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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

Page 8

by Erin Osborne

  When she walks back out into the room, I notice that she’s wearing a small robe instead of her pajama pants and tank-top. Making my way into the bathroom, I take a quick shower to wash the road grime off of me before laying down in bed with her. I’m tempted to rub one out so I don’t go to bed with a hard-on. But, I want her to feel what she does to me. I want Hadliegh to see what she does and how hard I always am for her. Yeah, I could go fuck one of the babes at the clubhouse or find a random bitch from town, but, nothing compares to having my cock suffocated by Hadliegh’s warm, wet pussy.

  As soon as I’m done taking care of business, I walk back out to the room with nothing more than a towel wrapped around me. Looking over to the bed, I see that Hadliegh is lying there wearing nothing more than a see-through nightie. She’s not wearing any panties and I can see that she’s already wet.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I ask, confusion running rampant through me right now.

  “I may not know if I’m ready to move in with you, but I know that I want you,” she tells me, never taking her eyes off of me. “Right now, we need to take this slow as far as us being together. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want you. It’s always been you, Psycho.”

  “You know that when we’re alone, you call me Remington. You’re the only one that gets that from me. My mom doesn’t even call me Remington anymore,” I tell her, dropping my towel so she can see me in all my naked glory.

  “It’s going to take me a little bit to get back there. You need to be patient right now,” she tells me as she leans toward me and takes my hard cock in her mouth.

  There are no games or making sure that I’m ready for her to give me a blowjob. Hadliegh just sucks me down to the back of her throat before sliding her mouth back up my length. I throw my head back and close my eyes as she works her magic on me. She keeps sliding her mouth up and down, swirling her tongue when she can. Using one of her hands, she begins to roll my balls in her hand while speeding up her movements. Before long, I’m pulling out of her mouth.

  “Not like this tonight, baby,” I tell her. “I need your pussy wrapped around me.”

  She leans back and spreads her legs for me. Before I slide my cock home, I’m going to get a much-needed taste of her. I slide between her legs and look up as I swipe my tongue through her folds. I can see that she wants to throw her head back, but she doesn't. Hadliegh keeps her eyes on me the entire time. I slide a finger in her wet channel. Her hips arch up off the bed as I pay attention to her clit while sliding one finger in and out of her. I don’t waste time getting her ready and making sure that she’s wet enough to take me after so long.

  Just before Hadliegh’s pussy clamps down on my fingers, I pull them out of her and take my mouth away from her clit. Hadliegh looks up at me; her gaze filled with lust and confusion. “I’m not cummin’ down your throat just like your first orgasm is gonna be around my cock,” I tell her, helping her move to the middle of the bed before climbing on the bed to join her.

  “I’ll go as slow as I can because I know you just went to the doctor today,” I tell her, leaning down for a kiss that steals her breath.

  While I’m still kissing her, I slowly slide my length inside her. I don’t stop until I’m fully seated in her body. Man, I missed this feeling; the feeling of coming home. I finally released her mouth and let her take a deep breath. At the same time, she wraps her legs around my hips and digs her feet into my ass. It changes the angle just enough that I let a deep groan out in response. My pace picks up, and I know this time is going to be quicker than I’d like but it’s been too long. As long as Hadliegh gets off first, I don’t care.

  I reach a hand down between us and rub her clit as she meets me thrust for thrust. It doesn’t take long before her pussy begins to clamp down on me and I know it’s just a matter of time before she explodes around me. This leads me to quicken my hips even more so I can get her there. Her arms come up around my sides and her nails scrape down my back as she screams out my name. I kiss her so she doesn’t wake the baby up, swallowing her screams as I follow her over the edge of the cliff.

  As we’re coming back down from one of the best orgasms of my life, I rub my hands up and down her back. Our bodies are slicked with sweat but I don’t see either one of us moving to do anything about it. The only time I leave the bed is to get a washcloth so I can clean her up before tossing is toward the hamper.

  “Psycho, we didn’t use anything. I’m not on birth control because of the way I react to it. We need to use condoms, I told you this before,” she says, sliding over to her side of the bed before I get in next to her.

