 28, 200, 399, 655, 765, 774–5
Lomellin, Bernabò (Genoese merchant, husband of Zinevra), 166–78
London, 84, 152
Loosefart, Earl of, 626
Lorenzo of Messina, 326–30
Loria, Ruggieri de (Admiral of the Royal Fleet), 409–11
Lotteringhi, Gianni (leader of laud-singers), 486–90
Lotto (old-clothes merchant), 558
Louis (Perrot) (son of Count of Antwerp), 152–3, 159–63
Love ‘
advice as to, or interference with, 343
affecting old and young alike, 65, 296
among servants, 444–5
divine laws supplanted by, 748
ending unhappily, 280, 362
and friendship, 755–64
honourable, 737
lovers surviving misfortune and attaining happiness, 363
no claim to true excellence without, 323
overcoming lowly birth and poverty, 267, 297, 338, 397, 431–2
parental, 429–30
penalty for adultery, 462–4
power of, 295
rescuing hidden virtues, 370
seduction of virtuous women, 167–8
settings for, 274
sex on Saints’ days, 179–84
Solomon’s advice on, 691–4
teacher of guile, 537
theme of stories, 3; see also themes of stories
tragic end to, 325–6
tricks played by women upon husbands, 478
turning to hatred, 317
woman yielding to, deserves lenient judge, 552
young men’s desires, 602–3
Lucifer (Venus), 484
Lunigiana, 45, 115, 116, 253
Lusca (maid of Lydia), 534–6
Lydia (wife of Nicostratose and lover of Pyrrhus), 533–43
Lysimachus (magistrate of Rhodes), 374–8
Maddalena (daughter of N’Arnald Civada), 314–20
Maffeo da Palizzi (husband of Ginevra), 737
Magdalen, Plaint of the, 216, 802
Magi, 475
Magra, river, 115
Majorca, 127, 130, 144
Malagevole (Killjoy) (friend of Pasquino), 340–42
Malespina, Currado (saviour of Beritola), 114–24
Malgherida de’ Ghisolieri, 64–6
Manfred, King of Sicily, 111–12, 118, 732, 736
Mangione, 669
Mannini, Neri (young man of Florence), 460–61
Mannuccio dalla Cuculia (father of Monna Tessa), 486
Manuel (nephew of the Emperor of Constantinople), 136–8
Marato (lover of Alatiel), 131–2
Marches (province), 575, 664–5, 668
Marchese (entertainer), 71–5
Margarita (wife of Talano d’Imolese), 683–5
Marseilles, 314
Martellino (entertainer), 71–5
Masetto of Lamporecchio (dumb gardener at convent), 192–9, 200, 280
Maso del Saggio (Florentine prankster), 475, 561–9, 575–8
Massa, Berto della (Friar Alberto), 303–12
Matilda, Lady, laud of, 486
Matteuzzo (Florentine prankster), 576–8
Mazzeo della Montagna, doctor, 353–62
Mazzo, see Bentivegna del M.
