Survivor (Dragon Shifter Book 4)

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Survivor (Dragon Shifter Book 4) Page 11

by Naomi Sparks

  Hannah lets out a long breath. She smiles at me and her entire body seems to relax. "Then maybe it really will be okay. Lex has been giving me his venom, too. And it does seem to make me stronger. So maybe I can get through this."

  "I think you can. You're strong and you've got a lot of people around here who care for you. A mate that loves you more than anything. You can do this."

  "Thank you." She takes a deep breath, then stands. "I should go back up to Lex. He's probably wondering what's taking me so long."

  And with that, Hannah heads back upstairs. I slump back in my chair, letting out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. My entire body ached now, tired, exhausted. I needed more sleep.

  "You did good," Jerrick says. He lifts me out of the chair and into his arms. I don't need to tell him how tired I am. He already knows and is already taking me back upstairs. "Especially after what you've been through. It's amazing just how strong you are. Not many women would have been able to do that after what you've lost."

  I sigh and lean against him. "It... it doesn't feel like a loss to me. I know it should, but I can't help but feel grateful for it. I never wanted Amasis's child."

  It's hard to say those words out loud, even harder than it had been to say them in my head earlier. I feel guilty, ashamed, of having those thoughts, even now.

  But Jerrick cups his hand over my ear, gently caressing my head. He smiles down at me, looking at me like I really am the love of his life. "Then that makes you even stronger. You could do something most women wouldn't be able to do. And I know it may not feel good, but that doesn't mean you didn't do the right thing for you. And no matter what, I still love you."

  Tears sting at the edges of my eyes, and I quickly wipe them away. How did I ever get so lucky to find a man like Jerrick? I just hope it's not over too soon for us.



  Sitting at the kitchen table and staring out that damned window has become habit. It's been a few days since Ida left town. She got settled with Hannah's friend, and yet, for some reason, we're still in Seattle. I want to get the hell out of this city, as far away as possible. The longer we're here, the more chances Amasis has to find Faith.

  As much as I want a chance to rip him a new one, I hate to admit it but I'm not positive I can keep Faith safe. I will fight to the death to protect her, there's no doubt about that, but the memories of Rota still surface. If I couldn't protect someone as strong as her, how can I protect a fragile human like Faith?

  After her miscarriage, she's been extra fragile. It's like losing the baby has taken all of her physical strength away from her. She tries to put on a brave face for everyone, but I can see through it easily enough. It's all she can do to come downstairs, eat, and then practically crawl back up to my bed. She says she's getting stronger, but I've yet to see any proof of that.

  My dragon itches to take care of her. I want to give her my venom, let that help boost her strength, but the last time I suggested it, she shut me down hard. I can't really blame her, either, not after taking venom from Amasis for so long. So no matter how hard my dragon screams at me to use the venom to take care of her, I know I can't.

  She has to recover on her own and rely on her own innate, inner strength.

  It'll be tough, but I know she can do it. I just hope it doesn't take too long. I want her back up at full strength, just in case Amasis finds us and comes for her. With the shape she’s in right now, Faith couldn't run if her life depended on it.

  When the front door opens, I jump up out of the chair, my claws extend as I make my way into the living room. But it's not Amasis or any of his thugs, it's just Bren, back from his recon mission. He’s wearing a bright green and goofy-looking ‘I made it to the top’ Seattle Space Needle baseball cap, but the look on his face is not a happy one. Whatever he found out, it's not good news.

  Minutes later, we're all gathered in the kitchen. Lex has his arm around Hannah, Faris holding onto Kyra. Faith is standing right next to me, close enough for me to feel her body heat, but I fight down the urge to put my arm around her. We're not quite there yet. Soon, maybe, but not yet.

  "Well?" Lex asks once we're all assembled. Everyone is looking at Bren now.

  Bren lets out a sigh and shakes his head before telling us everything we feared. "The Clutch is hunting hard for us. Amasis has his men scouring the city and the surrounding area, trying to track us and Faith down."

