Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2) Page 13

by Erin Osborne

  Finally pulling up to the store, Crazy directs us where to park our bikes. Once we know they’re all secure and that they’re in an area with cameras from the store that will catch if anything happens, we load up in the vans. I’m sitting with Renegade, Bear, Grave, Wood, Boy Scout, and Killer. The rest of the guys are loaded up in the other van. We’re eerily quiet as we all try to get our minds in the game and focus on what the hell we’re about to walk into and how we’re going to make sure we’re all going to come out whole.

  “We’re five minutes out,” Mangle, one of Crazy’s guys, says from the front seat.

  I pull out my guns and check them again. It’s not like I don’t know they’re both loaded and ready to go. This is nothing new for me, though. When I know I’m going on a run or anything like that, I always check my guns multiple times. I’d rather know I’m prepared for anything that might arise when I’m on the road. No one will ever catch me unprepared or unaware if I can help it.

  Looking at the men sitting around me, we all nod our heads at one another to let each other know we’re ready for what’s about to happen in the next little bit. The road becomes bumpy, and I know that we’re on the dirt road leading up to the warehouse. Mangle slows down and I’m guessing he’s pulling around the back of the building so he can wait for us to be let in the back of the place.

  The plan is that we’ll wait until Mangle and Ogre jump out and go to open the back doors to load up any of the women. Once they open the doors, a man from each van will hand them a gun and we’ll all jump out. Between Crazy’s men and us, we’ll be able to surround the assholes and get any weapons they may grab. We’ll have the jump on them no matter what if everything goes according to plan. I’m not counting on that happening though; these things rarely go to plan perfectly.

  “Where are the girls?” we hear Crazy ask once we’ve been moved into the warehouse.

  “They’re comin’. My guys went down to get them,” Wrecker says. “Sit and take a load off while they get them.”

  “I’d rather stand,” Crazy answers, his voice getting closer as he must be walking toward the vans.

  It’s another five minutes before Mangle remains sitting in the front seat and watches as his men make their way toward the back of the van. We didn’t want the girls anywhere near this shitstorm, but we’ll have to make sure we do everything in our power not to hit one of them on accident. At this point, we don’t have another choice. As soon as Mangle has the doors open, we hand him a gun and get ready to jump out. Renegade leads us around the opposite side of the van so we can try to get the girls loaded in before anything else happens.

  “What the fuck is this?” a man suddenly yells as he pushes the girl he’s holding on the floor and turns his attention to us.

  “Get the fuck over here!” I yell, walking with my gun out and pointing at his head. I grab him and toss him to Grave before grabbing the other man at our van.

  Slim and the guys with him grab the men loading girls into that van while the rest of the guys make their presence known to Wrecker and whoever else is with him. Once I make sure the two asshats are secured and won’t be going anywhere we don’t lead them, I join the rest of the guys that have surrounded Wrecker and the rest of his crew. There are drugs of every kind littering the tables. It looks like they were more concerned with partying than being prepared for something to happen.

  “Wrecker, I’d say it was good to see you again, but we all know that’s a lie,” Renegade says, standing next to Slim in front of everyone.

  “How did you manage to get Crazy to help you pussies out?” he asks, not bothering to try to go for a weapon or anything.

  “If you had done your homework, you’d know that we’ve been workin’ with Crazy for months. We run for him and make sure his shit is protected. He’s also agreed not to run women. So, when he called to let me know of your plan, we came up with a plan to take you out,” he answers, not caring about what information he gives away because no one will be walking out of here alive.

  Suddenly, gunfire outside erupts and we know some of the guys tried to escape. I shake my head at the blatant disrespect and fact no one is going to have anyone else’s back. They’re only out for themselves in Snake’s Revenge, and that’s the fastest way for a club to destroy itself from the inside out. What a bunch of pussies!

  “Now, you have no way out as you can see we already have men outside. What’s your plan now to take us all out?” Slim asks, stepping forward slightly so Wrecker and the guys look at him.