Melchizedek (wise Jew), 41–4
Melissus (young man seeking Solomon’s advice), 691–4
Messina, 323, 326–30, 637
Meuccio di Tura (lover of Monna Mita), 545–7
Michael, Saint, 475, 799
Mico da Siena (lyricist), 740
Milan, 222, 227, 552, 765
Minerva, Cape (Punta Campanella), 407
Minghino di Mingole (lover of Agnesa), 400–405
Mini, Tingoccio (lover of Monna Mita), 544–7
Mino, Zeppa di (cuckolded husband), 611–15
Minuccio d’Arezzo (Sicilian court musician), 739–42
Minutolo, Filippo (Archbishop of Naples), 107–9
Minutolo, Ricciardo (lover of Catella), 228–36
Misia (Pampinea’s servant), 21
Mita, Monna (wife of Ambruogio Anselmini), 545–7
Mithridanes (rival of Nathan), 712–18
Modena, 719–22
Monaco, 181, 642
Montenero, 180
Montesone, near Florence, 618
Montferrat, Marquis and Marchioness of, 48–51
Montfort, Count Guy de, 732–6 Montici, 562
Montpelier, 273
Montughi, 459
Morea, Princes of, 133–6
Morello, Monte, 562
Mount Asinaio, 286
Mugello, 457, 458
Mugnone valley, 563–5, 568, 674, 678
Mulay Abd Allah (grandee of Granada), 382–3
Musciatto Franzesi (Tuscan businessman), 25–7
Muses, 284, 289
Naldino (supplier of flails to priest of Varlungo), 556
Naples, 97–111, 112, 228–9, 329; 405, 491, 639, 644, 737
Avorio, 491
Fleshpots, 99
Ruga Catalana, 106
Narbonne, 265
N’Amald Civada (Marseilles merchant), 314
Narsia, Scalpedra of, 619
Nastagio degli Onesti (nobleman of Ravenna), 419–25
Nathan (nobleman of Cathay), 712–18
discerning, 448
planting genius in ugly men, 457
Nazareth, 470
eerbal (husband of Alibech), 279
Negro da Pontecarraro (nobleman of Brescia), 331–8
Neifile (member of the lieta brigata), 37, 186, 189, 264, 342, 399, 454, 524, 551, 663, 702–3
Nello (Florentine painter), 659–63, 669–77
Nello, Gianni di, 490
Nello, Pegolotti, Federigo di, see Federigo di N.P.
Niccolò da Grignano, 116
Niccolosa (daughter of Mugnone innkeeper), 678–82
Niccolosa (Florentine prostitute), 669–7
Nicostratos (cuckolded husband of Lydia), 533–43
Ninetta (daughter of N’Arnald Civada), 314–20
nobility of birth and merit, 297–8
Nomansland, 561
Semolina of, 619
Nonna de’ Pulci (Florentine beauty), 452–4
Norwake, Chitchatess of, 619
Nôtre Dame de Paris, 41
Nuta (serving wench), 472
Nuto Buglietti (friend of priest of Varlungo), 558
Nuto (gardener at convent), 193–4
Octavianus Caesar, 746, 762
Old Man of the Mountain, 258
Oretta (wife of Geri Spina), 446–7, 448, 452
Ormisdas (brother of Pasimondas), 374–8
Orsini family, 387–8
Outcast, The (son of Beritola Caracciolo), 112, 116, 122–4
Paganino da Mare (pirate), 180–86
painting, 457–9
Palamon, 548
Palermini, Aldobrandino (husband of Ermellina), 237, 239, 248–54
Palermini, Rinuccio (lover of Francesca de’ Lazzari), 650–55
Palermo, 100–103, 124, 323, 406, 409, 633–44, 738
Pampinea (member of the lieta brigata), 63, 83, 187, 199–200, 302, 405, 514, 586, 683, 738
Panago, Counts of, 791–4
Panfilo (member of the lieta brigata), 37, 125, 215, 330, 366, 457, 677, 699
Paphos, Cyprus, 142, 146
Paris, 25, 37, 39–41, 56, 91, 164, 165, 169, 265, 344, 518, 586, 588, 594, 625, 767
Parmeno (Dioneo’s servant), 21–2
Parnassus, 284, 289
Parsnipindia, 475
Pasimondas (intended husband of Iphigenia), 371, 374–7
Pasquino (poor young man of Florence), 339–42
Passignano, 624
Pavia, 200, 403, 765–83
Penury, Straits of, 474
Perdicone (Sicilian knight betrothed to Lisa), 744
Peretola, 454, 621
Pericone da Visalgo (lover of Alatiel), 128–31
Peronella (tub provider), 491–4
Perrot (Louis) (son of Count of Antwerp), 152–3, 159–63
Persia, 722–3
Perugia, 97, 98, 100, 102, 433, 436
Peter III, King of Aragon, 117–18, 123, 738–45
Philippe Le Borgne, King of France, 49–51
Phineas (Armenian ambassador), 416–19
Piacenza, 166, 174
Picardy, 153
Piccarda, Monna (widow of Fiesole pursued by provost), 570–75
Pietro da Tresanti, see Tresanti, P. da
Pietro di Vinciolo (opportunistic cuckold), 433–41