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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  The common room doesn’t have a single piece of furniture left untouched. There’s not a single bottle of alcohol left standing on the shelves and there is glass all over the place. The TVs are smashed and as I look down the hallway, I can see that the remnants of the doors lay in the hallway in heaps.

  “Do I even want to know how bad the rest of the clubhouse is?” I ask Psycho as he stands at my side and wraps an arm around me.

  “It’s the same as this room. The only room in the entire building that wasn’t touched is our meeting room. Those doors are a lot thicker and harder to kick in. Trust me, they tried to get in there, but lost that battle,” he tells me.

  “You know who did this?” I ask, knowing I have no right to this answer.

  “Yes. I’m not sayin’ anythin’ more on the matter. Right now, we need to concentrate on cleanin’ up and makin’ sure we get somethin’ for Axle, Knox, and Jazz to sleep in. Chris, Bentley, and Bishop are goin’ shoppin’ to get them some playpens and food in here. Why don’t you go rest while we clean up this mess?” he tells me, making sure I’m comfortable here.

  “No. I’m gonna help get this place in order so you can all get some rest too. Trin can stay with the babies while the rest of us work. Where the fuck are the babes?” I ask him, knowing they’ll be helping clean up this mess or they’ll be out on their asses.

  “They should be on their way back now. They all went out the back door and over to Phantom when the craziness started,” Renegade says, walking over to us and taking Axle out of my arms.

  “I’m telling you now, Renegade, if they don’t help out, I’m going to throw them out on their asses. If you don’t want me to do that, then I suggest you talk to them,” I tell both men. “I know this is your club, but their job is to be there for you and help clean the clubhouse. I’d say this is a big enough mess that we can all work together.”

  “I completely agree with you,” Renegade answers, making a face at Axle before handing him back to me. “A few dumpsters are bein’ delivered in the next few minutes. Hawk, will you go let them in the compound?”

  “On it, Pres,” he answers as I walk toward Trin. “For now, Trinity you can take the kids into the meetin’ room. It’s the only place that is safe for them right now.”

  Trinity nods her head and takes all the kids into the meeting room with the help of Chains and Hawk. Whenever those two are in the same area, they’re always together. At first, I thought they had something going on between them. That was until I saw them with one of the babes sandwiched between them.

  They’re just two men looking to share a woman. They want someone that will love them both equally, and they do everything together. If that’s what works for them and what they truly want out of their life, who is anyone to criticize them or tell them that they’re wrong.

  Most of these men joined the club because they wanted the freedom to be who they were and live their lives the way they wanted to. It’s something I’ve always dreamed of. Something I’ve found within the walls of the Satan’s Anarchy clubhouse. A place that someone came in to destroy and try to beat these men down.

  Callie comes in shortly after the dumpsters arrive. After going in to check on her kids, she begins to look for Bear. Renegade tells her that he’ll be here shortly; he’s still at the hospital with Trent. He just got taken into surgery to repair the damage to his hand and arm.

  At this point, the guys don’t know much more than that. Once she knows where her man is, she begins to help me clean up the broken tables, chairs, bar stools, and glass from the floor. The men are already working on getting the heavy pieces of furniture and debris outside into the dumpsters so we’ll have an easier time working.

  One of the guys brings out a speaker from his room since the stereo system was also damaged beyond repair. He hooks his phone up to it and begins to play music while we all work together. The babes come in, and Renegade tells them all to line up and listen to me. They grumble and I know that more than one of them is going to give me an attitude.

  “You’re job here is to spread your legs for the men and keep the clubhouse clean. Well, after the events of today, we need your help more than ever. We’re going to separate the club into different sections and then break everyone up into the groups. The men will do their own thing and make sure all the heavy lifting is taken care of while the rest of us take care of everything else. If you don’t want to help or I find you fucking with the men more than doing any work then I’ll make sure you’re out on your ass and banned from the clubhouse. Is that understood by all of you?” I ask, looking at each one of them in turn. “You all know that Legs and Nails have recently been removed from the property and not a single man in here will talk to them or touch them ever again. Is that really what you want to happen to you?”