  “I’m sorry. I forgot,” I tell her, knowing that I don’t want to use condoms with her. “I know we’re both clean so that’s not a concern. Not right now, but eventually, I want more kids with you. I missed out on so much and I want to experience that all with you the next time.”

  “That’s not even something we need to talk about right now. We need to figure out where we’re heading before we even think about moving in together or having more babies. Psycho, we need to take this slow. I don’t care that we share a bed or whatever, but everything else is still up in the air,” she tells me, rolling over on her side to face me.

  “I get what you’re sayin’ and I know the only reason you let me back in your body is because eventually, we’ll be back where we were. We’ll be better than we were before. I’m not shyin’ away from the fact that I want you to be my ol’ lady, my wife, and the mother of all my kids. I’ve told you this, and I’ll keep tellin’ you this every fuckin’ day of my life. I’m not goin’ anywhere,” I tell her, placing a kiss on her lips before pulling her closer to me.

  We fall asleep with Hadliegh’s body draped over mine. Her head is nestled on my chest and her arm is wrapped around my body. I’ve never felt more content in my life. This is how I want to go to bed every night. I want to wake up with her in my arms and watch our son grow and learn more every day.

  Chapter Eleven


  IT HAS BEEN an amazing few days since I decided to give Psycho another chance. We are taking things slow as we discussed, and it has been fun. Psycho has gone out of his way to show he really wants to be with his son and me.

  Watching him be a dad may be one of the sexiest things that has ever been seen by anyone. He will spend hours laying on the floor next to Axle’s blanket having “man discussions”. These seem to cover anything from bikes, to babes, to how to treat me.

  I have to admit, my heart melts a bit every time Psycho says, “your mom is the most amazing person in the world and you are a lucky boy to have her love.” Callie and I have spent many cups of coffee watching Bear and Psycho with all the kids. Who knew badass bikers were so sweet with their children?

  I have been talking to Ink and Psycho about getting my own tattoo. I know I want to put my boy’s name with maybe a bear. Psycho made me promise I would not get it done until he can be there because he wants to get one at the same time.

  That sounds sexy as hell— watching him get a tattoo, but I’m afraid the pain will cause me to cry or scream, and that will be bad enough to live down with only Ink seeing, but I guess my luck is still kinda working since Bear and Callie have not jumped in on wanting to watch.

  We finally decide today is going to be tattoo day. My nerves are on edge, and Psycho is having fun teasing me and pushing my buttons. He is gonna have to give me several good orgasms to make this up to me, he just doesn’t know I’m keeping track and for every time he picks on me, he has to give me two orgasms, can’t wait to see what he thinks about that.

  “Hey, babe,” Psycho calls up the stairs. “You about ready to go? We have our appointment with Ink in less than thirty minutes.”

  “I’m coming,” I yell down, quickly changing my shirt for a Satan’s Anarchy tank top, that will allow Ink to tattoo my shoulder without taking anything off. I’m wearing a sports bra just to be safe, but if I can’t show my boobs that will make me more comfortable. “I just n
eed to grab my purse and Axle’s diaper bag.”

  “No need to get his bag,” Callie says from my doorway. “Bear is going to be home with me today, and we are keeping Axle so that you guys can do your thing and not rush or worry if he gets fussy.”

  “Are you sure?” I begin to question, knowing Callie and Bear need family time as well. I’m trying not to take advantage of their help and hospitality. “You and Bear could do something with your little family today, ya know!”

  “Girl, get gone!” she tells me, laughing her cute little giggle. “You know you are my family too. Bear and I are gonna get the kids fed, take them outside in their playpen for a bit, then stuff their tummies so we can cuddle on the couch while they sleep.”

  “Cuddle my ass!” I say as I run down the stairs to hide behind Psycho after her fake gasp of outrage. “You are gonna practice making more little bears.”

  Bear and Psycho join my laughter after they hear the last of what I just spit out at Callie. Deciding he needs to save my ass; he grabs my hand and pulls me out the door while yelling his goodbyes to the laughing couple.