  “Don’t need one. When we’re gone, our associates will come lookin’ for us. They’ll come after you, and they’re a lot scarier than we are,” Wrecker says, a sadistic smile on his face.

  “Not worried about anyone you think you have helpin’ you. Once we tell them you’re usin’ all their product instead of sellin’ it, they’ll be glad the trash is already gone. Don’t you boys agree?” Renegade asks us as we all begin to nod our heads in response.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see a man trying to get behind us. I raise my gun and fire without hesitation. From there, all hell breaks loose and I have no clue what all happens. There are screams of pain and agony as gunfire erupts loud enough while bouncing off the walls in the warehouse to feel like cannons are going off instead of guns. The last thing I remember is taking out a guy that is trying to get the jump on my brother. I shoot him before going down and being enveloped in darkness.

  I slowly open my eyes to see I’m back in the van. My head is pounding, and I quickly look around to see who’s with me. Bear, Smokey, Renegade, and Grave are sitting around me as we ride.

  “You’re up,” Renegade says looking at me.

  “What the fuck happened?” I ask, sitting up with the help of Bear and Smokey.

  “You got the guy that was tryin’ to sneak-attack me but didn’t protect yourself. Another man got the jump on you before Killer could take him out. You’re lucky it was just a knock to the head,” my brother tells me, pulling me in for a hug.

  “Are we all whole?” I ask, needing to know what happened after I got knocked out. “What about Wrecker and his crew?”

  “They’re dead. Once we made sure they were all killed, we piled them up inside and lit that bitch on fire. Ryder and Snake got hit while a few of Slim’s men got hit. We’re all alive and ready to party now that these bitches are gone and we don’t have to worry right now,” Renegade tells me.

  “Did you find out who’s workin’ with them?” I ask, looking around at the men.

  “Yep. One of Crazy’s contacts. He’s gonna make a call on our behalf and let them know what was really goin’ on. I don’t see any blowback from it this time,” he answers, sitting back against the wall of the van. “We’ll have the girls go get some shit when we get home for a cookout.”

  I nod my head and lay back against the side of the van. With my head throbbing the way it is, I’m ready to take a nap and wake up when the pain is gone. My vision is a little blurry on the right side and I’m sure that’s the side I was hit on as I reach up to feel the massive lump on my head. It’s going to be tender for a few days until the lump begins to go down. I’m going to have to ice it and pop some meds as soon as we get back to the clubhouse.

  Mangle drops us off at the store and waits until we’re on our bikes before he heads out. He’s going to take the girls to their clubhouse before they figure out what to do with them. Some of those girls didn’t look to be over sixteen, and that pisses me the fuck off. Sick fucks want to buy them and make them do what they want, essentially turning them into slaves. No one deserves to live that way. Hopefully, they find their way home and know they can’t ever speak about what happened today.

  When we ride back into town, we ride by Ink’s shop. The windows are all busted up and I know the inside is going to match. I pull off the road and shut my bike off as the guys all see where I’m at and pull over too. As we walk in the shop, I find Ink in the middle of the shop looking around at the destruction.

; “What the fuck happened?” Renegade asks, walking further inside as glass crunches under his feet.

  “Don’t know. I came by here this mornin’ and this is what I found. That’s why I showed up late and why I rode back alone. If it’s not somethin’ the Snake’s did, then I don’t know what the fuck is goin’ on. We don’t have any more beef with anyone else,” he answers, throwing the laptop that’s busted in half down on the floor.

  “We’ll get it fixed, and I’ll have Hawk pull the security feed to see what he can find. He can hack into the street cameras if he has to,” Renegade answers, looking around the shop once more. “For now, let’s get back to the clubhouse and formulate a plan about cleanin’ this place up and gettin’ you back up and runnin’.”

  Ink nods his head and follows us outside. This wasn’t what I expected to come back to after the shit that happened this morning. We didn’t ride out this way this morning so we wouldn’t have seen what was going on. Otherwise, we’d have all stopped.

  “Next time, tell us this shit before we ride by and see it ourselves,” Grave says to him, knowing he would’ve done this shit alone if we didn’t ride by.