  The babes all look at one another before agreeing to what I’ve just told them. I might not be an ol’ lady yet, but Renegade liked my idea and Callie agreed that I could talk to them instead of her.

  I separate them into four different groups. Callie is with Foxy and Kitty while I take Rusty and Silk with me. The other two groups consist of new babes that have come in over the last few weeks. With Legs and now Nails gone, the guys decided that they wanted ‘fresh pussy’.

  Callie and her team take the hallway with the guys’ rooms in it. They go room by room and take out everything that’s broken while cleaning up the rest. Most of the beds are busted to hell, and they get the guys to come in and remove them from the room so that they can get the rooms ready for the new furniture to come into the clubhouse.

  I take the girls with me and we make our way into the kitchen. The men have already removed the table and chairs, leaving nothing more than the countertops and refrigerator. We’re going to have to replace the fridge and go buy all new food before the kitchen will be in working order again.

  It takes us hours and hours to get the place clean enough to bring in the new stuff and get rid of the rest of the busted things. One dumpster is filled with nothing but garbage bags we’ve used to put the smaller things in while there are two full dumpsters of the rest of the furniture. We’re not anywhere near done yet, but it will be good enough for tonight.

  Chris, Bentley, and Bishop ran out to get playpens for the kids and a bunch of air mattresses. They also brought back pizzas for everyone and a few cases of beer, soda, and water. Renegade and Psycho pulled out a bunch of coolers that were filled with ice so we could at least have something cold to drink. Bear came back at the same time as they did so Callie could calm down a little.

  We spend the rest of the night sitting around the floor of the common room in the clubhouse. Phones are kept hooked up to the speaker so we have some sort of entertainment. Callie, Bear, Psycho, and myself have spent some of our time in the meeting room with the kids. That was until the guys came in to move the table so we could set the playpens up and two different air mattresses.

  We’ve all pulled together as many blankets and things to cover up with from the destruction. The four of us will be sleeping in the meeting room with the kids. Callie and I don’t want to sleep away from them. I’m exhausted, but this is how the next few weeks are going to be. Whenever we’re not at work, at appointments, or things of that nature, we’ll be at the clubhouse putting it back together and making sure it’s stronger and bigger than before.

  Chapter Fifteen


  THE LAST FEW days have been very tiring. We’re still working on the clubhouse and putting it all back together. Right now, we’re at a standstill until the rest of the furniture gets delivered in the next few days or so.

  We have a fridge, and Callie and I went shopping to bring food in for the entire clubhouse. I’m glad the guys had to pay that bill considering we had to replace everything. It took seven shopping carts, and the Prospects had to make several trips inside with all the groceries.

  Silk and Foxy were the only babes that helped put things away. Trin is busy taking care of the babies while everyone
else disappeared. Rusty is the only one that has a pass for today because she had an appointment. As soon as she gets back, I’m sure she’ll be right back here helping us. Apparently, they think what I said doesn’t apply to them anymore.

  “Renegade, where the fuck is everyone?” I ask when he comes into the kitchen to see if we need help.

  “I don’t know,” he answers, shrugging his shoulders like he’s preoccupied with something.

  “Mind if I round them up and let them know about the talk I gave them the other day?” I ask.

  “You do what you gotta do. I told you that then,” he tells me.

  “I know, but this is your club, and I’m not going to fuck with anything you have going on,” I say.

  “They’re supposed to be helpin’ until the clubhouse is back to what it was. It’s not even close to that and they’re not helpin’ out when they’re supposed to be. One more fuck-up and they’re out on their asses. Tell them I said that,” he answers, turning and walking out of the kitchen.