  He gives out more details from his source, Billy, but I tune them out. My heart is pounding too hard to focus on what he's saying. If they're looking that hard, it's only a matter of time before they find us here. We're outside the city, practically exactly opposite of where his stronghold is, but it won't take long for him to find us, especially if he's mobilizing all of his resources. We need to leave.

  "We should get out now, while we have a chance," I say, interrupting Bren.

  Everyone looks over at me and frowns for a moment. Then, one by one, they all start nodding. Galen is the first to speak. "Jerrick's right. If we're going to leave, we need to do it soon, before he can find us. If we leave within the next day or so, we stand a good chance at being able to disappear off his radar again." Then, he turns to look at Lex. "Unless you're planning on staying and fighting?"

  My heart hammers harder and louder. I'm surprised the others can't hear it. I stare at Lex and it's like time stands still as I wait for him to answer Galen. Is he planning on attacking Amasis now? Standing and fighting to end this once and for all? It isn't a bad strategy. If Amasis is using his resources to scour the area for us, it'll mean his stronghold is weak and his forces are scattered. He'll have few people left there to defend it. Now would be a great time to strike at him and take him down.

  But Lex shakes his head, and I let out a breath. It surprises me, how relieved I am that we're not going into battle. Just a week ago, I was itching for a fight. I'd have taken on the entire Clutch single handed if I had the chance. Now, I'm glad we're not going to take them on. I'd still go to battle if that's what Lex decided, but I'm glad it isn't.

  And a quick glance next to me tells me exactly why I'm glad. Faith. She's much more important than my need to fight.

  "No, Jerrick is right," Lex says. His voice is low, quiet, resigned. We can all tell he wants to take Galen's suggestion, wants to devote all of our resources to ending Amasis once and for all. But just like me, he has someone else to worry about now, too. "We'll start wrapping things up here and get out of town in the next day or two."

  After that, it's a whirlwind of activity. There's a lot that needs to be done before we can just hop on our bikes and get out of town. It's not like the days when it was just us guys, travelling rough. With Hannah's pregnancy, we need to make sure we're prepared. She's not exactly in the position to be roughing it outdoors under the moonlight right now.

  After getting Faith back upstairs to rest a bit, I head out on my patrol. Lex has us all on rotating patrols around the area, keeping a lookout for any sign Amasis might have found us or is close to finding us. He wants us to be as prepared as possible since it's Amasis we're going up against. Besides, the patrols give me a chance to clear my head a bit.

  Being away from Faith gives me a chance to breathe and think about everything. That deep aching, yearning, feeling is still there. It's like a constant pull to return to her. Did Lex and Faris feel that when they're away from their mates? It would explain why Lex had spent so much time with Hannah while we were in Rockfoot.

  Does that really mean she's my mate?

  Lex and Hannah both think so. Lex is sure I'll feel the full brunt of the mating lust once Faith ovulates again. He'd been a great help over the last couple days, keeping the guys from asking too many questions. Hannah too, since she's much better at helping Faith relax than I am.

  On my way back from patrol, I swing into a small convenience store and pick up a pregnancy test. Faith claims she doesn't really feel pregnant any more. And that feeling I had of something being off with her h
as subsided too. I can only guess the reason she felt off to me is because she was carrying someone else's child. It's like my dragon could sense it.

  Now that its been a couple days, if she had a miscarriage, the pregnancy test will tell us. It's either that or take her to a doctor, and even though that's by far my preferred option, Faith is adamant we not do that. So, a pregnancy test it is.

  Faith is waiting up when I get back to the house. She's sitting in my bed, dressed in her nightclothes, a book in her lap. I can easily get used to that, get used to coming home to a gorgeous woman in my bed. I cross the room and sit on the edge of the bed, then lean in and kiss her gently. "Miss me?" I ask, smirking at her.

  She nods and giggles. "I did." Then her eyes drop to the small bag in my hand. "Is that what I think it is?"

  I nod and pass the bag over to her. I watch as she opens it, seeing the mix of fear and hope warring inside her. She seems to stare at it for a long while, and I wonder if she's going to take the test. "Do you want me to get Hannah for you? This way you don't have to be alone?"