  After he helps me put on my lid, he straddles the sexy machine between his thighs and waits for me to climb up behind him.

  “See somethin’ you like, babygirl?” Psycho asks me, his chocolate brown eyes dancing and a sinful smirk on his face. “If you wanna ride, you have to get on.”

  “Oh my God!” I choke out with a laugh. “There is no way I’m gonna answer that. I will just gracefully get on the back of your bike and let us be on our way.”

  “Chicken.” He chuckles under his breath, but his body shaking in laughter gives him away. “Hold on tight, Bright Eyes. Let’s get gone, yeah?”

  The ride to the shop only takes a few minutes. That is not nearly long enough to let the feeling of freedom you get from being on a bike settle in. I wish we could just keep going for hours, but we have a schedule, and I don’t want to make Callie and Bear watch our son too long. We walk into the shop and Ink greets us immediately.

  “Had, you can make sure that y’all fill out the paperwork before you leave,” Ink tells me while ushering us to his station. I’m not sure if he is just impatient or really hates to do the paperwork.

  Before I can even blink, Psycho is in the chair and Ink has put the stencil of our son’s name on his chest. I didn’t even realize Psycho had his shirt and cut off let alone that Ink had a stencil ready. “While I do Psycho’s tattoo, we can talk about what you’ve decided to get done.”

  “Well, this may sound too silly,” I begin to say when I’m suddenly cut off by Psycho.

  “Get what you want, and fuck what anyone else thinks,” he says with authority in his voice. That timber in it does things to my body that makes me need new panties. “You don’t have to justify or explain why you get any tattoo if you don’t want to. They are yours and should be what means somethin’ to you.”

  “Oh, okay,” I stammer trying to get my body under control before he figures out what he has done to me. “Well, I would like to have a badass biker bear riding a Harley, with Axle Remington Jackson under the bike.”

  “That sounds just like you, Had,” Ink says with a nod and smile my way. “I may have already drawn the bear on a Harley to see what you would think. We just need to decide what kinda script you want to use for his name.”

  “I want it to match Psycho’s,” I tell them without hesitation. The look on Psycho’s face tells me he likes that idea a lot and that I will be getting his thanks later. “How long till you’re ready for me?”

  I head to the bathroom to get myself under control after Ink tells me that he will be ready for me in about forty-five minutes. After I splash some water on my face and look into the mirror to give myself a pep talk, the door opens and Psycho steps in behind me.

  He quickly lifts me up and sets me on the sink, while at the same time pulling my leggings and panties down my legs. Before there is even time for me to stop him, he is licking at my clit. He licks me from top to bottom and back again before sucking my nub into his mouth. Psycho looks up to see me watching him, seconds before screaming my release. Psycho cleans every drop of my pleasure from my body and then stands up to kiss me.

  “I know it our son’s name too, but you’re puttin’ my name on your body and that makes me lose control,” he whispers into my ear as I slowly return to earth after that fast, earth-shattering orgasm. “Thank you, Bright Eyes, for our son, for our tattoos, and for givin’ me a chance.”

  Unable to form words that make any sense, he helps me off the sink and walks me to Ink who is kindly pretending not to know what just happened in the bathroom. I’m settled into the chair with my face down like I’m getting a massage instead of stabbed thousands of times. Ink places the stencil and we begin the torture session.

  “Hey,” I squeak out in a surprised tone. “This doesn’t hurt like I expected. We may need to schedule me for some more therapy soon.”

  Psycho and Ink burst out laughing at my response. I hear someone say that another addict has been made, but I’m not sure exactly what that means. It only takes Ink about an hour and a half to do my tattoo, and then Psycho and I are heading down the road.

  I expected us to head to Callie and Bears house, but instead, we take off in the other direction. After riding for about twenty minutes, it hits me that we’re not ‘headed’ anywhere, we’re just riding.