  I follow him and round up the rest of the girls, leading them into the kitchen. Once they’re all in the kitchen, I line them up. Well, everyone except for Silk and Foxy. They’ve been the ones helping, so they won’t be included in this conversation. The rest of the girls look at me with contempt filling their eyes. Fuck them!

  “You were told the other day that your job here was to help get this place back in order if you wanted to remain a babe. Why is it that Silk and Foxy are the only ones in here helping today?” I ask, making sure I look at all of them.

  “We don’t have to listen to you. You’re not even an ol’ lady,” one of the new girls says, rolling her eyes.

  “I may not be an ol’ lady, but this comes to Renegade. He said all hands-on-deck and you guys are more interested in spreading your legs and trying to find an ol’ man. That’s not what you’re supposed to be doing right now. So, if you’re not going to help us in this kitchen right now and anything else that we tell you to do, then you can pack your bags and hit the road now,” I tell them, letting them know this order is coming from the President of the club.

  “Fuck you! I’m sure you went running right to him,” another one of the new girls says, following the other girls lead. “I’m not doing a fucking thing you want me to do.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way,” I say sweetly as I walk over to the two that wanted to run their mouths.

  Gripping their arms, I lead them from the kitchen and take them to the front door. Bishop and Bentley follow me out as I see Psycho riding in and parking his bike. Once the girls are out the door, I let them go and stand there glaring at them for a minute, really wanting to lay into them some more. But, they won’t be a problem around here any longer.

  “Since you don’t want to help and aren’t going to listen to what I say, it looks like you’re no longer welcome here,” I say, letting my tone convey how serious I am right now.

  “You have no fucking right, bitch! We don’t have to listen to a fucking thing you say and you can’t kick us out of here!” the one says to me.

  “Wait one fuckin’ minute!” Psycho yells over to us as he quickens his pace to stop by my side. “Anythin’ my woman told you is a direct order from Renegade, who is in control of the club and everyone in it. So, you can do as Hadliegh’s telling you right now. If that’s her saying you’re out of the club, then you’re out of the club. Hope you had fun while you were here. You’re obviously not cut out to be a babe if you don’t know your place and can’t listen to the women that have been involved in this club longer than you.”

  “Must be nice when you’re riding his cock and have his fucking brat!” the second girl spouts off at the mouth.

  “Don’t you ever talk about my fucking kid! Get the fuck off the property! Now!” I yell out, knowing I’m about two seconds away from kicking this girl’s ass.

  “Bishop, get these bitches the fuck out of here. I don’t want to hear their fuckin’ mouths runnin’ any longer,” Psycho says, pulling me back into his chest and turning me to walk back inside.

  These bitches aren’t going to talk to me like that, and they sure as fuck don’t need to have my son’s name in their mouth. I’m comfortable in my role within the club and when Psycho and I are ready, we’ll decide whether we want to take the step and make things official within the eyes of the club.

  I leave Psycho in the common room and make my way back into the kitchen. We work until everything is spotless, the fridge is filled, and the cupboards are fully stocked once again. The Prospects have put away all the new cooking utensils, pots, pans, plates, bowls, and cups. The kitchen is the first room that’s completely done in the clubhouse, and I know Callie is going to have the babes help her make dinner tonight.

  I’m exhausted and ready to go to bed. Unfortunately, I have to go to work today. So, I tell Psycho I’m going to Callie’s so I can shower and get ready to leave. After telling me he’ll meet me at the house in a few minutes, he kisses me senseless and smacks me on the ass as I turn my back to him.

  As soon as I get to Callie’s, I run in and grab my clothes before jumping in the shower. She’s at work, so I have the house to myself. I want to be dressed before Psycho gets here, otherwise, I know I’ll be late for work and that’s not gonna happen right now.

  Rushing through my routine, I’m fully dressed when I hear the door shut downstairs. I don’t call out because the only one I’m expecting to show up is Psycho. He knows where I am.