  She doesn't answer me right away, then she shakes her head. "No. I can do it." When she looks up at me, she looks so much younger. She's scared but doesn't want to admit it. "You'll wait here for me though, right?"

  I nod and smile, hoping to put her at ease. I put my hand on her shoulder and push my energy into her, hoping that will help settle her nerves. Then, she disappears to the bathroom, and I sit there, heart racing, and wondering how long a pregnancy test actually takes. It seems like she's in there for hours, though I know that's just my impatience rearing its head and she's probably gone for a couple of minutes, tops.

  When she comes back, she's still shaking, but she's smiling. "It's negative," she says at last. And when I walk over to her, she collapses into my arms. She feels lighter now, like she's just unloaded a heavy burden, and I hold her tight.

  I help her back over to the bed, and she snuggles up against me. With a sigh, I smile up at the ceiling, knowing that's one less thing we need to worry about. And yet, Faith doesn't seem all that happy. Is she having second thoughts about not having gone to a doctor?

  "Are you okay?" I ask, wanting to help if I can.

  Faith shrugs. "I guess... I just... I don't know where to go from here."

  "What do you mean?" Is she still talking about the pregnancy? Because, honestly, I wasn't sure if you were supposed to do something after a miscarriage either. A doctor's visit would probably be the normal thing to do, but Faith obviously doesn't want to risk going to a doctor. Though I'm sure we can find one who could keep their mouth shut, even if they notice something's different.

  Faith lets out a sigh. I can feel her body trembling slightly. "I mean, you guys are going to be leaving soon. Where am I supposed to go? I don't have any ID or money. I can't go to any of the people I know for help or Amasis will find me. I can't go out to Ida or I'll just put her at risk again. I just... I don't know what to do."

  That shocks me. I didn't realize she'd been so unsure. I'd thought the answer was obvious. It certainly is to me. "Come with us," I tell her, placing my finger under her chin and gently lifting until she looks me in the eyes. In my mind, there is no other option for her. She belongs with us, belongs with me.

  She blinks a couple times. "Come with you? In what capacity?"

  "As my woman," I say, and as the words slip from my lips, they almost surprise me at how much I mean them. I let out a sigh and shake my head. "Maybe it's time I let go of Rota. I can't have her back and I can't change the past. But that doesn't mean I can't move on. I love Rota and I always will, but I love you, too. I want to be with you, want you to come with us, with me."

  Faith stares up at me, her mouth hanging open. "You really mean that, don't you?"

  "I do." To emphasize my point, I lean down and kiss her, a light, brief kiss.

  She responds by kissing me back, harder, with more passion. In a moment, she's straddling my waist as we make out. My hands slip beneath her shirt and caress her bare back. It feels like she's on fire, but it's probably me that's burning up. She kisses me and grinds against my lap and my cock comes to life, threatening to tear a hole through my jeans.

  She breaks the kiss, then wiggles her ass as she giggles. "I think we need to get these off," she says, smirking at me.

  And I can't say that she's wrong. In a flash, we're both naked and back in bed, her still sitting on top of me. I want to take her by the hips, flip her over, and have my way with her, but instead, I let her take control. This is her rodeo this time, and I want to see just where she wants to take it.

  This time when she starts grinding against me, my hard cock is right against her bare slit. I can already feel her wetness and know she's just as aroused as I am. And yet, she doesn't just immediately start riding me. Instead, she leans forward and kisses me again. I let my hands roam all across her body as we kiss, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin beneath my fingers.

  She doesn't have that muscular, taught body Rota had, and I'm glad. She's a very different woman, from personality to body, and I love that. I know that my feelings are true, and I'm not just trying to replace Rota with her. I love Faith, love everything about her. There's no way I can get enough of this woman, no way.

  Faith starts rocking back and forth, harder and faster. I gasp into her mouth, and for a moment, I wonder if I'm about to blow my load before we've even gotten started.