  “I will. I was just tryin’ to get my head in the game and not get too far behind the rest of the guys on our way to the warehouse,” Ink says, walking out with us without locking the busted door. It’s not like his equipment is in working condition or any of his supplies will be useable right now anyway.

  Chapter Twenty


  THE GUYS ARE back. We were all waiting at the clubhouse for them when they pulled back in. Ryder and Snake were whisked away to a room in the back but not before we saw the blood dripping down their arms and from Snake’s leg. Fuck! My eyes frantically search for Psycho. He’s one of the last men in, and I run to him after handing Axle over to Trin. Jumping up in his arms, I wrap myself around him and kiss him like we’ve been apart for a while instead of a few hours.

  “I’m okay, Bright Eyes,” he tells me as I look over him. “Got a bump on the head but that’s it.”

  “Go sit down and I’ll get you an ice pack,” I say, ushering him toward his son and the couch.

  Once I’m back with the ice pack, Renegade and Callie come over to us. “Gonna need you two and Rusty to go get some shit. We’re gonna do a cookout before Slim and his crew head out. You up for that?”

  “Yeah. Let me run and grab my purse and Axle’s bag before we go,” I answer.

  Walking down the hallway after grabbing everything I need from our room; I see Rusty and Callie waiting for me by the door. I walk over to grab Axle and kiss Psycho goodbye before walking out the door. We make our way to the local big box store that will have everything we need after loading up in the SUV.

  Once we’re in the store, we decide to each grab a cart and fill it up with everything we’ll need to have a kick-ass cookout for the guys. I make my way to the meat section while Rusty and Callie go find what they need to make desserts, salads, and have something to drink other than alcohol. I’m sure we’ll end up having a drink or two, but we want to have the option not to drink. One of us needs to be there for the kids, so we’ll need water, soda, and tea too.

  Callie makes her way back to me with a cart loaded down with everything we need to make different salads— pasta, potato, and macaroni to name a few before she helps me finish loading up enough meat to feed a small army. Which is what we’re doing with feeding two different clubs.

  “Well, look at what decided to leave the safety of the men,” a nasally voice says, walking over to Callie and me. “And look at the little fucker in the cart. Talk about trapping a man.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” I ask, turning around to glare at the bitch behind me.

  “You don’t remember?” she asks as I hear Callie gasp.

  “Ah, I see the little bitch does,” she says, turning her attention to Callie.

  “What do you want, Legs? Oh wait, you can’t be called that anymore because you’re not a babe,” Callie says.

  “Yeah, and I have you to thank for that,” she sneers as Rusty comes up to us. “Oh, look, the fake as fuck bitch that thinks she’s better than everyone.”

  “Bitch, get the fuck outta here. You don’t have a leg to stand on. And you’re a jealous bitch because she’s still a babe and you got booted. Callie, is this the slut you were telling me about that can’t take no for an answer?” I ask, knowing that she is.

  “Yep. She wanted Bear and couldn’t understand why he didn’t want a skank that spreads open for anyone at any given time,” Callie answers, a smile breaking out on her face. “How’d that work out for you?”

  “Just fine,” she answers like she’s better than we are.

  “That’s why you’re not a babe, you’re not an ol’ lady, and you don’t have a pot to piss in. That’s why the make-up caked on your face looks like it’s from last night and you haven’t removed it yet. What are you doing now?” I ask, knowing she’s getting riled up more than I thought she would in a public place.

  “At least I didn’t have to trap a man to make him my ol’ man. Oh wait, from what I hear, you’re not an ol’ lady. Just a bitch that thinks she’s wanted around the club. The only ol’ lady here is Callie, and she had to trick her man into that shit,” the bitch snarls out. “I bet that little bastard isn’t even a members kid and you just pawned him off on one of them. This will never be over until I get revenge on each and every one of you sluts.”