  Listening to see where he’s at, I hear the unmistakable sound of multiple boots stomping across the floors. It sounds like whoever is here is exploring the house instead of coming upstairs like Psycho would normally do. What the fuck is going on? Who is in Callie’s house right now?

  I grab my phone and go to call Psycho as I hear a few men making their way upstairs. Walking in the bathroom, I close the door as silently as possible so that I can get some help here. Before the phone rings, I hear someone enter the bedroom I’ve been using.

  “It looks like she’s gonna be movin’. There’s boxes all over the place and no toys out,” one of the men say.

  “Fuckin’ find her. We need to get the fuck outta here before anyone shows up. No one will interrupt us gettin’ this babe back to the compound. If we fuck this up, you heard Nomad; we’re out and there’s no comin’ back,” another voice sounds off.

  I’m scrambling in the bathroom, trying to find somewhere to hide. Psycho isn’t picking up his damn phone and I want to scream in frustration. They must have called church so none of the guys have their phones on them.

  I try Callie, hoping she’ll run and get one of the guys. This is one of the only times she’d be able to go in the room and interrupt church if that’s what’s going on right now. She doesn’t answer either though. What the fuck is going on? They were just all at the clubhouse and now no one is fucking answering their phone.

  “Got the scrambler hooked up. She won’t be able to get a hold of anyone and no one will get her either,” a third voice says as I hear more footsteps pounding around downstairs.

  Looking around the bathroom once again, I can’t find anywhere to escape or hide. The only window in the room is two stories off the ground and it’s so small I won’t be able to fit out of it anyway. Hiding in the tub is cliché, and I’m not gonna be that bitch. The only cupboard space in the room is under the sink and is barely big enough to hide a baby let alone a grown ass adult. Fuck my life!

  Before I can do anything else, the bathroom door splinters open. I’m stuck standing in the middle of the room with nowhere to hide. Two men appear before me, and I know they can see me visibly shaking with the fear that’s running rampant through me. Lecherous smiles cover their faces as they look at me like I’m some sort of prize in a cracker jack box.

  “Well, hello. We’ve been lookin’ for you,” the first man says as he pushes his way into the small bathroom. He’s older than me by several years if the balding hair and the beer belly is anything to go by. The man smell
s like shit— and I can smell it from the few feet away that he’s standing from me now. It’s almost enough to make me gag in response to the odor emanating off of him, the look on his face, and the fact that his eyes are completely blank; like he’s totally dead inside.

  “I got nothing to do with anything you have going on,” I say, my voice trembling as I speak the words.

  “You may not think so, but you do. You’re comin’ with us, and I know that someone is real interested in seein’ you,” the second man says. He’s younger than the first one but no less disgusting. I can’t even begin to describe the filth that is coming off of this man because it’s different than the other guy.

  The two men grab me and pull me kicking and screaming from the bathroom. I’m trying to fight with everything I have in me, anything to stall and hopefully allow Psycho the time he needs to get here. Before we get out of the room, they pick me up with one man at my feet and the other one at my head. His grip is under my arms, but he manages to cop a feel as he is picking me up. If I weren’t afraid of catching something, I’d bite down on his arm, but I don’t know that there’d be any coming back from that. So, I struggle and try to thrash around as much as possible.

  A third man comes at me and smacks me across the face. It causes me to stop thrashing around and look at his cold, dead eyes. “I know your man doesn’t hit women, same with the rest of the pussies in the club. I have no problem beatin’ the shit out of you to get you where we’re goin’. Now, start cooperatin’ or we’re just gonna take you out,” he says, his voice causing chills to run through me.

  I comply only because no one else will ever beat on me and hurt me the way the Scavengers did. The one time I met Crazy, he apologized profusely for the way Harry treated me and the things that those men did to me. This man seems worse than all of them put together, and I’m not about to push him. Especially when I can already feel my eye starting to swell up with the force of his hit and the knowledge that there’s nowhere for me to go if I did manage to get away. Not with seven men surrounding me.


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