  The joy of the freedom hits me and I relax into Psycho and let out a giggle. There is no one wanting my attention, or anything that I need to do except just feel the air on my face and the freedom in my soul. Pulling off the road at a little spot that overlooks the city, Psycho pulls off my lid.

  “Had, there is somethin’ I want to let you know,” Psycho tells me. I am so afraid this is going to be bad, that I’m starting to shake. “Hey, it’s okay. I just wanted to tell you about my upcomin’ fight. I wanted to ask if you wanted to be there or not. No pressure or anythin’.”

  “You're going to fight again?” My disbelief is beyond measure. This man is crazy! He was stabbed the last time, and now he’s going back? I take a moment to calm myself before saying anything. “Have you lost your mind? Why would you go back? Not sure that someone hitting you is my idea of a good time, unless it’s me. Do you need to know tonight? I need to think about this. When is it? Can Callie come to?”

  “Wow,” he snorts out to me. “That was a lot of questions without stoppin’ to take a breath either. I think that’s some kinda record. No, you don’t need to answer tonight. Yes, Callie and Bear and most of the club will be there. The fight is next week, and I’m ready. I have been sparrin’ daily, and everyone in the ring will be patted down before the fight starts and after each round to be safe. This may be my last fight since we have a son to raise, but this was already on the books, so not showin’ up isn’t an option.”

  “I guess if everyone will be there, I will too,” I answer, not really liking the idea of going to such a violent event. How men can think watching someone beat the shit out of someone else is fun is beyond my comprehension. “You had better not get hurt or I’m kicking your ass too!”

  Chapter Twelve


  IT’S THE NIGHT of the fight, and Hadliegh and Callie seem to be anxious for it to be over before it even starts. I hadn't really looked at this fight from her point of view. Not that I was worried about losing, but if I had to sit and watch someone try to beat the crap out of her, they would be dead.

  She is being an ol’ lady without even realizing it. I ordered her property cut but haven’t mentioned it to her. She’ll be wearing it soon; she just needs to get to the point that she’s in our house and our bed, not Bear and Callie's. If she doesn’t make that decision soon, I’m going to just move her ass in there while she kicks and screams about it. I’m done living separately.

  The fight goes for about four rounds before I’m able to knock his ass out. It could have probably been done in round two but we both make more money if the fight goes at least fo
ur rounds. There is a cut above my eye and it is bleeding as if it were an artery, not just a superficial cut.

  As I leave the ring to go to the back, I see that Hadliegh and Callie have tears running down their face. This is like a knife to my heart. I turn to Renegade to ask why they’re crying, ready to kill whoever made them cry.

  “Brother, you’re to blame,” he tells me before I can lose my mind. “They started after round one when you got tapped in the shoulder and never stopped. Bear tried to get them to leave. Callie probably would have, but Hadliegh refused, so she stayed too.”

  “Why didn’t he drag them out?” I question with pain in my voice. “I didn’t want them to be unhappy and sad. Hell, if I had known, this fight would have been over in seconds but we wanted to make it a good show for everyone. Help me get fixed so I can see Had.”

  We quickly make our way out of the back to the bikes where the brothers are celebrating the win while trying to comfort the girls. When I’m close to the group, Hadliegh breaks away and runs to me. When she reaches me, she hits me in the chest a few times. I stagger back in shock as she keeps coming after me.

  “Babygirl, I never expected you to stay if it was too much,” I try to tell her between hits. “You should have left with Bear, I would’ve understood.”

  “Leave?” she asks with a tone I can’t place. “How could I leave the father of my child to die at the hands of some asshole he wanted to fight? What did you expect me to tell our son as he gets older? This has to stop, there is no way you can do that and be a good dad. I cannot handle knowing you are going to willingly get in a ring and let someone hit you. Even if you win, you still got hurt. Please don’t do this to me again.”

  I stand there staring at her while everything she says goes through my mind. I don’t want to keep fighting if it hurts her. I’ll let them know tomorrow that I’m out of the ring for good. At least I won if this is to be my next to last fight. Before I can tell her my decision, she says the one thing that will make my world perfect.


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