  “Listen here, you fucking skank, you don’t ever talk about my son. He knows who his dad is and I wouldn’t resort to stooping to your level. That’s the only way you’ll ever get a man,” I say, getting in her face and knowing I’ll throw down right here if she wants to talk shit about my son again. “As far as this being over with, it ended the day you got kicked out of the clubhouse. Come on, girls, we don’t have time to talk to trash that has nothing better to do than steal shit so she has the energy to spread her legs again. Or are you coming in for your supplies to make your drugs?”

  The bitch stands there, spitting and sputtering as Callie, Rusty, and I walk toward the front of the store so we can check out and get back to the clubhouse.

  We don’t have a lot of time to prepare the food. Once we have everything loaded into the SUV, I watch as the bitch walks out and makes her way to an old, run-down car. She’s acting like she’s hot shit when in all reality, she’s a used-up whore that got tossed to the side when she went after Callie. I want to follow her and hand her ass to her, but she’s not worth it. So, I put the incident out of my mind and pay attention to the girls in front while I sit next to Axle.

  We got the babes to help us prepare all the food while the guys started the grills and got the meat going. The entire time in the kitchen, we talked, laughed, and made sure to include all the babes. There hasn’t been another incident of them not helping out or listening to us.

  Once they saw that we were serious about kicking anyone out that didn’t pull their own weight, they all buckled down and made sure that they do as much as they can around the clubhouse. A few even go to Allure and the bar to clean after hours so the guys don’t have to worry about doing it or hiring someone else to come in and do that for them.

  We’re all sitting around out back while the kids are inside for the night. The babes have come out and are flirting with the brothers. A few of them have no shirts on and barely anything covering the lower half of their bodies. I’m not jealous, but I know if one more bitch comes up to Psycho while I’m sitting right next to him, they’ll be out on the ground for the night instead of fucking one of the single men.

  “You’re awfully quiet, Bright Eyes,” Psycho says, leaning into me as he nips my ear.

  “Just watching and talking,” I answer.

  “What are you watchin’?” he asks, trying to follow my line of vision.

  “Nothing in particular. Just trying to see which babe has balls enough to come flirt with you while I’m right here,” I say while he begins to chuckle

  “You got me, and no one else stands a chance,” Psycho says, pulling me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me.

  “Tell them that,” I say, letting the conversation with the bitch from earlier come back to haunt me.

  “What else is goin’ on?” he asks, almost as if he can read my mind.

  I huff out a sigh and give him the replay of the events from the store. His body tenses up and I know he’s pissed. So, I turn to him and pull his face to mine. After telling him it’s okay and nothing else is gonna happen with her, I kiss him. Psycho stands up with me in his arms and walks us back in the yard farther. I don’t question anything as I continue to kiss him and grind my hips into his.

  Feeling something hard at my back, I open my eyes and see that we’re surrounded by the dark and I’m pinned between a tree and Psycho’s hard body. He kisses down my neck while sliding me down his body until my feet touch the ground. Grabbing the hem of my tee-shirt, he pulls it over my head and shoves my shorts down around my ankles. I step out of one side and pull his shirt over his head while he holds his cut. There’s nowhere to put it, so he slides it back on before undoing his jeans and letting them fall to the ground.

  I drop to my knees and open my mouth to take almost his entire length inside. Looking up, I see his head thrown back and his mouth open as his breathing begins to pick up while I slide him in and out of my mouth at a fast pace. One of Psycho’s hands reaches for my head before he threads his fingers through the strands of my hair in a tight grip. I let him take over and set the pace he wants. At the same time, I drop a hand from his muscular thighs and begin to massage his balls in my hand. A groan leaves his mouth just before I’m pulled off of his hard, pulsing cock.

  “Turn around and put your hands on the tree,” he tells me, his tone leaving no room for argument.

  Doing what he tells me, I turn around and arch my body so that my ass is sticking out. My hands dig into the bark on the tree as I wait in anticipation of my man sliding his cock in me. I feel him drag the head through my slick folds to make sure I’m wet before bumping against my clit. He does this a few times before I finally feel him thrust his hips and slide in me to the hilt. For a second neither one of us move. Psycho begins to slide out, and his body shaking and I know he’s holding back.


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