  She breaks the kiss and grins down at me. "You like that, huh?" she asks, smirking. Then, she grinds against my cock again, knocking the air right out of my lungs. "Oh yeah, you like that. Do I turn you on?"

  All I can do is nod as a growl rises up in my throat. It's getting harder and harder not to take control, to let her lead the show. Because, damn all I want to do is fuck her brains out until she's a puddle of jelly beneath me. Instead, I hold back, letting her have control. Something tells me she needs this, needs to feel like she's in control of something, anything, and I know I will enjoy this no matter what.

  Faith must be feeling more than a little frisky tonight, since instead of giving me what I want, she starts kissing her way down my body. I moan out, loving how it feels as she traces my muscles with her lips and tongue. She's driving me wild, my cock twitching and throbbing, begging for her to pay attention to it. But she doesn't. She completely ignores my cock as she kisses her way up and down my body.

  "Fucking hell," I get out between breaths. My entire body is on fire now, my dragon roaring inside me, demanding I take control, demanding I claim her. I ignore it though, refusing to give in to those instincts. I will claim her, one day, but not now. This is all about her getting whatever she wants. And it seems like she wants to explore every inch of my body.

  Which, I have to admit, is amazing. It's driving me crazy, but it's that good kind of crazy, the kind you know is well worth the tormenting. By the time she finally starts to ride me, it's an uphill battle to keep myself in control.

  "Please, Faith...." I say next, hoping she'll take pity on me. Because as much as I love what she can do with that mouth of hers, I really want to fuck her. Or, at the very least, she could start sucking me. If I empty my nuts down her throat, then maybe I'll be able to give her a good, long fuck.

  She looks up and me and licks her lips. "What, can't handle this?" Then, she lets out a giggle that makes me shiver. She's enjoying this just as much as I am, the little minx. I'll get my revenge on her, one of these times, and I will definitely enjoy that.

  My cock twitches in response to her question. The head is an angry reddish purple now, the entire length glistening with precum. "What do you think?" I say, meeting her gaze.

  "Guess I better do something about that then." She leans forward, sticking her tongue out, and licks right up the underside of my shaft.

  I grip the bed sheets tight in my fists, struggling against the dragon rearing up inside me. He's getting more and more impatient. Now that she's licking up and down my cock, occasionally suckling on the head, I'm not sure ho
w much longer I can control him.

  Thankfully, she doesn't spend too long on my cock. She licks it clean, then starts working her way back up my body until she's kissing my lips again. I can taste myself on her, and it drives me even wilder.

  When she reaches between us and grasps my hard shaft, I nearly lose it right then and there. But then she rubs my sensitive head against her dripping slit, and my vision goes white. My entire body is shaking and shivering beneath her. I want to yell at her, want to tell her to get on with it, but my brain has stopped working.

  It's all I can do to focus on keeping myself from coming. I try to think of something, anything, to help get my mind off the pleasure going through me, and it helps, but just barely. I hold on though as Faith lowers herself onto my shaft, burying my cock deep inside her wet, hot, pussy.

  She lets out a low moan and shivers as she impales herself on me, and I take solace because I'm not the only one going crazy right now. Once she has the entire length inside her, she pauses and sucks in deep breaths. I do the same thing, hoping that will be enough to let me last until she gets off at the very least.

  It will be tough, but I like a challenge.

  I put my hands on Faith’s hips and grin. I squirm beneath her, not quite thrusting into her, but getting the picture across. "I'm ready when you are," I say with a low growl. She may be in charge, but that doesn't mean I'm helpless.

  Faith grins at me and grinds her hips against mine again. My cock throbs inside her, and I moan out, my head lolling back and my eyes closing. Fucking hell, this woman knows just how to drive me crazy, it seems. But my reaction must be what she wanted, since she bounces up and down on top of me now, my cock sliding in and out of her.

  She goes slow at first, like she's afraid to hurt me. But it will take a hell of a lot more than that to hurt me. Soon, she goes faster and faster as the pleasure builds up inside her and she slowly loses control of herself. I know from experience that she can only maintain this for so long before she reverts to her primal instincts, fucking me like her life depends on it.


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